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中国提出“双碳”战略,推进可再生能源利用和供热电气化,降低电供热成本已成为迫切需求。本文提出了一种新型含相变储热的热泵供热系统。供热系统利用富余的可再生能源发电量或谷电储热,在可再生能源间歇期或峰电时段放热,实现热电解耦、削峰填谷,提高系统经济性。基于相变储热装置使用的灵活性,控制策略可根据可再生能源发电特性或分时电价时段动态调整。本研究测试以谷电为主要驱动能源的系统运行特性,分析不同储热时间和储热容量对系统经济性的影响,在青海高海拔地区进行供热实验。结果表明,含相变储热的热泵供热系统比热泵直接供热耗电量成本降低5.28%;储能容量为75 kWh时,通过调节控制策略改变储热时间可使系统能耗和运行成本分别降低5.69%、13.5%;增加储能容量至150 kWh可调节峰谷电用量,谷电占比最高可达84.52%,运行成本可再降低10.04%。含相变储热的热泵供热系统具有良好的经济效益,合理利用其热电解耦特性可助力可再生能源消纳和电网稳定运行。  相似文献   

低品位热能浪费现象较为常见,通过一定技术手段对废热资源加以合理利用,即可实现节能降耗,又能减少对环境的热排放及污染。以某热电厂350MW供热机组基于新型余热回用型凝汽器,最大限度地回用余热为例进行了经济性分析。通过对热泵选型及余热回用系统的确定,由等效焓降理论,对热经济性进行了计算。比较了两种供热系统的(热网加热器、热泵+热网加热器)经济性及供热能力。结果表明:热泵+热网加热器方案不仅节能,投资回收年限短,经济性好,而且环保,减少了CO_2、SO_2的排放量。为有供暖负荷的电厂改造提供了参考。  相似文献   

高能耗企业生产过程中伴生的低品位热能,在供应与需求之间存在时空不匹配的矛盾,难以通过传统管道输送的模式加以利用。而移动式储热供热技术将能量收集、能量存储与输送以及能量供给有机结合,摒弃了管道输送的诸多弊端。详细分析了移动储热供热技术的国内外基础研究现状以及工程应用现状,并在此基础上,归纳了移动储热供热技术所面临的问题;之后提出一套移动式余热能模块化存储利用方案,并针对该方案的应用模式、经济性等问题进行详细阐述;最后展望了移动储热供热技术的市场前景与产业化。  相似文献   

可再生能源受天气、地域、季节限制,具有间歇性和不稳定性属性,从而导致供需不匹配,跨季节储热是解决上述问题的有效方法.然而,传统地下跨季节储热具有储热方式单一、热量损失大等缺点,本文将水箱储热和地埋管储热相结合,组成新型跨季节复合储热系统.建立并通过实验验证了复合储热系统模型,在此基础上,分析了储/释热质量流量、储热体模匹配、地埋管数量和层间距以及土壤热导率等参数对储热体温度、储/释热量、储/释热功率和热量损失等的影响规律.结果表明,随着储/释热质量流量的增加,系统效率也逐渐增加;储热体规模匹配α值增加,系统效率随之上升,但水箱体积占比的提高,会导致热量损失增大,故储热体规模匹配需综合考虑,既要能达到较高的系统效率,获得较大的储/释热功率,又需尽量减少投资成本,同时降低热量损失;提高地埋管数量,有利于增加储/释热量,提升系统效率;地埋管层间距的增大,增加了储热体土壤体积,从而降低了储热温度,不利于释热的进行,导致系统效率降低;土壤热导率的增加,强化了土壤间热量传递,地埋管储热功率增加,储热峰值温度也因此提高,然而热量散失也加快,释热功率显著降低,导致系统效率下降.  相似文献   

太阳能跨季节储热供热系统试验分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了一种太阳能-土壤源热泵联合供热系统,对其运行试验数据进行了分析,并对其运行能效比与两种单独由土壤源热泵供热的模式进行了比较。土壤温度的变化不仅与取热速率有关,还与地温的自动恢复能力相关。该试验建筑所在的土壤条件下地温的恢复能力为30~40MJ/d。采用太阳能-土壤源热泵联合系统能效比最高,土壤源热泵单机组双供系统次之,而土壤源热泵单机组单供系统能效比最低。太阳能跨季节储热及土壤源热泵联合供热系统适用于热负荷远大于冷负荷的建筑。  相似文献   

