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介绍了臭氧氧化技术工程应用的历程,归纳了废水臭氧氧化的反应机理以及废水处理应用的主要工艺。通过对国内外的废水臭氧氧化工程应用情况的介绍,明显看到国内应用臭氧氧化技术处理废水,无论是处理规模、装置数量,还是处理废水的种类都存在较大差距,显示出该技术在国内废水处理领域的广阔发展空间。  相似文献   

随着臭氧氧化技术的不断发展,臭氧催化氧化技术应用十分广泛。从工业废水处理、污泥处置、有机废气处理三方面,对目前关于臭氧催化氧化的技术应用情况进行梳理和归纳,提出目前臭氧氧化技术存在的缺陷,旨在为今后臭氧氧化技术的加强和优化起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

臭氧预氧化技术在给水处理中的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了臭氧预氧化技术在饮用水处理中的应用,包括臭氧预氧化助凝,臭氧预氧化改善浊度、色度、嗅味等感官指标,臭氧预氧化去除无机、有机污染物,臭氧预氧化对致病微生物、藻类、消毒副产物等的处理效果,以及臭氧预氧化在强化常规处理工艺过程中起到的作用。表明臭氧具有多方面的除污染效能,对给水处理工艺的发展和饮用水水质的提升有显著促进作用。同时也提出了存在的一些问题,便于今后的研究和应用中进一步改进和完善。  相似文献   

预氧化与催化臭氧化深度处理工艺的生产运行效果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过生产运行分析了生物预氧化、梯级催化臭氧化-生物活性炭滤池深度处理组合工艺在生产应用中的综合净化效果,分别评价了各处理单元的净化效能。生产运行结果表明,生物预氧化对氨氮的平均去除率为62%,但处理效果受温度变化的影响;生物预氧化对CODMn的去除作用有限,对锰的平均去除率为58%;高密度沉淀池对浊度、色度、铁、锰具有良好的去除作用,对CODMn的去除率为28%;臭氧总投量相同时,与催化臭氧化一次性投加相比,预氧化与催化臭氧化分别投加更有利于减少溴酸盐的生成;半挥发性微量有机污染物主要在催化臭氧化阶段去除,去除率为44%。  相似文献   

介绍了纳米TiO_2的特性,综述了纳米TiO_2光催化氧化法、纳米TiO_2催化臭氧化法和纳米TiO_2光催化臭氧化法三种纳米TiO_2处理技术在饮用水处理中的反应机理和研究进展,通过比较三种纳米TiO_2处理技术的特点与处理效果,提出TiO_2光催化氧化和臭氧联用的技术相比其他技术显示了较好的协同作用。最后分析了目前TiO_2技术存在的问题,并展望了饮用水处理中纳米TiO_2材料研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

臭氧处理——处理废水达到不同目的的关键技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物处理与臭氧的结合是臭氧应用于污水处理领域的最重要的方式。这种工艺组合的协同作用可以通过提高它们的可生物降解性将难降解及抑制性化合物或中间产物氧化,而提高其适用性的关键就是提高臭氧氧化的效率。本文介绍了臭氧系统生产规模的应用历史和进展,除此之外,还介绍了其它应用以及对生产规模装置进行了概述。大多为垃圾渗滤液和工业废水,由于臭氧在消毒,脱色和去除持久性溶解有机碳(DOC),内分泌干扰物(EDCs)及药物方面的优势,为了水回用和地下水回灌目的,市政污水的臭氧处理也在不断增加。  相似文献   

我国城市缺水已经成为阻碍和制约经济持续发展的重要因素,而废水深度处理与回用是缓解水资源紧张的有效措施。臭氧氧化能力强、反应速度快、不产生污泥和无二次污染;曝气生物滤池(BAF)无需二沉池、占地面积小、出水水质好、产污泥量少,并且具有模块化结构、自动化操作性强等特点。通过臭氧氧化-BAF的组合工艺就可大大提高废水深度处理的效率,从而达到高效性和经济性的合理统一。本文综合阐述了近年来臭氧氧化-曝气生物滤池(BAF)在各行业废水深度处理中的应用研究,为今后废水的深度处理提供一些思路。  相似文献   

