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木醋液的精制方法及其在农林生产上的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
木醋液的性能越来越受到人们的重视,逐渐成为人们研究的热点.文章概述了木醋液精制方法的种类、原理和现状,并对其在农林生产上的应用作了详细的介绍,对木醋液的研究提出了相应的见解.  相似文献   

1341材料在循环水泵上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对热电厂发电机的三台循环水泵的运行状况进行了分析,并用BELZONA1341材料对水泵叶轮的表面进行了处理,减少了叶轮表面与水流的阻力和涡流的产生,降低了电机的有功电流,节约了电能,并且延长设备的寿命,效果十分明显.  相似文献   

太阳能LED杀虫灯的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太阳能光伏和LED照明技术是最有前景的无公害灭虫技术之一.为了开发低成本的无公害灭虫技术,设计了一种太阳能光伏LED杀虫灯系统.通过试验研究,取得了一定的效果.文章简述了害虫的趋光性、LED灯的光学特性和基于LED的杀虫技术.  相似文献   

<正>连日来的严重雾霾使我们又成为了关注的焦点。每个人都希望拥有蔚蓝的天空、清新的空气……尽管国家和各地都做出了很大的努力,但现实却事与愿违,没有回报我们期待的结果。良好的环境成为了我们不停追逐、但依然遥不可及的目标。蓝天、白云、洁净的空气,我们何时才能拥有?卡夫卡的《法律之门》中的主人公与我们的近况颇为相像。一个人非常  相似文献   

蒸汽是现代工业的血液.每年,不论是在食品饮料行业、制药、化工、电子、纸浆和造纸行业,这些都需要用到蒸汽.世界各地的消费者都受益于蒸汽,因为许多吃的、喝的、穿的、用的东西是用洁净的、无色、无味、无毒的蒸汽生产的.  相似文献   

通过河南省试点情况,探讨了目前影响SDBF在农村规模化经营的障碍(主要包括资金、管理、政策、信息传播等方面的障碍),提出了相应的对策,认为推广此项技术主要应从以下方面着手,一是根据当地的实际情况制定出合理的经营模式;二是政府相关职能部门应制定相应的规章制度并营造积极的政策环境.文章着重探讨了以上几个方面的内容,为SDBF技术的在我国的进一步发展提供了一些可借鉴的资料,具有一定的理论意义和实际意义.  相似文献   

常规能源的有限性和环境污染性两大弱点已经对人类社会可持续发展产生了巨大的威胁,从根本上解决这一问题的方法就是新能源的开发利用.氢能源具有清洁、数量大的特点,同时,氢的化学能利用技术简单,是未来很有希望替代常规能源的新能源.本文介绍了氢能源利用的基本方法和目前状况,论述了氢能源的环保性和充足性,指出氢能源利用技术开发对社会可持续发展的重要意义.  相似文献   

北方农村"四位一体"模式调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"四位一体"模式的推广运用促进了农村社会、经济的发展和能源、生态环境状况的改善.通过对北方典型农村的调查,发现"四位一体"的迅速推广在创造为人熟知的效益同时,仍然存在制约该模式持续健康发展的诸多问题,主要表现在:沼气池配套服务技术缺乏,农户自身管理水平落后,农(畜)产品的生产、销售,居住模式和猪舍卫生,劳动力的竞争以及土地资源、投资、信贷、基础设施等方面问题.文章并就存在的问题提出了适当的对策.  相似文献   

介绍了当代生态建材与绿色建筑的关系,建材工业在国民经济中处于重要的基础产业,当今的建材又是天然资源消耗最多,对大气污染最为严重的行业之一.随着全球范围的经济加速,大量高层的不断涌现,可持续发展成为世界上许多国家的发展战略,专家们提出"绿色建筑"的概念.因此,对生态建材与绿色建筑进行阐述.  相似文献   

只有提升管反应器系统各部位协调运行,保证催化裂化装置提升管反应器从进料段到旋流头(VQS)出口4秒的时间内,催化剂与原料以理想的状态进行接触,才能实现我们都希望的装置有高的总液体收率,液化气中含有高的烯烃,产品汽油有高的辛烷值和低的烯烃含量等为企业多创造市场承认的高价值产品.  相似文献   

