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正"十一五"期间我国汽车保有量以年均约20%的速度增长,未来随着人民生活水平的提高,汽车保有量将进一步增加,石油供需不平衡将进一步扩大。2010年以来,我国石油对外依存度一直超过50%,对进口石油的高度依赖,已严重影响到我国的能源安全。同时汽车尾气严重污染了城市环境,尤其PM2.5已成为当今中国及全世界关注的热点问题。开发新能源汽车替代传统燃油汽车,已成为我国解决能源安全和环境污染的重要举措。电动汽车是新能源汽车  相似文献   

基于运行工况的纯电动车与汽油车能耗排放比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于济南市城市道路运行工况,对比分析了纯电动汽车和传统燃油汽车的能耗及排?放。根据纯电动汽车及传统燃油汽车的实车道路~,riL数据,利用主成分分析、聚类分析等方法构建了济南市城市道路工况。基于该工况,对比分析了上述两种车辆的能耗和排放,分析得出在该道路工况下纯电动汽车的能耗约为传统燃油汽车的1/2,排放方面也明显低于后者。  相似文献   

1新能源汽车发展现状 我国已成为世界第一汽车产销国,2000年我国汽车保有量为1609万辆.到2010年底突破7700万辆,10年间增长了近4倍,在今后较长一段时期我国汽车保有量还将保持快速增长势头,预计到2020年将超过2亿辆,由此带来的能源安全和环境问题将更加突出,产业技术转型升级压力巨大。目前,通过实施乘用车燃料消耗量限值标准,应用先进内燃机、高效变速器、轻量化和优化设计等节能技术,我国汽车平均油耗已经逐步降低。新能源汽车进入市场将极大地促进传统汽车产业的技术升级。  相似文献   

工业污染、生活废气、汽车尾气、可吸入颗粒物、雾霾天气……和人们息息相关的空气质量问题日益突出.在因机动车尾气排放而备受关注的汽车行业,车油不匹配、能源转绿难、新能源汽车发展缓慢、低速汽车升级难、黄标车淘汰难等难题也成为切实的问题. 2013年9月12日,国务院出台《大气污染防治行动计划》(大气"国十条"),首次明确未来五年大气污染防治的治理目标,其中涉及汽车产业的规定有机动车燃油升级、机动车总量控制、老旧机动车淘汰、新能源车推广等方面. 此外,大气"国十条"将环境质量是否改善纳入官员考核体系,体现了国家层面对大气污染治理的高度重视.然而,汽车业内人士如何看待这一政策?这一政策又会对汽车行业产生哪些影响?  相似文献   

对我国发展纯电动汽车的质疑与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱成章 《中外能源》2010,15(9):11-15
近年来国家对纯电动汽车的扶持力度正在不断加大。然而纯电动汽车、混合动力汽车等以电力作燃料,并非真正意义上的新能源汽车。纯电动汽车所消耗的电力需要由发电厂提供,相当于以煤代油,其外部负效应表现在燃煤电厂的负效应上。燃油汽车和纯电动汽车每辆车每年的能耗折算成标煤分别为1.53t和1.6t,基本上相等,但燃油排放的二氧化碳比燃煤少,所以纯电动汽车并不是低碳汽车。用纯电动汽车替代燃油汽车,很可能是减少了石油进口,但却要增加煤炭进口,并不能从根本上提高我国能源的安全性。发展纯电动汽车需要大量投资,再加上环境污染,经济性很差。鉴于此,建议我国应重新定义新能源汽车,要真正利用新能源作为汽车的动力,寻找适合我国能源资源条件的真正的新能源汽车或替代能源汽车;中国在相当长的时间里节能减排还是主要依靠传统燃油汽车,在重视研发新能源汽车、研究替代燃油汽车的同时,应重视传统燃油汽车的节能降耗;控制汽车消费是最有效的节油措施;节能减排必须要从一次能源算起,我国电源结构以煤电为主,并不适宜发展纯电动汽车。中国要等到第一次和第二次能源大转换完成之后,当天然气、水电、核电在电源结构中占据主体地位时,纯电动汽车才会有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

