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本项目起源于钦廉华侨林场搬迁,该林场现位于广西省合浦县。规划内容包括大面积的住宅区以及相关配套设施,另外加设一些办公楼及沿街商业等。规划用地位于钦州市河东新区东侧,占地5000余亩,西侧以铁路为界,东侧紧邻环城路,南侧为金海湾大街,东面与南面均被城市绿带包围,并与工业园区遥相呼应,地块西侧是正在建设中的八大场馆、白石湖公园、区政府等一系列配套公建。  相似文献   

当前林场建设规模不断扩大,在进行基础施工中会遇到一定程度的阻碍。文章以林场房建为例,分析了林场房建工程建设的必要性,并提出了林场房建工程施工质量的控制措施。  相似文献   

朱健 《上海建材》2024,(1):14-16+46
本文对相关研究文献进行了分析,探讨了城市土地利用规划对城市可持续发展的影响。城市土地利用规划在促进城市可持续发展中具有重要的作用:引导土地的合理使用,优化城市空间布局,提高资源利用效率,促进环境保护,以及推动经济发展和社会进步。然而,当前城市土地利用规划在实践中还存在一些问题和挑战,包括规划执行不力和决策过程不透明、利益冲突等。因此建议加强城市土地利用规划的科学性、民主性和透明度,提高规划的实施效果,以推动城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

土地的弹性规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近一个时期,综合开发研究院(中国·深圳)城市经营研究中心的同仁们走访了一些城市土地主管部门、规划部门和新区建设主管单位,发现土地利用规划与土地开发进度间存在着相当大的差距。建设项目、土地利用规划、城市规划间缺少协调,影响着城市总体规划特别是新区规划的可操作性,而对土地的利用更缺乏过渡期临时安排的策略。如何使土地利用既具有科学性和前瞻性,又能适应市场的需求不断转型?如何协调土地利用规划与城市总体规划的关系?如何使土地利用规划更富有弹性?这些都是许多理论研究工作者和从事实际工作的同志共同关心的问题。综合开发研究院(中国·深圳)于4月8日下午在CDI大楼举办了一次小型沙龙,邀请了深圳市和珠三角其它兄弟城市的对上述问题有兴趣的专家和从事新区建设管理工作的同志,共同进行了一次探讨性的研究碰撞。《规划师》杂志社驻深圳办事处应邀参加了此次活动,并根据录音整理出部分专家的发言片段。  相似文献   

一、地理位置 渝北区玉峰山林场建于1962年,座落在渝北区东南部,与张关镇、玉峰山镇、石船镇、御临镇、石坪镇、王家镇、古路债、洛碛镇、龙兴镇、麻柳沱镇、白岩乡、双凤桥街道办事处12个乡镇集体林相互交错。  相似文献   

开发区的土地利用规划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土地利用规划是开发区规划的核心,它受经济社会发展的制约.我国的城市开发区经过15年来的建设,从理论到实践都取得了一定的成效和经验.为使开发区的建设能科学合理地发展下去,作者对其中的土地利用规划尚存在的问题,作了分析与研究,提出了若干见解。  相似文献   

对现行城市土地利用规划的生态反思   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文立足城市土地利用规划对城市生态系统发展所具有的重要作用 ,分析了现行城市土地利用规划制定过程中存在的一系列相关生态问题 ,以及这些问题可能会带来的不良后果。针对这种情况 ,提出建立以生态平衡和可持续发展为基础的新型城市土地利用规划 :从制定新的土地利用及评价标准体系入手 ,在原有土地利用建设经济性指标基础上增加土地自然生态功能指标、土地社会经济性指标、土地文化资源指标三方面内容 ,为全面剖析城市“土地”的生态综合价值提供系统科学的依据 ;在规划编制中根据新标准增加土地基本综合生态状况评析、土地利用潜力评估过程 ,以确定适地性的土地利用指标体系、土地利用方式方法、适宜的建设开发强度 ,建构科学合理的城市空间形态结构。使城市土地利用规划更符合城市生态系统的内在机制 ,切实发挥城市土地利用规划对城市生态系统建设的指导作用。  相似文献   

