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Curing techniques and curing duration have crucial effects to the strength and durability of concrete. Proper curing can protect against moisture loss from fresh concrete. The objective of this experimental study is to examine the early-age behavior of high-performance concrete (HPC) under various curing methods. Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the early-age shrinkage development, temperature change, and evaporation rate when different curing methods were used. Four curing techniques and two curing durations were applied to concrete deck slab and cylindrical specimens. The measured experiment data were also compared with several shrinkage prediction models. The results show that proper moisture-curing methods can effectively reduce concrete temperature due to hydration heat and limit the development of early-age shrinkage strains. The concrete of a longer curing duration would yield lower shrinkage deformation and lower evaporation rate.  相似文献   

蒸养混凝土的毛细吸水特性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用ISAT(initial surface absorption test)方法,试验研究了蒸养混凝土的毛细吸水特性,调查了胶凝材料组成、养护条件以及蒸养工艺对蒸养混凝土毛细吸附系数的影响,并探索了相应影响机制及降低蒸养混凝土毛细吸水性的技术途径.结果表明:相对于标养条件,蒸养混凝土由表及里不同位置呈现更大的毛细吸水梯度;混凝土暴露表层的蒸养效应是导致其毛细吸水梯度增大的主要原因;采用粉煤灰、矿渣及硅灰复掺技术、对蒸养后的混凝土进行后续水养以及在蒸养过程中对暴露表层进行保湿覆盖处理均能减少蒸养混凝土的毛细吸附系数,降低蒸养混凝土由表及里的毛细吸水梯度.  相似文献   

试验研究了高温低湿环境下新浇筑水泥混凝土在塑性阶段的表面蒸发速率;在自由水蒸发速率模型基础上,通过对混凝土表面蒸发速率相对于自由水蒸发速率随时间变化的数值分析,得到混凝土表面蒸发速率公式.该公式可以较为准确地对一定环境条件下的混凝土表面蒸发速率进行模拟.结果表明:混凝土表面被泌水覆盖时,混凝土表面蒸发速率等于自由水蒸发速率;泌水被逐渐蒸发的过程中,混凝土表面蒸发速率与自由水蒸发速率之比值随时间的增加以一定规律减小.  相似文献   

采用ISAT(Initial Surface Absorption Test)方法研究了蒸养制度和石粉含量对机制砂混凝土毛细吸水性能的影响。结果表明:相比于标养条件,蒸养会增大机制砂混凝土的毛细吸水能力,但与同养护条件下的河砂混凝土相比,机制砂混凝土的毛细吸水系数更低;静养时间的缩短和恒温温度的升高都会增大机制砂混凝土的毛细吸水系数,合适的静养时间和养护温度分别为4 h和50℃;石粉含量对蒸养机制砂混凝土毛细吸水性影响较大,随着石粉含量的增加,蒸养机制砂混凝土的毛细吸水系数先变小后变大,合适的石粉含量为10%。  相似文献   

研究了高吸水树脂(SAP)对C40和C60火山灰混凝土自收缩、干燥收缩及水分损失率的影响,并探讨了SAP对火山灰混凝土收缩性能的作用机理.结果表明:SAP内养护可以显著降低C40和C60火山灰混凝土的自收缩,提高火山灰混凝土的抗裂性,且内养护减缩率与内养护水胶比呈正比关系;SAP内养护增大了火山灰混凝土的干燥收缩和水分损失率,且增大幅度随着内养护引入水量的增加而增大;根据干燥环境中火山灰混凝土的水分损失率与干燥收缩的拟合关系得出了火山灰混凝土产生干燥收缩时的临界水分损失率;虽然SAP内养护增大了火山灰混凝土的干燥收缩,但其总收缩较基准混凝土显著降低.  相似文献   

主要研究了水灰比,矿物掺合料,外加剂及预养制度对负温混凝土抗压强度、抗折强度、轴心抗压强度和静弹性模量的影响。结果表明:负温混凝土-7+28d的各项力学性能的损失率随水灰比的增大而增加。防冻剂和引气剂可以有效地降低混凝土-7+28d的上述各项力学性能损失率,同引气剂相比防冻剂更有效;除抗压强度外,粉煤灰和矿渣对混凝土的-7+28d的各项力学性能不利;经48h预养后所有配合比混凝土的力学性能损失率均显著减小,预养时间对负温混凝土的力学性能的影响要比水灰比、引气剂、防冻剂、矿渣及粉煤灰明显;同其他三种力学性能相比,负温混凝土的轴心抗压强度损失率明显较大。  相似文献   

