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石油峰值(Peak Oil)是指某一区域(全球、地区、国家、油区等)石油产量的最大值及其来临的时间。世界石油产量到达峰值并不意味着全世界已将石油消耗怠尽,也不意味着人类不可能在地球上再发现新的油田,只是新发现的油田的石油产量越来越无法弥补已开发油田产量的下降,世界石油供应量不可能再增加,不能满足人类日益增长的需求。许多研究表明世界石油产量正在进入峰值平台期,随时都可能出现资源长期短缺的石油危机。我国的石油消费一直以较快的速度增长,石油也许很快成为我国经济发展的瓶颈。本文提出了石油峰值——我国经济和社会发展中必须重视的一个重大问题,希望大家尤其是主管部门和高层决策者充分认识石油峰值的内涵和挑战,高度重视我国面临的潜在的石油危机,认真落实科学发展观、未雨绸缪,提早采取应对策略以实现我国经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

从石油峰值的方法论剖析石油枯竭说   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张抗 《中外能源》2008,13(5):8-12
石油产量峰值预测的数学模型方法是对处于一个没有明显储产量补充的封闭条件下的简单对象,以趋势外推法预测其产量变化。该方法不能正确预测复杂多变、不断发展,而又受社会因素影响巨大的大油区(如中东)、大产油国(如中国)和全球的石油储产量变化。最后说明即使出现石油峰值,也并不意味着石油的枯竭,只是由于社会进步推动了多能源互补,促使以石油为能源之首的“石油时代”让位于“后石油时代”。  相似文献   

李莹  李德贵 《中国能源》2007,29(4):10-12
本文对国内石油生产、需求、进口和石油资源开采的历史情况进行了简要概括,在此基础上对未来我国石油产量达到峰值(Hubbert Peak)的时间及我国石油资源的开采年限进行了预测,并探讨了影响我国石油产量峰值的因素。预测结果表明,我国石油生产很可能在2020~2030年达到Hubbert Peak,此后石油产量逐渐降低,直至资源采尽。  相似文献   

世界中长期石油供需及油价形势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在当前国际原油价格居高不下的形势下,分析了世界石油需求和产量数据。在此基础上,综合国际政治、产油国石油投资和美元贬值的影响,预测了今后20年国际石油供需关系以及国际油价长期变化趋势,有利于我国石油战略的规划。  相似文献   

促进海外石油投资   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石油作为保障经济安全的重要战略性资源,受到世界许多国家的高度重视。我国石油供需矛盾十分突出,石油进口量越来越大。保障我国石油安全供应的重要措施之一是鼓励三大石油公司进行海外石油勘探开发,在海外建立石油供应基地。近几年我国海外石油投资虽然取得了较大成绩,但相对于快速增加的原油进口量和国民经济发展的需要而言,仍有待进一步发展。 一、我国石油供需矛盾日益突出 我国原油产量1978年突破1亿t大关,近几年一直保持在1.6亿t左右,居世界第五位。但从总体上讲,我国石油资源(尤其是人均资源占有量)十分有限,难…  相似文献   

基于系统动力学的中国石油供需预测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油作为经济社会重要的战略物资,对国家安全与国民经济发展具有举足轻重的影响。石油需求的变化影响着我国相关石油政策的制定,因此有必要对石油需求进行预测。本文基于系统学力学理论,综合考虑经济、环境、人口、交通、技术等因素,构建了可持续发展的中国石油供需预测模型。结果表明,模型的预测效果良好,1990~2012年间,石油消费量年平均误差仅为3.71%,石油产量年平均误差仅为1.52%,可用于未来我国石油供需的预测。对2013~2030年的预测结果表明,石油消费量将会以年均3%的速度增长,石油生产量将会以年均1%的速度增长,石油对外依存度在2030年将达到73.2%;石油消费需求的强劲增长主要来自于交通运输及工业对石油的需求。本文就此提出了调整产业结构、发展交通新能源的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国对石油的需求持续攀升,而国内石油产量一直保持缓慢增长,导致石油对外依存度逐年上升。假定未来我国石油消费量等于石油需求量,国内生产总值每年以7.177%的速度增长,石油需求弹性保持在0.5的水平,采用情景分析法、能源需求弹性法和时间序列法对我国未来几年的石油需求、供给进行预测。预测结果表明,我国未来几年石油供需缺口将越来越大,2020年会达到约3.9×108t,形势很不乐观。鉴于此,建议首先要立足国内,鼓励低品位石油资源开发,保障石油基本供应;其次要放眼海外,调整战略重点,弥补我国石油供需缺口,三大石油公司应在稳定中亚、非洲市场的基础上,大力进军南美、中东和亚太市场,加强海外油气合作,实现海外规模化经营;同时要调整能源结构,发展清洁能源,缓解国内石油供需矛盾;另外要提高能源使用效率,减少能源整体需求;还应该循序渐进、有计划分阶段地建立适合我国具体情况的完备的战略石油储备体系,并尽快出台石油储备法。  相似文献   

