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In the information age, organization theories have addressed problem‐solving as an information‐processing activity. However, in this era, with the realization of knowledge‐based views of the organization, shared problem‐solving is increasingly recognized as a knowledge creation trigger. During shared problem‐solving, stakeholders bring different types of knowledge into the problem situation and it is captured, created and shared by the team members. In construction projects, shared problem‐solving often takes place through pragmatic problem‐solving on site, in particular, through managing project changes. However, this significant role of knowledge in managing project change is not well appreciated in the extant literature. Accordingly, to explore how knowledge is created during project changes in construction a case study approach was adopted using two change events in two collaborative settings within the UK construction industry. The case study findings revealed that different forms of knowledge are created during the project change process within construction projects. However, this knowledge remains largely tacit and does not disseminate to the wider organization due to imbalanced codification and personalization strategies existing in such settings. A knowledge management perspective is introduced to manage project change so that construction project teams can successfully resolve and learn from change events.  相似文献   

本文基于工程地质、水文地质和线路周边环境等条件,指出厦门地铁工程建设中面临的主要岩土工程问题,分析其对厦门地铁工程施工可能产生的不良影响,并提出相应的对策措施,以供厦门地铁设计和施工时参考。  相似文献   

汪庆豪 《城市建筑》2014,(20):331-331
随着我国城市化进程的加快,市政道桥工程的发展也如火如荼。只有不断加强施工技术的研究,才能不断提高工程施工质量。本文分析了市政道桥工程中施工技术存在的问题,并针对问题提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

Physical objects have long been used in addressing the challenges involved in constructing innovative buildings, yet their significance for collaborative problem solving in inter-organizational projects is rarely acknowledged. The aim of this research is to investigate what happens when a project team has to collaboratively innovate to address radical design challenges in a construction setting. We focus on the role of a full-scale mock-up of a façade in transforming the design intent for a building by Frank Gehry into design realization. The concept of boundary objects is used as an analytical lens via a case study methodology utilizing non-participant observation of weekly meetings and workshops over a period of 10 months covering client, consultant and contractor involvement. The research shows the role of mock-ups in radical construction settings is in tension along three delivery dimensions: performance, aesthetic and technical construction. Task completion competed with the requirements for experimentation around innovative problem solving with the how to construct it problem left unresolved. The findings suggest that co-location and synchronicity are critical conditions for collaborative and innovative problem solving in radical construction contexts. Project teams need to create open-ended ‘moments’ for iterating critical objects and the interactions that take place around them.  相似文献   

Construction is an experience-based discipline. Knowledge or experience accumulated from previous projects plays a very important role in successful performance of new works. More and more construction organizations have adopted commercial Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) to develop their own Knowledge Management (KM) functionalities. Most of the existing KMSs adopt Communities of Practice (CoPs) for knowledge sharing and exchange. Such an approach is found on the reactive problem-solver (RPS); that is, the problem raised by the questioner in the CoP has to “wait” for the “solution knower” to respond (or reply). Previous research indicated that the RPS approach may suffer in poor time and cost effectiveness. This paper proposes a Proactive Problem-Solver (PPS) approach for the problems encountered in construction engineering and management. Unlike RPS, the PPS proactively solves the problem based on lessons learned from previous projects. Should the solution be not available; the PPS dispatches the problem to the most appropriate domain experts so that the problem can be tackled timely and efficiently. A case A/E consulting firm is selected for implementation of the proposed PPS to demonstrate its applicability. It is shown that the proposed PPS improves more than 89.5% of efficiency both for timeliness and cost-saving of problem-solving. The proposed PPS demonstrates great potentials for improvement of emergent problem solving and enhancement of market competitiveness of a construction organization.  相似文献   

