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为了提高输电线路巡视效率、减少输电线路故障缺陷查找时间,文章结合电力企业线路工况的实际特点,将无人机技术应用于电力企业输电线路实时监测中,建立了电力企业输电线路全工况监测系统,提出了无人机及其系统的体系架构.该项目利用摄像头、无人机等数据采集终端作为输电线路巡视监测的有效手段,在国内电力系统率先开展了基于自主悬停的四悬...  相似文献   

根据国家电网公司输变电设备状态监测系统接入通信规约(输电I2接口)的设计,上海电网公司智能电网输电线路在线监测系统状态监测前置系统采用Web Service的标准接口协议和XML技术实现了输电线路状态监测代理到状态信息接入网关机之间的实时监测数据通信,详细介绍了I2接口状态监测前置系统服务端接口开发、Web Service合约、面向服务架构的开发模式与实施策略及I2接口通信测试等关键技术,成功地解决了输电在线监测系统运行当中遇到的数据、应用集成问题,并实现了监测数据的实时上传、远程输电状态监测与控制等功能。  相似文献   

输电线路检修完成后,会存在接地线漏拆情况,带接地线合闸会给电力系统和施工人员人身安全带来不可估量的损害,对此搭建了以MSP430微控制器和FPGA为核心包含信号发射装置与信号采集装置的输电线路接地线状态检测系统。该检测系统以输电线路回路阻抗为判据,通过检测输电线路回路阻抗值,区分接地线是否漏拆,并确定接地线漏拆位置,防范带接地线合闸误操作的发生。通过某条110kV线路的原理性试验,结果表明防漏拆接地线系统工作正常,能够实现接地线状态检测。  相似文献   

可扩展式高压输电线路光纤点式传感网络技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高压输电线路运行状态监控采用有源电信号传感器存在的问题,以高压输电线路准分布式全光监测网络的设计和架构为例,基于FBG光纤传感、波分复用光纤信号传输和光纤网络拓扑技术,架构了新一代可扩展式无源输电线路全光监测网络,实现了单根光纤通道监测一条输电线路上多基杆塔的导线温度、金具温度、导线微风振动、绝缘子状态、杆塔倾斜等状态量。对比传统光学检测技术,并通过现场挂网式运行结果表明,该技术可实现多基杆塔状态监测,可满足电力系统安全稳定运行需求。  相似文献   

针对目前因各种气象灾害所频频引发的电网事故,详细介绍了我国主要的气象灾害,以及不同气象灾害对电力系统尤其是输电线路的安全运行所造成的危害及影响;对如何有效利用已有的气象预报信息以及输电线路状态监测技术,在实现输电线路的防灾减灾能力提高以及进一步建立相应的预警机制等方面进行了总结归纳,为进一步研究输电线路的防灾减灾技术方面提供了参考。  相似文献   

为了能够大范围、广角度地对输电线路进行监测,基于高分辨率合成孔径雷达(SAR)和遥感与地理信息系统(GIS)设计了输电线路广域监测系统。该系统以遥感监测的输电线路铁塔、输电走廊地形、违章建筑和广域火灾等雷达影像为基础,以三维GIS为平台,实现监测信息的显示、储存、分析、预警、灾后评估和决策功能。应用结果表明,该系统虽有不足,但广域监测效果及应用前景较好。  相似文献   

陆竑 《节能》2014,(6):63-66
输电线路视频监控系统对恶劣自然环境中运行的高压输电线路的运行状况进行全天候实时监测,可以有效地减少由于线路周围自然因素引起的电力事故,提高供电线路的可靠性。由于超高压电无法被监控设备直接使用,且专门为监控系统敷设供电线路投资巨大。对风光互补供电系统在输电线路视频监控系统的应用进行了研究与分析,该系统可为设备提供有效的、可持续应用的电源,提出了解决方案,并用实例验证了方案的实用性和可行性。  相似文献   

针对导线微风振动给电力系统带来的危害,研究了输电线路的微风振动预警功能,利用IEEE标准中测量输电线路悬垂线夹89mm处弯曲振幅的方法建立了输电线路的疲劳损伤模型,在此基础上利用高速采样机制采集到的数据计算了线夹出口的动弯应变,结合输电线的许用应变值判断出输电线路的微风振动状态,设计出了输电线微风振动监测的应用系统,并给出轻度、中度和重度振动三个级别的告警信息。实际运行结果表明,该系统具有较好的预警效果。  相似文献   

电力线路绝缘子的优劣影响输电线路供电安全,分析检测方法现状,并对多特征信息融合的绝缘子状态检测与诊断技术进行研究,实现无人机巡检输电线路航拍图像中绝缘子状态的识别和精确检测,以及可靠性的分析告警。  相似文献   

输电线路状态评估工作可为输电线路的检修和维护提供参考依据。基于模糊综合评判法提出了输电线路状态评估模型,建立了包含8个一级指标和31个二级指标的多层次输电线路状态评估指标体系,通过3标度层次分析法分析各指标的权重,采用模糊合成得出输电线路的状态评估结果,制定5级输电线路状态评语集。算例结果表明,基于模糊综合评判法的输电线路状态评估方法是合理和有效的。  相似文献   

