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为探究稀释燃烧改善发动机性能的潜力,通过一台1.5 L高压缩比增压直喷汽油机开展台架试验,对比研究了空气稀释、废气再循环(EGR)稀释及复合稀释燃烧在不同稀释程度下对中速、中负荷工况下发动机性能的影响规律.结果表明:稀释燃烧延长了燃烧持续期,降低了有效燃油消耗率(BSFC),减少了发动机传热损失,并降低了CO排放,稀释方式不同会导致HC和NOx排放随稀释率的变化规律不同,但在高稀释率下,相比无稀释燃烧,HC排放升高,NOx排放降低;相较于EGR,空气稀释对燃烧的抑制更弱,稀释边界更宽,BSFC降低效果更好,CO与HC排放显著更低,未燃损失更低,NOx排放更高,且这些规律在相同稀释率、不同EGR占比的复合稀释燃烧的性能参数变化中同样存在,但有效热效率在过量空气系数φa=1.34、EGR率约为5%(稀释率为1.4)时达到最高,这与排气损失更低有关,此时相较原机,BSFC降低了5.7%,NOx降低了33%,均比φa为1.40时的降幅更大,证明了复合稀释燃烧具备更强的节能减排潜力.  相似文献   

基于一台带有低压废气再循环系统的1.5 L涡轮增压直喷汽油发动机进行了稀燃和废气再循环(EGR)影响发动机燃烧性能的试验研究。结果表明,随着稀释率的上升,EGR和稀燃均导致发动机滞燃期、燃烧持续期延长,燃烧重心提前,有效燃油消耗率下降,排气温度下降,平均绝热指数上升。相同稀释率下,相比稀燃,EGR的滞燃期长,燃烧重心提前,两者燃烧持续期基本相等,稀释极限低,绝热指数小,排气温度低。在稀释率分别为20%、35.9%时,最大可减小有效燃油消耗率4.7%、7.2%。热容对燃油经济性的影响占主导地位,相同稀释率下,循环变动系数小于3%时,相比稀燃,EGR具有更好的燃油经济性。  相似文献   

稀燃和废气再循环(EGR)技术由于可以改善汽油直喷(GDI)发动机的燃油经济性而成为内燃机重要发展方向之一.通过GDI发动机台架试验,研究了EGR稀释、过量空气稀释(稀燃)和两种技术复合作用对发动机性能和排放的影响.结果表明:稀释率相当的条件下,化学计量比混合气下的EGR对燃烧持续期(CA0-10、CA10-50)和循环变动率(COV)的影响比过量空气稀释更显著,过量空气稀释时发动机的热效率明显高于EGR稀释时的热效率,过量空气稀释率为21.9%时,热效率升高6.3%.EGR稀释时,部分新鲜充量被非反应气体代替,导致氧体积分数明显降低.EGR与过量空气复合稀释时,热效率与过量空气稀释条件下的热效率接近,NO_x排放大幅降低,颗粒物数量(PN)排放与过量空气稀释单独作用时相当,颗粒物表面积浓度排放较低,颗粒物粒径小于EGR稀释和过量空气单独稀释时的粒径.  相似文献   

为明晰不同点火方式对汽油机稀薄燃烧特性的影响规律,在一款排量为0.5L的研究型单缸机上试验研究了传统火花塞和主动预燃室两种不同点火方式下发动机燃烧及排放特性,探索主动预燃室拓展稀薄燃烧极限的多种影响因素。研究结果表明,稀薄燃烧可有效降低油耗,提高发动机热效率。传统点火线圈的稀燃极限处于过量空气系数1.5附近,最高指示热效率为45.0%,而采用主动预燃室系统后,稀燃极限可进一步拓展,过量空气系数可达2.0,指示热效率提升至46.5%,氮氧化物排放比采用传统火花塞点火技术时降低约88%;主动预燃室匹配高压缩比14.80的燃烧系统,可进一步拓展稀燃极限至过量空气系数2.1,指示热效率可达48.0%,氮氧化物排放继续降低,在过量空气系数采用2.1时NOx排放最低可达58×10-6。  相似文献   