以太阳能光热采暖系统的集热面积与储热水箱体积的匹配为研究对象,搭建基于小时级热量流动的太阳能采暖系统模型。基于此模型,对集热面积和储热体积匹配关系对系统运行效率、经济性及安全性的综合影响进行讨论。并以一个典型算例为例,结合经济性分析方法,给出太阳能采暖系统最优集热面积和水箱体积的设计流程。研究表明:单位集热面积匹配储热体积的最优值并非是一个定值,而是与系统的总集热面积有很强的相关性。系统集热面积越大,单位集热面积对应的最优储热体积越大。相应地,系统的热损失也越大,单位集热面积的有效供热量越小。因此,需要从集热量与热损失2个方面综合权衡系统规模,并合理匹配储热体积,以保证系统运行的经济性和安全性。  相似文献   

在移动式余热利用实验系统基础上,对移动式余热利用系统的实际应用规模进行了成本和收益估算。通过两项经济性指标(净现值和投资回收期)进行了系统经济性的分析研究,并结合蓄热器充热时间、热源距离、余热价格等因素进行了项目的敏感性分析。结果表明,对于案例中的移动式余热利用项目,当余热成本发生变化时折现率取7%、10%、12%和15%时,对应项目在系统运行年限内的净现值大于零。根据余热成本的不同,在4种折现率情况下最长的投资回收期分别为13 a、9 a、11 a和15 a。上述经济性指标表明案例中的移动式余热利用项目从经济性上考虑是可行的。蓄热器充热时间和热源距离对项目经济性的影响程度基本相同,均大于余热价格对项目经济性的影响。该经济性研究为移动式余热利用项目的决策提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

文中介绍了直膨式跨临界CO2热泵的工作原理,通过分析CO2制冷剂的换热特性、对比不同工况下CO2与传统工质热泵的性能来验证直膨式跨临界CO2热泵用于地板辐射采暖的可行性,并对不同负荷下的供热调节方式进行了计算分析。结果表明:直膨式跨临界CO2热泵地板辐射采暖在系统COPh、运行稳定性、经济性等方面都优于传统工质热泵,并且适宜用于室外温度较低的地区冬季采暖。  相似文献   

针对太阳能跨季节储热系统中存在控制复杂、电耗较高等问题,文章设计一种光伏直驱的太阳能跨季节储热系统,并搭建试验平台,探究不同工况下系统电、热性能。结果表明,光伏直驱的太阳能跨季节储热系统运行无需控制系统及市电消耗,光伏电池通过影响水泵输入功率来控制系统流量,系统在2.45 m^(2)光伏电池驱动下,于辐照度420 W/m^(2)时启动。辐照度小于750 W/m^(2)时,流量变化趋势与辐照度变化趋势相同;大于750 W/m^(2)时,流量趋近稳定。该系统晴天与多云天太阳能储热率分别为35.68%和29.12%,较温差控制式系统分别高6.56%和7.29%,光伏利用效率分别为78.60%和86.01%。集热/储热流量比的变化对系统性能影响较小,应关注水泵启停辐照度的合理优化设计及蓄电池等储能装置的加入。  相似文献   

以新疆乌鲁木齐某区域供热为例,对新疆地区区域供热方式进行研究,给出了包括太阳能跨季蓄热在内的4种区域供热方式。并将4种方式进行初步的能效和经济性分析和比较,得出太阳能跨季蓄热与燃气锅炉组合供热方式能效和经济性较优的结论。  相似文献   

针对目前刺参养殖的水温调控系统能耗大及适用性差等问题,提出基于冰源热泵的高效清洁供热及结合跨季节蓄冷实现全年冷热管理的技术思路,采用冰源热泵系统和跨季节蓄冷型冰源热泵系统对养殖水体温度进行调控,建立模型定量对比分析系统的运行能效及技术经济性。结果表明:(1)冰源热泵系统供热和供冷时的性能系数分别为3.33和3.39,全年一次能源利用率为1.05,比燃煤锅炉+冷水机组系统高出34.6%;费用年值最低,投资回收期为3 ~ 5年,具有良好的经济效益和应用前景。(2)跨季节蓄冷型冰源热泵系统全年一次能源利用率为1.46,比冰源热泵系统高39.1%,全年运行费用最低;跨季节蓄冷技术的应用有效提升了系统能效,大幅减少供冷运行费用,具有较大发展潜力。  相似文献   