论城市绿地系统规划理论与方法的时俱进   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李敏 《中国园林》2002,18(5):17-20
城市绿地系统规划是影响城市可持续发展的重要专项规划之一,直接与城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划相衔接。本文论述了我国城市绿地系统规划工作中目前存在的主要问题,结合国情对习用的一些规划编制理论与方法进行了反思,提出可持续发展的城市规划应当贯彻“生态优先、绿地优先、开敞空间优先”的规划原则,并需要在规划指标、规划方法和规划管理方面与时俱进,求实更新。  相似文献   

介绍了林场林苗两用林的培育及经营管理技术,按市场行情发展苗木和用材林,从而更好地发挥林场的优势,创造更大的经济价值。  相似文献   

建设环境友好型城市和集约高效利用土地的城市建设方针要求城市政府对轨道沿线土地进行综合开发和高效利用,保持轨道交通与沿线土地的协调发展.为实现这一目标,应注重对轨道交通沿线土地利用性质和土地开发强度(容积率)这两个关键要素进行规划和控制.  相似文献   

The current situation about the natural forest resources protection project in Haikou Forest Farm of Kunming on the protection of forest resources, forest fire prevention, forest administration resource management, forest pests, and money management was briefed. Achievements made in the implementation of natural forest protection project in Haikou Forest Farm were analyzed, and problems existing in the project as well as corresponding countermeasures were expounded.  相似文献   

刘骏  梅筱  何颖 《室内设计》2018,(2):70-76
城市森林公园是森林公园的一种 特殊类型,它既是维护城市环境的重要生态 林地,同时还兼具城市公园的功能,因此在设 计中需借助合适的分析手段,平衡林地保护 和游憩活动安排之间的关系。在分析城市森 林公园特征及问题的基础上,以重庆照母山 森林公园为例,借助城市森林公园游憩机会 谱(ROS)的评分模型及指标体系,通过城 市森林公园游憩机会谱评价,以寻求城市森 林公园中自然环境、游憩活动和管理设施之 间相互制约的关系;根据游憩机会谱评价结 果,对城市森林公园活动场所进行系统性的 分类,针对不同的游憩机会等级,提出各类 型活动场地景观设计优化的对策。以此探索 游憩机会谱(ROS)在城市森林公园中的运 用途径及对景观设计的影响。  相似文献   

This article unfolds the notion of “forest urbanism” through a discussion on the intertwined evolution of the Sonian Forest and settlement development in the greater Brussels environs through history. The forest landscape is considered a fundamental structure, both for ecology (delivering numerous ecosystem services) and the urban environment. Forest urbanism is an urbanism that relies on the forest as a structuring device across scales and dimensions (in relation to mobility, settlement, and ecology). The interplay of urbanism with the large forest domain operates at the territorial scale and various forest domains of very different natures. It unravels forest and urbanism interplays within the Brussels region with quite different urban contexts (scale, density, quality, development pressure, etc.) and with quite different forms and modalities (from settlements embedded within the forest to the forest-city as adjacent domains). The Sonian Forest and its surroundings are exceptionally compelling with regards to both their continuous transformation over time, contemporary challenges, and possible future trajectories. The article traces the parallel, intertwined processes and complex relations of deforestation / afforestation and settlement / restructuring of urban environments. As will become evident, the relationship that always iterated between a productive and consumptive one, urgently requires a recalibration where exploitation / consumption is balanced by protection / production.  相似文献   

奥多摩森林疗法之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在日本,森林疗法的相关研究已近30年,在近些年的研究分析中,森林疗法的疗效已经得到科学证实。由此,日本社会引发了对人工林活用的重新审视。通过介绍位于日本东京都西多摩郡奥多摩町的奥多摩森林疗法之路的建设项目,深入浅出地分析了项目设计过程的整体思路以及思考重点。探讨了如何充分利用自然原始条件,创造可供人们康复治疗的人工林设...  相似文献   

