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太阳能集热与建筑结合的被动式太阳房技术,不需机械设备、不需消耗燃料动力;被动式太阳房的集热部件与房屋结构合而为一体,成为围护结构的一部分。既可达到利用太阳能的目的,又可作为房屋总体结构中的一个组成部分而发挥它的多功能作用。因此在国内外有相当数量的推广应用。在我国三北地区建设的被动式太阳房已有数千万平米,主要推广在北方地区农村的农家住宅、学校教室、  相似文献   

敖永安  敖永华 《新能源》2000,22(12):41-44
介绍了一种用蓄热材料建成的南向集热蓄热被动式太阳房结构和和特性,利用平板式空气太阳能集热器的特性方程分析,得出了室内温度分布的瞬态方程,并分析了该太阳房在沈阳地区24h室温及室内壁温的平均波动,根据计算,该太阳房比传统房节能96%。  相似文献   

本文对被动式采暖太阳房直接受益集热窗的太阳得热及失热量进行了分析计算,定义和确定了对应于某一条件下窗的临界传热系数和有效传热系数,并决定了窗对房屋所起的热作用。理论分析和实验结果一致。  相似文献   

孟长再  巴特尔  马广兴 《节能技术》2003,21(1):12-14,17
本文以稳态传热理论为基础,推导建立了内蒙古组合式被动太阳房中二种常用集热部件的效率计算公式。据此,进而通过一算例着重阐述了用集热部件效率η进行组合式被动太阳房热工计算的一种简易方法。  相似文献   

活动式集热墙巴特尔,李智经太阳房集热邀在设计时应优化计算确定各项技术乡沙,以最佳配比获得理想热效串,通过操作灵活提高使用率,采取技术革新成少故障轧据考察,多年来自下集热槽的下述两个难困一直困扰着人们。1.上下风口相距太近,影响热效率。在同等条件下,冷...  相似文献   

针对目前被动式太阳房普遍存在的夏季室内过热现象,提出一种浅层地热能联合太阳能集热墙系统。并在石河子地区对采用该系统的被动式太阳房进行试验测试,对比分析3种通风模式和3种通风时间的降温效果。试验结果表明:采用浅层地热能联合太阳能集热墙系统的通风模式C3的室内平均温湿度明显优于其他模式,平均温度降低了2.64℃;通风时间为12 h的C5模式,其被动降温效果优于其他两种模式,且随着通风时间的延长,被动降温效果出现下降的趋势。  相似文献   

被动式太阳房的基本原理在于尽可能多的通过集热窗获得太阳辐射热,同时尽可能少的通过围护结构减少热损失。因此,集热窗的面积和围护结构的热工性能是直接关系到太阳房效果的关键问题,必须认真研究,慎重对待。增大集热窗面积,既增加了得热量,同时也增加了耗热量,其综合效果应进行具体分析。窗和墙的面积之和是一定的,增大集热窗面积,墙的面积必然相应减小,这直接关系到太阳房的效益。在室内外温差1℃,增加1m~2集热窗所获得的增益为  相似文献   

寒冷地区被动太阳房集热墙   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王恒一 《太阳能》2005,(2):21-23
一概述 随着各国工业的发展,人民生活的提高,能源的紧张,石油的涨价,对太阳能的利用,愈来愈引起人们的重视。据不完全统计,世界上已建成各种太阳房50多万栋,多数是被动式太阳房,实践证明,被动太阳房结构简单,造价低廉,节能效果显著,有利于环保。美国于1980年就编制出版了完整的被动式太阳房设计手册,日本于1974年就制定了“阳光计划”,近年来太阳房也有新的进展。  相似文献   

文中给出了三维立体式太阳热水器,并由实验证明了三维立体式太阳热水器的热效率高于平板型太阳热水器,同时给出了在不同纬度地区的集热盲区的计算方法。要提高热效率,必须避开集热盲区。  相似文献   

