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生物质能—未来能源的希望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文论述了生物质能的潜力和各种生物质能转化技术;开发和利用生物质能,我们能能能获得气体、液体、固体和电力等形式的能源。未来的生物质能,不仅能提供人类所需的各种能源,同时还有利于解决环境与发展的协调相益。  相似文献   

生物质能利用技术的开发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1国外生物质资源的利用现状与前景随着生物质能源转化技术的发展,以及人们对于改善环境要求的提高,生物质能所起的作用越来越重要。据估计,目前世界总能源消费中,14%的能源供应来自生物质能,在发展中国家生物质能约占农村用能的90%;在发达国家,如欧共体国家能源消费中2%到25%是由生物质能提供的,一些世界能源组织(IEA)成员国,生物质能在总能耗中所占份额高达15%。在某些地区,生物质能已发挥了重要作用,例如美国加利福尼亚州的生物质能发电功率已大于1200MW。在今后的数年内,利用生物质发电将成为一…  相似文献   

可再生能源是指在自然界中可以不断再生、永续利用、取之不尽、用之不竭的资源,它对环境无害或危害极小,而且资源分布广泛,适宜就地开发利用。可再生能源主要包括太阳能、风能、水能、生物质能、地热能和海洋能等。  相似文献   

解决当前能源、环境问题的根本方法是开发利用新能源,而生物质能具有清洁、数量大、可再生等突出优点,是常规能源的理想替代能源.文章介绍了生物质及生物质能,对目前生物质能的利用技术现状作了系统介绍,论述了生物质能利用的远大发展前景.  相似文献   

1生物质能的内容及历史意义生物质能是指由生物质直接获得或者经过加工转化获得的各类能源的总称。生物质能资源包括秸秆、薪柴、畜粪等所有具有能源利用价值的植物和有机废弃物等生物质.生物质能是可再生能源。自古以来,生物质能一直是人类利用的主要能源。从目前全世界一次能源消费总量来看,生物质能已是排在石油、煤炭、天然气之后的第4大能源。据统计,1995年生物质能消费总量占世界一次能源消费总量的9.4%,相当于核电和水电消费量的总和.近些年来,由于环境污染的日益严重,人类已充分认识到利用生物质能等新能源的重要性J我们…  相似文献   

石油和煤等传统能源在使用过程中所引起的环境问题越来越受到全球的关注。生物质能是未来能源供应中最具潜力的能源,因它来自自然界,无污染,同时又是可再生能源而引起各国的重视。当前我国经济快速发展但面临资源短缺的困境,合理开发生物质能和发展生物产业具有重要意义。文中通过分析国外生物质能产业发展研究现状、现行政策和发展技术趋势等,旨在充分研究国外生物质能发展的经验,探索适合我国生物质能开发路径和模式,以期为我国生物质能产业发展提供可借鉴思路。  相似文献   

生物质能 我国拥有丰富的生物质能资源,每年理论有生物质能资源50亿吨左右,其中农作物残留物占一半多。生物质能源是我国仅次于煤与石油的第三大能源,在全部能源消耗中约占15%。生物质能源目前主要用于发电和转化为“绿色汽油“与“生物石油”。  相似文献   

根据2004~2012年黑龙江省农作物产量,计算农业废弃物类生物质能资源蕴藏量和能源可用量,对近年主要农作物生物质能源储量进行测度。采用GM(1,1)灰预测模型,对2013~2016年黑龙江省农业废弃物类生物质能源可用量进行预测,结果显示,以50%利用率计算,到2016年其可用量相当于30.728×106t标准煤。分析了农业废弃物类生物质能的发展潜力,将生物质能发电与燃煤发电环境成本进行对比,结果显示,到2016年黑龙江省利用生物质能发电节约的环境成本为123.728亿元,对环境保护起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

GN090401生物质能转化利用技术系统探讨.王贤华,周宏伟,王德元,等.能源研究与利用,2009(2):1-4.系统地分析、阐述了我国生物质能的利用技术发展现状;在分析现有生物质能利用系统优劣利弊的基础上,对我国生物质能的快速发展思路进行了探讨;指出了我国未来生物质能利用系统应朝着"分布式"能源方向发展。为生物质能进一步发展提供了一种经济、环境、社会相协调的发展思路,对我国生物质能利用和发展起着重要作用。  相似文献   

农村能源的支柱——小水电季盛林河海大学农村电气化学院农村能源中,具有开发利用条件的能源主要是生物质能,小水电,小煤窑,太阳能,风能等。在我国与农村人口生活密切相关的能源消耗主要是生物质能约占72%,小水电约占14.3%,小煤窑约占13.7%。生物质能...  相似文献   

