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A comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) is carried out for three methods of hydrogen production by solar energy: hydrogen production by PEM water electrolysis coupling photothermal power generation, hydrogen production by PEM water electrolysis coupling photovoltaic power generation, and hydrogen production by thermochemical water splitting method using S–I cycle coupling solar photothermal technology. The assessment also contains an evaluation of four environmental factors which are global warming potential, acidification potential, ozone depletion potential, and nutrient enrichment potential. After conducting a quantitative analysis of all three methods with environmental factors being considered, a conclusion has been drawn: The global warming potential and the acidification potential of the thermochemical water splitting by S–I cycle coupling solar photothermal technology are 1.02 kg CO2-eq and 6.56E-3 kg SO2-eq. And this method has significant advantages in the environmental impact of the whole ecosystem.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is broadly utilized in various industries. It can also be considered as a future clean energy carrier. Currently, hydrogen is mainly produced from typical fuels such as coal; however, there exist some other clean alternatives which use water decomposition techniques. Water splitting via the copper-chlorine (Cu–Cl) thermochemical cycle is a superb option for producing clean carbon-free fuel. Here, the life cycle assessment (LCA) technique is used to investigate the environmental consequences of an integrated solar Cu–Cl fuel production facility for large-scale hydrogen production. The impact of varying important input parameters including irradiation level, plant lifetime, and solar-to-hydrogen efficiency on various environmental impacts are investigated next. For instance, an improve in the solar-to-hydrogen efficiency from 15% to 30%, results in a reduction in the GWP from 1.25 to 6.27E-01 kg CO2 eq. An uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to deal with the study uncertainties. The results of the LCA show that the potential of acidification and global warming potential (GWP) of the current system are 8.27E-03 kg SO2 eq. and 0.91 kg CO2 eq./kg H2, respectively. According to the sensitivity analysis, the plant lifetime has the highest effect on the total GWP of the plant with a range of 0.63–1.88 kg of CO2 eq./kg H2. Results comparison with past thermochemical-based studies shows that the GWP of the current integrated system is 7% smaller than that of a solar sulfur-iodine thermochemical cycle.  相似文献   

This investigation reports the thermodynamic exploration of a novel three-step GeO2/GeO water splitting (WS) cycle. The thermodynamic computations were performed by using the data obtained from HSC Chemistry thermodynamic software. Numerous process parameters allied with the GeO2/GeO WS cycle were estimated by drifting the thermal reduction (TH) and water splitting temperature (TL). The entire analysis was divided into two section: a) equilibrium analysis and b) efficiency analysis. The equilibrium analysis was useful to determine the TH and TL required for the initiation of the thermal reduction (TR) of GeO2 and re-oxidation of GeO via WS reaction. Furthermore, the influence of PO2 on the TH required for the comprehensive dissociation of GeO2 into GeO and O2 was also studied. The efficiency analysis was conducted by drifting the TH and TL in the range of 2080 to 1280 K and 500–1000 K, respectively. Obtained results indicate that the minimum Q˙solarcycle=624.3kW and maximum ηsolartofuel=45.7% in case of the GeO2/GeO WS cycle can be attained when the TR of GeO2 was carried out at 1280 K and the WS reaction was performed at 1000 K. This ηsolartofuel=45.7% was observed to be higher than the SnO2/SnO WS cycle (39.3%) and lower than the ZnO/Zn WS cycle (49.3%). The Q˙solarcycle can be further decreased to 463.9 kW and the ηsolartofuel can be upsurged up to 61.5% by applying 50% heat recuperation.  相似文献   

A comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) is reported for five methods of hydrogen production, namely steam reforming of natural gas, coal gasification, water electrolysis via wind and solar electrolysis, and thermochemical water splitting with a Cu–Cl cycle. Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions and energy equivalents of each method are quantified and compared. A case study is presented for a hydrogen fueling station in Toronto, Canada, and nearby hydrogen resources close to the fueling station. In terms of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, thermochemical water splitting with the Cu–Cl cycle is found to be advantageous over the other methods, followed by wind and solar electrolysis. In terms of hydrogen production capacities, natural gas steam reforming, coal gasification and thermochemical water splitting with the Cu–Cl cycle methods are found to be advantageous over the renewable energy methods.  相似文献   

Currently, the increasing price of oil and the possibility of global energy crisis demand for substitutive energy to replace fossil energy. Many kinds of renewable energy have been considered, such as hydrogen, solar energy, and wind energy. Many countries including China have their own plan to support the research of hydrogen, because of its premier features. But, at present, the cost of hydrogen energy production, storage and transportation process is higher than that of fossil energy and its commercialization progress is slow. Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) was used in this paper to evaluate the cost of hydrogen energy throughout the life cycle focused on the stratagem selection, to demonstrate the costs of every step and to discuss their relationship. Finally, the minimum cost program is as follows: natural gas steam reforming – high-pressure hydrogen bottles transported by car to hydrogen filling stations – hydrogen internal-combustion engines.  相似文献   

