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研究了火焰在有壁面散热的微细圆管中的传播过程.流动马赫数很小时,假定流体满足理想气体状态方程,采用详细化学反应机理.火焰面形状由壁面散热和流场共同决定.壁面散热增大时会导致熄火.引入二维流场使维持火焰稳定传播的壁面散热范围扩大.计算结果表明,微细圆管燃烧器内较大的火焰面曲率能促进燃烧.  相似文献   

对长、宽、高为650 mm×400 mm×12 mm的半闭口狭窄矩形通道(海伦-肖装置)内的甲烷/空气层流预混火焰传播过程进行了实验研究,探究当量比φ在0.6~1.2范围内、火焰传播角度ω在垂直向下-90°至垂直向上90°区间对火焰前锋轮廓发展及非标准层流火焰速度的影响。结果表明:火焰在通道内的传播分为热膨胀、准稳态传播和端壁效应3个阶段,每个阶段具有各自不同的前锋轮廓特征。由于瑞利-泰勒不稳定性机制的作用,所有当量比工况下向上传播的火焰均在准稳态传播阶段中呈现出明显的锋面褶皱与胞状结构;对向下传播的火焰而言,其在贫燃工况(φ为0.6,0.8)下的胞状不稳定性得到了有效抑制,而在当量比φ=1.0及富燃工况(φ=1.2)下,该稳定性效应并不显著。火焰瞬时速度与标准层流速度的比值Ui/UL,在φ=0.6的极贫燃工况与其他当量比工况下展现出明显不同的发展特性,极贫燃工况火焰向上传播时(ω=90°),Ui/UL随着传播过程的进行一直增大,直到火焰触碰壁面末端熄灭,整个过程Ui/UL与火焰传播方向呈正相关关系;而对于其他当量比工况,Ui/UL在传播过程中均先升高后下降,火焰触碰壁面末端熄灭前其值趋于稳定,其平均速度与标准层流速度的比值Ua/UL在水平传播(ω=0°)时达到最大值。  相似文献   

以均匀空气流中圆管形成的甲烷扩散火焰为对象,用数值解析的方法研究了微尺度扩散火焰的火焰结构和燃烧特性.燃烧反应采用甲烷/空气一步总括反应,喷管壁面绝热.在Re一定的情况下,改变喷口尺寸和喷口流速,考察了微扩散火焰的结构和火焰熄灭的尺度效应.计算结果表明,Re=12条件下,喷口直径为0.07mm时达到熄灭极限;稳定燃烧区的最小总放热率约为0.5W;微尺度条件下,Da对火焰结构和火焰熄灭有显著影响,熄火附近的Da的数量级在0.01.  相似文献   

利用数值模拟方法,研究了不同重力下有限空间内薄燃料表面逆风传播火焰的相似性.结果表明,通道高度的变化,通过影响通道间的流场和壁面的热损失,来影响通道内燃料表面的火焰传播,因此用水平窄通道模拟微重力下大空间内的火焰传播,只能得到定性相似但定量差别较大的结果,这与他人的实验结果一致.在微重力和常重力下的窄通道中,当Grashof准数足够小时(200可以作为一个定性参考值),其中的自然对流基本可以忽略,不同重力下窄通道中的火焰传播过程基本相似.  相似文献   

应用激光干涉法测定火焰传播过程中燃烧室狭窄空间内气体的温度和密度场,利用火焰传播过程中所拍摄的纹影图像对火焰在间隙内的传播状态进行了分析。结果表明:燃烧室狭窄间隙内由于激冷效应其内部气体温度边界层逐渐增厚,气体温度迅速下降,如果狭缝间隙很小时火焰将在间隙入口处熄灭,从而造成排气中未燃碳氢化合物的大量排出。  相似文献   

利用自行设计的火焰传播实验系统研究了甲烷火焰穿越水雾区的传播现象;运用数字摄像、光电测速和温度测量等技术研究了不同水雾条件下的甲烷火焰传播速度、火焰阵面轨迹及火焰结构特性。结果发现:水雾与甲烷火焰作用后,火焰颜色明显变红。水雾量较小时,甲烷火焰会被加速;水雾量增大到一定值后,甲烷火焰会在水雾区某一位置滞留一段时间,随后火焰再加速传播或熄灭(对应更高的水雾量)。分析认为这种现象的出现与水雾在甲烷火焰区的吸热、蒸发膨胀和化学阻化等物理化学综合效应有关。  相似文献   