生物质能的开发利用有利于恢复生态和治理环境,云南气候优越,非常适宜发展生物质能,在云南大力开发利用生物质能,配合国家西部开发的战略,为建设绿色经济强省和旅游大省均具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

During last century, worldwide environment degradation gets more and more serious, and achieving environmental sustainable development is desirable. As many environmental issues are directly or indirectly energy related, energy sustainable development is one of the most important prerequisites for environmental sustainable development. Renewable energy technologies and energy conservation are two solutions for energy sustainable development. At present, energy-saving technology is a feasible and an effective way to achieve energy and environmental sustainable development, although renewable energy may be final solution to environmental issues. Building cooling, heating, and power (BCHP) technology, which usually use natural gas as primary energy, has high efficiency of energy utilization due to the utilization of distributed power generation and heat recovery, and thus is a promising energy conservation technology. BCHP can reduce pollutants emission and thus protects the environment besides improving IAQ and increasing reliability of building energy supply. As the largest developing country, China is just in the process of adjusting energy structure and improving energy efficiency. Because of its significant role in energy and environmental sustainable development, developing BCHP in China will help the country in optimizing energy proportion, increasing energy efficiency, and protecting environment. Therefore, BCHP technology will have broad prospects in China and it will promote the country's energy and environmental sustainable development.  相似文献   

锅炉洁净燃煤新方案--分离燃烧   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对我国工业锅炉热效率低,大气污染严重等状况,从能源利用、环境保护和资源开发并重的观点出发,提出洁净燃煤新技术——“分离燃烧”,为工业锅炉的技术改造探索了一条既节能又环保的新途径。  相似文献   

在橡胶的混炼、压延、挤出过程中,会产生大量烟汽,具有刺激性气味,对人体有着不同程度的危害;橡胶行业还是高耗能行业。因此改良橡胶软管配方设计可在很大程度上减少污染,节约能源。通过对橡胶软管内胶层配方设计的研究讨论,提出合理的设计建议,为节能环保方面打下良好基础。  相似文献   

Sustainable energy harvesting, such as solar energy, depends increasingly on nanotechnology components. This article will look briefly at the principles of photovoltaic units and elucidate the toxicological aspects of its principal components, namely fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. Through this approach, we address the rebound effect related to health adverse and environmental aspects which is a key issue to be solved when innovating in energy harvesting. The understanding of sustainability in this context is that the technology provides lasting improvement by bringing environmental compatibility along with technological agility, providing major reductions in both material and energy resource use and avoid negative impacts on our environment and health. With the rebound effect we understand the unintended emergence of negative environmental impacts resulting from intentions of improving environmental issues.Sustainable energy-harvesting, such as solar energy, depends increasingly on nanotechnology components. This article provides a brief overview of photovoltaic units and the toxicological aspects of their principal components, namely fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. It will then address the adverse, rebound effects on human health and the environment, the next key issue to be resolved within energy-harvesting innovation. Sustainability in this context, refers to the role of technology in providing lasting improvement through environmental compatibility combined with technological agility that enables major reductions in both material and energy resource use and minimizes negative impacts on health and the environment. The rebound effect, refers to the unintended emergence of negative environmental impacts as a result of remedial actions designed initially to improve the environment.These will be discussed in context with the two major classes of nanomaterials in consumer electronics: fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, which carry a series of properties that make them classifiable as hazardous materials.  相似文献   

Life-cycle assessment in the renewable energy sector   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Polish energy industry is facing challenges regarding energetic safety, competitiveness, improvement of domestic companies and environmental protection. Ecological guidelines concern the elimination of detrimental solutions, and effective energy management, which will form the basis for sustainable development. The Polish power industry is required to systematically increase the share of energy taken from renewable sources in the total energy sold to customers. Besides the economic issues, particular importance is assigned to environmental factors associated with the choice of energy source. That is where life-cycle assessment (LCA) is important. The main purpose of LCA is to identify the environmental impacts of goods and services during the whole life cycle of the product or service. Therefore LCA can be applied to assess the impact on the environment of electricity generation and will allow producers to make better decisions pertaining to environmental protection. The renewable energy sources analysed in this paper include the energy from photovoltaics, wind turbines and hydroelectric power. The goal and scope of the analysis comprise the assessment of environmental impacts of production of 1 GJ of energy from the sources mentioned above. The study will cover the construction, operation and waste disposal at each power plant. Analysis will cover the impact categories, where the environmental influence is the most significant, i.e. resource depletion, global warmth potential, acidification and eutrophication. The LCA results will be shown on the basis of European and Australian research. This analysis will be extended with a comparison between environmental impacts of energy from renewable and conventional sources. This report will conclude with an analysis of possibilities of application of the existing research results and LCA rules in the Polish energy industry with a focus on Poland's future accession to the European Union. Definitions of LCA fundamental concepts, its methodology and application are described in the ISO 14040-14049 series of standards. These standards have already been introduced in some countries, but in Poland they are still at the stage of translation into Polish. Nevertheless some companies in Poland try to assess how their products influence the environment and what are the possibilities of technology improvement in the existing production process reduce their environmental impact.  相似文献   

