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地热资源的利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丽萍 《太阳能》2003,(2):37-38
地热是一种清洁能源,回灌技术是保证地热资源可再生与可持续利用的关键所在。世界范围内的地热发电量可满足全球17%人口的用电  相似文献   

我国利用温泉的历史久远。70年代初 ,地质学家倡导把地热作为可再生能源利用 ,到1990年我国的非电利用地热能消费量已跃居世界第二位。20多年来 ,我国在地热能开发利用方面建立了西藏羊八井地热发电示范基地、天津地热区域采暖示范基地、静海 (天津市 )、雄县 (河北省 )、新郑 (河南省 )和福建省农科院等4个农业利用示范基地、雄县与汝城 (湖南省 )地热田科学管理技术示范县 ,开展了地热资源评价 ,高温地热开发研究 ,地热温室利用技术 ,地热水产养殖、越冬、繁殖及高产技木 ,地热采暖、干燥及孵化技术 ,地热利用工程关键技术 ,地热…  相似文献   

田禾  韦福水  张欣 《工业加热》2003,32(2):54-56
探讨了低温废热资源有效利用的方法,即将热泵技术应用于低温地热废水供暖。通过对地热及热泵联合供热热源系统的设计计算方案比较,分析热泵参与地热供暖的负荷调节,论证了应用热泵技术是提高低温能源利用率的有效方式。还介绍了工程投资和运行成本的计算方法。  相似文献   

地热在法国是继水利、生物质能、城市固体垃圾之后的第四位可再生能源,占总能源的比例为0.44%。为了充分利用自然资源、降低温室效应,法国将大力推动地热的发展。主要措施存改进地热场评估和开发方法,提高钻探科学信息的利用率,使海外领地能够更好地利用地热发电;继续“断裂热岩石”型深层(5000m以下)地热开发的技术、经济可行性研究,  相似文献   

地热资源及其在热泵供热中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地热能是清洁的可再生能源。介绍了我国的地热资源及其应用现状,分析了利用低温地热和地热尾水热量的热泵应用技术,比较了地热热泵供热与燃煤和燃气锅炉供热的经济性,同时探讨了提高地热资源利用率的措施。  相似文献   

2010年世界地热大会热点探寻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司土荣 《地热能》2010,(4):30-31
2010世界地热大会是目前规模最大、参与最广泛的展示地热技术成果及其产品的一次世界性的盛会。大会的主题是“地热-改变世界的能源”,会议内容丰富,涵盖地热资源评估、地热钻井技术、地热发电、地热直接利用、地源热泵、增强型地热系统等39个专题,为各国地热研究者提供一个技术交流的平台。许多国家向大会提交了国家报告、主题报告。向全球地热界提供地热开发利用方面的最新技术和数据,  相似文献   

本文综合论述新能源地热发电的国内外现状和发展,着重介绍我国的地热发电技术和进展。文中首先阐述地热来源、赋存形式和资源量,说明地热作为能源的巨大潜力。接着介绍地热发电简史,国外现状和技术水平。对热水型地热资源的三种热力循环系统及地热发电的经济性作了扼要的讨论。本文列表说明我国各地热试验电站的基本特性和概况,并有羊八井3000千瓦地热机组的热力系统原理图。结束语中谈到国外地热发电最新动向,展望我国地热发电和地热利用的前景。  相似文献   

地热是一种可循环利用的清洁能源,用其替代化石燃料能源,对改善环境,提高生活质量及经济发展均极为有益。在我国,特别是在北方一些大中城市,拥有丰富的中低温地热资源可供开发利用,而且地热供暖已有三十年的历史,技术日趋成熟。但存在着初期投资过大等不利因素。因此,应建立政府专项基金,以推进地热供暖的广泛应用。政府专项基金应以国家和地方政府共同出资的方式建立,重点支持地质条件成熟、技术水平高、经济效益好的地热供暖项目。  相似文献   

福州地热资源与开发前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福州地区蕴藏着丰富的高品位地热水资源。可应用现代技术,对地热水实施合理有序的开采.以地热这可再生能源替代常规能源。以高能位部分热源用于制冷与发电,低能位热水用于日常的一般生产与生活,实现地热水源的综合利用。  相似文献   