In this paper, performance of three types of district heating/cooling and hot water supply system with natural and unused energy utilization were examined by using system simulation. An area zoned for both commercial and residential buildings was chosen for this study. The first system is the conventional system in which an electric driven turbo chiller and a gas-fired boiler are installed as the heat source. This is considered as the reference system. Two alternative systems utilize waste heat from space cooling and heating. One is designed based on short-term heat recovery and the other employs the concept of an annual cycle energy system (i.e. seasonal heat recovery). All of the three systems use solar thermal energy for hot water supply to the residential zone. The index for evaluation is the coefficient of performance of the overall system, based on primary energy. As a result, it was found that the seasonal storage system could decrease the energy consumption by about 26% and the short-term heat recovery system could decrease it by about 16% compared with the reference system. In designing the heat recovery system, a balance of cooling/heating demand is an important factor. Therefore a sensitivity analysis of performance of the overall system and the seasonal thermal storage for several load patterns was performed. From these results, it was found that if the amount of heating/cooling demand were well balanced, an improvement of energy performance could be achieved and the utilization factor of the seasonal tank would become higher. Furthermore, the volume of the seasonal storage tank could be reduced.  相似文献   

电制热固体储热系统对可再生能源消纳、能源清洁化利用具有重要意义。电制热固体储热装置的关键参数设计以及经济性分析是提高经济效益的重要手段。因此,本文提出了电制热固体储热装置投资运行费用计算方法。通过对比不同供暖方式所需费用分析了电制热固体储热装置的经济性。同时研究了谷电利用系数对电制热固体储热装置经济性的影响。最后,采用案例分析验证本文所提经济性评估方法的合理性与正确性。本文的研究内容为用户对电制热固体储热装置的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

R. Yumruta  M. Ünsal 《Energy》2000,25(12):1508
Annual periodic performance of a solar assisted ground-coupled heat pump space heating system with seasonal energy storage in a hemispherical surface tank is investigated using analytical and computational methods. The system investigated employs solar energy collection and dumping into a seasonal surface tank throughout the whole year with extraction of thermal energy from the tank for space heating during the winter season. A computational model is presented in this study for the prediction of the annual periodic transient behaviour of the system under investigation. The present computational model is based on a hybrid analytical–numerical procedure which facilitates determination of the annual variation of water temperature in the surface tank, the amounts of solar thermal energy collected during each month and the annual periodic performance of the solar aided space heating system.  相似文献   

The optimization of a district solar heating system with an electric-driven heat pump and seasonal heat storage is discussed. The optimization process comprises thermal, economic and system control analyses. Thermal and economic optima have been derived for collector area and storage volume simultaneously. The effects of different collector types and building loads are also investigated. Summertime charging of the storage by off-peak electricity has been applied to avoid severe peaking of auxiliary in the winter and to reduce the yearly energy cost. The thermal co-storage of electric energy is emphasized with systems which fail to supply heat for the heat pump during the winter heating season.‡ It has been found that system cost-effectiveness is only slightly affected as storage volume is increased beyond the optimum size. Large variations in the optima for different system configurations were found. The minimum cost of heat supplied in an optimal 500-unit community with 90% solar fraction was estimated at 8.9 ¢ kWh−1.  相似文献   

