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李秋梅 《山西建筑》2007,33(16):290-291
介绍了既有线施工的特点,提出了确保既有线施工安全的组织保证,阐明了施工组织设计的编制和优化,明确了既有线施工的重点,并对如何搞好既有线施工的安全教育进行了分析,从而确保既有线施工运输和施工安全。  相似文献   

唐承承 《建筑施工》2023,(11):2269-2272
以J地块内Urbancore改造施工项目为背景,由于周边建筑已经建成,施工场地有限,且上部钢楼梯结构复杂,施工工期紧迫,施工难度较大。从施工设备选用、安装区域划分、施工临时措施、安全保障措施等方面落实既有建筑内的复杂钢楼梯的安装与施工。通过对施工软件的应用,简化了施工措施,缩短了施工周期,取得了满意效果,对类似施工项目起到了参考意义。  相似文献   

经过多年施工经验的积累、施工方案的优化,总结完善了建筑工程地下室涂膜防水施工技术,使得防水工程形成了一个完整的施工质量控制过程,保证了地下室涂膜防水工程的施工质量,使施工工序程序化,标准化、便于施工操作。  相似文献   

徐秀琴 《山西建筑》2006,32(14):319-321
结合某双曲拱桥工程实例,介绍了其基础施工与桥台施工的技术,着重阐述了土牛施工的施工工艺,提出了施工中的有关注意事项,指出其施工效果良好。  相似文献   

文章就串珠式溶岩地质下钻孔桩施工技术及控制分析方法进行了研究。针对施工项目的水文地质条件,总结了施工风险特点。在此基础上,形成了桩基施工的8个主要工艺流程,为类似工程的施工提供了借鉴。面向施工质量的风险控制,建立了风险评估模型,精准地获取了影响施工质量的关键因素,为施工质量的提高提供了可靠保证。  相似文献   

水泥混凝土路面面层施工工艺控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
史贵文 《山西建筑》2006,32(19):315-316
根据水泥混凝土路面施工工艺流程,介绍了各个施工控制环节,对模板的制作及安装作了简述,阐述了水泥混凝土混合料的施工方法,探讨了路面的关键施工技术,保证路面面层的施工质量。  相似文献   

窦红波 《山西建筑》2006,32(8):143-144
结合工程实例,介绍了马蹄形断面整体式混凝土衬砌施工的工艺流程、施工步骤及其各个环节的施工要点,提出了拖工注意事项,阐述了特殊洞段的施工方法,提出了一些施工经验。  相似文献   

江绍恒 《山西建筑》2006,32(13):133-134
根据地铁三号线岗顶站土建工程的施工实例,介绍了施工缝的设置原则及方法,阐述了施工缝的处理方法及施工中的注意事项,施工结果显示其效果良好,总结了后浇带、施工缝分段法浇筑的施工经验。  相似文献   

王利民 《山西建筑》2004,30(3):112-113
结合具体工程的施工情况,制定了突发性流泥涌水的施工方案,介绍了方案中的具体施工方法,通过实践证明,该施工方案合理、成功,弥补了原施工的诸多不足,取得了满意效果。  相似文献   

以玉山县西城小学基坑工程为背景,基于工程地质情况,主要探讨了该基坑支护工程作业中所重点使用的施工工艺及要点,包含挖掘土层施工、锚杆施工、挡土墙施工及锚索施工等方面,并介绍了基坑施工监测及深基坑施工技术的注意事项,包括科学检测、降低地下水影响、合理选择施工方式等,确保了基坑支护施工质量。  相似文献   

A whole-landscape approach is critical to ensuring conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in farmed landscapes. Although existing agri-environmental schemes are constrained by property boundaries and voluntary take up, the potential for adopting a whole-landscape approach to planned countryside management is currently favoured by a number of factors. These include economic uncertainty in some agricultural sectors; the introduction of a reformulated rural development policy; increased understanding of relationships between biodiversity and management; and the introduction of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology that allows future landscapes to be visualized by stakeholders. Ecological and socio-economic aspects of whole-landscape planning in a study covering 31 neighbouring farms in west Oxfordshire are reported. A baseline was first compiled that included information on: property boundaries; land cover; relationships between hedge and field margin management and key taxa; and farmer socio-economics and attitudes towards agri-environmental measures, conservation and sustainable agriculture. Future scenarios of integrated wholelandscape management were then developed, designed to deliver amenity, environmental and biodiversity benefits. These scenarios were presented and interpreted to farmers and conservation and amenity stakeholders with the aid of GIS-based maps and three-dimensional virtual reality visualizations. Farmers' responses are reported and the potential for implementing whole-landscape planning is discussed .  相似文献   

在20世纪末期.欧美的博物得变成了一种“加法动物”不断进行着改建、扩建和加建.从而涌现出大量风格方式不间的建筑实例其中既有失败.也有成功。本文选择了部分典型案例如以分析,特别肯定了托马斯·毕比和西萨·佩里的设计概念和方法,并提出了未来的改.扩建将面向未来不断发展的观点。  相似文献   

Landscape Dynamics and the Management of Change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Change in economy and society is directly reflected in the character of landscapes, both in terms of their form and function and the landscape planning and management challenges which they present. The phenomenon of landscape dynamics within post-industrial society is considered and the development of a connection between the drivers of landscape change and the management response is sought. Two key drivers of landscape change are proposed - 'obsolescence' and 'dysfunction' - and these in turn are related to a management matrix bounded by axes of condition and character of landscape. It is suggested that the definition of these relationships helps to substantiate and more clearly define the tasks of landscape planning, design and management in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

