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农村沼气发展正好与云南省绿色经济强省的发展思路相适应;“十五”期间,云南省每年将新增农村户用沼气池10万口,开发和推广商品化沼气池的时机已经成熟,加大商品化沼气池的发展,有利于培育沼气产业;商品化沼气的推广应用,有利于沼气建设的健康、稳定和快速发展;大力开发沼气综合利用,有利于农村经济和可持续农业的发展。  相似文献   

在西部大开发中云南商品化沼气池前景广阔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村沼气发展正好与云南省建设绿色经济强省的发展思路相适应 ;“十五”期间 ,云南省每年将新增农村户用沼气池 10万口 ,开发和推广商品化沼气池的时机已经成熟 ,加大商品化沼气池的发展 ,有利于培育沼气产业 ;商品化沼气的推广应用 ,有利于沼气建设的健康、稳定和快速发展 ;大力开展沼气综合利用 ,有利于农村经济和可持续农业的发展。  相似文献   

中国沼气技术发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1中国沼气技术发展状况   中国对沼气的研究起始于 20世纪初期,经过近 20年的研究,解决了两个关键技术问题。一是沼气的储气技术,解决方法是用水压式储气法,这种方法一直沿用到今天;另一关键技术是沼气池的密封技术,主要采用水泥砂浆密封,建有一套严格的操作程序。沼气进入实用阶段是 20世纪 30年代,当时利用沼气的目的仅仅是点灯煮饭。沼气池的建造由“中华国瑞瓦斯全国总行”负责,采用的沼气池是由罗国瑞发明的水压式沼气池,这种结构与现有沼气池虽有所不同,但其水压储气方式今天仍然为绝大多数户用沼气池所采用。由于造价太…  相似文献   

随着沼气事业的发展,户用沼气池的数量大幅度增加,沼气池的中后期管理和服务工作越显重要。针对沼气建设现状提出户用沼气物业管理对策。  相似文献   

发达国家沼气发酵装置夏祖璋,吕书凡发达国家建造的沼气池,根据用途来划分主要有两大类:一类是农场沼气池,以积肥和生产沼气为主要目的;另一类是工业沼气池,以治理有机废弃物的污染为主要目的。在某些发达国家,由于法律禁止在冻土和雪地施用粪便类肥料,所以农场必...  相似文献   

JX─Ⅱ型沼气池密封剂陕西扶风县秦光沼气密封材料厂张平陕西省农村能源办公室李培乾,黄长科沼气泄密封性差和密封性不持久,是一个严重影响沼气事业健康发展的大问题。现介绍一种新型沼气池密封材料─JX—Ⅱ型沼气池密封剂。一、概况JX—Ⅱ型沼气池密封剂是采用高...  相似文献   

一 沼气技术利用背景  中国有一定的厌氧发酵技术经验和沼气项目开发建设能力。目前在全国有 600多万个户用沼气池和大约 500个工业化规模的沼气池在运行之中。尽管如此,中国开发和建设大型沼气项目的经验还是十分有限的。  据估计,中国目前工农业废水的处理率低于 10%;如果全国所有大中型养猪场的废弃物都能得到利用,每年将产生 600万 m3沼气,可用来发电 10亿 kWh;若将厌氧发酵技术用于处理酿酒业和其它工业部门的废液,每年又可产出 900万 m3沼气。变环保义务为发展机遇  执行废水排放控制法规,实现企业达标排放,相应行业…  相似文献   

近年来,湖北宜昌县把建好农户沼气池,实现山区农民生产、生活沼气化作为加强农村能源建设的重要内容.目前,全县已建户用沼气池6.5万个,约近半数农户用上了沼气.沼气做饭、照明、加工;浴液喂牲畜,农作物杀虫;沼渣肥田等已在大多数农户中形成时尚,实现年节约能源支出2000万元.宜昌农村沼气化建设成效显著实现年节能效益2000万元@卢发松$宜昌广播电台  相似文献   