Seasonal energy storage is an important component to cope with the challenges resulting from fluctuating renewable energy sources and the corresponding mismatch of energy demand and supply. The storage of heat via medium deep borehole heat exchangers is a new approach in the field of Borehole Thermal Energy Storage. In contrast to conventional borehole storages, fewer, but deeper borehole heat exchangers tap into the subsurface, which serves as the storage medium. As a result, the thermal impact on shallow aquifers is strongly reduced mitigating negative effects on the drinking water quality. Furthermore, less surface area is required. However, there are no operational experiences, as the concept has not been put into practice so far. In this study, more than 250 different numerical storage models are compared. The influence of the characteristic design parameters on the storage system's behaviour and performance is analysed by variation of parameters like borefield layout, fluid inlet temperatures and properties of the reservoir rocks. The results indicate that especially larger systems have a high potential for efficient seasonal heat storage. Several GWh of thermal energy can be stored during summertime and extracted during the heating period with a high recovery rate of up to 83%. Medium deep borehole heat exchanger arrays are suitable thermal storages for fluctuating renewable energy sources and waste heat from industrial processes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为分析相变蓄热装置在充热和放热过程中的热性能,设计并搭建一套相变蓄热供热装置中试实验系统,研究主要运行参数对相变蓄热装置热性能的影响;在此基础上,结合项目案例,对相变蓄热供热系统经济性进行分析。结果表明:相变材料(Phase Change Material, PCM)凝固过程中的传热主要受相变介质内部导热控制;而在其熔化过程中自然对流对传热起重要控制作用;蓄热装置充热速率快于放热速率。提高传热流体流量有助于增强PCM中的热传递,缩短充/放热时间,但蓄热装置内PCM温度分布均匀性有所降低;为降低系统能耗,提高储放热效率,优先选用小流量进行充/放热。该相变蓄热供热项目的动态投资回收期为3.55年,具有良好的经济性。研究结果可对相变蓄热供热系统的设计及应用推广提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Design of a seasonal thermal energy storage in the ground   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M. Reuss  M. Beck  J. P. Müller 《Solar Energy》1997,59(4-6):247-257
Longterm storage of high quantities of thermal energy is one of the key problems for a widespread and successful implementation of solar district heating and for more efficient use of conventional energy sources. Seasonal storage in the ground in the temperature range of up to 90°C seems to be favourable from a technical and economical point of view. Preferably duct systems with vertical heat exchangers can be built in areas without ground water or low flow velocity compared with the geometry of the store and the storage period.

The thermal performance of such systems is influenced by the heat and moisture movement in the area surrounding the heat exchangers. Thermal conductivity and heat capacity are strongly dependent on the water content. This combined heat and moisture transport was simulated on the computer for temperatures up to 90°C. This model calculates the effective heat transfer coefficient and the heat capacity of the soil depending on water content, mineral composition, dry bulk density and shape of soil components. The computer simulation was validated by a number of laboratory and field experiments.

Based on this theoretical work a pilot plant was designed for seasonal storage of industrial waste heat. A heat and power cogeneration unit (174 kWth) delivers waste heat during summer to the ground storage of about 15 000 m3 with 140 vertical heat exchangers of 30 m depth. About 418 MWh/a will be charged into the ground at a temperature level of 80°C, about 266 MWh/a should be extracted at temperatures between 40°C and 70°C and delivered directly to the space heating system. With this design an economic calculation gave energy prices of 39 US$/MWh which is of the same order as conventional energy prices.  相似文献   

Packed bed thermal energy storage (TES) systems have been identified in the last years as one of the most promising TES alternatives in terms of thermal efficiency and economic viability. The relative simplicity of this storage concept opens an important opportunity to its implementation in many environments, from the renewable solar‐thermal frame to the industrial waste heat recovery. In addition, its implicit flexibility allows the use of a wide variety of solid materials and heat transfer fluids, which leads to its deployment in very different applications. Its potential to overcome current heat storage system limitations regarding suitable temperature ranges or storage capacities has also been pointed out. However, the full implementation of the packed bed storage concept is still incomplete since no industrial scale units are under operation. The main underlying reasons are associated to the lack of a complete extraction of the full potential of this storage technology, derived from a successful system optimization in terms of material selection, design, and thermal management. These points have been evidenced as critical in order to attain high thermal efficiency values, comparable to the state‐of‐the‐art storage technologies, with improved technoeconomic performance. In order to bring this storage technology to a more mature status, closer to a successful industrial deployment, this paper proposes a double approach. First, a low‐cost by‐product material with high thermal performance is used as heat storage material in the packed bed. Second, a complete energetic and efficiency analysis of the storage system is introduced as a function of the thermal operation. Overall, the impact of both the selected storage material and the different thermal operation strategies is discussed by means of a thermal model which permits a careful discussion about the implications of each TES deployment strategy and the underlying governing mechanisms. The results show the paramount importance of the selected operation method, able to increase the resulting cycle and material usage efficiency up to values comparable to standard currently used TES solutions.  相似文献   

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