为明晰不同点火方式对汽油机稀薄燃烧特性的影响规律,在一款排量为0.5L的研究型单缸机上试验研究了传统火花塞和主动预燃室两种不同点火方式下发动机燃烧及排放特性,探索主动预燃室拓展稀薄燃烧极限的多种影响因素。研究结果表明,稀薄燃烧可有效降低油耗,提高发动机热效率。传统点火线圈的稀燃极限处于过量空气系数1.5附近,最高指示热效率为45.0%,而采用主动预燃室系统后,稀燃极限可进一步拓展,过量空气系数可达2.0,指示热效率提升至46.5%,氮氧化物排放比采用传统火花塞点火技术时降低约88%;主动预燃室匹配高压缩比14.80的燃烧系统,可进一步拓展稀燃极限至过量空气系数2.1,指示热效率可达48.0%,氮氧化物排放继续降低,在过量空气系数采用2.1时NO_x排放最低可达58×10~(-6)。  相似文献   

将一台增压直喷米勒循环汽油机改制成高压缩比(13.8)甲醇直喷点燃式发动机,在2 750 r/min、平均有效压力(brake mean effective pressure,BMEP)为1.1 MPa及1.5 MPa工况下研究了稀燃对甲醇直喷发动机燃烧、排放及热效率的影响。结果表明:随过量空气系数λ增大,甲醇直喷发动机滞燃期和燃烧持续期逐渐延长,高稀释率下燃烧滞燃期和持续期明显短于汽油原机。在1.1 MPa BMEP工况下,发动机的稳定燃烧极限从汽油原机的λ=1.5拓宽到甲醇直喷的1.7以上。气体排放方面,随λ增大,甲醇直喷发动机HC排放逐渐增加,而CO排放先降低后升高,在λ=1.1附近CO排放最低。与汽油原机相比,甲醇直喷发动机在各过量空气系数下均表现出更低的NOx、HC及CO排放。热效率方面,发动机在BMEP为1.1 MPa下,汽油原机和甲醇直喷的最大有效热效率分别为39.8%和44.1%,热效率绝对值分别较当量比燃烧提升2.5%和3.2%。BMEP提高到1.5 MPa后,甲醇直喷发动机在λ=1.4实现了44.5%的最大有效热效率。  相似文献   

为降低增压米勒循环发动机燃油消耗率,对一台1.5L增压直喷汽油机进行改制,提高其压缩比与进气滚流,进行了电动增压与废气再循环(exhaust gas recirculation,EGR)降低燃油消耗率(brake specific fuel consumption,BSFC)的试验研究。试验结果表明:高压缩比EGR方案能大幅降低发动机燃油消耗率,燃油消耗率下降5.0%~13.6%。最高有效热效率达到41.2%,这主要得益于传热损失、换气损失的减少和膨胀做功的增加。提高EGR率能减少传热损失与提前燃烧重心,这是燃油消耗率降低的主要原因。提高EGR容忍度的关键是优化燃烧组织以减小点火滞燃期和燃烧持续期。  相似文献   

基于一台四冲程单缸发动机开展预燃室湍流射流点火(turbulent jet ignition, TJI)甲醇发动机燃烧特性、性能表现和排放特性的试验研究。结果表明,TJI燃烧模式燃烧速率较快,放热率(heat release rate, HRR)峰值明显较高,且具有更短的滞燃期和燃烧持续期。随着过量空气系数变大,缸内压力和放热率峰值变小,TJI和火花塞点火(spark ignition, SI)燃烧模式滞燃期和燃烧持续期均变长。此外,TJI燃烧模式可有效提升甲醇发动机的稀薄燃烧稳定性,可将稀燃极限拓展至过量空气系数2.0。TJI燃烧模式下平均指示压力略低于SI模式;然而对于过量空气系数大于1.1的稀燃工况,TJI燃烧模式指示燃油消耗率更低,在过量空气系数1.3时低于570 g/(kW·h),说明其具有更好的燃油经济性。TJI燃烧模式下氮氧化物排放量明显低于SI燃烧模式,过量空气系数1.1时降低约37.2%,并且在过量空气系数大于1.3的极稀燃工况具有相对较低的甲醛CH2O和碳氢化合物排放。  相似文献   

