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基于建筑工程技术专业教学,绿色建筑理念的整合,并根据国内外建筑的教育发展背景、绿色建筑教育相关内容和社会相关学者的论著资料整理与研读,对其内容进行分析,结合一些绿色建筑评价标准的相关条例,对论文后续的建筑工程技术专业教学整合,对绿色建筑理念进行解析,为建筑工程技术专业教育提供良好的实践教学方法。  相似文献   

培养学生的绿色建筑设计能力,需要从课程体系建构、师资力量、教学方法改革、课程教学实践等方面进行必要改革。其中最重要的是新课程体系构建。通过分析绿色建筑技术的分类与特点及在建筑设计过程中的要求,结合建筑学教学规律,将绿色建筑教学过程分为初步融入阶段,进阶设计阶段、深入设计阶段,实践设计阶段4个阶段,并具体分析了这4个阶段的教学特点与教学重点。  相似文献   

分析绿色建筑背景下建筑学专业人才的需求,以及目前建筑学专业人才培养存在问题的基础上,对建筑学专业进行了教学改革的探索:建立"一轴两翼"的技术与设计融合的课程体系;构建"贯通课内课外"的实践教学体系;拓展整合建筑技术系列课程的教学内容;建筑设计与建筑技术融合的课程教学"横向化";创新多元化的教学方法及评价体系。  相似文献   

华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院绿色建筑研究中心(以下简称“中心”)致力于中国城市及建筑可持续发展问题的研究与实践,尤其对华中地区夏热冬冷的特殊气候问题予以特别关注。该中心由城市规划、建筑设计及计算机模拟方向的学者联合组成跨学科的研究及创作平台,可在“城市规划与设计”、“建筑设计及其理论”两个二级学科方向培养博士研究生,并在“建筑学”一级学科领域培养硕士研究生。  相似文献   

随着可持续理念的日益盛行,综合性绿色设计已成为建筑行业的共识,也是培养学生当代设计观的重要一步,然而在实际教学中理论与技术脱节的问题一直存在。因此,该文结合建筑学专业的绿色建筑课程教学实践,探讨以气候适应性绿建策略为理论支撑、以绿建性能模拟为导向的设计理念及教学路径,并从教学模式、内容设置和成果评价三方面优化教学过程,为社会发展背景下的建筑学绿色建筑课程提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对一定时期内绿色建筑载文文献的研究,可在一定程度上反映出建筑学视角的绿色建筑的研究进展及趋势。通过对建筑学主要刊物关于绿色建筑学术论文的检索,按照文献研究主题建立"理论、方法、技术、实践"四要素的绿色建筑研究框架,明确国内绿色建筑学术研究的现状和特征。研究发现:在我国建筑学研究领域,四类文献持续增长,研究广度及深度双向延伸;基于地域和类型的研究体系趋势明显;研究内容偏重技术与实践,基本理论与方法论研究薄弱,跨学科多元化研究是解决思路。  相似文献   

《建筑设备》课程是建筑学专业建筑技术方向的必修课程,传统的课程教学集中在给排水、暖通空调、建筑电气知识点的讲解,随着可持续建筑和绿色建筑技术的发展,目前的教学内容已经难以适应职业建筑师人才的培养要求。文章以成果为导向,从建筑学专业学生能力要求入手分析教学现状与问题,明确教学目标,然后通过对教学大纲的调整,引入绿色建筑中节能技术案例教学。开展问题式、案例式以及探究式等教学手段,进行教学改革创新与实践。  相似文献   

合肥工业大学2019版人才培养方案压缩了专业课学时,将建筑环境与能源应用工程专业纳入土木大类招生培养试点。以此为背景,文章探讨了土木大类中建筑环境与能源应用工程专业建设和人才培养。通过深入分析该专业特点,准确定位该专业在土木大类中的角色,明确绿色能源为专业特色,能源工程师为专业人才培养目标。教学过程中将理论教学和实践教学紧密结合起来,使学生既熟悉土建行业全产业链组织过程,又精通行业技术和管理。  相似文献   