在可视化微尺度燃烧实验台上进行甲烷和氧气的燃烧试验,利用高速数码照相机捕捉到了火焰面在微通道内的传播过程,测试分析了不同进气流量下反复熄燃火焰的可燃极限、火焰传播速度和火焰间隔时间,获得了反复熄燃火焰(Flames with repetitive extinction and ignition, FREI)的燃烧特性。结果表明,随着甲烷进气流速的增加,可以形成FREI火焰的氧气进气流速范围也在扩大;在甲烷进气流速一定的情况下,随着氧气进气流速的增加,火焰的传播速度也逐渐增加,并且火焰重复点燃的间隔时间呈现先变大后逐渐变小的规律,即火焰重复点燃的频率先变慢后又逐渐变快直至火焰熄灭。  相似文献   

用火焰序列图像分析方法,对具有顶棚开口的受限空间内的油池火火焰振荡模式进行了实验研究.实验观察到顶棚开口受限空间内油池火的火焰具有两种可以相互转化的振荡模式.在第1种火焰振荡模式下,根部火焰周期性膨胀与收缩,产生向上传播的蘑菇状火焰和较大的火焰高度波动;第2种火焰振荡模式根部火焰平稳,上部火焰会弯曲并左右摆动.火焰图像...  相似文献   

通过模拟丙烷/空气预混火焰在不同温度平板阻火单元狭缝中传播与淬熄的过程,发现阻火单元温度变化对火焰在狭缝中传播与淬熄有非常重要的影响,得出了在丙烷/空气预混火焰不同阻火单元温度影响下火焰传播速度与平板狭缝间距、淬熄长度之间的关系.发现阻火单元温度越高,相同狭缝间距的火焰淬熄距离越长;狭缝间距越大,火焰速度越大,阻火单元温度变化对淬熄距离影响越明显.  相似文献   

利用窄通道实验系统对低速气流中聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)平板表面逆风传播火焰的熄灭极限和传播速度进行了研究,主要实验参数为气流速度(≤10,cm/s)和氧气体积分数(≤50%,).实验发现,当气流速度和氧气体积分数接近火焰熄灭边界时,连续火焰分裂成为独立的、可稳定传播的小火焰,该现象的存在使材料的可燃范围扩大到连续火焰边界之外.分析表明,经典的热区火焰传播理论不能很好地预测火焰在低速流动中的传播速度,其偏差随着气流速度和氧气体积分数的减小而增大.  相似文献   

We study the propagation of premixed flames in two-dimensional channels accounting for heat-losses by conduction to the channel’s walls and a prescribed Poiseuille flow. A diffusive-thermal model is used and the calculations reported are based on Arrhenius-type chemistry. Attention is focused on the influence of the magnitude of heat losses, the channel width, and the mean flow velocity. Special attention is devoted to the determination of the global burning rate and to extinction conditions. Depending on the channel width we discuss two possible modes of extinction: total flame extinction brought about in narrow channels by excessive losses, and partial flame extinction near the walls of wider channels. Our predictions of the quenching distance, namely the smallest channel’s width that permits flame propagation, and the dead space in the case of partial extinction are in agreement with experimentally reported values. The sensitivity of the flame to an imposed flow, being directed either towards the fresh mixture or towards the burned gas, is examined with some details.  相似文献   

An opposed flow non-premixed flame (OFNPF) in a narrow channel was chosen as a model of a non-premixed flame in a mesoscale combustion space or micro-combustor. The stabilization limits and behaviors of methane-air flames and propane-air flames were compared for various experimental parameters such as flow velocity, nozzle distance, nozzle width, channel gap, and fuel dilution. Flames could be stabilized in a wide range of strain rates (0.9–150 s−1) and dilution ratios (∼80% nitrogen at the fuel side). The flame extinction limits were classified into three types and their mechanisms were investigated: higher-strain-rate (HSR) extinction limit determined by the flame stretch, lower-strain-rate (LSR) extinction limit determined by the conductive or convective heat loss from the flame, and fuel-dilution-ratio (FDR) extinction limit determined by the decrease in the heat release rate from the flames. The HSR extinction limits in mesoscale channels could be explained with a modified strain rate, and the LSR extinction limits could be explained by employing a premixed quenching theory in which the heat loss through the dead space near the wall was considered as a major extinction mechanism. Finally, the variation of the extinction limits with the FDR in both the HSR and the LSR conditions could be explained with a modified global reaction rate in which the variations in flame temperature and species concentrations were reflected. This study provides an essential model for the stabilization and extinction of non-premixed flames in mesoscale combustion spaces.  相似文献   

