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配网抢修作为供电企业的一项重要工作,如何在营配信息贯通的基础上,整合营销管理系统、生产管理系统、地理信息系统、95598系统等不同系统的静态数据、图形数据、实时数据,建设和打造配网生产抢修指挥平台这一信息化支撑平台,实现配网抢修的科学调度和抢修资源的优化调配,是值得研究和讨论的问题。通过对营配贯通技术的研究,在营配信息贯通融合的基础上整合各类系统信息,提出了配网生产抢修指挥平台的设计方案,阐述了如何应用平台功能开展95598报修业务和配网主动抢修业务,提高了配网抢修质量和效率。  相似文献   

<正>2015年8月24日,国网福建省电力有限公司海量历史准实时数据管理平台的建设,为保证该公司电力运监中心一体化电量与线损分析、配网运行效率分析等系统功能正常运行提供了有力支撑。近年来,国网福建电力大力推广智能电表应用,落实营配调贯通,推进业务融合和数据共享,为一体化电量与线损管理系统建设创造了条件。该项目能有效提高线损管理应用水平,实现同期线损、实时线损和理论线损计算、线  相似文献   

配电网调度信息查询系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
配电网调度信息查询系统,管理功能完善,实行分级管理.增加用户管理功能,包括系统用户数据的添加,修改和删除.为特定用户分配使用权限等,在西安供电局配网调度所内部实现电网数据的快速查询等功能,缩短了信息查询时间,提高电网运行检修及事故的处理速,加快了检修及事故处理进程.保证了安全,增加了电力企业的供电效益。  相似文献   

<正>截至目前,国网四川省电力公司已完成电网GIS平台5个方面的调优工作,取得了突破性的进展。四川电网GIS平台覆盖全省21家地市公司、国网四川检修公司和129家县公司。随着业务量与数据量的增大,尤其是PMS2.0数据治理和营配贯通工作的开展,平台的访问频率、用户数、业务数据量急剧增长。  相似文献   

在以客户为中心的电力营销管理体系中,涉及客户报装、投诉、故障抢修等业务,需要配电、调度、工程、抢修等其他部门的通力协作,建立电力营销与其他部门之间的协调沟通的信息平台,以利于客户的需求能够得到快速、有效的响应。文章以系统分析的方法,对营配贯通的业务应用过程和目标进行分析抽象和归纳,梳理营配贯通业务应用的业务应用架构,分析和总结营配贯通业务应用的内容。通过以上内容的研究,结合营配业务应用过程中的一些典型应用场景,阐述了营配业务一体化平台在建立跨域业务操作联动的服务中发挥的作用和应用成效。最后结合业务的应用情况和成效论证了营配业务一体化平台的必要性和前景。  相似文献   

快速复电系统对低压故障定位一直以来缺乏足够的技术手段支撑,本文基于营配信息集成平台的电网模型数据、配网自动化系统故障信息和配变终端实时信息设计并实现配网故障定位分析快速复电系统。根据用户报障信息、电网故障信息和配变数据实现低压故障自动定位,为客户服务人员掌握第一手停电范围信息提供技术支持,有效指导抢修人员快速复电。研究成果在中山供电局进行示范应用,效果良好。  相似文献   

王伟  沈振中 《水电能源科学》2007,25(4):76-78,49
基于GIS技术和MapInfo软件平台,采用MapBasic语言设计并开发了大坝安全监测信息管理系统,可以快速处理海量数据,具有实时查询、多维图形显示等特点,弥补了大坝监测系统中图形与数据联系较弱的不足,进一步提高了系统的数据查询和可视化功能.  相似文献   

基于GIS技术和MapInfo软件平台,采用MapBasic语言设计并开发了大坝安全监测信息管理系统,可以快速处理海量数据,具有实时查询、多维图形显示等特点,弥补了大坝监测系统中图形与数据联系较弱的不足,进一步提高了系统的数据查询和可视化功能。  相似文献   

