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建筑用镀铝锌钢板   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张宏德 《钢结构》2003,18(6):49-50
介绍了连续热镀铝锌钢板的化学成分、微观结构及防腐性能。由于其独特的微观结构 ,镀铝锌钢板的防腐能力比镀锌钢板高 2~ 6倍。最后介绍了彩涂镀铝锌钢板的性能及镀铝锌钢板在目前国内建筑市场的应用状况  相似文献   

山西省第一建筑工程公司在铁道部电机厂铸造车间屋面改造工程上采用了镀铝锌压型钢板,效益显著。1特点本工法选用澳大利亚BHP公司生产的镀铝锌压型钢板作为屋面结构层及防水层材料。镀铝锌压型钢板的特点是结构刚度大、自重轻,耐腐蚀性强,安装、施工操作简便,无需...  相似文献   

新产品新技术NBM信息与文摘洁面彩色镀铝锌钢板洁面彩色镀铝锌钢板(恒丽板)是澳大利亚BHP公司研究开发成功的新一代彩色镀铝锌钢板。它有别于其它彩色钢板 ,在于它具有良好防灰尘堆积的能力和防止尘埃粘附的功能 ,保养及维护费用低等。该产品适用于建筑物的屋面、墙面。基板性能符合AS1397,涂层性能符合AS2728第3部分要求。洁面彩色镀铝锌钢板由于以镀铝钢板G550AZ150 ,镀铝锌钢板G300AZ150(55 %的锌铝合金镀层)为基板 ,经过抗锈蚀化学镀膜处理后 ,覆上5μm厚的防锈底漆 ,再通过特殊工艺 ,使…  相似文献   

镀铝锌钢板: 镀层成分按重量比率分别由55%的铝和434%的锌16%的硅组成镀铝锌钢板,不仅有良好的耐腐蚀性能,而且具有很好的涂层附着力和易加工性能镀铝锌钢板在各种环境中长达15年的实践证明,它的综合性能优越于其它镀层钢板。  相似文献   

通过中性盐雾试验检测Q235、耐候钢、镀锌钢、镀铝锌硅钢、镀锌铝镁钢的耐蚀性,利用扫描电镜及能谱仪观察和分析腐蚀前后表面形貌及成分。结果表明,海洋性环境镀锌层耐蚀性是裸钢的3~5倍,镀铝锌和镀锌铝镁耐蚀性是镀锌层的6倍以上。建议在耐蚀性要求较高或使用寿命要求较长时选择镀铝锌钢或镀锌铝镁钢。  相似文献   

周丽红 《砖瓦》2024,(2):37-39
彩石金属瓦是以镀铝锌钢板、镀铝锌镁钢板、不锈钢等为基板,利用胶粘剂将基板与彩石颗粒粘接复合而成的屋面瓦产品,用于装饰瓦或建筑物覆盖。彩石金属瓦屋面具有良好的耐久性,通过对彩石金属瓦产品性能和应用技术的研究,结合建筑、结构及材料方面的规定和要求,介绍了彩石金属瓦及其屋面的耐久性影响因素及耐久年限情况。  相似文献   

本文研究了五种新型保温装饰一体板类型和规格,并对其所采用的五种保温材料性能参数进行了对比分析。结果显示:镀铝锌钢板和铝板相较另外三种板具有更薄的面层厚度。无机树脂板、镀铝锌钢板和铝板的长度型号相较超薄石材板和超薄陶板选择更多且更长。所用保温材料防火性能好,燃烧等级高;保温性能强,格外适用于低温及寒冷地区;综合强度高且绿色环保;经济性好,施工方便,且可缩短工期,减少能耗。  相似文献   

张晓晨 《四川建筑》2006,26(Z1):210
钢结构建筑的板材主要用于内外墙体和屋面,文中对目前市场上广泛使用的热镀铝锌钢板、彩涂板、复合聚氨酯保温板、内墙隔板及采光板等几种板材的性能做简要的介绍。  相似文献   

彩石金属瓦——威纳钢瓦以镀铝锌钢板为基材,经表面处理、粘合彩砂及喷涂外保护层制成,与防水透气膜、岩棉一起在亚热带气候区的40°坡屋面上应用,施工便捷,防水、抗风效果良好。  相似文献   

压型钢板应用和发展中的问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着压型钢板在建筑上的应用,国内市场压型钢板已形成多种板型、材料并存的局面。应用中不同种类的压型钢板,抗腐蚀能力、防漏性能的有差异。通过对比实验,表明标准镀匀层钢板在工业环境中10年开始锈蚀,而采用含55%铝、43%锌、1.5%硅的镀铝锌层钢板,其抗腐蚀能力较同等镀锌层钢析强4倍。文中分析了彩色涂层外层各种油漆的耐候性能及涂层厚度对基材的保护作用;压型板自防水能力、强度、螺钉、硅胶等的质量及屋面整  相似文献   

北京射击馆多功能复杂建筑造型金属屋面施工技术   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
北京射击馆为2008年北京奥运会射击比赛用馆,由资格赛馆、决赛馆以及枪弹库及武警用房三大功能区组成.屋面造型呈单坡高低跨形式,部分采用铝锰镁合金板屋面,部分采用镀铝锌彩色钢板屋面.屋面上还有大量的采光玻璃带和玻璃天窗.通过选择合适的施工工艺和构造措施,解决了屋面漏水问题.重点介绍了两种金属屋面的施工工艺及屋面与天窗收边以及屋面伸缩缝的处理措施.  相似文献   

史杰 《山西建筑》2010,36(16):112-113
介绍了彩钢板隔墙的特点和适用范围,具体阐述了彩钢板隔墙的工艺流程及操作要点,并提出了彩钢板隔墙的质量标准和安全环保措施,以期促进彩钢板隔墙的推广和应用。  相似文献   

