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针对地区型多种能源形式接入的区域电网,研究了可再生能源发电容量与区域电网内其他多能源形式协调优化及可再生能源发电设备运行效益问题。以高比例风力发电、光伏发电、固体蓄热式电锅炉、电制天然气、燃气储能、热力储能系统构成的区域多能源系统模型研究为基础,提出基于不同调度时间尺度的区域可再生能源发电容量规划和投资效益优化模型。首先,研究区域电网内多能源供能、传输和负荷设备的能源供给和消耗特性,建立基于高比例可再生能源发电不确定性的多能源电网功率平衡模型;其次,研究大规模可再生能源不确定性、动态电价响应、系统运行状态的约束模型,建立区域可再生能源容量配置与收益多目标优化模型及其求解方法;最后,利用东北某地区多能源电网实际运行数据,建立可再生能源发电容量规划及投资收益优化仿真模型。仿真结果表明,文章所建立的可再生能源容量和效益优化模型,能够在保证较高投资效益的前提下,实现较小的可再生能源容量配置。  相似文献   

针对全可再生能源孤岛微电网中的源荷功率平衡问题,研究基于抽水蓄能快速启停和强调节能力的风-光-抽蓄联合孤岛微电网电源与储能系统容量配置多场景鲁棒优化方法。针对海岛负荷需求特性及可再生能源、抽蓄资源分布特性,研究了适用于海岛的包含风、光、抽蓄和蓄电池组的孤岛微网拓扑结构模型;考虑海岛抽水蓄能及蓄电池电能储放特性、可再生能源出力不确定性以及岛内负荷需求不确定性,研究了微网功率协调优化方法,建立以孤岛微网成本最小为目标的容量配置鲁棒优化模型及其求解算法。以某海岛的实际负荷需求及可再生能源发电资源数据为基础的仿真结果表明,文章所提出的抽蓄联合孤岛微电网的容量优化配置方法,在实现经济性目标的同时,可以有效地提升可再生能源利用率和微网在多种场景下的运行可靠性。  相似文献   

针对可再生能源发电快速增长下的高渗透率导致的区域级多能源电网功率平衡协调控制困难问题,文章提出了基于热电联合响应的多能源电网集群联合优化运行控制策略,可有效提高电网功率平衡调节能力。首先,研究可再生能源发电、热电联合响应及多能源电网运行特性,考虑可再生能源发电及热电负荷不确定性因素,建立多能源电网集群中可再生能源与热电联合响应运行优化控制模型;然后,研究基于电网运行效益最大化目标的多能源电网集群协调运行策略模型及其求解算法;最后,以东北某地区3个区域级多能源电网运行数据为基础,采用蒙特卡洛方法模拟电网热电负荷特性,建立基于IEEE14节点系统的PSCAD仿真模型。仿真结果及其分析表明,文章提出的基于热电联合响应的多能源电网集群协调优化运行模型能够有效提高可再生能源出力不确定性条件下电网功率平衡能力,减小电网运行与功率调节成本。  相似文献   

为了解决国家可再生能源规划与省域可再生能源规划相衔接的问题,结合中国实际,提出一种基于可再生能源潜力和能源消费的目标分解模型,考虑了现状、资源及消费情况,把目标分为基本份额、固定份额和浮动份额3部分。模型给出了一个协调因子的确定方法,决策者可以根据实际需要,确定其资源潜力和能源消费的比重关系。以北京和福建为例,给出了协调因子变化时,可再生能源份额的变化情况。为了验证该模型的正确性,结合国家可再生能源整体规划和资源需求分布状况,提出了各省域的可再生能源中长期目标。  相似文献   

考虑了上网电价、可再生能源发电量、碳交易收益的不确定性,基于符合多阶段实物期权理论构建了可再生能源规划模型。结合算例利用蒙特卡洛模拟和神经网络模型进行求解,并与传统的净现值法求解结果进行比对。结果表明,可再生能源规划模型能够反映出项目中存在的不确定性因素,从而对可再生能源项目规划起到科学的指导作用。  相似文献   

为解决"三弃"问题,提高可再生能源消纳能力,文章基于能量枢纽模型,提出了能够提升系统灵活性与可再生能源消纳能力的方案,并以高比例可再生能源消纳与系统综合经济性为目标,考虑典型日系统冷热电功率平衡约束、设备输入-输出耦合约束(能量枢纽模型)、设备出力限制、电网联络线功率约束等约束条件,建立面向可再生能源高比例消纳的综合能源系统优化规划模型。针对模型的非线性特性,采用数学等效变换将其转化为0~1混合整数线性规划模型,并求取全局最优解。最后,以江苏某区域为实例,分析了高比例可再生能源接入对能量枢纽容量配置及其关键设备在不同典型日出力的影响,并基于灵敏度分析法,分别分析了设备单位容量造价、能源价格及热电负荷比对规划结果的影响,验证了所提规划模型的正确性与合理性。  相似文献   