石油开发经济产量分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经济产量是石油开发决策的重要经济参数,是在石油开发过程中每一时点上使石油企业获得最大经济效益的产量状态。在编制开发方案,对开发投资进行评价阶段,能够使净现值大于等于零的预测产量是经济产量;在经济开发期,通过边际分析,能够使企业利润最大化的产量是经济产量;在经济临界期,通过盈亏平衡分析,能够使销售收入不低于经营成本的产量是经济产量。本文对三个阶段经济产量的确定以及需要考虑的因素进行了分析论述。  相似文献   

石油作为重要的战略能源与基础性产品,对国民经济的发展将起到至关重要的作用,尤其在经济危机之后国际局势动荡,使我国的石油市场受到严重影响。从产量、进出口和国际局势的影响等3方面对我国石油供给发展状况进行介绍,并结合石油需求发展状况和石油安全对我国石油供需发展历程进行科学分析。在此基础上.选取2000~2012年这13年的石油产量和消费量为原始数据,运用灰色预测法和线性回归分析法分别对我国2013~2020年的石油产量和消费量进行预测。结果表明,我国石油消费量的增长速度明显高于产量的增长速度.与持续膨胀的石油需求相比,我国石油的自给能力几乎已经达到了极限,供不应求的状态将日益严重。提出了有针对性的建议:重视和增加石油储备资金投入,加大勘探力度和技术水平,全方位保证我国石油供应安全;走能源多元化道路,建立节约型消费模式,抑制石油消费地过快增长;开发下游市场,贯彻“走出去”战略,有效弥补国内石油供需缺口。  相似文献   

石油工业和市场的进一步改革开放是顺应世界经济发展潮流,满足我国能源需求的必然选择,但同时也带来了诸多的风险。我们必须做好充分准备,采取有效的战略措施,以保障我国的石油的能源供应安全。 能源是国民经济的重要命脉,确保能源供应关系到国家的经济安全。  相似文献   

This paper compares and evaluates fourteen contemporary forecasts of global supply of conventional oil and provides some observations on their relative plausibility. Despite the wide range of modelling approaches used and multiplicity of assumptions made, it is shown that forecasts can be usefully compared along two dimensions, namely: shape of future production profile and assumed or implied ultimately recoverable resource of conventional oil. Other differences between forecasts are either secondary or are components of these two parameters. The paper shows how large differences in the assumed size of the resource make relatively little difference to the timing of a global peak in conventional oil production. It also examines the impact of rates of discovery, reserves growth and depletion on the forecast date of peak and shows how forecasts that delay this peak until beyond 2030 rest on assumptions that are at best optimistic and at worst implausible.  相似文献   

In this paper, the possible substitution of conventional with non conventional oil is studied using system dynamics models. The model proposed in this paper is based on geological, economic and technological aspects, and it fits approximately the behaviour observed by Hubbert. A first validation of the model has been made with the USA oil production data. These USA data show that there is a good coincidence between our model and the reality. This model has been expanded in order to include the substitution of the conventional oil with the non conventional one for the World. Two models with different ways to treat the contribution of non conventional oil have been developed and tested: a base model (business as usual), which extrapolates the last two decades’ growth of this type of oil into the future, and a model that explores how much non conventional oil would be needed in order to avoid a peak and decrease in the global non renewable fuel production. The results show that, even under some hypotheses that we consider optimistic, the attenuation of the peak oil decline requires more than 10% of sustained growth of non conventional oil production over at least the next two decades.  相似文献   

Garrett Hardin's classic paper “Tragedy of the Commons” published in Science in 1968 struck a chord with scientists and non-scientists alike and has continued to provide a key reference point to how a number of “Commons”-related problems can be viewed. Hardin's paper will be in looked at in view of both anthropogenic global warming and peak oil and some of the solutions he posed for the “population problem” applied to the post-peak era. Possible solutions are compared with the Kyoto Protocol for global warming and the Rimini Protocol for peak oil. A carbon-indexed, universal tax on non-renewable energy resources ‘Unitax’ is mooted as a longer-term possibility to overcoming both global warming and the financing of post-peak oil problems. Alas, the process of dealing with global warming and peak oil seems to be falling into the “no technical solution” category that Hardin identified for population.  相似文献   