Spherical flame initiation and propagation with thermally sensitive intermediate kinetics are studied analytically within the framework of large activation energy and quasi-steady assumptions. A correlation describing different flame regimes and transitions among the ignition kernels, flame balls, propagating spherical flames, and planar flames is derived. Based on this correlation, spherical flame propagation and initiation are then investigated. The flame propagation speed, Markstein length, and critical ignition power and radius are found to strongly depend on the Lewis numbers of fuel and radical and the heat of reaction. For spherical flame propagation, the trajectory is shown to change significantly with the fuel Lewis number and a C-shaped solution curve of flame propagation speed as a function of flame radius is observed for large fuel Lewis numbers. The Markstein length is shown to increase/decrease monotonically with the fuel/radical Lewis number. The influence of stretch on flame propagation (i.e. the absolute value of Markstein length) is found to decrease with the heat of reaction. For spherical flame initiation, the critical ignition power and radius are shown to increase with the fuel Lewis number and to decrease with the radical Lewis number and heat of reaction. Three different flame initiation regimes are observed and discussed. Furthermore, the validity of theoretical prediction is confirmed by transient numerical simulations including thermal expansion and detailed chemistry.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations are performed to study the flame propagation of laminar stratified syngas/air flames with the San Diego mechanism. Effects of fuel stratification, CO/H2 mole ratio and temperature stratification on flame propagation are investigated through comparing the distribution of flame temperature, heat release rate and radical concentration of stratified flame with corresponding homogeneous flame. For stratified flames with fuel rich-to-lean and temperature high-to-low, the flame speeds are faster than homogeneous flames due to more light H radical in stratified flames burned gas. The flame speed is higher for case with larger stratification gradient. Contrary to positive gradient cases, the flame speeds of stratified flames with fuel lean-to-rich as well as with temperature low-to-high are slower than homogeneous flames. The flame propagation accelerates with increasing hydrogen mole ratio due to higher H radical concentration, which indicates that chemical effect is more significant than thermal effect. Additionally, flame displacement speed does not match laminar flame speed due to the fluid continuity. Laminar flame speed is the superposition of flame displacement speed and flow velocity.  相似文献   

This paper investigated methane/air flame characteristics with hydrogen addition in micro confined combustion space experimentally and computationally. The focus is on the effect of hydrogen addition on the methane/air flame stabilization, the onset of flame with repetitive extinction and ignition (FREI), and the global flame quenching in decreasing continuously combustion space. Furthermore, the effects of hydrogen addition on the flame temperature and the local equivalence ratio distribution were analyzed systematically using numerical simulations. In addition, the effects of hydrogen addition on the concentrations of OH and H radicals, and the critical scalar dissipation rate of local flame extinction were discussed. With a higher hydrogen ratio, the mixing is faster, and the flame is smaller. When the micro confined space is narrower, the heat loss to the combustor walls has a higher impact on the flames. The flames with higher hydrogen ratios have therefore lower peak flame temperatures and lower concentrations of H and OH radicals. The results show that hydrogen addition can effectively widen the stable combustion range of methane/air flames in the micro confined space by about 20% when the hydrogen addition ratio reaches 50%. The frequency and the maximum propagation velocity of FREI flames can be increased as well. The quenching distance of methane/hydrogen/air flames decreases nearly linearly with the increase of hydrogen ratio. This is attributed to the higher critical scalar dissipation rate of local flame extinction in flames with a higher hydrogen ratio.  相似文献   