摘要: 随着陕西省经济社会发展水平不断提高,汽车保有量持续攀升。大力发展电动汽车,能够加快燃油替代,减少汽车尾气排放,对保障能源安全、促进节能减排、降污治霾、有效缓解能源和环境压力,具有重要意义。采用弹性系数法和千人保有量法建立电动汽车保有量预测模型,对陕西省“十三五”期间电动汽车保有量进行了预测,并用一元线性回归模型对结果进行比较,表明千人保有量法预测结果更加准确。结果显示未来五年陕西省电动汽车将呈现阶段式增长,预计2020年实现平稳发展。最后对电动汽车发展及充电设施建设提出几点建议。  相似文献   

上海市每年申报处理的工程渣土约13135.4万t,全市渣土运输车辆超过11000辆,目前采用的传统燃油渣土车具有高能耗、排放多、噪音大、易撒漏等问题。本文比较了目前常用的新能源渣土运输车类型及优缺点,分析了其市场应用条件,探讨了上海市推广新能源渣土车的未来前景和发展方向,为政府、企业、工程公司等推进新能源渣土运输车的应用与实践提供参考。  相似文献   

正一、新能源汽车有望成为广西出行路上的新风尚到2020年底,广西新能源汽车保有量比攻坚行动前增长100%,达到14.6万辆以上;新能源汽车充电基础设施更加完善,充电便利性大幅提升,全区新能源汽车推广应用进入全国先进行列……近日,广西举行新闻发布会,介绍前不久印发的《广西壮族自治区新能源汽车推广应用攻坚行动方案》(以下简称《方案》)的有关情况。"近年来,在全区各界的努力下,新能源汽车推广应用虽然取得了一些成效,但远未能满足社会需求。"广西发展  相似文献   

柴油机直接燃用植物油燃料,存在启动困难、在怠速、低转速和小负荷等工况时燃烧排放性能差等问题。本文对原车柴油机燃料供给系统进行改进设计,应用控制单元对燃油供给系统进行控制,在启动、怠速、低转速和小负荷时给发动机供柴油,中高负荷时给发动机供植物油,实现柴油和植物油燃料的双供给。改装后整车道路试验表明,燃用植物油汽车运行可靠,动力性、经济性与原车相当,在中高负荷时燃烧和排放特性优于柴油车。  相似文献   

正随着2019年上半年的结束,新能源汽车真正进入了后补贴时代。补贴退坡后国内新能源汽车不仅面临与传统燃油车竞争,还会与国外新能源汽车品牌存在竞争。以合适、优质的产品打动消费者可能是新能源汽车生产商化解市场风险的最有效手段。新能源汽车厂商竞争的核心就是产品技术和服务的竞争。中国汽车工业协会秘书长助理陈士华表示,目前的新能源汽车市场依然是政策刺激的市场,在国家和地方政策的支持下,处于快速上升周期。此次补贴的退坡,预计对行业的长远影响不大,维持此前对于2019年新能源汽车年产销160  相似文献   

Automobiles are considered as the main energy consumer in the transportation sector. According to the National Energy Balance, its accounted for about 36% of the total energy consumption in Malaysia. In order to reduce energy consumption in this sector, this country must consider setting fuel economy standards for motor vehicles sometime in near future. The first step toward developing fuel economy standards is to create a precise test and rating procedure for the automobiles. The test procedure is the technical foundation for all related programs namely; fuel economy standards, fuel economy labels and incentive programs. The test conditions should represent the driving situations and environment of the country. This paper is attempts to present a critical review on fuel economy testing procedure around the world and to propose a process for selecting a fuel economy test procedure for automobiles based on the conditions and requirements of the country. The internationally recognize test procedure adopted by several countries is also presented in this paper. Even though the paper only discusses the test procedure for automobiles, the methods can be directly applied for other types of vehicles and in other countries without major modifications.  相似文献   

