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以西安市周边地区农村住宅为研究对象,基于瞬时系统模拟仿真程序(Trnsys)软件对太阳能-空气源热泵复合供暖系统进行模拟仿真,研究不同集热器倾角和不同蓄热水箱体积对热泵供热量、集热水箱供热量、热泵能耗、系统能耗和性能系数(COP)的影响。结果显示:在最优倾角55°和最优蓄热体积25 m3的条件下,太阳能与空气源热泵复合系统在11月15日至3月15日之间的系统能耗最低,为75 394 kWh。其中,空气源能耗为74 573 kWh,热泵COP为3.467,系统COP为3.98。研究结果为太阳能-空气源热泵复合供暖系统的设计及优化提供参考。  相似文献   

为进一步改善平板太阳能集热器(FPSC)冬季水温提升能力的不足,通过搭建的实验平台对FPSC冬季运行策略展开多项实验,分析不同运行模式所对应的集热性能以及适用条件,为平板集热器更高效利用提供参考方案。研究发现:单块FPSC高流速运行的集热效率可达63.74%,各项热性能指标参数优异,但水箱温度偏低;串联、并联系统的水温提升能力较单块模式显著增强,全天温升超过30℃,■效率达到5.15%。其中,并联系统的热效率、对流换热系数、热损失系数分别为51.52%、41.95 W/(m2·K)、4.74 W/(m2·K),明显优于串联系统的45.33%、38.74 W/(m2·K)、4.81 W/(m2·K),集热性能更佳;系统冬季低流速运行将出现断流现象,同时水箱内部温度分层明显;高流速运行工况下,降低水箱容积将缩短有效集热时间,无法充分吸收太阳辐照能;增大水箱容积虽能减少集热损失,但系统温升下降造成热能品质降低。  相似文献   

为了研究太阳能谷电蓄能供热采暖系统运行特性,采用TRNSYS软件建立系统各部件模型,分析了太阳能辐照强度、集热面积和空气流量对系统太阳能保证率的影响,对系统进行优化研究。结果表明:太阳能辐射强度对系统太阳能保证率的影响较大,拉萨全年太阳能保证率波动比上海和北京小;太阳能保证率与集热面积呈正相关;空气流量对太阳能保证率影响较小,当空气流量为40 m3/(h∙m2) 时太阳能保证率最大,相比36 m3/(h∙m2)工况提高了0.26%;选择集热面积为650 m2、最佳空气流量为40 m3/(h∙m2) 的优化系统,相比集热面积为716 m2、空气流量为36 m3/(h∙m2) 工况下的年均太阳能保证率降低了1.22%。本研究可为太阳能谷电蓄能系统的后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

针对太阳能跨季蓄热量利用不充分的问题,提出了一种多方式可调节供暖系统模型,利用温差控制原理实现系统供暖方式的自动转换。以乌鲁木齐地区某公共建筑为例,采用TRNSYS动态模拟软件对多方式可调节供暖系统进行了全年运行分析。结果表明:15100 m3的蓄热基坑体积与6040 m2的集热器面积恰好匹配;在非供暖期蓄热基坑内储存的7528.11 GJ热量可承担85.06%的建筑热负荷,剩余的14.94%由电能供给;在相同建筑热负荷的情况下,与传统供暖系统相比,采用多方式可调节供暖系统可节省标准煤256.84 t、天然气211520.09 m3;整个采暖期内的平均太阳能保证率可达到73%。  相似文献   