针对一款4缸1.5L废气涡轮增压缸内直喷汽油(GDI)发动机,进行了废气再循环(EGR)缸内稀释燃烧技术、空气缸内稀释燃烧技术与原机燃烧的经济性、排放特性对比试验研究。研究了不同缸内稀释技术对发动机性能和排放影响的变动规律,并对比分析了相同稀释率下、采用不同稀释技术时发动机的性能变化。结果表明:空气稀释率在49.5%时比油耗相比原机下降6.2%,而EGR稀释率在20.5%时经济性改善4.2%,在相同稀释率时,EGR稀释可采用更为提前的点火角实现更优的燃烧相位,但空气稀释所带来的多变指数提升使其经济性优于EGR稀释,且发动机燃烧系统对空气稀释程度具有更强的容忍性;NOx排放在空气稀释率为11.0%时达到峰值水平,随后随着稀释率的提高不断下降,而EGR稀释的NOx排放随着稀释率的提高持续大幅下降;空气稀释的CO排放水平远低于原机,EGR稀释的CO排放随着稀释率的增加而略有下降;对于HC排放,空气稀释的排放量低于EGR稀释,而当空气稀释率由49.5%增加为68.0%时,HC排放出现较大幅度上升。  相似文献   

基于一台可变压缩比火花点火(SI)单缸发动机,在不同废气再循环(EGR率为0~20%)、不同压缩比(8、9、10和11)下,对发动机燃烧和排放特性进行对比分析.结果表明:随着EGR率的增大,滞燃期和燃烧持续期变长,瞬时放热率曲线峰值减小并后移,缸内压力和最高平均燃烧温度降低.而增大压缩比则使滞燃期和燃烧持续期变短,缸内压力和燃烧温度升高.同时,NOx排放随EGR率的增大而降低,当压缩比为9时,20%,EGR率比无EGR时降低了92%,但随着压缩比增大NOx排放增多.CO和HC排放在EGR率较小时无明显变化,但随压缩比增大而减小,当EGR为5%,时,CO和HC排放最高降低7.8%和27%.  相似文献   

Hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel operation can provide significant benefits to the performance and carbon-based emissions formation of compression-ignition engines. The wide flammability range of hydrogen allows engine operation at extremely low equivalence ratios while its high diffusivity and flame speed promote wide range combustion inside the cylinder. Nonetheless, despite the excellent properties of hydrogen for internal combustion, unburned hydrogen emissions and poor combustion efficiency have been previously observed at low-load conditions of compression ignition engines.The focus of the present study is to assess the effects of different engine operation and diesel injection parameters on the combustion efficiency of a heavy-duty dual-fuel engine while observing their interactions with the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and emissions formation of the engine. In an attempt to reduce the unburned hydrogen rates at the exhaust of the engine, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and different diesel injection strategies were implemented. Statistical methods were applied in this study to reduce the experimental time.The results show a strong connection between unburned hydrogen rates, combustion and brake thermal efficiencies with the EGR rate. Higher EGR rates increase the intake charge temperature and provide improved hydrogen combustion and fuel economy. Operation of the dual-fuel engine at low-load with high EGR rate and slightly advanced main diesel injection can deliver simultaneous benefits to most of the harmful emissions and the BTE of the engine. Despite the efforts to achieve optimal engine operation at low loads, the combustion efficiency for most of the tested cases was in the range of 90%. Thus, increased hydrogen rates should be avoided as the benefits of the dual-fuel operation are weak at low-load conditions.  相似文献   

A naturally aspirated spark ignition (SI) engine fueled by hydrogen-blended low calorific gas (LCG) was tested in both exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and lean burn modes. The “dilution ratio” was introduced to compare their effects on engine performance and emissions under identical levels of dilution. LCG composed of 40% natural gas and 60% nitrogen was used as a main fuel, and hydrogen was blended with the LCG in volumes ranging from 0 to 20%. The engine test results demonstrated that EGR operations at stoichiometry showed a narrower dilution range, inferior combustion characteristics, lower brake thermal efficiency, faster nitrogen oxides (NOx) suppression, and higher total hydrocarbon (THC) emissions for all hydrogen blending rates compared to lean burn. These trends were mainly due to the increased oxygen deficiency as a result of using EGR in LCG/air mixtures. Hydrogen enrichment of the LCG improved combustion stability and reduced THC emissions while increasing NOx. In terms of efficiency, hydrogen addition induced a competition between combustion enhancement and increases in the cooling loss, so that the peak thermal efficiency occurred at 10% H2 with excess air ratio of 1.5. The engine test results also indicated that a close-to-linear NOx-efficiency relationship occurred for all hydrogen blending rates in both operations as long as stable combustion was achieved. NOx versus combustion duration analysis showed that adding H2 reduced combustion duration while maintaining the same level of NOx. The methane fraction contained in the THC emissions decreased slightly with an increase in hydrogen enrichment at low EGR or excess air dilution ratios, but this tendency was diminished at higher dilution ratios because of the combined dilution effects from the inert gas in the LCG and the diluents (EGR or excess air).  相似文献   