The present paper reviews the reactions and the path of acceptance of the theory known as “peak oil”. The theory was proposed for the first time by M.K. Hubbert in the 1950s as a way to describe the production pattern of crude oil. According to Hubbert, the production curve is “bell shaped” and approximately symmetric. Hubbert's theory was verified with good approximation for the case of oil production in the United States that peaked in 1971, and is now being applied to the worldwide oil production. It is generally believed that the global peak of oil production (“peak oil”) will take place during the first decade of the 21st century, and some analysts believe that it has already occurred in 2005 or 2006. The theory and its consequences have unpleasant social and economical implications. The present paper is not aimed at assessing the peak date but offers a discussion on the factors that affect the acceptance and the diffusion of the concept of “peak oil” with experts and with the general public. The discussion is based on a subdivision of “four stages of acceptance”, loosely patterned after a sentence by Thomas Huxley.  相似文献   

A logistic function is used to characterize peak and ultimate production of global crude oil and petroleum-derived liquid fuels. Annual oil production data were incrementally summed to construct a logistic curve in its initial phase. Using a curve-fitting approach, a population-growth logistic function was applied to complete the cumulative production curve. The simulated curve was then deconstructed into a set of annual oil production data producing an “idealized” Hubbert curve. An idealized Hubbert curve (IHC) is defined as having properties of production data resulting from a constant growth-rate under fixed resource limits. An IHC represents a potential production curve constructed from cumulative production data and provides a new perspective for estimating peak production periods and remaining resources. The IHC model data show that idealized peak oil production occurred in 2009 at 83.2 Mb/d (30.4 Gb/y). IHC simulations of truncated historical oil production data produced similar results and indicate that this methodology can be useful as a prediction tool.  相似文献   

Global oil depletion: A review of the evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the polarised and contentious debate over future oil supply a growing number of commentators are forecasting a near term peak and subsequent decline in production. But although liquid fuels form the foundation of modern industrial economies, the growing debate on ‘peak oil’ has relatively little influence on energy and climate policy. With this in mind, the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) has conducted an independent, thorough and systematic review of the evidence, with the aim of establishing the current state of knowledge, identifying key uncertainties and improving consensus. The study focuses upon the physical depletion of conventional oil in the period to 2030 and includes an in-depth literature review, analysis of industry databases and a detailed comparison of global supply forecasts. This Communication summarises the main findings of the UKERC study. A key conclusion is that a peak of conventional oil production before 2030 appears likely and there is a significant risk of a peak before 2020.  相似文献   

2006年国际原油市场前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年国际原油市场在上升动力和阻力的双重作用下,仍将处于高位盘整时期。一方面,由于原油品种地区和结构性矛盾突出、OPEC的剩余产能不足、中东局势动荡不安等多方面原因,以及基金投机力量的强劲推动,2006年国际原油价格上升动力不减;另一方面,在美元汇率上升、原油需求增速减缓以及原油供给仍有能力持续增加的多重作用下,油价上升遇到一定的阻力。2005年油价的持续高涨直接冲击了中国原油的供销链条,对相关行业产生着重要的影响。2006年,我国必须及早动手,采取措施,积极应对国际石油价格风险。  相似文献   

增压中冷柴油机主轴承润滑特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于弹性流体动力润滑理论,建立了4缸柴油机主轴承润滑仿真模型,研究了不同转速下内燃机轴瓦与轴承座的弹性变形、轴瓦与轴颈粗糙度对主轴承润滑特性的影响。研究结果表明:5个主轴承膜厚比均大于1,其中第5主轴承峰值油膜压力与其他4个主轴承相比明显偏大,而且存在偏磨现象,润滑相对恶劣;优化后第5主轴承峰值油膜压力平均降低了20%,最小油膜厚度平均增加了25%,摩擦功耗平均降低了43%。  相似文献   

陈秀芝 《中国能源》2003,25(5):32-34,45
随着2003年第1季度我国经济的快速发展,带动石油消费需求强劲增长。在我国战略石油储备政策的引导下,国内石油资源大幅增长。此季度国际市场石油价格持续高位,使得我国石化行业经济效益显著增长,但同时也对我国的国家安全及石油下游行业生产经营产生了不利影响。本文对2003年石油市场供需进行了预测,认为随着伊拉克问题的解决,本年全球经济的缓慢复苏,总体上说,战后国际原油市场供给基本可以保证世界经济增长的需要。而在国内的经济带动下,我国市场对石油产品的需求将保持快速增长的态势。  相似文献   

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