Conventional hydrogen production technologies mostly fossil fuels as energy and material basis. The rapid development of nuclear energy in recent years offers a new opportunity. Clean electricity and process heat generated by nuclear reactors can provide energy for hydrogen production, effectively reducing the environmental burden. This study used life cycle assessment (LCA) method to sort out the inputs and outputs of the nuclear hydrogen production processes and analyze the environmental impacts based on local data in China. In this study, we constructed frameworks for two nuclear energy-based processes and created four different scenarios to compare the effect of energy efficiency. Six indicators were used to quantify the environmental impact. The results showed that: (1) electrolysis cell manufacturing and spent fuel disposal generate the largest emissions in hydrogen production. (2) S–I cycle is sensitive to heat transfer efficiency, while high-temperature electrolysis is more sensitive to power generation efficiency; (3) The environmental impact of high-temperature electrolysis (without carrier gas) is slightly lower than that of S–I cycle, but the advantage will disappear as energy efficiency increases. At present, high-temperature electrolysis offers a clean alternative to conventional technologies for hydrogen energy and hydrogen economy. The S–I cycle might have a better prospect in the future. Our study results will provide a scientific assessment of the possibilities of developing nuclear energy for hydrogen production in China and help to make some decisions and policies.  相似文献   

The hybrid sulphur process is one of the most promising thermochemical water splitting cycles for large scale hydrogen production. While the process includes an electrolysis step, the use of sulphur dioxide in the electrolyser significantly reduces the electrical demand compared to conventional alkaline electrolysis. Solar operation of the cycle with zero emissions is possible if the electricity for the electrolyser and the high temperature thermal energy to complete the cycle are provided by solar technologies.This paper explores the possible use of photovoltaics (PV) to supply the electrical demand and examines a number of configurations. Production costs are determined for several scenarios and compared with base cases using conventional technologies. The hybrid sulphur cycle has promise in the medium term as a viable zero carbon production process if PV power is used to supply the electrolyser. However, the viability of this process is dependent on a market for hydrogen and a significant reduction in PV costs to around $1/Wp.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical discussion of prospects of solar thermal hydrogen production in terms of technological and economic potentials and their possible role for a future hydrogen supply. The study focuses on solar driven steam methane reforming, thermochemical cycles, high temperature water electrolysis and solar methane cracking. Development status and technological challenges of the processes and objectives of ongoing research are described. Estimated hydrogen production costs are shown in comparison to other options. A summary of current discussions and today's scenarios of future use of hydrogen as an energy carrier and a brief overview on the development status of end-use technologies characterise uncertainties whether hydrogen could emerge as important energy carrier until 2050. Another focus is on industrial hydrogen demand in areas with high direct solar radiation which may be the main driver for the further development of solar thermal hydrogen production processes in the coming decades.  相似文献   

New processes under development for producing hydrogen have been assessed using a life cycle methodology and compared to conventional ones. The aim of this paper is to determine the main obstacles to be beaten or the critical aspects to be addressed to ensure the feasibility of these processes. Water photosplitting, solar two-step thermochemical cycles and automaintained methane decomposition with different lay-outs were studied. They have been compared to methane steam reforming with CCS and electrolysis with different electricity sources.  相似文献   

Methane decomposition to yield hydrogen and carbon (CH4 ? 2H2 + C) is one of the cleanest alternatives, free of CO2 emissions, for producing hydrogen from fossil fuels. This reaction can be catalyzed by metals, although they suffer a fast deactivation process, or by carbonaceous materials, which present the advantage of producing the catalyst from the carbon obtained in the reaction. In this work, the environmental performance of methane decomposition catalyzed by carbonaceous catalysts has been evaluated through Life Cycle Assessment tools, comparing it to other decomposition processes and steam methane reforming coupled to carbon capture systems. The results obtained showed that the decomposition using the autogenerated carbonaceous as catalyst is the best option when reaction conversions higher than 65% are attained. These were confirmed by 2015 and 2030 forecastings. Moreover, its environmental performance is highly increased when the produced carbon is used in other commercial applications. Thus, for a methane conversion of 70%, the application of 50% of the produced carbon would lead to a virtually zero-emissions process.  相似文献   