李虞庚 《地热能》2009,(6):12-15
地热能源来自地球深部,我国陆壳、地质环境带来广泛而丰富的高温岩体地热能和水热型地热能源。我国是世界上地热储量丰富的国家之一。虽然我国非电地热利用占世界第一,但是地热利用总量很小,特别是地热发电,高温岩体地热(热干岩)发电尚未起步。存在地热资源勘探程度低、地热低温发电技术滞后两个瓶颈。在我国《可再生能源法》引导下,增加地热能源内需投入、参与国际地热发电研究、地热供暖制冷)等开发利用,发展无碳地热经济,为我国建设小康社会和经济强国提供能源基础。大庆油田利用开发石油技术为地热能源的勘探、钻井、压裂、注水(回灌)、采水、地面工程、发电、供暖等提供技术支撑。最近省、市政府有关部门已批准“20万kW高温岩体地热分布式电站示范工程项目”前期工作,开展常规地热发电和高温岩体地热发电,同时供暖、供热水和地源热泵等地热梯级利用。  相似文献   

地热能作为一种无污染、可再生的清洁能源,具有稳定可靠、成本低廉、清洁环保等优点。国外能源公司在地热能利用方面积累了成功的技术和管理经验.其中以冰岛绿源公司为代表的地热供暖、以雪佛龙为代表的地热发电、以壳牌为代表的干热岩发电处于国际领先地位。这些公司都拥有雄厚的资金实力、良好的国际声誉以及完整的产业链;并且都集中优势资源,重点发展某一项地热业务.而后再逐渐向地热能利用的其他领域扩张;同时还具备完善的科研设备和一流的科研人员,注重科技创新。中国石化正在积极扩大地热能研究和利用工作,旗下新星石油公司已发展成为国内常规地热能开发利用的第一大公司。截至2012年底,新星石油公司地热供暖能力达1000×10^4m2,约占全国常规地热供暖面积的25%。今后中国石化应逐步拓展地热能利用范围。延伸地热能利用产业链;加强科研攻关,积极创新,促进地热开发利用关键技术研发及推广应用;同时要加强国际交流与合作,加快地热开发利用技术的制度建设,并积极争取国家、地方的优惠政策和支持,推动我国地热产业快速健康发展。  相似文献   

介绍了增强型地热系统技术进展、地热发电技术进展以及广东省地热资源情况,分析了增强型地热系统技术在广东省的应用前景,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Hybrid steam power plants with geothermal feedwater preheating enable the conversion of geothermal energy into electricity in countries with low enthalpy geothermal resources. In order to estimate the potential of geothermal–fossil hybrid power plants with geothermal feedwater preheating, we examine the application of this concept using the examples of two modern coal fired power plants. In addition, energy output and economic efficiency calculations will be compiled for this concept utilising the thermal water data of an existing geothermal heating installation and an experimental facility for the hot dry rock technology. The process of geothermal feedwater preheating as a means of improving performance forms both an alternative and an extension to the existing electricity generation methods based on renewable energy. Photovoltaics or wind power, for example, tend to be expensive and also unreliable due to weather uncertainties. An electricity cost of around 85 EUR/MWh appears to be attainable through the geothermal preheating concept in Central Europe. In countries with the appropriate prerequisites, this concept heralds considerable benefits in terms of efficient electricity generation and environmental protection.  相似文献   

The National Energy Strategy of the U.S. is designed to expand through federal policies the fuel and technology choices available to industry, utilities, and other energy users. It also promotes policies to encourage balanced integration of energy, economic, and environmental options in the selection of technologies for application in the marketplace. Consideration of each of these factors, separately and together, favors geothermal energy in many industrial applications. It is the policy of the Department of Energy to support growth in all uses of geothermal energy through focused R & D to improve technologies for its economic exploitation.  相似文献   

Utilization of low-enthalpy geothermal energy in Japan, especially with the application of geothermal heat pumps, is far behind other industrial countries. In 1998, a feasibility study was made of utilizing Japan's low-enthalpy geothermal resources. Since 2001 the Geo-Heat Promotion Association of Japan (GeoHPJ) began its activities with the objective of installing 140,000 heat pump systems in private houses by the target year of 2010. The Geothermal Research Society of Japan has also launched new activities in this sector. Research groups in universities and other national institutes have started geoscientific research on the utilization of low-enthalpy resources and private, academic and governmental sectors have consequently begun promoting geothermal heat pump utilization.  相似文献   