目前新建配网主站的供电局,大部分未能实现地理信息系统(GIS)图模的自动导出及自动导入到配网自动化系统。数据模型的GIS导出到配网自动化系统的导入过程中,普遍存在数据质量问题。SVG图形导入配网自动化系统之后普遍出现图元不统一,图形错位等现象。广东电网各地区已讨论确定图模交互工作流程,并明确相应工作责任部门及负责人,但在工作流程固化和自动化介入方面还有待进一步加强。分析了GIS系统中的模型问题,及图形导入到配网自动化系统后的存在问题,给出了相应的建议对策。研究表明:结合GIS与配网自动化系统图模交互实践和管理流程的优化,可有效提升企业级应用的集成效果。  相似文献   

随着2000国家大地坐标系(CGCS2000)的启用,现有测绘成果面临着坐标转换的问题,而国家电网公司电网空间信息服务平台纵向贯通更迫切需要一种简易、实用、高精度的坐标转换整体解决方案.结合电力行业GIS数据面向2000国家大地坐标系的坐标转换工程,阐述了电力GIS数据产品的特点以及根据其数据格式、比例尺、覆盖区域范围...  相似文献   

Recently, renewable energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaic (PV) are receiving a wide acceptance because they are inexhaustible and nonpolluting. Renewable energy sources are intermittent ones because of climate changes in wind speed and solar irradiance. Due to the continuous demand growth and the necessity for efficient and reliable electricity supply, there is a real need to increase the penetration of gas technologies in power grids. The Canadian government and stakeholders are looking for ways to increase the reliability and sustainability of power grid, and gas-power technologies may provide a solution. This paper explores the integration of gas and renewable generation technologies to provide a qualified, reliable, and environmentally friendly power system while satisfying regional electricity demands and reducing generation cost. Scenarios are evaluated using four key performance indicators (KPIs), economic, power quality, reliability, and environmental friendliness. Various scenarios outcomes are compared based on the defined performance indices. The proposed scenario analysis tool has three components, the geographic information system (GIS) for recording transmission and distribution lines and generation sites, the energy semantic network (ESN) knowledgebase to store information, and an algorithm created in Matlab/Simulink for evaluating scenarios. To interact with the scenario analysis tool, a graphical user interface (GUI) is used where users can define the desired geographic area, desired generation percentage via gas technology, and system parameters. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the regional zone of the province of Ontario and Toronto are used as case studies.  相似文献   

Integrating marketing and distribution businesses is crucial for improving the coordination of equipment and the efficient management of multi-energy systems. New energy sources are continuously being connected to distribution grids; this, however, increases the complexity of the information structure of marketing and distribution businesses. The existing unified data model and the coordinated application of marketing and distribution suffer from various drawbacks. As a solution, this paper presents a data model of “one graph of marketing and distribution” and a framework for graph computing, by analyzing the current trends of business and data in the marketing and distribution fields and using graph data theory. Specifically, this work aims to determine the correlation between distribution transformers and marketing users, which is crucial for elucidating the connection between marketing and distribution. In this manner, a novel identification algorithm is proposed based on the collected data for marketing and distribution. Lastly, a forecasting application is developed based on the proposed algorithm to realize the coordinated prediction and consumption of distributed photovoltaic power generation and distribution loads. Furthermore, an operation and maintenance (O&M) knowledge graph reasoning application is developed to improve the intelligent O&M ability of marketing and distribution equipment.  相似文献   

Distributed power generation offers a solution to the limitations in the capacity of distributed systems and, at the same time, improves the reliability of the overall power system by increasing its generation capacity reserves. The planning process to integrate dispersed generation in power networks must take into account multiple factors such as the existing resources, the technology used in the generator, economic costs, and the environmental impact. Geographic information systems (GIS), software technologies developed for spatial data analysis, are suitable tools for solving these problems, and they allow the simultaneous evaluation of key technical, economic and environmental factors. The development of new techniques under the GIS platforms has increased the capabilities of GIS, allowing the systems to adapt to optimal DG planning studies. Using adequate software under the GIS platform, users can obtain useful information on the economic or technical viability of any distributed power generation facility. Governments, environmental agencies, utilities, private investors, financial corporations, and local authorities can become users of these tools and active players in the field of distributed power generation planning.  相似文献   