臭氧化和臭氧催化氧化工艺的除污效能   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以受污染的松花江地表水为研究对象,利用GC/MS定性分析了臭氧化和两种臭氧催化氧化工艺(O3/H2O2,O3/Mn)处理出水中的氧化产物,借此评价了它们的除污染效能。结果表明,原水中检出的71种有机污染物中多为分子质量较高、化学结构比较复杂的有机物;对混凝沉淀出水进行臭氧化处理后,可检出的有机物数量大幅度增加(达到了111种),生成的氧化产物主要为醇、酮、有机酸和酯类等;与臭氧化相比,O3/H2O2和O3/Mn催化氧化处理出水中检出的有机化合物数量明显减少(分别为49种和63种),同时有机酸和酯类等臭氧化副产物被进一步氧化分解而生成了氧化程度更高的短链烷烃。据推测,这是由于比臭氧分子具有更强氧化能力的羟基自由基参与了氧化反应的结果。  相似文献   

臭氧氧化中试实验装置的设计与安装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着水环境污染的加剧和水质标准的提高,氧化能力强且安全性高的臭氧氧化工艺被越来越多地应用于饮用水处理工艺中。在臭氧氧化工艺的设计及运行过程中,通常用中试实验模型预测其处理效果及确定运行参数。臭氧中试实验装置的设计与安装是一项复杂的工作,它既要将输水管路系统、臭氧氧化反应器及臭氧发生系统等有机地组合,又要保证实验中各项运行参数能在一定范围内灵活调整。虽然臭氧氧化工艺已有许多应用实例,但是对于臭氧氧化中试实验的设计及安装中存在的具体问题报道较少,我们在某水厂臭氧氧化中试实验工作上取得了一些经验,希望和大家分享。  相似文献   

介绍了臭氧在处理市政废水、印染废水、造纸废水、养殖废水、冷却循环水以及各种化工废水技术的国内外研究状况及最新进展,通过各种臭氧联用技术,充分展示了臭氧氧化及其联用工艺在水资源再利用领域中节能减排的巨大作用,并且显示了臭氧技术具有操作简单、处理效果好、无二次污染等优点,说明了该技术在水资源再利用领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

程畅  祝方  丰桂萍 《山西建筑》2010,36(35):147-149
介绍了高级氧化技术中的臭氧氧化法、Fenton法、湿式催化氧化法、超声波氧化法以及组合工艺处理垃圾渗滤液的研究进展,阐述了这些高级氧化技术的反应机理以及特点,并对高级氧化技术处理垃圾渗滤液研究方向进行了分析,对垃圾渗滤液的有效处理具有积极指导意义。  相似文献   

An integrated treatment method based on magnesium salt extraction followed by chemical oxidation was used for the treatment of a veterinary antibiotic, oxytetracycline (OTC) contaminated cow manure since animal manure can be an important source for antibiotic pollution in the environment. Pretreatment with magnesium salt enhanced the efficiencies of subsequent oxidation processes by extracting 63.9% of OTC from the manure thereby making it more favorable for oxidation with the hydroxyl radicals produced by the Fenton and ozone oxidation processes. Both the 24 h Fenton oxidation process with 434 mM H2O2 and 43.4 mM Fe2+ doses and the 1-h ozonation process with an applied ozone dose of 2.5 mg min− 1 provided more than 90% OTC removal from the manure slurry. However, the second-order OTC removal rate constant of Fenton process (119 M− 1s− 1) was remarkably lower than that obtained with the ozonation process (548 M− 1s− 1). The oxidant dose was a significant factor for the efficiency of the Fenton treatment but not for the ozone treatment. The efficiencies of both the Fenton and ozone oxidation processes were not affected by the pH adjustment of the manure slurry.  相似文献   