Trigeneration is defined as the production of three useful forms of energy—heat, cold and power—from a primary source of energy such as natural gas or oil. For instance, trigeneration systems typically produce electrical power via a reciprocating engine or gas turbine and recover a large percentage of the heat energy retained in the lubricating oil, exhaust gas and coolant water systems to maximize the utilization of the primary fuel. The heat produced can be totally or partially used to fuel absorption refrigerators. Therefore, trigeneration systems enjoy an inherently high efficiency and have the potential to significantly reduce the energy-related operation costs of facilities. In this paper, we describe a model of characterization of trigeneration systems trough the condition of primary energy saving and the quality index, compared to the separate production of heat, cold and power. The study highlights the importance of the choice of the separate production reference system on the level of primary energy saving and emissions reduction.  相似文献   

马乔林 《柴油机》1998,(2):9-11,37
本文根据国内外信息和资料,分析了我国目前车用柴油机制造技术方面与国际水平所存在的差距,预测今后若千年内车用柴油机要向节能降耗、应用增压技术、提高可靠性、降低排放、采用电控技术方面发展,以尽快接近和赶上国际先进水平.  相似文献   

The accomplishments of the Wood Feedstock Quality activity of Task V of the International Energy Agency's Bioenergy Agreement are described. Areas investigated included energy products and co-products from woody biomass; effects of harvesting, processing and storage on feedstock quality; the effect of feedstock quality on the efficiency of biomass conversion; the potential for biological improvement; the need for standardization of feedstock qualities; and the need for clonal characterization.  相似文献   

The approach of using hydrogen for an energy store to offset seasonal variations in solar energy is one very much at the periphery of current renewable energy system design. Nonetheless, its inherent advantages for long term storage in stand alone power systems warrant further detailed investigation. This paper provides a comparative overview of the very disparate technologies within two generic approaches to achieving this goal. These are: photovoltaic (PV) powered electrolysis of water and direct photoelectrolytic (PE) generation of hydrogen from water. Comparison of these is difficult, however, the paper compares devices of similar material system and structure within each generic scheme. PV/electrolysis is the more mature technology but there is still a wide range of potential ‘solar to hydrogen’ efficiencies. A figure of about 9% is estimated for comparison, with justification given. The comparative figure for PE is more difficult to judge because of even more disparate approaches to specific problems of sufficient photovoltage and stability, but an approximate comparative figure of 5% is estimated. Thus making PV/electrolysis more appropriate at present. Nonetheless, inherent advantages of simplicity of system design and potential robustness mean that PE may become more appropriate as the technology develops.  相似文献   

The results of the calorimetric studies of thermal dissociation of titanium, zirconium, magnesium, and palladium hydrides performed in recent years are presented. The multiplet character of thermal dissociation characteristic of all these hydrides is shown. A good correlation between the course of differential scanning calorimetry curves and the results of thermogravimetry has been demonstrated.The discrete nature of the decomposition processes is established. A sequence of mechanisms occurring during the heating of transition metal dihydrides in a medium with a low partial pressure of hydrogen has been proposed: rearrangement in the hydride phase; destruction of metal - hydrogen bonds to form a solid solution supersaturated with hydrogen; diffusion of hydrogen to the interface of solid phase - environment; molization of hydrogen at the exit from the solid phase.  相似文献   