废气再循环和进气加热是实现汽油机HCCI燃烧的两种不同方式,其对HCCI燃烧性能的影响也不同,为此,在同一台汽油机上分别采用废气再循环和进气加热实现HCCI燃烧,并分析了其在HCCI燃烧性能上存在差异的机理.试验结果表明,相对于进气加热,废气再循环的工质比热容高,但由于稀释比较小,使得其工质总热容反而低,从而缸内燃烧温度高.废气再循环HCCI燃烧的未燃HC排放比进气加热的排放值低41%~59%;NOx排放是后者的2~20倍;而CO排放与负荷有关;其燃烧效率比进气加热HCCI的值高0.8%~14%.然而,由于进气加热的PMEP低,缸内工质比热比大,传热损失小,最终使得进气加热HCCI燃烧的ISFC比废气再循环HCCI燃烧的值低6.6%~16.4%.  相似文献   

Two dilution strategies, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) with a stoichiometric mixture and excess air with a lean mixture, were investigated for an 11 L, 6-cylinder H2-blended compressed natural gas (HCNG) engine. The engine was operated at 1260 rpm and 50% of maximum engine load (575 Nm) at maximum brake torque for each strategy. To evaluate the EGR approach, the stoichiometric combustion mode was varied, and to evaluate the lean combustion mode, the excess air ratio was varied. The maximum EGR rate and lean flammability limit were constrained by the combustion stability. The dilution rate was employed to compare the dilution effect on engine performance and emission levels under identical levels of the dilution for both combustion modes. The thermal efficiencies under stoichiometric combustion with EGR were lower than those under lean combustion, owing to a higher pumping loss and a lower combustion speed. The total hydrocarbon emissions under the lean combustion mode were lower than those under the stoichiometric combustion mode only when the combustion speed was relatively slow, due to the higher mixing rate caused by the active combustion. As the dilution rate was increased in the lean combustion mode, the rate of decrease in NOx emissions slowed compared to the stoichiometric combustion mode. The lowest level of engine-out NOx emissions was observed under lean combustion.  相似文献   

Hydrogen and iso-butanol are notable potential alternative fuels. Hydrogen addition under air dilution conditions was investigated in this study in an attempt to enhance the thermal efficiency of spark ignition (SI) engines fueled with iso-butanol-gasoline (B33) at partial load. Hydrogen appears to have positive effect on combustion progress that is prolonged during air dilution. Under lean hydrogen-enriched mixture conditions, the brake thermal efficiency was increased by about 4% and combustion instability was reduced; the lean burn limit migrated from 1.4 to 1.8 for B33 engine after hydrogen addition. Under lean burn conditions, the durations of initial flame development and rapid burning were shortened markedly by hydrogen; both were extended by air dilution. After hydrogen addition, the unburnt HC emissions of iso-butanol-gasoline decreased markedly and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions decreased slightly. NOx emissions from hydrogen-enriched iso-butanol-gasoline increased as lambda grew near to 1.0, at a significant reduction with increasing excess air rate regardless of fuel type. The combination of hydrogen addition and air dilution exhibited a positive inhibition on particle matter (PM) emissions regardless particle in nucleation or the accumulation mode, and the particle surface concentration was reduced significantly. Finally, an improved combustion progress was observed after hydrogen addition during air dilution, as well as a higher brake thermal efficiency and wider lean burn limit with acceptable combustion stability.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of internal and cooled external exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on the combustion and emission performance of diesel fuel homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI). The use of fuel injection before the top center (TC) of an exhaust stroke and the negative valve overlap (NVO) to form the homogeneous mixture achieves low NOx and smoke emissions HCCI. Internal and external EGR are combined to control the combustion. Internal exhaust gas recirculation (IEGR) benefits to form a homogeneous mixture and reduces smoke emission further, but lower the high load limits of HCCI. Cooled external EGR can delay the start of combustion (SOC) effectively, which is very useful for high cetane fuel (diesel) HCCI because these fuels can easily self-ignited, making the SOC earlier. External EGR can avoid the knock combustion of HCCI at high load, which means it can expand the high load limit. HCCI maintains low smoke emission at various EGR rates and various loads compared with a conventional diesel engine because there are no fuel-rich volumes in the cylinder.  相似文献   