Hörsch P  Speck A  Frimmel FH 《Water research》2003,37(11):2748-2756
Three different industrial wastewaters from the production of stilbene-based fluorescent whitening agents were investigated with regard to the applicability of advanced oxidation processes combined with biodegradation. Oxidation processes included the application of ozone, hydrogen peroxide, UV-radiation and Fenton's reagent (Fe(2+)/H(2)O(2)). Characterization of the combined chemical-biological treatment was done by sum parameters and HPLC analysis. In addition, toxicity was determined using the luminescence inhibition test. Results showed that processes producing OH-radicals without the need of UV-irradiation proved to be suited for the oxidation of all three wastewaters. H(2)O(2)/UV processes were ineffective due to the high inner filter effect of the effluents. Comparing the combined oxidative-biological process with biological treatment, the applied pre-oxidation steps did not always lead to a significant improvement of the biological degradation. In one case, an inverted treatment starting with biodegradation followed by oxidation turned out to be the preferable procedure. After oxidation with ozone or ozone combined with UV-irradiation, an increase in toxicity was partly observed indicating the formation of toxic intermediate products. In some cases samples had to be diluted before the biodegradation step to achieve a better biodegradability.  相似文献   

对某制革废水处理厂和下游综合污水处理厂的进出水水质和沿程工艺段进行采样分析,得出制革废水处理厂出水NH3-N和TN平均浓度分别为77. 32、160. 93 mg/L,综合污水处理厂出水COD平均浓度为106. 8 mg/L,其中大部分是难降解COD,出水TN平均浓度为89. 93 mg/L,出水COD和TN是影响污水处理厂出水达标排放的主要指标。在小试中投加500 mg/L葡萄糖(以COD浓度计)时脱氮效果明显增强,综合污水处理厂出水TN浓度可稳定在15 mg/L以下。利用臭氧、活性焦和四相催化氧化深度处理综合污水处理厂二级出水,发现臭氧对COD基本没有去除效果,活性焦和四相催化氧化都能使COD浓度降至50 mg/L以下,但四相催化氧化去除单位COD的成本约是活性焦的29%、再生活性焦的49%。  相似文献   

Wood pulping and paper production generate a considerable amount of wastewater, containing many pollutants among them resin and fatty acids. Resin acids contribute substantially to effluent toxicity and were identified to be detrimental to microorganisms of activated sludge and in particular to bacteria in anaerobic wastewater treatment system and other forms of aquatic life. The objective of the present study was to check the applicability of the ozone and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to eliminate resin acids from aqueous solutions and to determine the ozone dose required. Furthermore, an investigation of the influence of the oxidation methods on subsequent biological destruction of the byproducts was performed. Aqueous solution of the resin acids: abietic, dehydroabietic and isopimaric acids with different initial composition were subjected to ozonation or AOP processes at different ozone doses. After ozonation or advanced oxidation pretreatment the model solutions were biodegraded in aerated vessels containing activated sludge. During ozonation of the resin acids aqueous solutions the resin acids were almost eliminated, however the reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was rather low. The ozone dose required to obtain reduction of resin acids >90% was in the range of 0.1-0.7mgO(3)/mgCOD, depending on the composition and concentration of model solutions. The toxicity of ozonated resin acids solutions decreased with increasing applied ozone dose up to about 0.3-0.5mgO(3)/mgCOD, thereafter increased. Ozonation and other AOP processes did not increase the rate of biodegradation of resin acids model solutions in aerated activated sludge systems compared to not pretreated solutions.  相似文献   

研究了高锰酸盐与臭氧单独或复合预氧化对消毒副产物前质--三卤甲烷生成势(THMFP)和卤乙酸生成势(HAAFP)的去除效果.试验结果表明,高锰酸盐单独预氧化对消毒副产物前质的去除率可达20%以上,而臭氧预氧化的去除率仅约为10%.复合氧化比单一氧化更能有效去除消毒副产物前质,但受投加方式的影响,在试验务件下,以两种氧化剂同时投加的效果为最佳.复合氧化去除消毒副产物前质的机理包括:高锰酸盐与臭氧的协同氧化作用、锰的中间态产物对臭氧的催化作用以及高锰酸盐的强化混凝作用.  相似文献   