The recent articulation of the thermodynamic mass-enthalpy equation on the basis of natural law was generalized and found to be compatible with observed wave-particle duality. Original causal derivations of premiere energy equations were obtained in a compact, interlocked manner, an energy ecology, which unifies historically disjointed physical concepts. The popular perception of the vacuo velocity of light was demoted to subconsequence status as a manifestation of the universal constant velocity found by extracting the square root of the universal proportionality constant between enthalpy and mass, the natural registry of which is given by the thermodynamic equivalence statement. All relationships with explicit vacuo light velocity connotations are affected. In particular, the classic formulae of Einstein, Planck, De Broglie and Compton are too. For the first time, an unambiguous natural law based method for performing absolute and coordinated mass and enthalpy balances is described. The methodology reveals the general presence of unexpected mass and enthalpy shortfalls in well studied systems wholly consistent with the existence of a novel fundamental particle. Dubbed the Avogadron, it has properties beyond and can function as both a companion to and a constituent of the entire inventory of known particles. As such, it represents a supraparticle, the first discovered, which appears to be the ultimate parcel of energy and matter with a universal presence in all processes and conversions. A sampling of the Avogadron's importance and applications is presented. The overall study revealed an enormous run of energy reliability conundrums which affect current science, technology and general practice. Popular expositions of thermodynamic law are shown to be misleading and prone to error. The fields of nuclear energy, medicine, genetics and weights and measures seem to be critically impacted. An international program for establishing definitive hierarchical energy codes, re-educating and re-qualifying personnel, conducting in-depth reliability assessments and implementing indicted correctives constitutes an immediate and dire imperative.  相似文献   

论述了内燃机制造企业内四大物流的状态及相互之间的关系,提出了整合企业内部物流的设想,并在信息化技术引领和支撑下,使企业四大物流分割管理的现实改变为集中统一归口管理的模式,充分发挥物流的整体规模效应优势,凸现物流增值服务的价值,从而提升企业的综合竞争能力。  相似文献   

As part of a pilot study investigating the role of microorganisms in the immobilisation of As, Sb, B, Tl and Hg, the inorganic geochemistry of seven different active sinter deposits and their contact fluids were characterised. A comprehensive series of sequential extractions for a suite of trace elements was carried out on siliceous sinter and a mixed silica-carbonate sinter. The extractions showed whether metals were loosely exchangeable or bound to carbonate, oxide, organic or crystalline fractions. Hyperthermophilic microbial communities associated with sinters deposited from high temperature (92–94°C) fluids at a variety of geothermal sources were investigated using SEM. The rapidity and style of silicification of the hyperthermophiles can be correlated with the dissolved silica content of the fluid. Although high concentrations of Hg and Tl were found associated with the organic fraction of the sinters, there was no evidence to suggest that any of the heavy metals were associated preferentially with the hyperthermophiles at the high temperature (92–94°C) ends of the terrestrial thermal spring ecosystems studied.  相似文献   

The article gives the main results of scientific and educational activities of a prominent and well-known scientist in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement, hydrogen energy, development of methods and technologies for the use of renewable energy sources, environmentally efficient projects, head of the Department of Nuclear Power Plants and Renewable Energy Sources of Ural Federal University (UrFU), Honored Power Engineer of Russia, Full Member of the International Energy Academy, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor Sergei Shcheklein. It is shown the achievements of the Ural Scientific and Methodological School in this area of knowledge, as well as the history of the creation of the first in Russia Department of Energy Saving at UrFU, the Center for the Training and Certification of Specialists in the Field of Energy Saving, the Regional Educational and Methodological Center for Energy Saving. The results of the work of the Interuniversity Coordination Council on Energy Saving in educational institutions of the Ural Region under the Regional Energy Commission of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region on the implementation of the Energy Saving Program of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 1999–2005 are described. The article expounds twenty years of experience in organizing and holding all-Russian, and recently – international student olympiads, youth scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions of scientific and technical creativity of students, graduate students and young scientists on energy and resource saving, renewable energy sources and nuclear energy. We have presented some results of scientific research of the laboratory “Eurasian Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Saving”, created and operated under the guidance of prof. Sergei Shcheklein and described briefly the textbooks published in recent years in the field of hydrogen energy, on the safe use of nuclear energy at modern and promising nuclear power plants, the development of a methodology for calculating complex energy systems based on the use of renewable energy sources, the classification of renewable energy clusters, performed in collaboration and under the guidance of prof. Sergei Shcheklein. Moreover, references to the main federal and regional regulatory documents, scientific publications and educational publications related to the scientist's many years of work in this area, scientometric indicators are given.  相似文献   

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