我省农村推广沼气已有力多年的历史。20多年来,人们始终把解决农民生活用能作为推广沼气的主要目的,要建地就必须建一个能解决农户全部生活用能的沼气池。由于一般农户每天生活用能需沼气1.2m3,而水压式沼气地平均产气率为0.2m3/d,为保证全天用气,沼气地容积必须达到6m3。因此6m3水压式沼气池一直是农村农用沼气地推广的主要池型。20多年过去了,实际的情况表明:(1)许多建有6m3沼气池的农户,仅靠沼气并不能解决全部生活用能的问题;(2)不少地方的沼气池在建成3年后的正常使用率并不高,有的地方甚至只能达到30%左右;(3)沼…  相似文献   

为加快以沼气为重点的农村能源建设步伐,促进沼气建设向深度和广度发展,云南省农村能源工作站日前向全省发出了《关于1998~2000年沼气建设发展的通知》.《通知》明确要求:1998~2000年的3年内,全省农村能源现代化建设示范县沼气用户,应达到总农户的30%以上,并加强其它农村新能源建设,为全省作出示范;沼气化建设县(市)建地数,应占农户总数的50%以上;沼气化乡(镇)的沼气用户,应占农户总数的对%以上.《通知》还规定:小型高效沼气池建地合格率应达100%;“三结合”沼气地配套率不低于80%,沼气使用率应达到90%以上;沼…  相似文献   

The prospects for expanded utilization of biogas systems in German was analysed, by identifying the operational and policy factors affecting the complete chain of processes from implementation process for biogas plants, through to biogas production and utilization. It was found that the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) and energy tax reliefs provide bases for the support of expanded utilization. Upgrading of biogas to natural gas quality for utilization in the transportation sector was arguably the most promising technology that could support rapid utilization expansion. Sustainable deployment of biogas systems in light of the unstable feedstock prices and availability, and the need for subsidy-free operation in the long term requires; enhancement of feedstock flexibility and quality characteristics to maximise gas yield, and optimisation of the anaerobic digestion process management. Assessment of energy balance and potential environmental impacts of the integrated process chain provides a holistic assessment of sustainability. The results also support the development and foster of policies and framework for development of biogas as environmentally friendly energy resource, among a mix of renewable energy sources, hence, compete favourably with fossil fuels to enhance the prospects for expanded utilization.  相似文献   

太阳能辅助加热户用沼气池系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈志浦  蒙国睿 《节能技术》2011,29(3):241-244
沼气开发利用是发展可再生能源的重要选择,户用沼气是我国农村能源的重要组成部分.文中介绍了沼气的产生原理及发展现状,针对北方寒冷地区冬季气温低,沼气产气少利用率低问题,在调研常规保温增温方法的基础上提出了家用太阳能热水器辅助加热户用沼气池系统,并对系统经济性进行了分析.  相似文献   

香蕉秸秆资源化利用的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对香蕉秸秆在纤维生产、堆肥、饲料、气化和厌氧发酵等方面的利用情况进行了综述,指出了香蕉秸秆厌氧发酵生产沼气是其资源化和能源化利用的途径和潜力。我国香蕉秸秆年产沼气潜力高达4亿m3,其推广和应用将产生巨大的经济、社会和生态效益。  相似文献   

Around 5000 agricultural biogas plants were operating in Germany by the end of 2009. There is a recognized need for their assessment, comparison and performance improvement. Prerequisites for their reliable assessment include: 1) detailed and reliable performance data, 2) defined criteria for the assessment, and 3) comprehensive method. The limitations of existing assessment methods have been reviewed. The new method developed for assessing the overall performance of biogas plants is focused on four assessment aspects: biogas production, biogas utilization, environmental impact and socio-economic efficiency. Each assessment aspect was determined by two performance criteria. The method is based on fuzzy set theory and fuzzy mathematics, which enables use of imprecise and uncertain data. Incorporation of enough expertise from the field of biogas technology was enabled in this method as well. Pre-assessment of future biogas plants in their planning phase is possible, contributing to their effective development. The reliability of the method was tested using data from ten monitored biogas plants. The assessment of the ten biogas plants showed that biogas utilization is the aspect with the largest potential for performance improvement, by increasing the external heat utilization. The method developed is adjustable to accommodate new developments related to biogas technology and biogas plants in any geographical region. Future research should be focused on definition and inclusion of more assessment criteria and on developing the methods that are capable to handle compensation between individual criteria.  相似文献   