Unsteady flame propagation in a tube is examined by introducing a mean velocity variation larger than the burning velocity to a stabilized flame for a period longer than the reaction time scale. In our previous work, stabilized propane-air flames were classified as either one-dimensional or two-dimensional flames. The eventual extinction during the velocity increase was categorized as either acoustic extinction or boundary layer extinction. In this work, the effects of a nonunity Lewis number were estimated through experiments with a methane-air flame; the eventual extinction during the velocity decrease was investigated in more detail; and the growth of the extinction boundary layer was analyzed with a transient one-dimensional model of the flame stretch. In our experiments, the Lewis number did not affect the existence or characteristics of the critical velocity and the characteristic time for boundary layer extinction. An additional critical velocity was found, however, for acoustic extinction when the Lewis number was smaller than unity. In the transient one-dimensional model, the velocity transition along the flame was calculated with a continuity equation and an axial momentum equation. The spatial gradient of the burning velocity and the extinction criterion were simplified with the experimental results and some theoretical studies. The analysis shows that the unsteady flame stretch at the flame edge during a large axial velocity variation is the prevailing cause of the growth of the extinction boundary layer. These results provide some evidence that flame stretch affects the behavior of the flame edge; they also suggest the cause of the finger flame. The findings help explain the unsteady behavior of premixed flames near a flammability limit.  相似文献   

In nonpremixed combustion, edge flames can form as a region of flame propagation or flame recession. Forwardly propagating edge flames, as occur in lifted flames, have a local gas velocity at the flame edge that is from unburned partially premixed fuel and air into the flame. These flames represent an ignition process, and permit the flame itself to either stabilize against an incoming gas stream or propagate into unburned fuel and air. Negative edge flames represent the opposite case of a local gas velocity from burned products through the flame edge. The negative edge flame represents a local extinction process, and occurs, for example, during vortex-induced extinction of a nonpremixed flame sheet. A technique for generating steady negative edge flames in a standard counterflow burner is presented, which permits detailed examination of their properties. A coannular counterflow burner is used to create a strain gradient that quenches a central diffusion flame. Unlike previous research on strain-induced flame edges, the axisymmetric flow field ensures gas flow from products through the edge. Measurements of the edge flame's sensitivity to global strain rates and fuel mixtures are presented, along with measurements of the edge flame structure using OH fluorescence and CH emission imaging.  相似文献   

Triple flames consisting of lean, stoichiometric, and rich reaction zones may be produced in stratified mixtures undergoing combustion. Such flames have unique characteristics that differ from premixed flames. The present work offers a direct comparison of the structure and propagation behavior between hydrogen/air triple and premixed flames through a numerical study. Important similarities and differences are highlighted. Premixed flames are generated by spark-igniting initially quiescent homogeneous mixtures of hydrogen and air in a two-dimensional domain. Triple flame results are also generated in a two-dimensional domain by spark-igniting initially quiescent hydrogen/air stratified layers. Detailed flame structure and chemical reactivity information is collected along isocontours of equivalence ratio 0.5, 1.0, and 3.0 in the triple flame for comparison with premixed flames at the same equivalence ratios. Full chemistry and effective binary diffusion coefficients are employed for all computations.  相似文献   

以对粉尘云状态参数的定量测定为基础,对玉米粉尘火焰在开口垂直管道中向上传播的过程进行了实验研究.在情形A中,火焰从管道的封闭端向开口端传播,在情形B中,从开口端向封闭端传播.实验中,观察到两种粉尘火焰,即湍流火焰和层流火焰,火焰形态转变对应的点火延迟时间约等于1.1 s,即粉尘云湍流运动强度为10cm/s.情形A中,层流火焰的传播出现周期性振荡现象,湍流火焰在传播过程中不断加速;情形B中,两种火焰都匀速传播,湍流火焰传播速度明显大于层流火焰.在所考察的实验条件下,粉尘浓度对于玉米粉尘火焰传播速度的影响不大.  相似文献   

The effect of electric fields on the propagation speed of tribrachial (or triple) flames has been investigated in a coflow jet by observing the transient flame propagation behavior after ignition. The propagation speed of tribrachial edges when no electric fields were applied showed typical behavior by having an inverse proportionality to the mixture fraction gradient at the flame edge. The behavior of flame propagation with electric fields was investigated by applying high voltage to the central fuel nozzle, thereby having a single-electrode configuration. The enhancement of propagation speed has been observed by varying the applied voltage and frequency for ac electric fields. The propagation speed of tribrachial flames was also investigated by applying positive and negative dc voltages to the nozzle, and similar improvements of the propagation speed were also observed. The propagation speeds of tribrachial flames in both the ac and dc electric fields correlated well with the electric field intensity, defined by the applied electric voltage divided by the distance between the nozzle electrode and the edge of the tribrachial flame.  相似文献   

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