从减排、能源结构调整、环境保护角度分析核电在我国能源结构和我国科技体系中的定位及核电发展的必要性,根据我国运行核电厂的实际情况和自主设计的先进核电厂特性说明核电的安全性,同时根据运行核电厂放射性排放数据论述核电厂对环境和公众不造成任何有害的影响,并对核燃料循环、核废物对策和处理措施进行了论述。预测核电中长期发展情景,通过评估核电及配套核燃料产业能力,以及装备及相关行业发展情况,表明我国工业基础能够支撑核电的规模化发展;并反过来,核电将促进相关行业大发展,提高其技术水平,高科技含量,发展成高端产业,有利于我国经济转型。  相似文献   

Atmospheric environmental quality in China has been improving due to a variety of programs implemented by the Chinese government in recent decades. However, air pollution is still serious because of rapid socioeconomic development and increased energy consumption. Atmospheric environmental problems appear to be complex and regional in nature, and China's climate is aggravated by global climatic change. Air pollution originates from multiple sources and the effect on public human health will increase. The influence of acid rain in southern China will be long term, and the impact of climate change will rise. In order to reduce the adverse effects of air pollutants on the environment, the total number of emission sources from major industry, fine particle pollutants, SO2 emissions from power plants and the vehicle exhaust must be lowered and strictly controlled. The energy structure will affect the quality of the atmosphere for a long time. Increased energy efficiency, optimization of energy structure and the generation of a sustainable consumption and production patterns will provide opportunities to resolve regional and the global environmental problems.  相似文献   

墨西哥拥有丰富的页岩气资源,目前该国政府已通过了能源改革二次法案,油气对外开放力度加大。墨西哥国家石油公司在能源改革之前对页岩气的勘探有一定的投入,但限于资金和技术的缺乏,整体进展缓慢。当前墨西哥发展页岩气产业面临的主要问题包括财税政策与合同模式还有待于进一步完善,环境规制方案尚未出台,勘探开发面临水资源短缺、基础设施不足、生产设备缺乏等因素困扰,以及北方地区禁毒局势不明朗等。从长期来看,需求增长是驱动墨西哥页岩气产业发展的深层次因素,而能否吸引在美中小企业投资墨西哥事关发展大局。综合考虑资源分布、国内投资环境、管网建设与需求等各方面因素,墨西哥页岩气产业将表现出由南向北发展的特点,北方是发展重点,天然气出口导向政策是页岩气产业发展的必要条件。基于上述分析,外资企业在墨西哥投资页岩气产业,可以考虑采取早期介入、合作勘探以及争取有利合同条款、做好页岩气勘探开发后续产业链规划等策略。  相似文献   

Energy usage in Pakistan has increased rapidly in past few years due to increase in economic growth. Inadequate and inconsistent supply of energy has created pressure on the industrial and commercial sectors of Pakistan and has also affected environment. Demand has already exceeded supply and load shedding has become common phenomenon. Due to excessive consumption of energy resources it would become difficult to meet future energy demands. This necessitates proper management of existing and exploration of new energy resources. Energy resource management is highly dependent on the supply and demand pattern. This paper highlights the future demands, production and supply of energy produced from natural gas based on economic and environmental constraints in Pakistan with special emphasis on management of natural gas. An attempt has been made by proposing a suitable course of action to meet the rising gas demand. A mechanism has been proposed to evaluate Pakistan's future gas demand through quantitative analysis of base, worst and best/chosen option. CO2 emission for all cases has also been evaluated. The potential, constraints and possible solutions to develop alternative renewable energy resources in the country have also been discussed. This work will be fruitful for the decision makers responsible for energy planning of the country. This work is not only helpful for Pakistan but is equally important to other developing countries to manage their energy resources.  相似文献   

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