臭氧/高锰酸盐预氧化助凝及影响因素   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
提出了高锰酸盐强化臭氧氧化助凝技术,并分析了复合氧化助凝效果的各种影响因素。试验结果表明,复合氧化比单独臭氧氧化更有利于对浊度的去除。复合氧化的投加顺序是先投加高锰酸盐后投加臭氧,较佳的剂量配比是高锰酸盐0.4mg/L与臭氧1.0mg/L。复合氧化除浊的效果受诸多因素影响,复合氧化可适应更大的G值变化范围;助凝效果受原水水质的影响,原水硬度为160mgCaCO3/L时助凝效果最佳,原水TOC浓度为3mg/L时对混凝的影响最小;低温有助于复合氧化助凝;复合氧化受pH值影响较小,可以适应较大范围的pH值变化。与臭氧氧化相比,复合氧化更能适应水力和水质条件的变化。  相似文献   

Ozonation of drinking water: part I. Oxidation kinetics and product formation   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
von Gunten U 《Water research》2003,37(7):1443-1467
The oxidation of organic and inorganic compounds during ozonation can occur via ozone or OH radicals or a combination thereof. The oxidation pathway is determined by the ratio of ozone and OH radical concentrations and the corresponding kinetics. A huge database with several hundred rate constants for ozone and a few thousand rate constants for OH radicals is available. Ozone is an electrophile with a high selectivity. The second-order rate constants for oxidation by ozone vary over 10 orders of magnitude, between < 0.1 M(-1)s(-1) and about 7 x 10(9) M(-1)s(-1). The reactions of ozone with drinking-water relevant inorganic compounds are typically fast and occur by an oxygen atom transfer reaction. Organic micropollutants are oxidized with ozone selectively. Ozone reacts mainly with double bonds, activated aromatic systems and non-protonated amines. In general, electron-donating groups enhance the oxidation by ozone whereas electron-withdrawing groups reduce the reaction rates. Furthermore, the kinetics of direct ozone reactions depend strongly on the speciation (acid-base, metal complexation). The reaction of OH radicals with the majority of inorganic and organic compounds is nearly diffusion-controlled. The degree of oxidation by ozone and OH radicals is given by the corresponding kinetics. Product formation from the ozonation of organic micropollutants in aqueous systems has only been established for a few compounds. It is discussed for olefines, amines and aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

张建国 《施工技术》2012,(Z1):355-357
臭氧-活性炭深度处理工艺由于具有臭氧氧化、活性炭吸附、生物降解和臭氧消毒等多种功能,目前在水厂中的应用越来越多。分别从取水泵房、网格絮凝池、平流沉淀池、V形砂滤池、臭氧接触池、活性炭滤池和消毒接触池等方面对臭氧-活性炭深度处理水厂进行工程介绍,分析了其水厂的建设特点、工艺流程、主要工艺参数,以及臭氧-活性炭深度处理工艺的应用前景。  相似文献   

采用臭氧处理北京市高碑店污水处理厂二沉池出水,就臭氧对二沉池出水的氧化特性进行了研究。结果表明,臭氧对二沉池出水中的COD、色度、UV254均有较好的去除效果,但对TOC的去除效果较差。试验条件下,臭氧的最佳投加量为10 mg/L、最佳接触时间为15 min,此时对COD的去除率为19.12%,去除单位COD的臭氧投加量为1.79 mg;对色度的去除率为58.59%,去除单位色度的臭氧投加量为1.46 mg;对UV254的去除率为39.57%,去除0.001 cm-1吸光度的臭氧投加量为2.82 mg;TOC/UV254提高到140.29,可生化性提高了1.59倍。  相似文献   

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