This article describes three future scenarios for the potential reduction of CO2 emissions and associated costs when biogenic ethanol blends and oxygenates are substituted for gasoline, and hybrid, flex fuel and fuel cell technologies are introduced in passenger automobiles (including pickups and sport-utility vehicles (SUVs)) in the densely populated Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA), analyzed up to the year 2030. A reference (REF) scenario is constructed in which most automobiles are driven by internal combustion engines (ICE) fuelled by gasoline. In the first alternative scenario (ALT1), hybrid electric-ICE gasoline-fuelled cars are introduced in 2006. In the same year, ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) is introduced as a replacement for methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) oxygenate for gasoline. In the second alternative scenario (ALT2), in addition to the changes introduced in ALT1, flex fuel ICE technology fuelled by E85 is introduced in 2008 and electric motor vehicles driven by direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFC) fuelled by E100 in 2013. A comparison between the reference and alternate scenarios shows that while the total number of vehicles is the same in each scenario, energy consumption decreases by 9% (ALT1) and 17% (ALT2), the total non-biogenic CO2 emissions drop by 15% (ALT1) and 34% (ALT2), CO2 mitigation cost is 140.14 $US1997/ton CO2 (ALT2), and ALT1 has savings and is considered a “no regrets” scenario.  相似文献   

新能源汽车的发展现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一直以来,中国及世界上的大部分国家都受化石燃料等不可再生能源所带来的环境问题和可持续发展问题所困扰.阐述了世界能源日渐匮乏的现状和各国采取的应对措施.汽车消耗了全球汽油的40%,其排放的尾气占大气污染源总量的50%以上.随着资源与环境双重压力的增大,发展新能源汽车势在必行.浅议了汽车尾气产生的环境污染和治理方法,总结了部分国家和地区新能源汽车的发展现状和政策法规.旨在普及新能源汽车知识,使人们对其产生深刻印象,加大新能源汽车的推广力度.  相似文献   

Hydrogen fuel cell (FC) vehicles are receiving increasing attention as a potential powerful technology to reduce the transportation sector's dependence on petroleum and substantially decrease emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) at the same time. This paper projects energy use and GHG emissions from different FC vehicle configurations and compares these values to the projected characteristics of similarly sized and performing gasoline and diesel fueled automobiles on a life cycle, well to wheels and cradle to grave basis. Our analysis suggests that for the next 20 or more years, new internal combustion engine (ICE) hybrid drive train vehicles can achieve similar levels of reduction in energy use and GHG emissions compared to hydrogen FC vehicles, if the hydrogen is derived from natural gas. The fleet impact of more fuel-efficient vehicles depends on the time it takes for new technology to (i) become competitive, (ii) increase its share of the new vehicles produced, and finally (iii) penetrate significantly into the vehicle fleet. Since the lead times for bringing improved ICE vehicle technology into production are the shortest, its impact on vehicle fleet energy use and emissions could be significant in 20–30 years, about half the time required for hydrogen FC vehicles to have a similar impact. Full emission reduction potential of FC vehicles can only be achieved when hydrogen is derived from zero or very low-carbon releasing production processes on a large scale—an option that further increases the impact leadtime. Thus, a comprehensive short- and long-term strategy for reducing automobile energy use and emissions should include both the continuous improvement of ICE vehicles and simultaneous research and development of hydrogen FC cars.  相似文献   

生物质能汽车的动力系统技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
能源和环境问题成为本世纪世界各国共同面临的两个重大问题。寻找新的"清洁代用燃料"是人类的必然选择。生物质能源是一种可作为车辆发动机燃料的新型清洁低廉的可再生能源,因此研究和开发生物质能汽车动力系统技术有利于改变我国能源消费结构、维护国家能源安全和环境保护。介绍了生物质燃料汽车动力系统技术,主要包括固体燃料裂解气化技术、气体燃料净化技术以及使用燃气式发动机技术等。为研究和开发使用生物质燃料汽车提供了一定的指导和参考信息,为其今后的深入研究提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