曹英兰 《山西建筑》2006,32(11):120-121
结合具体工程实践,重点介绍了压型彩钢板安装的施工步骤和施工工艺,从原材料加工、运输、安装施工几个方面,就其施工全过程作了阐述,提出了相应的质量控制措施,以指导现场施工。  相似文献   

Continuously organic coil coated steel sheet – A product with the special anti‐corrosion protection. Continuously organic coil coated steel sheet is a semi‐finished product with a finished surface. The product is used for production of component parts with a high utility value. Functional and decorative aspects are realized due to the optimized material composition. These flat products have a high corrosion resistance by the layered composition which creates the important functional base for thin‐walled elements. The respective layers of complete coating have active and passive factors for the anti‐corrosion protection – the cathodic protection is an important factor. Constructive measures strengthen the protection against the negative influences of the weather. A high quality standard of the anti‐corrosion protection was safeguarded by the specification of quality requirements, factory supervisions and surveillance by authorized institutes, amongst others in result of the DIN 55928‐8. The new standard DIN 55634 follows this tradition. In spring 2008 the blue‐print of the new standard is published. By the durable and flexible organic coating of the flat product also decorative aspects like design, color and gloss are achieved. Due to a differentiated color design gigantic structure get a kind and live appearance of industrial plants by their facades. Light weight elements manufactured by continuously organic coil coated steel sheet affords for enterprises to do a built public relations with sustainability.  相似文献   

近年抗震设防目标逐渐从保护生命安全方面的考虑,向震后迅速恢复城市、居民正常的生活秩序方向发展。带有可更换构件结构就是在这一目标下产生的结构新形式。介绍了一种新型的带有可更换墙脚构件的剪力墙结构形式,墙脚可更换构件是新型拉压组合减震支座,由叠层橡胶垫和软钢板组合而成,叠层橡胶垫主要承受压力和剪力,钢板主要承受拉力;还建立了这种剪力墙及其可更换构件的设计原则、设计方法,以及截面验算方法,并给出了设计算例。  相似文献   

唐增旺  张利 《山西建筑》2010,36(15):126-128
结合具体工程实例,简要介绍了25 m直径圆煤仓无粘结预应力施工技术的特点及施工顺序,具体阐述了预应力骨架筋、承压板的安装,无粘结预应力钢绞线的铺设和张拉,锚具防护等技术要点,为类似工程积累了施工经验。  相似文献   

In steel members strengthened by carbon-fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) plates, the thermal stresses are introduced in the steel members, the CFRP plates and the adhesive layers when temperature changes because the linear thermal expansion coefficients of steel and CFRP are mismatched. As so far, the authors proposed a technique to reduce the thermal stress in steel members strengthened by CFRP plates, which involves bonding aluminum alloy plates with CFRP plates. In the proposed method, the thermal stress in steel member can be reduced so that there are negligible levels of stress in steel member when the cross sectional areas of CFRP and aluminum plates are designed to correspond to the coefficient of thermal expansion of steel, even though the thermal stresses are introduced in the CFRP and aluminum plates. In this study, to confirm the maintaining the thermal stress reduction in steel member by proposed method, thermal stress measurement in steel plate strengthened by CFRP and aluminum plates was carried out about 21 months. In this research, the thermal stress introduced in the steel plate strengthened by CFRP plates was also measured. Furthermore, to assume the thermal shear and normal (peel) stresses in adhesive layers, FE analysis with plane stress element was employed. As the result, it was shown the thermal stresses in steel plate with CFRP plate were able to calculate by using composite theory and measured temperature. Furthermore, in steel plate strengthened by CFRP and aluminum plates, the thermal stress introduced in steel plate was negligible-small through the all-season. It was found the thermal stresses in steel plate with CFRP plates as well as CFRP and aluminum plates were also estimated by using composite theory and measured temperature. In the steel plate strengthened by CFRP and aluminum plates, the thermal shear and normal stresses in adhesive layer glued to steel plate become smaller than that in the conventional CFRP bonded specimen. However, the shear stress in adhesive layers between CFRP and aluminum plates in proposed method was higher than the thermal stress in adhesive layers between CFRP plates in conventional method.  相似文献   

本文通过5根加固梁试验,对采用10mm厚钢板、多层粘贴薄钢板及单层粘贴薄钢板粘钢加固混凝土梁的抗弯性能从多方面进行了对比试验研究,试验结果表明,在增强锚固保证钢板与混凝土梁协同工作条件下,可采用厚钢板粘贴实现大加固量加固。  相似文献   

槽形钢-混凝土组合梁及其应用前景初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种适用于轨道桥梁的新型槽形(U形)钢-混凝土组合下承式桥梁,它是指在槽形截面的钢梁内侧浇筑混凝土,钢板与混凝土通过抗剪连接件组合成整体共同工作。这种结构形式不仅继承了传统混凝土槽形梁结构的特点,而且具有许多自身的优点,钢板可以代替模板,故无需模板或使用较少模板进行施工;结构受拉区外包钢板,既避免了混凝土裂缝暴露,又具有较好的防撞功能,结构的耐久性好。下层钢板在横向和纵向均可以充分发挥抗拉强度,大大简化了构造,减少钢筋绑扎、焊接以及横向预应力张拉的困难。对这种槽形组合梁截面形式的比选进行了初步有限元分析。结果表明,截面各参数对结构受力性能的影响程度不同,其中混凝土底部纵向肋宽度、混凝土翼缘厚度及腹板高度等是较敏感因素;温度和混凝土收缩徐变对结构受力性能的影响也较大。在竖向荷载的作用下钢梁底板和混凝土底板的中面纵向应力沿板宽的分布均表现出一定的剪力滞后现象。还指出关于这种新型组合梁今后值得进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

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