As a renewable energy, biogas is not only an important part of the development of rural new energy, but also an important aspect of sustainable development in China. The development process and present status of household biogas, specifically the opportunities and constraints of household biogas in rural China, are discussed in this paper. Only about 19% of the biogas potential has been utilized in rural China. There are several opportunities for household biogas development in rural China, including the problem of rural household energy consumption, the availability of biogas fermentation materials, national financial subsidies, legal and international clean development mechanisms. Also, more research needs to be done in straw fermentation and cold fermentation technology. Training should be conducted to raise the level of biogas customers in comprehensive biogas utilization. Measures should be taken to improve the follow-up services and management of biogas plants. The information presented in this paper will be helpful not only to the sustainable development of household biogas in rural China, but also to the development of biogas in similar countries around the world.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to demonstrate and to quantify energy flows in a life cycle of biogas to biohydrogen production, starting from feedstock materials via anaerobic digestion, biogas upgrading, biohydrogen production, to the end of biogas system (application of digestate as fertilizer in agriculture). The performance of the biogas plant of Mirotin dairy farm in Serbia has been assessed. According to Life Cycle Energy Assessment approach, results obtained in this study have shown that biohydrogen production via biogas steam reforming has negative energy balance (with ?16,837 GJ). It has also been demonstrated that this process is energy unsustainable in an environmental context. In future analysis it would be necessary to consider the other aspects of sustainability, e.g. the economical and social factors in order to estimate the overall sustainability of the biogas utilization pathways, especially having in mind that the technology of converting biogas to hydrogen is still in the development phase.  相似文献   

China, one of the countries in the world abundant in agricultural wastes, has a great potential for rural biogas production. As a strategy for building a new socialist countryside and sustainable agriculture in rural China, the development of biogas is an important means to convert agricultural wastes to clean and safe energy, thereby reducing the need for fossil fuel and alleviating environmental pollution. This study presents an assessment of the biogas production potential, its current development state, and perspectives of agricultural wastes in rural China. Estimated data show that annual biogas potential from agricultural wastes is approximately (3350.58 ± 669.28) × 108 m3 (equal to 239.22 ± 47.78 million tons of equivalent standard coal); such potential has been underutilized in the past. By analyzing and summarizing the direction for future development and various benefits of rural biogas in China, we present burning questions and countermeasures for biogas development and recommend that the future development of rural biogas in China should focus on both household‐scale and large‐scale development, giving priority to the establishment of large‐scale biogas engineering and biogas plants, improvement of biogas comprehensive utilization level, and construction of a reticular model of systemized green agricultural engineering linked with biogas to solve completely the problem of agricultural waste accumulation and improve the living conditions in rural China. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

沼气发酵综合利用的现状与发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
论述了我国沼气发酵综合利用技术的现状-沼气和沼气发酵残留物的各种利用途径及所取得的经济效益,分析讨论了沼气技术与农村可持续发展的关系,提出了“绿色-立体经济”模式。  相似文献   

从能源的可持续发展和资源化利用的角度,介绍了餐厨垃圾和农业秸秆厌氧发酵的处理方法,重点分析了餐厨垃圾和农业秸秆在成分、预处理、厌氧发酵工艺、沼气成分含量、沼液用途方面的区别。  相似文献   

以玉米秸秆和水稻秸秆为研究对象,通过测定二者厌氧发酵后的沼气、沼渣产量及热值,探讨秸秆气固燃料二元联产的综合能源利用效率与经济效益。结果表明,由于发酵后秸秆沼渣中木质素含量增大,沼渣热值也有所增大;沼渣成型燃料密度、机械耐久性等特性均优于原秸秆;秸秆气固燃料二元联产综合能源利用效率较秸秆直接燃烧可提高40%~50%(以发电量计);因免除收集、运输和粉碎等成本,秸秆沼渣生产成型燃料的综合成本较秸秆压块单独生产模式可节省46.4%。  相似文献   

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