武晔秋  刘旺  王莹莹  王瑞 《节能》2023,(2):20-24
以晋北地区某村镇住宅建筑为例,对太阳能与电锅炉供暖系统进行设计方案优化及经济性研究。根据晋北地区气候特征,分析村镇住宅建筑负荷特性;采用模拟研究方法,分别对太阳能系统供暖、电锅炉系统供暖以及太阳能与电锅炉耦合系统供暖进行建筑能耗模拟;针对面积为60 m2、100 m2、200 m2村镇住宅建筑,考虑不同热源承担的建筑负荷比例、供热系统初投资及运行费用,优化不同面积村镇建筑的供暖模式以及不同热源承担的负荷占比。结果显示:太阳能系统初期投资高,电锅炉系统运行费用高。长期运行时,太阳能供暖系统的经济性优于电锅炉供暖系统。太阳能供暖系统与电锅炉供暖系统单独运行时,太阳能供暖系统不能很好地满足供暖条件,而电锅炉供暖系统运行费用较高;太阳能+电锅炉供暖系统的太阳能和电锅炉的供暖占比分别为50%时,前期投资和系统运行费用比较经济。  相似文献   

构建空气源热泵-相变蓄热水箱供暖系统,通过相变储能技术的合理应用,优化了太阳能、空气热能等非连续能源的供能方式,有效提高了建筑中可再生能源的利用率。相变蓄热系统采用了6 m3的保温水箱作为蓄热容器,选取46#石蜡为主要相变材料,304#不锈钢管为封装材料。建立蓄热系统的三维数学模型,采用有效热熔法对相变材料的焓值进行处理,运用Fluent数值模拟软件,研究相变蓄热系统的蓄放热性能。模拟结果显示,系统的蓄热时间为9.2 h,理想蓄热量为102.4 kW·h,能够单独提供低能耗建筑连续采暖11.1 h。空气源热泵-相变蓄热水箱供暖系统能实现大跨度的间歇供暖,在利用非连续能源供暖领域具有良好的前景。  相似文献   

以应用于西安市周边地区农村住宅的太阳能-地源热泵复合系统为研究对象,利用TRNSYS软件对该复合系统进行建模。首先,对复合系统中主要部件的参数计算方式进行了详细阐述;其次,对复合系统中的太阳能集热器倾角与蓄热水箱容积进行了分析;最后,从太阳能集热系统集热量、地源热泵系统能耗及能效比(COP)等角度对复合系统的运行工况进行优化。研究结果表明:在整个供暖期,在集热器倾角为52°、蓄热水箱容积为0.45 m3时,整个复合系统的总能耗最低;优化后的复合系统的总能耗为1089.6 kWh,地源热泵系统在运行期间的平均COP为3.5371,太阳能集热器的累计集热量为327.3 kWh。研究结果为西安市及其周边地区应用太阳能-地源热泵复合系统的设计及优化奠定了基础,对实现碳达峰及碳中和目标具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为进一步研究斯特林循环内回热器换热过程对系统性能的影响,建立气缸的等温换热过程模型,以容积为1 L、初始压力为500 kPa的理想气体为工质,计算分析了循环内工质经等容回热过程对系统内参数和各部件的影响。结果表明,在工质从303 K等容吸热升温至973 K的过程中,系统压力升高,压缩腔内工质密度从5.75 g/m3增加至18.5 g/m3,膨胀腔内工质密度从1.75 g/m3增加至5.75 g/m3,压缩腔与膨胀腔需对外释放的热量分别为364和824 J;回热器在工质等容吸热前后的换热量为工质的焓差,而不是工质的内能差。  相似文献   

文章建立了太阳能耦合燃料电池热电联产系统的TRNSYS模型。采用镇江地区的天气数据(太阳直射辐射强度和环境温度),模拟了该系统在各典型日的火用效率。得出热电联产系统的集热量、发电量及火用效率均随着太阳辐射强度的增强而提高的结论。基于此,将热电联产系统的生命周期成本设为优化目标,采用Hooke-Jeeves算法对关键运行参数进行优化。结果表明:当集热器面积为15 m2,单电池片数为60个,蓄热水箱容积为5 m2,太阳能电池板面积为5 m2时,可以获得最小的生命周期成本49.1万元,比常规模型降低11.7%;优化后的热电联产系统在典型日的火用效率为50%~57%,较常规热电联产系统提升50.0%~85.7%。  相似文献   