Possible applications of geothermal energy are increasingly attracting worldwide interest as a low carbon source of energy. Sedimentary basins offer an accessible low grade geothermal heat source to launch energetically efficient air-conditioning systems. The natural temperature, porosity and permeability of these sedimentary basins may be sufficient to provide usable geothermal power for heat-driven sorption air-conditioning system. In the Perth metropolitan region, hot sedimentary aquifers with temperatures between 70 and 100 °C are generally available at around 3 km depth or shallower. This paper outlines the possible application of a large scale geothermal absorption air-conditioning system to provide baseload cooling to the main campus of the University of Western Australia (UWA). The conceptual design of this system is proposed. The design considerations and the performance outcomes are presented. The economic analysis based on the real-time cooling load profile at the UWA and the chiller operation scheme demonstrates the viablity of geothermal absorption air-conditioning system. This paper will help engineers appreciate the opportunities and barriers to geothermal applications, the latest developments and how this technology may help to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   

The investigations have been directed to technology development in the usage of natural resources as a result of increase in the world energy demand associated with environmental factors. It has also sparked interest in the scientific community to take a closer look at the energy conversion devices and develop the new techniques to better utilise the existing limited sources. Geothermal resources have a great importance for the energy potential in Turkey. Exergy of a system is the capability of doing work and exergy values of geothermal resources are the strongest criterion for determining the system efficiency. In this study, geothermal resources in Turkey have been classified based on specific exergy rates (SER). The computed results of exergy analysis can be used as a tool for evaluating the characteristics of resources, and the optimum application area of geothermal resources can also be defined.  相似文献   

Market penetration of renewable energy sources, such as geothermal energy, could be promoted even by small cost reductions, achieved through improved development design. This paper deals with optimization of the exploitation system of a low enthalpy geothermal aquifer, by means of the method of genetic algorithms, which has been successfully used in similar problems of groundwater resources management. With respect to water flow, the aquifer consists of two zones of different transmissivities, while from the thermal point of view it may bear any number of zones with different temperatures. The optimization process comprises the annual pumping cost of the required flow and the amortization cost of the pipe network, which carries the hot water from the wells to a central water tank, situated at the border of the geothermal field. Results show that application of the proposed methodology allows better planning of low enthalpy geothermal heating systems, which may be crucial in cases of marginal financial viability.  相似文献   

In 2001, a 10-year programme called “SwissEnergy” was initiated by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, mainly devoted to a more efficient use of energy, with specific tasks such as energy saving, reduction of CO2 emissions and a definitive increase in the contribution of renewable energies. The Swiss Geothermal Society (SGS) was therefore given a mandate to promote the application of geothermal energy at a national level. The main objectives of their programme are to develop a sound image for geothermal energy in general, to disseminate information on the various technologies already in use all over the country and to illustrate the future potential of this sector. All entities involved in the energy sector are to be called on to collaborate in the programme, including the Federal Office of Energy, local utility companies and energy agencies, as well as the various networks present in the field of renewable energy (geothermal, sun, wind and biomass). The programme covers all the geothermal resources and technologies available in Switzerland, such as borehole heat exchangers, groundwater wells, foundation piles, thermal springs, deep aquifers and warm tunnel drainage waters. The programme is organised into five activity modules, i.e. Information, Basic and continuous education, Marketing, Quality insurance, and Consulting services. Three Regional Promotion Centres (RPC) have also been set up in the three linguistic regions of Switzerland, one in the German-speaking region, one in the French-speaking region and one in the Italian-speaking region. The staff consists of 13 part-time experts. The strong interest and favourable reception given to all aspects of the Swiss geothermal promotion programme during its first 2 years of activity have confirmed how important it is to disseminate information on energy matters.  相似文献   

Turkey is an energy importing nation with more than half of our energy requirements met by imported fuels. Air pollution is becoming a significant environmental concern in the country. In this regard, geothermal energy and other renewable energy sources are becoming attractive solution for clean and sustainable energy future for Turkey. Turkey is the seventh richest country in the world in geothermal energy potential. The main uses of geothermal energy are space heating and domestic hot water supply, greenhouse heating, industrial processes, heat pumps and electricity generation. The district heating system applications started with large-scale, city-based geothermal district heating systems in Turkey, whereas the geothermal district heating centre and distribution networks have been designed according to the geothermal district heating system (GDHS) parameters. This constitutes an important advantage of GDHS investments in the country in terms of the technical and economical aspects. In Turkey, approximately 61,000 residences are currently heated by geothermal fluids. A total of 665 MWt is utilized for space heating of residential, public and private property, and 565,000 m2 of greenhouses. The proven geothermal heat capacity, according to data from existing geothermal wells and natural discharges, is 3132 MWt. Present applications have shown that geothermal energy is clean and much cheaper compared to the other fossil and renewable energy sources for Turkey.  相似文献   

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