通过对槽式太阳能集热器结构及能量转换过程特性的研究,建立了基于多热容变物性的集热器动态仿真模型,并由LS-2型槽式集热器实验数据进行了验证.在仿真平台上结合泵、阀门等模型组建起集热系统仿真模型,并根据SEGS-VI的电站实际运行数据进行了对比验证.在此基础上,分析研究了系统的集热效率和所消耗总泵功随太阳辐照量及导热油流速的变化,得到了不同工况下集热系统的最优折合效率、导热油最佳流速和单支路最优长度.结果表明:在相同的导热油进、出口温度下,太阳辐照量越大,集热系统最优折合效率越高,当太阳辐照量从500 W/m2升至1 000W/m2时,导热油最佳流速从2m/s变化到3m/s;在同一太阳辐照量下,系统最优折合效率随导热油工作温度的升高而降低.  相似文献   

Through the development of highly efficient transparent insulation materials (TIM), new opportunities are appearing in the field of daylighting and passive solar space heating. The simulation program WANDSIM, developed at the Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (ISE), models the dynamic performance of three important elements for daylighting and passive solar space heating: window glazing; transparently insulated masonry; transparently insulated glass wall. Selected simulation results of each type are represented and compared under thermal and daylighting aspects. The advantages of the transparently insulated glass wall, a new combined passive space heating and daylighting system, in economy and comfort are verified.  相似文献   

By proper passive design concepts which essentially consist of collection, storage, distribution, and control of thermal energy flow, an energy saving of 2.35% of the world energy output is possible. The basic methods of heating and cooling of buildings are solar radiation, outgoing longwave radiation, water evaporation, and nocturnal radiation cooling. A Trombe-Michel wall consists of a large concrete mass, exposed to sunlight through large, south-facing windows; it is used for heating buildings. Solar absorption cooling and solar dehumidification and evaporative cooling are two approaches that utilize solar energy for the generation of the working fluid and the cooling of dwellings. Outgoing longwave radiation is the most practical way of cooling buildings in desert climates and is effective on roof surfaces, emitting the radiations from the surface of earth to the atmosphere and to outer space. Water evaporation in desert coolers is the usual method of cooling in arid regions. Nocturnal radiation both heats in winter and cools in summer, in suitable climates, and does so with no nonrenewable energy other than a negligible amount required to move the insulation twice a day. The study of 24 different locations in Libya divides the country into regions with distinct passive strategies. The northern region and the Mediterranean coast need passive heating. The buildings in this region should restrict conductive heat flow, prevent infiltration and promote solar heat gains. The southern region, a part of the Sahara desert, needs passive cooling. The buildings in this region need high thermal mass and should promote natural ventilation, restrict solar heat gains and encourage evaporative and radiant cooling. The difficulties encountered in passive solar design are the large exposed area required with suitable orientation for the collection of energy and the large space requirement for the storage of thermal energy. This paper reviews these passive systems and discusses suitable strategies to be adopted for Libya.  相似文献   

S.S. Chandel  R.K. Aggarwal   《Renewable Energy》2008,33(10):2166-2173
Under the Passive Solar Building Programme, more than 100 buildings have been constructed in the high altitude region of the Indian State of Himachal Pradesh. A policy decision has been taken by the State that all government/semi-government buildings are to be designed and constructed as per passive solar housing technology. The evaluation studies of some of these buildings have been carried out by our group. In the present study, the thermal performance of a passive solar bank building at Shimla, has been evaluated. This solar building incorporates a heat-collecting wall and a roof-top solar air heater with an electric heating backup, sunspaces and double-glazed windows. The monitoring of the building shows that the solar passive features in the building results in comfortable living conditions. The study shows that the high cost central electric/gas/wood-fired heating systems can be replaced by a low cost solar heating system with backup heaters. This will result not only in reducing higher installation costs of these systems but also the annual running and maintenance costs. It is shown that the solar passive features save electricity required for space heating and reduce the heat losses in the building by about 35%. The strategy to be followed for the propagation of passive solar technology on large scale in this Himalayan State or in any other cold hilly region is also presented.  相似文献   

Although Tunisian winters are mild compared with northern regions, there are heating requirements; their limited level suggests that passive solar energy would probably be able to meet them. However, the summer is hot enough, and one may wonder whether a solar design oriented toward the cold season would not induce severe overheating. Numerous studies have dealt with the heating performance of passive solar elements, but very little has been done to analyze their behavior in hot climatic conditions. The National School for Engineers of Tunis has built a passive solar pavilion which has been carefully instrumented. Special care has been devoted to the summer behavior of the pavilion. In this paper we describe some of the actions taken to prevent overheating, and we investigate their efficacy both by analysis of recorded measurements and by simulation. It is found that night ventilation is the most responsible action in decreasing room temperature, and that Trombe wall screening is more efficient than operating the walls as a solar chimney; overhangs are of valuable aid, and shuttering of the direct gain element also helps against overheating. The high thermal capacity results in a very stable room temperature, and plays an essential role for cooling when coupled with night ventilation. Finally, it is found that if appropriate action is taken in the hot season, a house equipped with passive solar heating elements can reach a very acceptable level of comfort in summer time.  相似文献   