为评估不同省域可再生能源发电项目的综合开发水平,基于全产业链视角,文章从可再生能源资源开发水平、可再生能源电力生产水平和可再生能源电力消纳水平三个维度,建立了区域可再生能源发电项目开发评价指标体系。根据最小信息鉴别原理,综合不同类型定性和定量赋权方法的优点,提出组合权重赋权法,构建了基于理想点法的区域可再生能源发电项目开发水平评价模型。将模型有效应用于东南沿海5省和"三北"地区5省区的数据分析,测评得出不同省份可再生能源发电项目开发总体表现和各项指标差异,用以科学确定各区域发展水平和特征,帮助优化区域可再生能源电力可持续发展。  相似文献   

针对含可再生能源接入的电力系统在发生故障后,使得电网中部分机组运行解列,其对电网电压造成影响的问题,提出了一种考虑多能源协同的可再生能源电网快速解列电压优化控制策略。首先,分析电/气/热等多种能源间的转换特性和可调节特性,并分析含电/气/热等多种能源转换系统接入可再生能源电网后系统的运行特性,建立含多能源转换系统的可再生能源电网稳态模型;然后,考虑可再生能源电网解列时系统中重要负荷电能恢复量、系统电压波动量两个优化目标,建立可再生能源电网快速解列电压优化控制模型,并对控制模型进行求解;最后,以西北某地区电网运行数据为基础,搭建含多能源转换系统的可再生能源电网等值模型,分析并验证文章提出的电网快速解列电压优化控制模型的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

发展可再生能源对浙江省节能减排的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了浙江省可再生能源资源条件和发展现状,提出了发展可再生能源是浙江省优化能源结构、降低能耗强度、保护生态环境、实现低碳经济发展的重要保障措施。  相似文献   

可再生能源发展规划是保障能源安全和抑制气候变化的重要举措之一。目前区域可再生能源规划在体系上存在国家规划与区域规划之间的不衔接、区域规划的可实施性差、规划编制与国家实际情况不一致等问题。为了解决上述问题,本文提出了一个区域可再生能源规划基本框架模型,给出了规划的原理、内容和基本功能,为区域可再生能源规划提供了基本思路。  相似文献   

A hybrid power system may be used to reduce dependency on either conventional energy or renewable systems. This article deals with the sizing, generator running hours, sensitivity analysis, optimisation, and greenhouse gas emission analysis of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES). Two locations have been selected where the feasibility of using different hybrid systems is studied for the same load demand. One site is the small remote community of Amini in the Lakshadweep Islands, located in southern India in the Arabian Sea, where solar and/or wind energy is always available throughout the year to provide energy security. Another place is the rural township of Hathras, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where agricultural biomass is found in abundance for the whole year. A comparative study has been made for the two locations for the same load demand by simulating HRES. To achieve the goal of simulation, the hybrid optimisation model for electric renewables (HOMER) software of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA, is used. An optimisation model of a hybrid renewable system has been prepared which simplifies the task of evaluating the design of an off-grid/standalone system. After simulating all possible system equipment with their sizes, a list of many possible configurations may be evaluated and sorted by net present cost to compare the design options. An elaborate sensitivity analysis has been used for each input variable; the whole optimisation process is repeated to get simulated system configurations  相似文献   

为解决传统高铁客运站供能系统中能源利用率较低的问题,以日运行购气费用和购电费用最优为优化目标,以系统运行过程中实时能量平衡为约束条件,以可再生能源出力和吸收式制冷占比为优化变量,建立多能源协同供能的分布式能源系统,并将该模型应用于北方某高铁客运站,分析可再生能源的利用率、制冷系统中可再生能源电出力的电制冷占比以及电网出力的节电率。仿真计算结果表明,分布式能源系统的使用提高了可再生能源的利用率,其中风电机组出力占其出力极限的96.5%,光伏机组出力94.7%;相比于参比系统,分布式能源系统的成本节约率为12.5%;电制冷占比为13%;电网的节电率为53.9%。  相似文献   

可再生能源以分布式电源的形式接入配电网是消纳可再生能源的重要手段,为进一步提高可再生能源的利用率,本文在分布式电源优化配置过程中考虑无功补偿设备以及储能系统的配置,建立了分布式电源、储能系统、无功补偿设备建设成本最小,系统网络损耗最小,系统电压稳定指标最优的多目标优化模型,并提出基于概率分布策略的改进遗传算法用于优化模型的求解。最后,以IEEE-33节点配电网系统为例,表明本文提出的配置方法可以改善分布式电源的波动性对配电网的不利影响,在保证系统稳定的前提下,进一步提高可再生能源利用率。  相似文献   