能源互联网是充分利用云大物移智链等先进IT技术,整合数据资源,贯通产业链上下游,实现能源电力全过程的精益管理、高效运行、共享服务。文章从能源互联网对外共享和运营的业务痛点出发,详细设计了运营服务平台的业务架构、应用架构、技术架构和数据架构,并研究了共享运营平台的多源异构数据处理与存储、海量异构数据统一计算、敏捷开发和自动化部署等关键技术,通过整合营销、调度、配电等内部数据以及经济、环境、政策等外部数据,支撑用电数据的深度挖掘和增值服务,最后设计了面向工业用户的典型应用场景。  相似文献   

配售电系统是电力营销核心系统,传统“烟囱式”系统建设思路愈发导致系统间集成复杂、协作成本高昂、业务需求响应能力较低,不利于业务的沉淀和持续发展。阿里巴巴提出的中台架构理念,能够通过通用业务基础能力沉淀,形成组件化、低耦合的业务中台,实现业务能力的共享和复用,支撑上层应用的灵活编排和快速更新。文章基于配售电业务的当前特征和发展需要,融合领域驱动设计思想,综合采用语义和功能相关性活动分析方法,规划形成17个配售电业务子域及相应的业务中台服务中心,在此基础上综合考虑功能复用性、业务完整性,合并、过滤各类业务操作和方法,将业务能力抽象为高内聚低耦合的中台服务中心,实现对配售电业务需求的快速响应和高效创新。  相似文献   

从标准看智能电网的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前世界各国在什么是智能电网、如何推进智能电网的发展等方面并没有达成一致意见。美国设想的未来电力系统是一个完全自动化的电力传输网络,能够保证从电厂到终端用户整个输配电过程中所有节点之间的信息和电能的双向流动。欧洲智能电网技术平台的目标是提高输配电系统的效率、安全性和可靠性,消除大规模集成配网与可再生能源的障碍。日本将主要以大规模开发太阳能等新能源、确保电网系统稳定作为智能电网建设的主要思路。结合中国的实际情况,我国智能电网业务框架应包含发电、输变电、配电、用户、运行、服务提供者、电力市场及统一信息平台等8个领域。现有标准与智能电网之间存在差距,主要体现在需求响应和电力市场、广域状态测量、电力存储、电力传输、AMI系统、配网管理等6个方面。其中,一部分差距已经有了清晰的发展方向和解决思路;而另一部分的具体发展方向和解决思路尚不明确。智能电网相关标准的开发需要以具体项目实施为载体,标准体系是否完备需要通过具体项目检验和修订,同时具体项目的顺利实施也有赖于标准体系的约束和规范。针对中国某省级电网的特殊性和典型性,建议其智能电网的发展,一是应重点关注标准研究方向,二是由此引出的示范工程项目。  相似文献   

Total site integration offers energy conservation opportunities across different individual processes and also to design as well as to optimize the central utility system. In total site integration of the overall process, indirect integration with intermediate fluids or through a central utility system are preferred as it offers greater advantages of flexibility and process control but with reduced energy conservation opportunities. To achieve the maximum possible indirect integration between processes assisted heat transfer, i.e., heat transfer outside the region between process pinch points, plays a significant role. A new concept is proposed in this paper for total site integration by generating a site level grand composite curve (SGCC). Proposed SGCC targets the maximum possible indirect integration as it incorporates assisted heat transfer. In this paper, a methodology is proposed to estimate the cogeneration potential at the total site level, utilizing the concept of multiple utility targeting on the SGCC. The proposed methodology to estimate the cogeneration potential is simple and linear as well as utilizes the rigorous energy balance at each steam header.  相似文献   

为实现河道管理科学化、规范化、标准化,针对目前河道管理现状及存在的具体问题,以地理信息系统和数据库为支撑,设计开发了具有一定通用性、可移植性和可扩展性的河道管理信息系统.系统实现了河道信息的数字化,并为用户决策提供了强大的技术支持.  相似文献   

基于抽水蓄能电站工程的建设和投资特点,结合公司各专业管理信息化发展趋势和前景,以某抽水蓄能电站为实例,通过对固定资产投资统计编制方法的梳理与分析,从规范性、信息化系统平行性、融合性方面研究投资统计精益化管理,旨在为如何提升抽水蓄能电站投资统计管理工作质效提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

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