相变墙体应用于轻钢结构太阳房的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了轻质相变墙体的制备和热工性能分析,详细介绍了在西宁地区某轻钢结构被动式太阳房中的工程设计及应用情况,通过在无采暖设备情况下进行了室内环境温度的测试,评价采用轻质相变墙体的轻钢结构建筑作为被动式太阳房设计和使用的实验效果。实验结果显示轻质相变墙体应用于轻钢结构试验房,增大了建筑的蓄热能力和热惰性指标值,能有效对太阳热能进行储放,与普通轻钢结构试验房相比较,显著改善夜间室内热环境。  相似文献   

This paper is the first of two papers that describe the modeling, design, and performance assessment based on monitored data of a building-integrated photovoltaic-thermal (BIPV/T) system thermally coupled with a ventilated concrete slab (VCS) in a prefabricated, two-storey detached, low energy solar house. This house, with a design goal of near net-zero annual energy consumption, was constructed in 2007 in Eastman, Québec, Canada - a cold climate area. Several novel solar technologies are integrated into the house and with passive solar design to reach this goal. An air-based open-loop BIPV/T system produces electricity and collects heat simultaneously. Building-integrated thermal mass is utilized both in passive and active forms. Distributed thermal mass in the direct gain area and relatively large south facing triple-glazed windows (about 9% of floor area) are employed to collect and store passive solar gains. An active thermal energy storage system (TES) stores part of the collected thermal energy from the BIPV/T system, thus reducing the energy consumption of the house ground source heat pump heating system. This paper focuses on the BIPV/T system and the integrated energy concept of the house. Monitored data indicate that the BIPV/T system has a typical efficiency of about 20% for thermal energy collection, and the annual space heating energy consumption of the house is about 5% of the national average. A thermal model of the BIPV/T system suitable for preliminary design and control of the airflow is developed and verified with monitored data.  相似文献   

The Building Code of Australia (BCA) 5 star benchmark substantially rewards passive solar design and makes it difficult for non-passive solar designs to be approved in Perth. This study shows that winter heating loads are substantially reduced in passive solar designed houses, but external wall material is not a significant factor. On the other hand, a reduction of summertime air conditioning use is dominated by internal thermal mass more than by passive solar design strategies. The application of heating and cooling caps are not recommended as part of a regulatory mechanism, because they may adversely affect on passive solar design in some Perth houses and may eliminate some houses that otherwise perform well in the summertime. The BCA works with passive solar design to identify minimum thermal performance standards that apply to all dwellings and is the appropriate national approach to regulating residential energy efficiency standards. Passive solar design is recommended as the path beyond minimum BCA standards to deliver best practice in the future.  相似文献   

The concept of solar heat gain factor has been introduced for calculating the net energy gain of passive heating elements and other components of a building as a result of incident solar radiation. For passive heating concepts (namely, the direct gain, mass wall, water wall, Trombe wall, and solarium), exact analytical expressions have been obtained for the solar heat gain factors and the corresponding overall heat loss coefficients. These will allow a building designer to calculate immediately the overall heat gain/loss in a building. Numerical calculations have been done for typical values of solar radiation and ambient temperature of typical climatic conditions in India. The method has been compared with the other methods reported in the literature so far. A good comparison is found between the earlier methods and the method of using solar gain factors and the corresponding heat transfer values.  相似文献   

方贤德 《太阳能学报》1994,15(4):363-367
设计了被动式太阳房的通用数值模拟程序FXD-PASOL。该程序可直接用于直接受益式,Trombe墙式,花格墙式被动太阳房以及它们的任意组合系统的瞬态热工性能模拟,灵敏度分析气象参数变化影响的分析、设计参数最佳化研究以及系统的性能评价等。  相似文献   

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