One of the main limitations of existing solar thermochemical water-splitting cycles (WSC) are that they utilize only thermal component of the solar irradiation neglecting its photonic component. A new hybrid photo-thermochemical sulfur–ammonia (HySA) WSC developed at the Florida Solar Energy Center allows circumventing this shortcoming. In the HySA cycle, water splitting occurs by means of solar beam splitting which enables utilization of the quantum (UV–Vis) portion of the solar spectrum in the hydrogen production stage and the thermal (IR) portion in the oxygen production stage. Present work investigates the photocatalytic hydrogen production step using narrow band gap CdS and CdSZnS composite photocatalysts, and ammonium sulfite as an electron donor. The choice of the electron donor was determined by the considerations of its regenerability in the thermal stages of the HySA cycle. This article examines the impact of photocatalyst and cocatalyst loading, temperature, and light intensity on hydrogen production rates. Photocatalysts, cocatalysts and photoreaction products were analyzed by a number of materials characterization (XRD, SEM, TEM, EDS) and analytical (GC and IC) methods. The experimental data obtained provide guidance for the improved solar photoreactor design.  相似文献   

In this paper, solar reactor efficiency analysis of the solar thermochemical two-step zinc oxide–zinc sulfate (ZnO–ZnSO4) water splitting cycle. In step-1, the ZnSO4 is thermally decomposed into ZnO, SO2, and O2 using solar energy input. In step-2, the ZnO is re-oxidized into ZnSO4 via water splitting reaction producing H2. The ZnSO4 is recycled back to the solar reactor and hence can be re-used in multiple cycles. The equilibrium compositions associated with the thermal reduction and water-splitting steps are identified by performing HSC simulations. The effect of Ar towards decreasing the required thermal reduction temperature is also explored. The total solar energy input and the re-radiation losses from the ZnO–ZnSO4 water splitting cycle are estimated. Likewise, the amount of heat energy released by different coolers and water splitting reactor is also determined. Thermodynamic calculations indicate that the cycle (ηcycle) and solar-to-fuel energy conversion efficiency (ηsolar-to-fuel) of the ZnO–ZnSO4 water splitting cycle are equal to 40.6% and 48.9% (without heat recuperation). These efficiency values are higher than previously investigated thermochemical water splitting cycles and can be increased further by employing heat recuperation.  相似文献   

Hydrogen produced from solar energy is one of the most promising solar energy technologies that can significantly contribute to a sustainable energy supply in the future. This paper discusses the unique advantages of using solar energy over other forms of energy to produce hydrogen. Then it examines the latest research and development progress of various solar-to-hydrogen production technologies based on thermal, electrical, and photon energy. Comparisons are made to include water splitting methods, solar energy forms, energy efficiency, basic components needed by the processes, and engineering systems, among others. The definitions of overall solar-to-hydrogen production efficiencies and the categorization criteria for various methods are examined and discussed. The examined methods include thermochemical water splitting, water electrolysis, photoelectrochemical, and photochemical methods, among others. It is concluded that large production scales are more suitable for thermochemical cycles in order to minimize the energy losses caused by high temperature requirements or multiple chemical reactions and auxiliary processes. Water electrolysis powered by solar generated electricity is currently more mature than other technologies. The solar-to-electricity conversion efficiency is the main limitation in the improvement of the overall hydrogen production efficiency. By comparison, solar powered electrolysis, photoelectrochemical and photochemical technologies can be more advantageous for hydrogen fueling stations because fewer processes are needed, external power sources can be avoided, and extra hydrogen distribution systems can be avoided as well. The narrow wavelength ranges of photosensitive materials limit the efficiencies of solar photovoltaic panels, photoelectrodes, and photocatalysts, hence limit the solar-to-hydrogen efficiencies of solar based water electrolysis, photoelectrochemical and photochemical technologies. Extension of the working wavelength of the materials is an important future research direction to improve the solar-to-hydrogen efficiency.  相似文献   

In this study, thermodynamic analysis of solar-based hydrogen production via copper-chlorine (Cu–Cl) thermochemical water splitting cycle is presented. The integrated system utilizes air as the heat transfer fluid of a cavity-pressurized solar power tower to supply heat to the Cu–Cl cycle reactors and heat exchangers. To achieve continuous operation of the system, phase change material based on eutectic fluoride salt is used as the thermal energy storage medium. A heat recovery system is also proposed to use the potential waste heat of the Cu–Cl cycle to produce electricity and steam. The system components are investigated thoroughly and system hotspots, exergy destructions and overall system performance are evaluated. The effects of varying major input parameters on the overall system performance are also investigated. For the baseline, the integrated system produces 343.01 kg/h of hydrogen, 41.68 MW of electricity and 11.39 kg/s of steam. Overall system energy and exergy efficiencies are 45.07% and 49.04%, respectively. Using Genetic Algorithm (GA), an optimization is performed to evaluate the maximum amount of produced hydrogen. The optimization results show that by selecting appropriate input parameters, hydrogen production rate of 491.26 kg/h is achieved.  相似文献   