宋波  刘晶  史新华 《暖通空调》2012,42(6):69-72
介绍了标准的编制背景、思路和创新点。该标准主要内容包括施工管理,风管与配件、风阀与部件及支吊架等的现场制作与安装,水管道和设置安装以及试验与调试方面的规定。该标准的规定解决了施工安装中的一些共性问题。  相似文献   

The extent to which urban open space corridors meet recreational, habitat and wildlife needs is highly dependent on the degree to which the interactive effects of these uses are identified and incorporated into planning, design and management decisions. For managers who aim to enhance compatibility between people and wildlife, the challenge is to bridge the gap between established practice and a more multi-functional approach. Ultimately the aim should be to put in place an enlightened and sympathetic management regime that supports indigenous biodiversity maintainable at an acceptable cost and is compatible with providing sufficient access to cater for a wide range of recreational activities. Principles relating to site evaluation and corridor management are discussed in the context of a case study in Singapore.  相似文献   

In the education of Landscape Architecture, the way we view and depict a natural site is defined by the way we observe and express it. This paper starts with a comparison between the perspective and approach of traditional painting types (the realistic sketch, design sketch, and landscape painting) and those in Landscape Architecture. All of them involve observation (viewing) and expression (drawing) of natural beings and phenomena, where traditional paintings are in the pursuit of honest depiction of the forms or shapes. While in Landscape Architecture it emphasizes understanding and representing the evolutions and the complicated intrinsic relations of the authentic sites — in other words, to represent the nature of reality. To be on-site, the use of body movement, and the evolutions and correlations of natural beings are the three most important principles to the observation and representation in Landscape Architecture. Combining with two cases in teaching and practice, this paper elaborates how to develop abstract forms and design concepts from the observation of authentic sites and how the trans-scaled reflection on the correlations about the sites can inspire a site-scaled design, providing references for the education and practice of Landscape Architecture in China.  相似文献   

本文通过把改革开放30年以来中国城市规划的发展历程大致分为恢复重建、摸索学习、加速推进、调整壮大、反思求变和更新转型等六个阶段,阐述了城市规划是如何摆脱计划经济束缚、走向市场经济并在实践中发展的,以及城市规划的任务是如何在资本注入和土地制度改革的推动下逐渐显现出宏观调控和建设引导控制作用,并进而适应多变和多元的发展形势,向和谐社会、多值决策和科学发展迈进的。  相似文献   

With rapid urbanization in China, an increasing building density has squeezed the urban public space. Community streets are occupied by motor vehicles or other functions, and can no longer sufficiently support children to carry out safe and independent activities. As an important space for children’s daily natural contact and social activities, the lack of the spatial function of streets results in a decline in children’s subjective initiative and social abilities. The United Nations has stressed the importance of community as the basic unit of space for children’s daily activities in building child friendly cities. It is urgent to reshape child-friendly community streets and support children’s healthy growth. Integrating previous research results on affordance theory and design, children’s growth and environment, and street-game spaces, this study focuses on investigating 23 community streets in four residential communities in Nanjing through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and other methods. Then, from the perspective of cognitive affordance, functional affordance, and social affordance, it analyzes the behavioral possibilities provided by the environment and the needs of the children-user group. Finally, from the perspectives of openness and security, preference and diversity, positive and negative, and reality and potential, it proposes a method to assess the existing environment. This study aims to extract the significant characteristics of the built environment that effectively support and promote children’s outdoors activities, and explore the design strategy of improving street space sharing through optimizing space elements and structure at the medium and micro levels, so as to respond to multiple goals including livable city development from the perspective of child friendliness. This study also tries to change the logical way of design thinking and provide an eco-psychological perspective on how to build a child-friendly community.  相似文献   

针对西(安)合(肥)高速公路孤独庙隧道工程,在进口段岩层松散破碎和出口段基础悬空、严重偏压等不良地质情况和复杂环境条件下,采用大管棚、小导管注浆联合超前支护加固、反压侧墙平衡措施,以及通过开挖方法和支护类型的合理选用与实施确定开挖支护方案,确保了工程质量与安全,创造了较好经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

This is the second of two special issues in Progress in Planning exploring emerging research agendas in planning. It brings together scholars from diverse schools working on new areas of research and application in urban design and planning. Emergent research agendas include both novel areas of research and important shifts in the direction of a research area. The challenge for planning schools is to reflect critically on these changes and develop long-term research agendas that can better position our field in society and academia, and provide a basis from which to assess our academic programmes. The chapters in this issue display the different scales and fields of planning, including planning for: disaster recovery; climate change, especially opportunities for mitigation; shrinking cities in the First World; and rapidly urbanising informal and impoverished cities in the global South. At the same time, the chapters identify research areas that respond to major social and environmental changes. Olshansky and Chang highlight the increasing losses from catastrophic disasters, and address the need for disaster recovery planning. Wheeler, Randolph and London focus on climate change, and, noting the urgency of action now, their research agenda emphasises opportunities for planners to develop research and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hollander, Pallagst, Schwarz and Popper look at increasing economic and population trends in many First World cities that result in city ‘shrinkage’. They present new opportunities for improving cities’ green space networks and natural features, and for research. The trebling of urban population in African cities by 2050, in conditions of poverty and informality, is the major trend driving Parnell, Pietriese and Watson's chapter. They present an agenda for new planning theories and for supporting empirical research to address the actual conditions of African cities.  相似文献   

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