热除菌利用细菌在高温下失活的原理,是一种安全、有效、环保的杀菌方法。将热杀菌技术与Trombe墙结合,提出一种热除菌型Trombe墙系统,能同时实现建筑室内采暖和热杀菌功能。围绕提出的除菌型Trombe墙进行墙体热性能实验研究,探究墙体全天的热性能;同时建立系统传热热传质模型,进行室内典型细菌的热失活分析。结果表明,在环境温度为18.1℃、太阳辐射强度为620.6 W/m2的实验条件下,日均空气热效率为0.46;对于大肠杆菌、利斯特氏菌、植物乳杆菌、山夫顿堡沙门氏菌和酿酒酵母五种细菌,热除菌产生的洁净空气量在0 ~ 40 m3/h范围内,全天净空气总产生量分别为94.01 m3/(m2∙d)、86.51 m3/(m2∙d)、100.70 m3/(m2∙d)、94.95 m3/(m2∙d) 和100.10 m3/(m2∙d);当换气次数为0.5 h-1、细菌从室外进入室内的穿透系数为0.8、室外平均细菌浓度为447.10 CFU/m3时,室内五种细菌的除菌率分别为95.03%、91.54%、95.49%、95.22%、95.48%。  相似文献   

D. Pahud   《Solar Energy》2000,69(6):495-509
A central solar heating plant with seasonal ground storage is analysed by dynamic system simulations. A reference system, involving a collector area, water buffer storage and ground duct storage, is defined for typical Swiss conditions and simulated for several types of heat load. A methodology is established for the optimisation of the main system parameters. The thermal behaviour of such a system is highlighted. The short-term heat requirements are covered by the buffer unit, whereas the seasonal heat requirements are covered by the ground duct storage. As a consequence, a system such as this is intended to supply a large solar fraction (>50%). Optimal ratios between the main system parameters are sought for an annual solar fraction of 70%. An optimal buffer volume of 110 to 130 l per m2 of collector area is obtained. The optimal duct storage volume and collector area vary respectively from 4 to 13 m3 per m2 of collector area and from 2 to 4 m2 per MWh (3.6 GJ) of annual heat demand. They depend mainly on the specific heat losses from the duct storage unit. A large annual heat demand (>3600 GJ or 1000 MWh) and/or low temperatures in the heat distribution are essential for satisfactory system thermal performance. The spacing of the boreholes which form the ground heat exchanger of the duct store is fairly constant and is found to be about 2.5 m for a ground thermal conductivity of 2.5 Wm−1 K−1. Some improvements of the system control are also investigated to assess the influence on the overall thermal performances of the system. They indicate that the system thermal performances are only slightly improved in contrast to the improvement brought by a simple but optimised system control.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation is carried out on a forced circulation solar water heater to assess its performance under various operating conditions. The system consisted of two identical collectors of total absorber area of 3.45 m2 and a storage tank of 200 litre capacity. Experiments were carried out during clear days with and without system loading for two water mass flow rates through the collector; namely 0.1305 kg/s and 0.06525 kg/s. The system was operated without thermostat control and with thermostat control at maximum and minimum settings. The collector efficiency improved with system loading. The improvement was better with increased hot water withdrawal from the system.  相似文献   

中空纤维膜加湿系统能从根本上解决空气加湿过程中气液夹带的问题。通过搭建太阳能驱动的中空纤维膜加热加湿系统试验台并在冬季进行实验测试,分析出太阳能辐射量、空气体积流量和热水体积流量对系统加热加湿性能的影响。研究发现提高太阳能辐射量和空气体积流量对系统的加湿能力和热性能系数均有积极影响,而前者的影响更为显著。为了获得最好的系统性能,选择40℃(对应太阳能辐射量为329 W/m2)和100 L/h作为最佳热水条件,空气体积流量为100 m3/h。在此条件下,出口空气的含湿量为22.4 g/kg,约为环境空气的4倍。空气温度为30.5℃,热性能系数COP可达2.40,太阳能利用率为45%。由于膜加湿器的热质交换能力有限,过度提高热水温度反而降低太阳能利用率。为了在含湿量低的环境空气下提供较好的性能,采用低的空气体积流量,有助于提高出风的含湿量和空气温度。  相似文献   