In this study, nuclear energy based hydrogen and ammonia production options ranging from thermochemical cycles to high-temperature electrolysis are comparatively evaluated by means of the life cycle assessment (LCA) tool. Ammonia is produced by extracting nitrogen from air and hydrogen from water and reacting them through nuclear energy. Since production of ammonia contributes about 1% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, new methods with reduced environmental impacts are under close investigation. The selected ammonia production systems are (i) three step nuclear Cu–Cl thermochemical cycle, (ii) four step nuclear Cu–Cl thermochemical cycle, (iii) five step nuclear Cu–Cl thermochemical cycle, (iv) nuclear energy based electrolysis, and (v) nuclear high temperature electrolysis. The electrolysis units for hydrogen production and a Haber–Bosch process for ammonia synthesis are utilized for the electrolysis-based options while hydrogen is produced thermochemically by means of the process heat available from the nuclear power plants for thermochemical based hydrogen production systems. The LCA results for the selected ammonia production methods show that the nuclear electrolysis based ammonia production method yields lower global warming and climate change impacts while the thermochemical based options yield higher abiotic depletion and acidification values.  相似文献   

The Iodine-Sulfur (IS) or called Sulfur-Iodine (SI) thermochemical water-splitting cycle is one of the most promising hydrogen production methods through heat. For future commercial application, the closed-loop cycle coupled to nuclear power plant and the open-loop cycle coupled to sulfuric acid plant are the best solutions. In this study, comprehensive comparative analysis between four different hydrogen production cases is investigated from the aspects of thermal efficiency calculation, economic evaluation and life cycle assessment. With reasonable assumptions, the processes of IS closed-loop and open-loop cycle are designed and optimized through the Aspen Plus software. The corresponding stream results, specific parameters of heat exchangers and reactors and power demand of the cycle are presented in detail. With sufficient internal heat exchange, the calculated thermal efficiency is 50.94% and 81.9% respectively. The levelized cost of Case A, B, C and D is 2.26, 1.82, 1.33 and 1.64 US$/kg H2 respectively with market electricity and sulfuric acid price, so Case C and D seem more competitive. With life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluation, the environmental impacts of Case A and Case D are smaller, followed by Case B and Case C. Through comprehensive consideration of the levelized cost and environmental impacts, Case B and Case D are more promising.  相似文献   

The thermochemical water-splitting cycles have been paid more attention in recent years because they directly convert thermal energy into stored chemical energy as H2. However, most thermochemical cycles require extremely high temperatures as well as a temperature switch between reduction and oxidation steps, which are the main obstacles for their development. Herein, we introduced an electrochemical reaction into the thermochemical cycle and established a novel two-step water-splitting cycle based on LiFeO2/Fe redox pair. The two-step water-splitting process involves a cyclic operation of electrochemical reduction and water-splitting steps. The feasibility of the water-splitting cycle for the hydrogen production was thermodynamically and experimentally investigated. A mechanism of hydrogen production based on LiFeO2/Fe redox pair was developed. Compared with the traditional high-temperature thermochemical cycles, the electrochemical reduction and water-splitting steps of the process can be isothermally operated in the same cell at a relatively low temperature of 500 °C. The main advantages of the cycle are not only easily available heat sources without involvement of the associated engineering and materials issues, but also without any temperature swings. This is a promising method to achieve water splitting for hydrogen production in the future.  相似文献   

The controversial and highly emotional discussion about biofuels in recent years has shown that greenhouse gas2 (GHG) emissions can only be evaluated in an acceptable way by carrying out a full life cycle assessment (LCA) taking the overall life cycle including all necessary pre-chains into consideration. Against this background, the goal of this paper is it to analyse the overall life cycle of a hydrogen production and provision. A state of the art hydrogen refuelling station in Hamburg/Germany opened in February 2012 is therefore taken into consideration. Here at least 50% hydrogen from renewable sources of energy is produced on-site by water electrolysis based on surplus electricity from wind (mainly offshore wind parks) and water. The remaining other 50% of hydrogen to be sold by this station mainly to hydrogen-fuelled buses is provided by trucks from a large-scale production plant where hydrogen is produced from methane or glycerol as a by-product of the biodiesel production. These two pathways are compared within the following explanations with hydrogen production from biomass and from coal. The results show that – with the goal of reducing GHG emissions on a life cycle perspective – hydrogen production based on a water electrolysis fed by electricity from the German electricity mix should be avoided. Steam methane reforming is more promising in terms of GHG reduction but it is still based on a finite fossil fuel. For a climatic sound provision of hydrogen as a fuel electricity from renewable sources of energy like wind or biomass should be used.  相似文献   

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