刘志远 《中外能源》2009,14(11):32-37
我国车用燃料甲醇国家标准和车用甲醇汽油(M85)国家标准已获批准。我国生产甲醇的主要原料是煤,2008年国内煤制甲醇的产能约1270×104t,约占甲醇总产能的61%,预计到2010年,国内将有超过70%的甲醇产能以煤为原料。为加快醇醚燃料进入市场的步伐,建议在我国相关区域建立醇醚燃料产业推广应用示范区,逐步形成规范的区域大市场,在保障我国能源安全、促进能源燃料需求与供给的平衡等方面发挥作用。建立示范区应选择具有一定醇醚燃料生产基础的省份及地区,选择煤炭资源丰富及甲醇工业发展较快的地区和燃料乙醇等生物质能源没有覆盖的地区。并应以大型甲醇或醇醚燃料生产企业为主,以新能源汽车大型生产企业为依托选择示范区。同时,推广醇醚燃料还需要国家政策的支持和各地区、各企业之间的合作,特别是质量认证、市场准入、技术创新、物流运输、醇醚燃料标准化建设等工作,是建立示范区过程中的工作重点。  相似文献   

This work presents a perspective on the production and use of hydrogen as an automotive fuel. Hydrogen has been hailed as the key to a clean energy future primarily because it can be produced from a variety of energy sources, it satisfies all energy needs, it is the least polluting, and it is the perfect carrier for solar energy in that it affords solar energy a storage medium. Efforts are underway to transform the global transportation energy economy from one dependent on oil to that based on sustainable hydrogen. The rationale behind these efforts is that hydrocarbon-based automobiles are a significant source of air pollution, while hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles produce effectively zero emissions. Besides the transportation area, fuel cells can also reduce emissions in other applications such as the residential or commercial distributed electricity generation. Hydrogen is the perfect partner for electricity, and together they create an integrated energy system based on distributed power generation and use. A discussion on the sources of hydrogen in the near- and long-term future as well as the cost of hydrogen production is provided.  相似文献   

交通运输用油是影响我国石油消费量的重要因素.汽车的节油与燃料替代对降低石油需求起着关键性的作用.也是实现经济、社会和能源安全以及过渡到低碳经济的关键。汽车节油效果取决于国家的宏观政策。提高传统汽车能源效率、鼓励替代燃料和新能源汽车开发,以及采用智能运输系统、大力发展公共交通是节油减排的有效途径。提高汽车燃料使用效率.即开发节油型汽车、降低燃料消耗、淘汰油耗较高的老旧车型、提高柴油发动机所占比例等。整合强制性燃油经济性标识、标准和财政激励措施等独立的政策形成一揽子计划.通过相互协同作用来增强效果。替代燃料和新能源是石油燃料的有效补充,应加大投入力度。其中最有前景的是天然气、液化石油气等气体燃料。混合动力、纯电动汽车可借鉴国外先进技术,实现跨越式发展。氢燃料电池汽车应加大研发力度。充分利用智能运输系统和先进的物联网系统优化交通结构和货运行程,大力发展公共交通。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes trends in fuel economy (kilometers per liter) of new passenger vehicles in Mexico over a period of 20 years from 1988 to 2008. Results show that in this period, fuel economy of the new passenger vehicle fleet, including multipurpose vehicles (a category similar to sport utility vehicles, SUVs), increased by only 6.3%. A simple Laspeyres index analysis was developed to evaluate both the impact of changes in vehicle sales structure by category and the changes in fuel economy. Results show that increased sales of heavier, multipurpose vehicles in place of subcompact and compact vehicles, impacted negatively on the fleet average fuel economy. If the structure of sales had continued in the same proportions across all categories as in 1988, fuel economy would have increased by 11.0%, instead of the actual 6.3%. This result coincides with trends in other countries. The paper also presents different scenarios of passenger car fuel economy for the year 2020, and its implications for gasoline consumption and CO2 emissions. The results may influence the new passenger vehicle fuel economy standard that is currently under discussion in Mexico.  相似文献   

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