为解决道床板现浇混凝土养护难、易开裂的问题,研究了自制高效养护剂对道床板现浇混凝土的强度、塑性收缩变形和抗裂性的影响。结果表明,采用养护剂养护有利于提高混凝土的抗压强度,其早期(7d)抗压强度高于标准养护下的抗压强度,后期(28d和56d)抗压强度与标准养护下的抗压强度相近,但其7d和28d抗折强度略低于标准养护下的抗折强度。在混凝土浇筑成型后立即喷涂养护剂,可有效降低混凝土塑性收缩。72h后,TJ-A、TJ-B和C型3种养护剂分别降低混凝土塑性收缩率为42%、27%和27%,同时,这3种养护剂养护下的混凝土表面水分蒸发量比自然养护下分别降低了60%、54%、60%。养护剂养护有效地防止了混凝土早期裂缝的产生,提高了混凝土的抗裂性能。  相似文献   

In hot dry climates, such as exist in the Arabian Gulf region, plastic shrinkage cracking can develop when the rate of evaporation exceeds the rate at which bleed water rises to the concrete surface. Furthermore, with or without plastic shrinkage cracking, surface drying can still lead to a reduction in abrasion resistance and an increase in porosity and permeability at the critical near surface, or ‘cure affected zone’. This paper discusses evaporation and surface drying in hot, dry environments, as in the Arabian Gulf region, based on experimental measurements of the rates of both evaporation and bleeding. Measured rates of evaporation are compared to predicted values obtained from the Menzel equation, the most commonly used formula for this purpose. The paper concludes by pointing out the precautions to be taken in order to prevent exposing recently placed concrete to excessive drying.  相似文献   

针对广州某遗址保护大厅内多为裸露土壤的情况,借鉴水利科学中潜水蒸发量的计算方法及成熟的相关经验公式,提出了人工环境下无覆盖土壤散湿量的计算方法。在该计算方法中,用暴露水面的蒸发量来表征外界蒸发能力,用潜水蒸发系数来表征土壤的输水能力。设计效果表明,该方法的计算精度能满足工程实际的需要。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2001,36(5):637-655
In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in heated concrete slab floors to provide for space heating in both residential and commercial buildings. The existing design procedures for these heating systems are based on simplified thermal models with several assumptions. In particular, the simplified models assume that both the upper and the lower concrete slab surface are isothermal and that the heat transfer through the bottom of the slab surfaces is uniformly distributed over the entire surface. In this paper, a more realistic and flexible model for heated or cooled concrete slab floors is considered to determine the heat transfer between the concrete slab and the ground. In particular, steady-state and steady-periodic semi-analytical solutions are developed to determine the temperature field within the ground medium and within the concrete slab-on-grade floor where hot or chilled water pipes are embedded. The solution presented in this paper is applied to determine the ground heat loss/gain for a heated or cooled floor under various design conditions including the level of floor insulation, and the temperature of the water pipes. These solutions are obtained using the interzone temperature profile estimation (ITPE) procedure. Detailed analysis is presented to determine the effect of the slab insulation configuration on soil and slab temperature field and on the monthly variation of the total slab heat loss.  相似文献   

针对该线新疆段大风、大温差、严重干旱缺水的自然环境特点,进行了室内与现场的抗裂性试验研究.分析了墩体裂缝产生的原因,得出在新疆恶劣的自然环境下保温、保湿养护能显著提高混凝土墩体早期抗裂性的结论.保温、保湿养护,能减少混凝土内部水分向外散失,减小混凝土发生干缩与塑性收缩的机率;同时保证水化热散失均匀,减小混凝土墩内外温差...  相似文献   

大量工程实践表明,寒冷地区在冬季施工时,混凝土表面极易丧失水分,影响混凝土强度的发展。为了保证冬期施工混凝土的质量,在负温环境中要创造各种可能的施工措施及养护条件,使新浇筑的混凝土得以正常硬化并达到设计要求的强度等级。  相似文献   

为了研究不同海洋环境下珊瑚混凝土中钢筋表面蚀坑的发展情况,通过浸泡和干湿循环两种养护方式来模拟水下区和潮汐区两种环境,对比分析了两种环境下珊瑚混凝土中HPB300钢筋的锈积率、失重率以及其与蚀坑数目之间的关系;建立了表面蚀坑的尺寸分布模型并阐述了蚀坑的生长演变机理。研究表明,对比浸泡条件,在干湿循环条件下的混凝土中钢筋失重率及锈积率更高,且在60 d时蚀坑数量出现小规模的集中增长;不同时期钢筋表面蚀坑尺寸分布函数均可表示为P=α+βeεS,且其中大部分都属于亚稳态的微观蚀坑;在干湿循环养护方式下首先发育出尺寸较大的宏观蚀坑;90 d内随着混凝土龄期的增长,干湿循环下蚀坑尺寸分布不均,而浸泡条件下蚀坑尺寸渐趋接近。  相似文献   