Wide area measurement system (WAMS), which is based on synchronization data from phasor measurement units (PMU) and EMS SCADA, is implemented to establish a system model that can handle certain functions such as realtime power system monitoring, oscillation mode analysis, accident analysis and decision-making assistance for emergency control. The Brazilian Interconnected Power System (BIPS) is a large system covering an extensive geographical region, which faces certain risks and challenges. It has several main transmission corridors associated with large power plants and interconnection between the northern and southeastern regions. Mismatch between the energy base and load pool also exists in Brazil as energy resources are not well-distributed; therefore, the use of large-capacity, long-distance transmission technique to transmit remote power is unescapable. On the other hand, there are many types of voltage levels and multiple entangled electromagnetic loops owing to historical reasons. Then, for insufficient power reservation and defective grid body in load pools, once the external power is cut, it’s easy to raise a blackout. The infrastructure is old and the power system operates close to the upper limit. All these represent risks and challenges to BIPS. Through WAMS technology research method in this project, the electrical power system function of monitoring, analysis, and control improved from the static state to the dynamic state. WAMS enhances data integration and real-time analysis capabilities, and can provide dispatchers with high quality real-time dynamic information and decision-making support information, enhance monitoring of auxiliary services in the electricity market, enable operators to improve the accuracy of power network analysis, thereby increasing power grid monitoring and operation, and improve the transmission capacity and reliability of the power grid operation [1].  相似文献   

输电线路是电力系统的重要组成部分。由于它暴露在自然之中,故极易受到外界的影响和损害,其q-最主要的1个方面是雷击。架空输电线路遭遇雷击,从而影响线路的供电可靠性。因此,采取有效措施降低线路的雷击跳闸次数,是确保电网安全运行的一项重要工作。  相似文献   

针对水库水雨情及大坝安全监测设施陈旧、可靠性差、维护困难等问题,研发出一套测报水库水雨情及大坝安全等信息的自动测报系统,该系统由多个测报站点的远程终端单元及传感器组成,采用数字化、绿色供电、微功耗、模块化设计,以及基于ZigBee的无线组网通信技术和GPS定位、授时的多传感器同步采集及时间窗数据通信技术,同时具备现地大容量存储。实例应用结果表明,该系统提高了水雨情、灾情等信息采集的准确性及传输的时效性,方便人员检修与维护系统设备,实现了系统长期无人值守的自主工作,充分发挥了已建水利工程设施的效能。  相似文献   

重点介绍了750 kV输变电示范工程设计中采用的新技术:750 kV线路工程采用地质遥感技术和海拉瓦选线技术优化路径方案,采用了6分裂导线、扩径导线、大吨位绝缘子、刚性跳线和高强钢杆塔等先进技术;750kV变电工程中合理确定空气间隙,选用安全可靠、技术先进和经济合理的简化GIS设备,采用计算机监控系统和设备状态在线检测装置提高变电站自动化水平,钢管格构式变电构架结构新颖。  相似文献   

为提高风光水互补发电系统的供电可靠性,降低经济成本,研究了电源容量的优化配置。首先提出独立和并网运行调度策略,然后考虑供电可靠性和蓄水库水量平衡等约束,建立了以全寿命周期成本最小为目标的优化配置模型,采用改进遗传算法进行求解。算例探讨了供电可靠性和联络线传输容量对优化配置的影响,验证了所提方法的有效性。由仿真结果可知,独立运行时,利用风光水互补发电即可保证较高的供电可靠性;并网运行时,采用联络线的双向交互电能能力,可进一步提高系统供电可靠性,有效降低经济成本。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is the analysis of the uncertainties affecting an electric transmission network with wind power generation and their impact on its reliability. A stochastic model was developed to simulate the operations and the line disconnection and reconnection events of the electric network due to overloads beyond the rated capacity. We represent and propagate the uncertainties related to consumption variability, ambient temperature variability, wind speed variability and wind power generation variability. The model is applied to a case study of literature. Conclusions are drawn on the impact that different sources of variability have on the reliability of the network and on the seamless electric power supply. Finally, the analysis enables identifying possible system states, in terms of power request and supply, that are critical for network vulnerability and may induce a cascade of line disconnections leading to massive network blackout.  相似文献   

The substation television system is a product of the combination of security protecting technology with the automation of electric power dispatch, the purpose of which is to enable a substation attended by a few people and capable of performing the functions of telemetry, telesignaling, telecontrol, and teleregulation to genuinely become an unattended one. In the construction of an unattended substation, what a power company is most worried about is whether the reliability of the primary and secondary equipment can satisfy the requirement for unattended operation. However, from the point of view of technological development, it is only natural for the first generation of the television system to come into being, which is capable of monitoring all aspects of the safe operation of an unattended substation while working in coordination with the existing energy management system (EMS). This article is concerned with the structure and function of a new generation of television system and two crucial techniques in its implementation, that is, the integrated transmission of multiple media information and the remote control over the unattended substation as well the prospects for the trend of the merger of the television system with the EMS.  相似文献   

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