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中欧消防员灭火防护服标准比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对比分析我国与欧盟的灭火防护服标准中灭火服设计、阻燃、耐热、隔热、耐静水压及透水蒸气、抗拉和耐撕以及反光带的可见性等主要性能的技术要求。我国标准对灭火防护服设计的规定非常具体,欧盟标准则是以最终灭火防护服的性能为目标核心做出较为原则的规定。对我国灭火防护服标准的修订提出几点建议:引入灭火防护服的分级概念;综合考量灭火防护服的防护性能与舒适性能;修改服装试样性能测试前的处理方法;增加灭火防护服整体防护性能的技术要求及测试方法;增加灭火防护服初级特种防护性能要求。  相似文献   

傅威  林涛 《中国给水排水》2012,28(7):101-104
针对混凝沉淀预处理/膜生物反应器组合工艺,采用能谱分析和傅里叶红外光谱对膜表面的污染物进行分析,并对不同清洗剂的清洗效果进行了探讨。结果表明,酸性清洗剂对膜的清洗效果较好,膜表面的无机污染物基本被去除,但不能完全有效地去除膜表面的有机污染物;NaOH和NaClO的清洗效果不佳。从酸碱交替清洗效果来看,先酸洗后碱洗过程的膜恢复率比先碱洗后酸洗过程的高8%。对膜污染过程进行推测,胞外聚合物(EPS)和残留的絮凝颗粒一并沉积并吸附在膜表面,形成以有机物为主体、粘结性很强的凝胶层(内层);在混凝沉淀预处理长期运行条件下,凝胶层由内向外又不断吸附了无机盐类物质,凝胶层(外层)逐渐过渡为以无机污染为主,期间还存在无机物和有机物的络合,导致单纯采用碱和氧化剂的清洗效果不佳。  相似文献   

正1产品简介新型消防员灭火防护服采用了多层复合技术及点胶技术,用新研制的隔热层材料替代以往的隔热层和防水透气层,与外层和舒适层组合在一起,有效提高了消防员灭火防护服的散热性能和服用性能,并且使灭火防护服吸水更少,降低了吸水后灭火防护服的重量,减轻了消防  相似文献   

利用iConeR全自动锥形量热仪和STA 449 F3同步TG-DSC热分析仪,研究消防员灭火防护服在50 kW/m2热通量下的热稳定性和热释放特性,并利用BX53型热台偏光显微镜观察550℃下灭火防护服表面形貌微观变化。实验表明,外层面料对热释放性能起到主要影响。消防员灭火防护服在高温下热失重较多,在553.13℃左右4层面料同时快速失重,各层质量均降至10%以下。升温过程中的表面形貌变化在微观上表现为与热失重的相关性。  相似文献   

为研究长期运行的超滤膜污染特性及污染物组成,采用东营南郊水厂一期超滤膜工艺中已运行7年的旧超滤膜与新超滤膜进行对比,分析了膜通量、跨膜压差及运行成本的变化,对膜断面形态及膜丝内部的有机物和无机物种类进行了解析。结果表明,经长期运行后超滤膜的过滤性能明显变差,出现了累积性的膜通量下降、跨膜压差增长速率变大等现象,更换超滤膜更符合经济性。亲水性的低分子质量有机物、腐殖酸类、蛋白质类和色氨酸类等是截留的主要污染物。长期运行的超滤膜附着的Ca CO_3、铝和硅含量明显高于新膜,化学清洗分别仅可去除约62%、28%和37%,造成Ca CO_3、铝和硅在超滤膜表面及内部的持续性沉积;化学清洗过程无法彻底消除长期运行超滤膜的不可逆污染,化学清洗后附着在膜表面和膜孔内的污染物颗粒数量显著减少,但仍有部分污染物颗粒残留在膜孔内。  相似文献   

<正>1概述消防员灭火防护服(见图1)由外层、防水透气层、隔热层、舒适层四层结构组成,具有防火耐热、防水透气、抗静电等性能,整体的隔热防护性能(TPP)38 cal/cm2。符合GA 10-2014《消防员灭火防护服》的标准要求。  相似文献   

针对饮用水除锰问题,对比研究了次氯酸钠(NaClO)、二氧化氯(ClO_2)和高锰酸钾(KMnO_4)3种氧化剂预处理后与超滤组合的除锰效果和膜污染特性。结果表明,3种组合工艺均能有效去除Mn~(2+),出水Mn~(2+)浓度均在5μg/L以下,去除率达到99%以上。超滤膜表面的滤饼层是造成膜污染及膜通量快速下降的重要原因之一。扫描电镜(SEM)分析发现,不同氧化剂预处理后膜表面的滤饼层形态有显著不同,KMnO_4预处理后滤饼层颗粒较大,颗粒间的空隙较为明显;而ClO_2和NaClO预处理后滤饼层颗粒细小且含量少,颗粒间的空隙不明显,从而形成较为致密的滤饼层。由X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)分析可知,滤饼层的主要成分是Mn~(3+)和Mn~(4+)的混合物,滤饼层表面含有丰富的表面羟基,其对水中游离的Mn~(2+)表现出极强的配位吸附作用。  相似文献   