In this study, the surface temperature, net radiation, water content ratio, etc., of green roofs and high reflection roofs are observed. The heat and water budget are compared to each other. In the daytime, the temperature of the cement concrete surface, the surface with highly reflective gray paint, bare soil surface, green surface and the surface with highly reflective white paint are observed to be in descending order. On a surface with highly reflective white paint, the sensible heat flux is small because of the low net radiation due to high solar reflectance. On the green surface, the sensible heat flux is small because of the large latent heat flux by evaporation, although the net radiation is large. On the cement concrete surface and the surface with a highly reflective gray paint, the sensible heat fluxes have almost the same values because their solar reflectance is approximately equal. These tendencies of the sensible heat flux accord with the pitch relation of the surface temperature. Methods to estimate the quantity of evaporation, evaporative efficiency, heat conductivity, and thermal capacity are explained, and the observation data is applied to these methods.  相似文献   

研究了自然环境、水中养护、薄膜覆盖3种养护条件对不同粉煤灰掺量混凝土表面吸水率以及表面层(1~5 cm)混凝土的电阻率影响.结果表明,混凝土表面层的吸水率以及电阻率对养护条件特别敏感,掺粉煤灰可降低混凝土的表面吸水率;养护条件主要影响距离表面1~3cm处混凝土的电阻率,27 d水中养护后,掺粉煤灰试件电阻率与基准试件相差不大,而6d水中养护和自然养护后,掺粉煤灰试件电阻率明显比基准试件大,且随粉煤灰掺量的增加而增大,从电阻率变化范围来看,27 d水中养护试件的电阻率最小,其次是6 d水中养护的试件,而自然养护的试件最大.混凝土表面电阻率变化能较好反映养护质量的好坏,基于这种变化,对混凝土的养护效果进行定量评价是可行的.  相似文献   

两种养护液的制备和对混凝土的养护效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐峰 《混凝土》2002,(12):20-22
介绍乳化石蜡养护和酸改性水玻璃养护液的制备及对混凝土的养护效果的实验研究。结果表明,两种养护液均具有一定的阻隔混凝土内水散失的功能,就抗压强度而言,两种养护液养护以涂覆石蜡养护液养护的效果为好,但都不如浸水的养护效果而均优于试验室条件下自然放置的养护。  相似文献   

本文通过2003年冬期施工过程中混凝土温度、强度有关数据跟踪检测,取得一些宝贵的数据。介绍了电热法加热水,提高混凝土出机温度和混凝土运输过程中温度损失情况。特别是提出越冬覆盖保水养护对混凝土后期强度发展的重要性,可供广大混凝土行业和施工企业工程技术人员参考。  相似文献   

When fresh concrete is exposed to extremely low temperatures, the free water in the concrete is cooled below its freezing point and transforms into ice, leading to a decrease in the compressive strength of concrete. When freezing takes place after an adequate curing time, the decrease in compressive strength does not occur. In other words, the concrete can resist the frost damage. Of the many influencing factors, the age of concrete at the beginning of freezing and curing temperatures is significantly important with regard to the loss of compressive strength. In this study, tests were performed to examine how these factors affect the compressive strength of concrete frozen at early-ages as well as to investigate the source of frost damage in fresh concrete. The results from the tests showed that the loss of compressive strength decreases when the onset of freezing was delayed and the curing temperature was high. Moreover, the results showed that the curing temperature after the freezing period does not affect the resistance against frost damage but it affects the strength development. Finally, we propose a new method to predict the minimum curing time based on the development theory of frost resistance with decrease of saturation degree of capillary pores and using the hydration degree curves at an early age.  相似文献   

采用切片法测试经历不同潮湿养护历程的混凝土在垂直于表面不同深度处的回弹硬度、气体渗透系数和吸水性能.结果表明:早期潮湿养护时间与混凝土材料物理性能的空间均匀性密切相关,早期潮湿养护时间越短,混凝土物理性能空间非均匀性越明显,具体表现为表层混凝土的硬度(强度)越低,抗水、抗气体渗透性越差,且垂直于混凝土表面方向不同深度处的性能差异越显著.  相似文献   

A new laboratory evaporation measurement device (LEMD) was developed to estimate the evaporation rates of urban surface materials. Here, evaporation is induced by means of a constant heat input and airflow. The evaporation can be measured using two different methods concurrently. Method 1 is based on a balance, which measures the mass loss over time. In method 2 the water vapour transport in the air is measured by humidity sensors thus enabling the calculation of the evaporation rate. Test measurements show a sensitivity of method 2 against influences from the environment, therefore, method 1 was used for subsequent measurements. With the assistance of the LEMD, an estimation of the evaporation rates for different materials was determined within a short period of time and with low costs.  相似文献   

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