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are widely accepted as a technology offering an alternative way to tackle complex and ill-defined problems. They can be trained to predict results from examples, are fault tolerant, are able to deal with non-linear problems, and once trained can perform prediction at high speed. ANNs have been used in diverse applications and they have shown to be particularly useful in system modeling and for system identification. The objective of this work was to train an ANN to learn to predict the useful energy extracted and the temperature rise in the stored water of solar domestic water heating (SDHW) systems with the minimum of input data. An ANN has been trained based on 30 known cases of systems, varying from collector areas between 1.81 m2 and 4.38 m2. Open and closed systems have been considered both with horizontal and vertical storage tanks. In addition to the above, an attempt was made to consider a large variety of weather conditions. In this way the network was trained to accept and handle a number of unusual cases. The data presented as input were the collector area, storage tank heat loss coefficient (U-value), tank type, storage volume, type of system, and ten readings from real experiments of total daily solar radiation, mean ambient air temperature, and the water temperature in the storage tank at the beginning of a day. The network output is the useful energy extracted from the system and the temperature rise in the stored water. The statistical R2-value obtained for the training data set was equal to 0.9722 and 0.9751 for the two output parameters respectively. Unknown data were subsequently used to investigate the accuracy of prediction. These include systems considered for the training of the network at different weather conditions and completely unknown systems. Predictions within 7.1% and 9.7% were obtained respectively. These results indicate that the proposed method can successfully be used for the estimation of the useful energy extracted from the system and the temperature rise in the stored water. The advantages of this approach compared to the conventional algorithmic methods are the speed, the simplicity, and the capacity of the network to learn from examples. This is done by embedding experiential knowledge in the network. Additionally, actual weather data have been used for the training of the network, which leads to more realistic results as compared to other modeling programs, which rely on TMY data that are not necessarily similar to the actual environment in which a system operates.  相似文献   

In this article, a theoretical study is presented for a solar powered combined system comprising a LiBr---H2O absorption cooling machine and a multiple-effect distillator (MED). The MED has 8 VTE of the falling film type, and it replaces the condenser in conventional absorption machines. Steam released at the generator pressure is supplied to the effect which matches its conditions, and the condensate follows its usual route towards the evaporator of an A/C unit. Thus, the MED is powered by the waste heat of the absorption machine which improves the overall gain and the thermodynamic characteristics significantly.

Governing equations for the combined system are given and are numerically solved. Medium parabolic concentrators are used to power the system, and a transient simulation for the combined arrangement is presented.

Results are given for a typical design summer day in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for a range of firing temperatures 150–190°C with a storage temperature amplitude of 10–20°C over a daily working period of 12 h. For a given cooling load of 100 ton refrigeration, the system can produce up to 40m3 of fresh water at a specific collector area of 12.41. H2O plus 0.03 TR/m2. The overall COPo reaches 1.44, which is more than twice that of a conventional absorption machine at the same temperature levels.  相似文献   

我国规模化沼气工程存在原料单一、产气率低、装备落后等技术瓶颈,西南地区沼气原料来源分散、成分复杂,因此需要开发新的多种原料混合发酵的新模式来提高沼气工程厌氧消化效率。本工程通过全混式厌氧发酵两级工艺共同厌氧消化如秸秆和畜禽粪便等分散原料,形成新的沼气和发酵剩余物利用模式。结果表明,在30 d稳定运行期间,600 m3厌氧发酵罐每天可消纳猪粪7.9 t、浓污水8.2 t及农作物秸秆0.2 t,日产气量为900 m3,混合原料发酵的容积产气率达1.5 m3/(m3∙d)。  相似文献   

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