1 消防员灭火防护服 1.1 概述 由深圳优普泰服装科技有限公司生产的UXF003A消防员灭火防护服(见图1)符合GA10—2002《消防员灭火防护服》标准、EN469《消防人员的防护服装消防防护服装的要求和试验方法》及美国消防服NFPA1971:2007《建筑物灭火防护标准》,通过了欧盟CE认证和美国UL认证。  相似文献   

超滤法净化污水及在线清洗对膜污染的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用超滤工艺处理污水的试验结果表明,超滤对水中的浊度几乎可以完全去除,对细菌和大肠杆菌的去除率>99%,对水中的有机物、氨氮、总铁和总锰也均有一定的去除;增加周期反冲洗频度大大减缓了通量的下降程度,延长了通量达到平衡的时间;水力清洗可去除部分膜表面污染物,使滤饼层变得松散,在一定程度上减轻了膜污染,而经化学清洗后膜表面的滤饼层基本被去除,有效消除了膜污染。  相似文献   

针对流溪河微污染原水,就流化填料生物预处理工艺对其污染物去除进行了一系列试验。研究结果表明:流化填料生物预处理工艺对氨氮的去除效果显著,与常规处理工艺结合后可有效去除水体中各主要水质污染物,去除效果稳定、管理简便,是一种经济有效的改善自来水水质的有效方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

为更好地保证消防员在低温环境下的作战效率,开展了灭火防护服及内衣的保暖性能研究。基于问卷调研和查阅标准明确了消防员对保暖性能的需求,测试表明现有服装难以满足保暖性能的要求。基于聚酰亚胺材料和新型结构设计,改进了内衣、绒衣、内胆以及消防员灭火防护服的保暖性能。对改进型服装的不同组合进行了计算,针对不同地区推荐了最优的改进型服装组合,以更好地保障消防员的作战效率。  相似文献   

A Heat Transfer Model for Firefighters' Protective Clothing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
An accurate and flexible model of heat transfer through firefighter protective clothing has many uses, including investigating the degree of protection, in terms of burn injury and heat stress, of a particular fabric assembly and analyzing cheaply and quickly the expected performance of new or candidate fabric designs or fabric combinations.This paper presents the first stage in developing a heat transfer model for firefighters' protective clothing. The protective fabrics are assumed to be dry, which means no moisture from perspiration, and the fabric temperatures considered are below the point of thermal degradation, such as melting or charring. Many firefighter burns occur even when there is no thermal degradation of their protective gear. A planar geometry of the fabric layers is assumed with one-dimensional heat transfer. The forward-reverse model is used for radiative heat transfer. The accuracy of the model is tested by comparing time-dependent temperatures from both within and on the surface of a typical fabric assembly to those obtained experimentally. Overall, the model performed well, especially inside the garment where the temperature difference between the experiment and the stimulation was within 5°C. The predicted temperature on the outer shell of the garment differed most from experimental values, by much as 24°C. This was probably due to the absence of fabric-specific optical properties, such as transmissivity and reflectivity, used for model input.  相似文献   

Strong evidence suggests that clothing serves as a reservoir of chemical pollutants and particles, including bioaerosols, which may have health significance. However, little is known about the role that clothing may play as a transport vector for inhaled airborne particles. Here, we contribute toward bridging the knowledge gap by conducting experiments to investigate clothing release fraction (CRF), determined as the size‐dependent ratio of released to deposited particulate matter in the diameter range 0.5‐10 μm. In a fully controlled chamber with low background particle levels, we deployed a programmable robot to reproducibly quantify the size‐dependent CRF as a function of motion type and intensity, dust loadings, and activity duration. On average, 0.3%‐3% of deposited particles were subsequently released with fabric motion, confirming that clothing can act as a vehicle for transporting airborne particles. The CRF increased with the vigor of movement and with dust loading. Rubbing and shaking the fabric were more effective than fabric stretching in resuspending particles. We also found that most of the release happened quickly after the onset of the resuspension activity. Particle size substantially influenced the CRF, with larger particles exhibiting higher values.  相似文献   

为研究PVC材料产烟性能和不同口罩对PVC热解烟气的防护过滤效果,根据ISO/TS 19700自行设计并搭建了热分解产烟防护测试平台,选取PVC材料作为产烟材料,选用市面上常见的纱布(12层和20层)、无纺布、纳米纤维和驻极体四类材质的口罩,研究PVC材料产烟性能,以及干、湿两种状态下不同材质口罩对PVC热解烟气的防护过滤效果。结果表明:PVC材料热解烟气的主要成分为CO、CO2、HCl、CH4及烟颗粒,烟尘微观形貌特征为黑色碎片伴有少量絮状分布的凝团结构,烟尘粒径为80~108μm,主要粒径范围集中在90~98μm。干、湿口罩对PVC热解烟气中的CO、HCl气体和烟尘颗粒均具有一定的防护过滤效果。干、湿口罩对CO、HCl气体的防护效果由大到小为:驻极体口罩>无纺布口罩>纳米口罩>20层纱布口罩>12层纱布口罩。与干口罩相比,湿口罩对HCl气体的防护过滤效率更高,除驻极体口罩外,其他口罩湿态较干态能显著提升对烟颗粒的过滤效果,湿态无纺布口罩对烟颗粒的过滤效率达到92%。  相似文献   