The environmental pollution and diminishing conventional fuel sources and global warming problems make it more attractive for considering renewables as alternative energy sources, such as solar, wind and micro hydro, etc. Recent advances in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies further facilitate these energy options to supply electrical power to various communities. Hydrogen fuel cell systems coupled with renewable energy sources stand out as a promising solution. This paper presents an integrated system framework for fuel cell-based distributed energy applications. Five components are included in this framework: a physical energy system application, a virtual simulation model, a distributed coordination and control, a human system interface and a database. The integrated system framework provides a means to optimize system design, evaluate its performance and balance supplies and demands in a hydrogen assisted renewable energy application. It can either be applied to a distributed energy node that fulfills a local energy demand or to an energy-network that coordinates distributed energy nodes in a region, such as a hydrogen highway. The proposed system framework has been applied in the first phase of our multi-phases project to investigate and analyze the feasibility and suitability of hydrogen fuel assisted renewable power for a remote community. Through integration with an available renewable energy profile database, the developed system efficiently assists in selecting, integrating, and evaluating different system configurations and various operational scenarios at the application site. The simulation results provide a solid basis for the next phase of our demonstration projects.  相似文献   

微能源网以能源的梯级利用为原则,可实现风、光等多种新能源的高比例消纳,满足区域内电、热、冷等多种能源需求。微能源网中存在新能源出力与冷、热、电负荷的多重不确定性。为增强系统规划结果的鲁棒性,常采用不确定集表述新能源出力与多种用能需求的不确定性,实现针对微能源网的鲁棒规划设计,往往使系统规划结果过于保守,降低系统经济性。为克服以上问题,规避实际运行中不可能发生的场景,降低系统规划结果的保守性,文章提出一种考虑时间相关性的微能源网鲁棒规划模型。该模型在计及多重源荷不确定性的基础上,进一步考虑新能源出力与冷、热、电负荷的时间相关性。通过算例对传统不确定集与所提出的改进不确定集进行对比分析,验证了所提模型及方法的优越性和有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a distributed energy system (DES) for a local district and formulates a constrained nonlinear multiobjective optimization model for the daily operation of the system. The main objective of the study is to increase the efficiency by minimizing energy cost, energy consumption, and energy losses. It is implemented through the integration and complementation of renewable energies and fossil fuels as well as the recycling utilization of waste heat in the DES. The consideration of network topology and energy losses of water heating network could also contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency. To solve the optimization problem, a novel Whale Optimization Algorithm is employed. Furthermore, the economic and energy performance of the DES are evaluated and compared with that of conventional centralized energy systems, ie, the EG and MG energy‐supply modes. After simulation studies, the hourly optimal energy (both natural gas and electricity) purchasing schedule as well as the hourly optimal set points of mass water flow rates and supply/return water temperatures could be determined. The results show that the DES saves more than 50% of energy costs/energy consumption than the MG mode and over 22% than the EG mode for a whole day, verifying the competitive advantage and great potential of both energy saving and cost reduction of the DES.  相似文献   

面向高原高寒地区对稳定供热和供电的迫切需求,本文提出了一种新型的可再生能源与储能集成供能系统。该系统包括风力发电、光伏发电、水力发电、槽式太阳能集热器、储热系统、储电装置以及集成控制系统,实现了多种可再生能源高效利用;制定了一种考虑热电设备性能的实时能量管理策略,并建立了以年成本为主要优化目标的容量配置方法;利用该系统与优化方法对高原高寒地带民用住宅群的供能系统进行了优化设计,通过案例对比分析,验证了该集成供能系统容量配置方法和能量管理策略的可行性。研究结果为高原高寒地区供能系统的选择提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

在我国能源革命大背景之下,能源互联是发展清洁、低碳、安全、高效、现代能源体系的重要途径。从江苏沿海地区构建现代能源体系的需求以及大量可再生能源的资源禀赋出发,分析了应用高比例分布式能源利用方式以及能源互联网相关技术的重要意义,即提高分布式能源比例是江苏沿海地区可再生能源利用的最佳方式,加强能源互联网建设是江苏沿海地区增量配电网的重要技术路径。研究指出沿海地区应大力发展能源互联技术,并给出发展能源互联技术的步骤建议。  相似文献   

In view of the disadvantages of the traditional energy supply systems, such as separate planning, separate design, independent operating mode, and the increasingly prominent nonlinear coupling between various sub-systems, the production, transmission, storage and consumption of multiple energy sources are coordinated and optimized by the integrated energy system, which improves energy and infrastructure utilization, promotes renewable energy consumption, and ensures reliability of energy supply. In this paper, the mathematical model of the electricity-gas interconnected integrated energy system and its state estimation method are studied. First, considering the nonlinearity between measurement equations and state variables, a performance simulation model is proposed. Then, the state consistency equations and constraints of the coupling nodes for multiple energy sub-systems are established, and constraints are relaxed into the objective function to decouple the integrated energy system. Finally, a distributed state estimation framework is formed by combining the synchronous alternating direction multiplier method to achieve an efficient estimation of the state of the integrated energy system. A simulation model of an electricity-gas interconnected integrated energy system verifies the efficiency and accuracy of the state estimation method proposed in this paper. The results show that the average relative errors of voltage amplitude and node pressure estimated by the proposed distributed state estimation method are only 0.0132% and 0.0864%, much lower than the estimation error by using the Lagrangian relaxation method. Besides, compared with the centralized estimation method, the proposed distributed method saves 5.42 s of computation time. The proposed method is more accurate and efficient in energy allocation and utilization.  相似文献   

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