工期延误是建设项目管理中的重要问题。一方面,事后控制和无缓冲区方法不足以应对工程进度风险,有缓冲区的应变管理可在一定程度上弥补这些不足;另一方面,目前根据工作持续时间按固定比率设缓冲区的方法未考虑各种工作的具体情况。文章根据工作信息流理论提出了设双缓冲区的方法,即在工作开始前和结束后分别设前缓冲区和后缓冲区,并提出根据不同缓冲区的用途和工程变更的预测确定各缓冲区长短的方法。建立了项目工作实施过程系统动力学模型,演示了双缓冲区在调节工期压力、消除工期延误、减少潜在变更影响进度等方面的作用。双缓冲区方法是有效实施进度事前控制,保证项目及时完成的新工具。  相似文献   

郑宏 《城市建筑》2013,(14):74-74,77
在悬索桥的施工现场中,如何保证其工程质量是理论界与工程界关注的一个问题。本文分析了我国悬索桥工程施工质量控制中存在的问题,并在此基础上阐述了解决策略。  相似文献   

Poor project performance is generally attributed to a lack of co‐operation between project participants. Much work is directed towards understanding the structural and organizational antecedents of co‐operation, but little in understanding how socio‐psychological factors affect individual co‐operative behaviour. Using social identity theory, this study attempts to fill this research gap by arguing that individuals define their self‐concepts through the organizations with which they identify and that these identity‐based forces are the basis for the development of co‐operative behaviour. Empirical findings using responses from 398 senior executives of construction firms substantiate this argument, as individuals with strong organizational identity are indeed more psychologically predisposed to behave co‐operatively. There are grounds to propose that organizational identity should be used in conjunction with other tangible economic incentives as effective mechanisms for improving individual co‐operation. Therefore, rigorous attempts by construction firms to foster such identity may prove fruitful to overall project performance. Further research is needed to explore how it may impact on other important aspects of co‐operation such as decision making and problem solving processes within the construction industry.  相似文献   

本文试图对橡胶坝建筑的产生缘由、使用功能、形式进行分析,指出橡胶坝建筑现有存在的问题,提出解决的具体办法,即在建筑设计中,以整体规划为指导,树立整体设计的思想,建立建筑与周边环境互为参照的体系,从宏观到微观、从整体到局部地解决问题,为解决橡胶坝建筑设计存在的各种问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

社会主义和谐社会的理论内涵包括社会公平,教育公平尤其是高等教育公平是社会和谐的重要前提。不断完善和发展自学考试制度可以为解决高等教育不公平问题、构建社会主义和谐社会作出贡献。  相似文献   

Construction project managers often face problems when trying to change work practices. Management research addresses these problems by offering stylized and abstract models; unfortunately, they may say little about the actual work practices that managers want to change. Practice theory offers an alternative way to address practice-related managerial problems, arguing that learning is a central enabler of performing practices. While some early research on practice-based learning in construction management exists, an understanding of how this theory has been applied is lacking. To address this limitation, a systematic literature review of 15 published construction management articles was conducted, the articles being divided into five practice-related analytical categories: participation, context, meaning production, power and becoming a practitioner to identify the areas of theory discussed. Participation and context were discussed more in the published articles than meaning production, power and becoming a practitioner, which might suggest that the latter categories offer more possibilities for future research. Further, the articles were analysed through a Lakatosian research programme lens, showing that a progressive research programme exists in practice-based studies in construction management. These findings provide avenues for future construction management studies seeking to apply practice-based learning theory to understand learning in construction projects better.  相似文献   

目前下沉式隧道横跨既有地铁及城市管线时对既有结构物的变形控制是一个技术难题。本文以广州市猎德大桥系统工程中的花城大道隧道工程为依托,对隧道施工中的重难点及处理方案进行分析研究,重点对地铁隧道的自动监测进行讨论。研究成果为既有地铁与地下市政管线的安全运营及下沉式隧道的安全施工提供重要的技术保障,可为类似工程的施工提供参考。  相似文献   