结合工程案例,探讨城市更新过程中的绿色建筑实践。从该项目城市核心区建筑建设的特点、周边环境及场地特点等多个影响因素出发,根据绿色建筑标准,建立了一套适合城市核心区建筑更新特点的绿色建筑技术体系,通过模拟风、光、声、热环境,确定了适合该项目特点的绿色建筑技术,包括采用自然通风、自然采光、温湿度独立控制、岗位送风、太阳能光伏发电等。  相似文献   

跨学科教学是培养中职学生核心素养的重要途径。为有效开展跨学科教学,可以采用"跨界—融合—创生—重构"的路径和方法,以真实问题的项目化解决为出发点,找到跨界学科在课程内容、教学方法和学生经验方面的最佳融合点,通过线上线下混合教学对跨学科课程进行重构,开展线上线下的实践活动和过程评估,从而有效提升学生的核心素养和职业关键能力。  相似文献   

建筑雪工程学系指综合物理学、地球环境学、灾害学等交叉学科,从专业角度对建筑(群)及其周围环境冬季受降雪影响进行预测及研究,以抵御由雪灾诱发建筑物倒塌事故的一门学科。从该学科中主要的三种研究方法,即实地观测、试验研究以及数值模拟为切入点对三者的发展进行梳理与深入剖析。对于实地观测,总结了国外规范中考虑风致雪漂移和热力融雪等影响因素的研究历程与相应理论模型的建立,并指出今后我国实测工作应以对足尺建筑屋面积雪特性及其演变机理为重心;通过对近年来试验研究工作的概括总结,梳理了现今试验研究的四种手段,并明确了对应试验手段相似准则的建立与参数的选取,同时指出今后在我国建立专业风雪试验的必要性;通过对CFD数值模拟方法研究进展的回顾,总结了目前数值模拟已取得的成果与存在的不足,为考虑因素全面的新数值模拟方法的发展指明方向。  相似文献   

在借鉴社会学理论的基础上,以跨学科分析的方式,从较为宏观的视角建构了"匠场"这一全新概念,并藉此揭示了中国传统建筑营造匠场的运作机制以及建筑营造技艺的传习机制。这为探究传统建筑营造技艺的继承与发展及历史建筑的保护方式提供了有益思路。  相似文献   

This article reflects on a series of past and ongoing teaching experiences by the authors involving building simulation tools in undergraduate architecture and engineering education. All of the teaching experiences attempt to replicate the powerful consultant/architect interaction as found in high-quality architecture practices. After an overview briefly retracing the evolution from teaching formats in which the instructor is a provider of simulations to various formats in which the students produce simulations, the article presents a newly created interdisciplinary course. The course is jointly taught by the authors (an architect and an engineer), and its enrolment is comprised of undergraduate architecture and engineering students. The purpose of the dual enrolment is to provide the students with the opportunity to practise working in a collaborative manner within a multidisciplinary group. Effective collaboration among these two groups in practice has been cited as a means of producing more environmentally sustainable buildings.  相似文献   

中小学教学楼由于使用人群和功能的特点,其节能设计方法具有明显的特殊性,舒适度具有更高的要求。针对寒冷地区中小学教学楼,笔者运用性能模拟技术,提出了从建筑的整体控制、平面组织到空间优化的被动式绿色设计流程,将适宜的被动式策略应用于场地分析、建筑布局、体型控制、围护结构选择、功能配置以及空间的风光环境优化等设计环节,形成适合寒冷地区中小学教学楼的绿色设计方法,并将该方法应用到天津某小学教学楼设计实践中。  相似文献   

Buildings consume more than one-third of the world’s primary energy. Reducing energy use and greenhouse-gas emissions in the buildings sector through energy conservation and efficiency improvements constitutes a key strategy for achieving global energy and environmental goals. Building performance simulation has been increasingly used as a tool for designing, operating and retrofitting buildings to save energy and utility costs. However, opportunities remain for researchers, software developers, practitioners and policymakers to maximize the value of building performance simulation in the design and operation of low energy buildings and communities that leverage interdisciplinary approaches to integrate humans, buildings, and the power grid at a large scale. This paper presents ten challenges that highlight some of the most important issues in building performance simulation, covering the full building life cycle and a wide range of modeling scales. The formulation and discussion of each challenge aims to provide insights into the state-of-the-art and future research opportunities for each topic, and to inspire new questions from young researchers in this field.  相似文献   