Must protective clothing be heavy, bulky, and unattractive? The authors discuss tests of a synthetic fiber fabric—tests indicating that more appealing apparel providing greater heat protection can be made.  相似文献   

Smoke alarms have been shown to develop sonically-deposited regions of acoustically agglomerated soot particles when they sound in smoke-filled air. These sonic depositions can be examined forensically post-fire to determine if the smoke alarm sounded during the incident. However, it is not clear how these sonic depositions are affected by common firefighting and post-fire actions. To determine the effects of post-fire forensic smoke alarm testing and environmental conditions on the persistence of the existing sonic deposition of soot on the horns of a smoke alarm, sixty (60) smoke alarms were subjected to smoke from fires of several different fuel types and common post-fire conditions or actions. Initially, each alarm was exposed to smoke in a small-scale experimental fire to develop sonic deposition around the horn. The fuel types for the fires were smoldering wood, flaming toluene–heptane, smoldering polyurethane foam, flaming polyurethane foam, and a combination of smoldering and flaming polyurethane foam. The alarms were then subjected to four common post-fire actions: pressing the test button, exposure to synthetic canned smoke, exposure to standing water, and exposure to running water. Each detector was visually inspected before and after the post-fire action. Results varied from no soot removed to almost all soot removed depending on the fuel type and post-fire test. An objective evaluation system was used to rank the degree to which soot was removed from the alarm horns: 0 (no soot removed), 1 (some soot removed), and 2 (all soot removed) based on visual inspection. The smoldering wood and smoldering polyurethane foam fires left behind a sticky resin that was essentially unaffected by any of the post-tests. The flaming foam and flaming toluene–heptane fires left powdery soot on the horn which could be easily wiped off. This soot was almost completely washed off by running water (1.067 average degree of removal) while the canned smoke and standing water post-tests removed a significant portion of the soot (0.533 and 1.000 average degrees of removal, respectively), which could lead an investigator to an errant sounding determination. Pressing the test-button appeared to make minimal impact on the amount of soot around the alarms horns regardless of the fuel type (0.067 average degree of removal).  相似文献   

The main objective of this work is the establishment of useful guide lines for secure fighting of high intensity fires, namely the determination of the influence of the personal protective clothing properties on safety during wildland firefighting operations. The physiological reaction of men exposed to these extreme conditions is obtained by numerical simulation of the heat and the mass transfer from an individual in the proximity of a fire line, as representative of a typical situation of a firefighter suppressing a high intensity fire. It is obvious that the impinging flux density depends on flame's dimensions and its properties as well as on the distance between the flame and those involved in fire suppression activities. The results obtained were calculated using a computer program based on a modified version of the Stolwijk thermoregulation model. Taking into account the time evolutions of skin, rectal and hypothalamus temperatures, a parametric study is presented about the importance of clothing properties, activity level and other external parameters in order to avoid the risk of significant undesired thermophysiological reactions within the firefighters. The results clearly show that, besides the improvement of personal protective clothing properties, the safety of firefighters is essentially related to good control of the exposure times to these high intensity radiation fluxes.  相似文献   

Generation and Transport of Smoke Components   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Smoke is a mixture of gases, vapors, and suspended particulate matter, or aerosols. The nature of the aerosol component of smoke can play a significant role in its deposition in the fire environment and in its lethal and sublethal effects on people. This paper presents the current state of knowledge about smoke aerosol phenomena that affects smoke toxicity: soot generation, fractal structure of soot, agglomerate transport via thermophoresis, sedimentation, and diffusion, agglomerate growth through coagulation and condensation, and the potential for the aerosols to transport adsorbed or absorbed toxic gases or vapors into the lungs. Tables are included for measured smoke yields and aerodynamic particle sizes, equations and references are provided for the smoke agglomerate transport properties and wall loss, and key literature references are provided for adsorption of irritant gases on soot particles and water droplets and the toxicity of nanosize particles.  相似文献   

Protective clothing is used in many industries to protect firefighters and other workers from fire and other hazards. While skin burns can occur during a fire, protective fabric temperatures remain high for some time even after a fire ends. Therefore, skin burn injuries can occur during the time in which a fabric is cooling. A heat transfer model has been developed that can predict inherently flame resistant fabric temperatures and skin burn injuries during this cooling phase. This paper describes the heat transfer model, including methods used to calculate the apparent heat capacity and the convection heat transfer coefficient as the fabric cools. The new model has been validated using data from bench top tests of Kevlar®/PBI fabric specimens. Parametric studies using the model demonstrate the importance of selected thermal properties and boundary conditions on fabric temperatures and bench top test results.  相似文献   

The air layer confined between skin and fabric not only acts as insulation, but also as an active system to manage latent and dry losses. Its temperature and water content are derived for a simple model. From this model, the thermal behaviour of clothing to insure comfort for different climates is then analysed.  相似文献   

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