Due to increasingly stringent fuel consumption and emission regulation, improving thermal efficiency and reducing particulate matter emissions are two main issues for next generation gasoline engine. Lean burn mode could greatly reduce pumping loss and decrease the fuel consumption of gasoline engines, although the burning rate is decreased by higher diluted intake air. In this study, dual injection stratified combustion mode is used to accelerate the burning rate of lean burn by increasing the fuel concentration near the spark plug. The effects of engine control parameters such as the excess air coefficient (Lambda), direct injection (DI) ratio, spark interval with DI, and DI timing on combustion, fuel consumption, gaseous emissions, and particulate emissions of a dual injection gasoline engine are studied. It is shown that the lean burn limit can be extended to Lambda= 1.8 with a low compression ratio of 10, while the fuel consumption can be obviously improved at Lambda= 1.4. There exists a spark window for dual injection stratified lean burn mode, in which the spark timing has a weak effect on combustion. With optimization of the control parameters, the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) decreases 9.05% more than that of original stoichiometric combustion with DI as 2 bar brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) at a 2000 r/min engine speed. The NOx emissions before three-way catalyst (TWC) are 71.31% lower than that of the original engine while the particle number (PN) is 81.45% lower than the original engine. The dual injection stratified lean burn has a wide range of applications which can effectively reduce fuel consumption and particulate emissions. The BSFC reduction rate is higher than 5% and the PN reduction rate is more than 50% with the speed lower than 2400 r/min and the load lower than 5 bar.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on the behavior of a spark ignition engine fueled by hydrogen-blended low-calorific biogas were investigated, and its performance and emission characteristics were compared with those of the lean burn engine investigated in our previous work. The engine was operated at a constant rotational speed of 1800 rpm under a 60 kW power output condition, and a simulated biogas containing H2 was used to realize a wide range of gas compositions. The engine test results demonstrate that when less than 20% H2 was added to the biogas, the EGR operations had inferior fuel economy to the lean burn technique. However, when the H2 blending ratio was increased, the EGR method achieved higher engine performance with lower NOx emissions than the legal standard. Analyses of the O2 fraction and thermal capacity variations of the inlet charge also indicated that a dilution (O2 replacement) effect rather than a thermal effect was the dominant factor when EGR was introduced in a low-calorific biogas engine. Subsequently, in order to improve the engine efficiency as well as combustion characteristics, the spark gap was projected further into the combustion chamber with EGR engine operations. The engine test results show that repositioning the discharge location improved the thermal efficiency, and the maximum tolerable EGR rate increased because of spatial advantages such as relatively short flame propagation lengths and high electrode temperatures.  相似文献   

基于一台当量比燃烧的天然气发动机,采用三维燃烧分析与发动机一维热力学计算相结合的方式开展了废气再循环(exhaust gas recirculation,EGR)率及点火时刻对缸内燃烧过程和发动机排温的影响研究。研究结果表明:随着EGR率的增加,燃烧相位后移,燃烧持续期延长,放热率峰值减小,最大压升率、缸内最高燃烧压力和最高平均燃烧温度均降低,再循环废气的稀释作用和热容效应能够抑制混合气的燃烧。随着点火时刻的提前,燃烧重心(CA50)前移,燃烧持续期缩短,最大压升率、缸内压力和放热率峰值均增大。排温随EGR率的增大和点火时刻的提前而降低。保持空气和燃气进气量不变,EGR率增大至23%,点火时刻提前至-18°能够将原机标定功率提升7.4 kW,有效燃料消耗率降低4 g/(kW·h)。当空气和燃气进气量增加11.6%,EGR率大于19%,点火时刻早于-10.5°时,可将原机标定功率提升36 kW并且将排温控制在760℃以内。  相似文献   

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