Direct solar radiation has a major influence on a building's thermal behaviour. Current simulation engines are not up to the challenge of accurately modelling solar gains for buildings with complex or curved geometry and buildings sited in dense urban areas. Accurate thermal performance prediction for buildings in early stages of design is hindered by excessive computation time and incompatibility between architectural models and building energy simulation software. This paper proposes using a combination of modern computer graphics rendering techniques and parametric B-spline interpolation methods to quickly and accurately calculate solar gains over a full year based on sparse data with a continuous interpolation method. These new procedures accommodate complex building geometries and intricate shadow patterns and can accelerate shading calculations by several orders of magnitude. Faster calculations allow studies to be made at the early stages of design when modifications can have the greatest impact on a building's thermal behaviour.  相似文献   

大型公共建筑既是保障震后救灾及城市系统功能恢复的基础设施系统,又是地震灾害的重要承灾体。地震一旦发生,大型公共建筑中非结构构件会造成严重的地震灾害,影响建筑的使用功能、造成巨大的经济损失,甚至给人员疏散和安置带来潜在威胁。文章从理论分析、数值模拟及试验研究等3个方面系统总结非结构构件抗震性能分析方法的研究进展。以吊顶、幕墙及电梯为例阐述非结构构件的地震响应及破坏特征。探讨大型公共建筑中非结构构件抗震性能研究的新思路:结合材料科学、控制科学及交叉学科的发展,不断创新非结构构件的抗震性能分析方法;结合大数据和人工智能技术形成非结构构件震害评价方法和智能识别技术,为非结构构件的抗震韧性评估提供依据;发展非结构构件地震韧性提升技术,为大型公共建筑的安全运行提供技术保障。  相似文献   

Superiority of advanced, innovative design tools. In Germany, standard building design is often determined in the traditional way that is, solely according to the HOAI (Official Scale of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers) [1]. This means that in most cases only simplistic design tools are used by default. However, with high‐class complex buildings these are not always an adequate means of ensuring that the often stringent requirements their use places on the indoor climate conditions are met once they are in operation. In ambitious buildings featuring numerous open areas inside and open exits leading outdoors or to adjacent buildings but still place stringent requirements on the indoor climate conditions, the interactions between the individual areas inside and between these and ambient air are extremely important. Such buildings often appear transparent so as to look attractive to visitors: keeping entrance doors open helps to attract the attention of passers‐by and to make the buildings seem more inviting. The resulting streams of visitors necessitate a multiple open doorways, resulting in more or less strong airflow within the buildings. The effects of this wind‐ and buoyancy‐induced airflow on the indoor climate conditions proposed for a particular building can only be evaluated by means of advanced innovative design methods in the form of simulation technology. The airflow inside the buildings raises a number of very different issues regarding their design which can only be resolved by means of different simulation techniques. Using the new entrance building (NEG) on Berlin's Museum Island as an example, typical design issues are exemplified and the corresponding simulation techniques presented here. In this way the – urgently needed – transparency concerning the application of building simulation technology is encouraged.  相似文献   

从学校建筑在地震灾害控制中的重要性出发,结合安溪县学校建筑抗震安全调查情况,分析了安溪县学校建筑的现状,并从建筑规划、结构体系、抗震构造和施工技术要求等方面探讨教学楼建筑在地震灾害控制中应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents the evaluation of three different methods for determining zone temperature setpoint variations that limit peak electrical demand in buildings. The methods were developed in a companion paper [Lee K-H, Braun JE. Development of methods for determining demand-limiting setpoint trajectories in buildings using short-term measurements. Building and Environment 2007, in press, doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2007.11.004] and are evaluated in the current paper through simulation for a small, medium, and large commercial building. Inverse models were employed for the simulation where the parameters were estimated with nonlinear regression techniques using hourly data. Two of the demand-limiting methods are based on the use of simple building models that capture dynamics of the building cooling loads in response to setpoint variations over a short time scale. The third method is data driven and only relies on load data to directly determine setpoint variations that minimize peak cooling demand. All three demand-limiting methods work well in terms of peak demand reduction for individual buildings. However, the data-driven method has slightly better performance than the other methods, is easier to implement, and is directly applicable for peak load reduction of aggregated buildings.  相似文献   

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