We address the construction site layout problem that determines the locations of temporary facilities. Mathematical programming models for the site layout problem are proposed, which can be solved by state-of-the-art solvers to optimality. A number of safety, health and environmental concerns, such as falling objects, dusts, and noise, are incorporated in the extensions of the mathematical models. We demonstrate, using numerical experiments, the superiority of our proposed mathematical programming model over existing heuristics in terms of solution optimality and the wide applicability in terms of handling practical considerations. Based on the results of conducted experiments, the proposed method achieved a 3–19% improvement on optimality over those of the existing heuristics methods. The contribution of this research work includes the advanced development of a mathematical programming model incorporating extended concerns and solving site layout problems within reasonable time.  相似文献   

王虹辉 《城市建筑》2014,(29):163-163
建筑工程成本的控制和管理不仅展示了一个建筑企业的综合实力,而且决定了建筑企业是否良性发展的方向。本文根据目前我国建筑工程成本控制中存在的问题进行了深入分析,提出了与之相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

施工项目沟通控制管理对项目成功建设起着重要作用。应用项目沟通理论分析论证了项目施工单位与监理单位现有沟通模式存在的问题,构建了新的沟通控制管理模式:在施工准备阶段进行项目的特点、难点对策的认识沟通,施工工艺沟通,施工程序安排沟通,监理控制方法、手段沟通,落实关键控制计划。并通过某尾矿库项目的实证研究,验证了该模式能够在施工单位与监理单位和谐相处、施工密切配合、施工技术内业全面系统真实、顺利完成施工项目目标方面取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

溶洞区铁路隧道工程问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
闵家瑞  王树辉 《山西建筑》2010,36(4):317-318
就岩溶区隧道施工中存在的工程问题及研究现状作了简单论述,并阐述了隧道穿越溶洞地段应采用的主要施工方法及注意事项,实践证明:制定科学、合理、有效的溶洞治理方案对隧道施工极为重要。  相似文献   

 由于城市地铁建设的不确定性和桥梁结构的复杂性,导致城市地铁工程邻近桥梁施工安全风险的显著增加。针对地铁施工对邻近既有桥梁的安全影响问题,建立包含工前检测、工前评估、工中动态控制、工后评估及恢复等四个方面的既有桥梁安全风险评估及控制体系,即识别可能存在的风险,提出地铁施工过程中既有桥梁施工中的控制指标及控制标准,关键是既有桥梁所能承受的最大差异沉降量;综合应用注浆加固及主动顶升等措施,利用信息化手段实现既有桥梁在全过程中的安全性;通过对施工结束后施工数据的分析,对既有桥梁结构进行必要性评估及恢复。将该成果应用于北京地铁6号线穿越花园桥施工过程中,结果表明,穿越施工风险控制达到了预期的控制目标,实现了既有桥梁在隧道施工过程中的安全运营。  相似文献   

随着建筑工程使用年限的增长,地基基础的质量问题也逐渐暴露出来。对既有建筑地基基础加固,是解决这类问题的良好办法。本文结合笔者多年的建筑施工经验,分析了原因。并提出了解决的措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

本文综合论述了岩土高边坡破坏模式、预测预警与防治方法研究的国内外进展,提出了存在的若干重要问题和解决问题的方法建议。研究强调指出,对人类在该方面的大量研究成果,应慎重加以整理,建立起相应技术咨询系统,以充分地加以利用;而对存在的重点、难点和关键问题,应开展相应的原创性研究,并不断将研究成果补充到已建立的技术咨询系统中,使其更加完备、科学和合理,更好地造福于人类的工程建设。  相似文献   

提高我国建设领域信用水平刻不容缓,而建立施工企业信用标准体系是解决我国建筑领域信用评价问题和杜绝失信行为的重要基础。AHP(层次分析法)是一种将定性分析与定量分析相结合的模型,通过对建设领域信用标准体系的分析以及AHP模型的应用,可以建立一套完整的施工企业信用标准体系,用以评价施工企业的信用水平,对改善我国建设领域信用缺乏状况有一定的作用。  相似文献   

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