介绍了北京香山多云亭景区设计、施工和管理中应用生态恢复的原理,以乡土地被植物和多年生宿根花卉对林下植被群落进行重建的工程。通过3年多的设计、施工和管理实践,营造出了多云亭景区丰富多变,具有乡土风格的林缘景观。为人工干扰较严重的风景林、城市防护林等绿地恢复和建植低维护的林下生态植被群落工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Remnants of Atlantic Forest occupy approximately 50% of the land surrounding Atibainha reservoir in Brazil. They are legally protected due to their location on margins of rivers and reservoirs, steep slopes and hilltops or, according to federal rules, when in medium or advanced stage of regeneration. Identifying where and to what extent forest legislation is being ignored is necessary to inform future land-use policy. Using data derived from aerial photographs, combined with ground surveys of forest fragments, we determined forests that should be protected due to their stage of regeneration. We then evaluated whether land use within the 188 catchments that surround the Atibainha reservoir is consistent with restrictions on deforestation determined by their location. Most forest fragments in the region are in medium stage of regeneration and therefore legally protected. The extent of illegal deforestation among catchments differed significantly based on the location criteria. Forest cover was higher where combinations of these criteria apply, such as steep slopes alongside rivers or reservoir. While this might reflect increased propensity to respect forest regulations where multiple restrictions apply, it is also possible that such locations coincide with the low attractiveness for agriculture and other economic activities at such areas.  相似文献   

Radiologically-contaminated forest and natural ecosystems contribute significantly to the human radiation dose in the intermediate (several years) and long (several decades) terms following the radionuclide release. As a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in 1986, extensive forested areas in Europe were significantly contaminated with cesium, strontium, plutonium and other radionuclides. This study develops a dynamic model that describes the pathways of radionuclides which undergo complex transfer processes in forests and natural ecosystems. This generic model, FORESTRATH, calculates time-dependent radionuclide concentrations in forest compartments based on the information available on residence half-times. Because of the high complexity, traditional sampling programs often provide only limited and fragmented information for the ecosystem to be modeled. A model-directed sampling program was initiated which implies close feedback between ecosystem sampling and modeling of the radionuclide pathways using the FORESTPATH model. This program is now being applied by an international team of USA, European Union (EU) and Newly Independent States (NIS) members in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Exclusion Zone.  相似文献   

Computer visualisation is increasingly used to demonstrate the consequences of forest management alternatives to laymen and forest owners. However, how accurate and truthful the information conveyed by the visualisation is, has not been investigated. This study analysed the precision and accuracy of stand characteristic assessment by computer visualisation. A total of 20 forestry specialists assessed quantitative stand characteristics from the output of two software packages, Monsu and SmartForest, representing 40 stands of varying stand age, density and species composition. The selected software packages are available for practical use in Finland. They represent different techniques of producing forest visualisation, one using line graphics and the other scanned photographs of trees. The stand basal area and number of trees per hectare were not assessed accurately from computer visualisations. The mean tree height and diameter were estimated reasonably well. The visualisations produced an averaging effect, characteristics being often overestimated for young and small-sized strata and underestimated for strata of old and large trees.  相似文献   

To respond to the urban problems and to increase forest areas in the city, an urban forest reflecting Bangkok’s former landscape was designed and constructed. To create diverse forest ecology and stimulate plant growth, Miyawaki’s ecological method to reforestation was implemented, and local tree species were used for pioneer planting as they had once established territorial populations around Bangkok. The layout of the species was carefully grouped, and planting locations were also carefully selected. The skywalk and observation tower were designed to minimize disturbance of the burgeoning forest and allow close-up views of the maturing canopy. This project is distinguished by strong design gestures that are well integrated into the landscape by using Bangkok’s design language, creating a space truly to inspire public awareness of urban forestry and the importance of environmental stewardship in Thailand.  相似文献   

This study attempts to put in perspective the spatial and floristic variations, which exist in the tropical rainforest belt of Nigeria by virtue of different management practices. The variations were examined by comparing the floristic and biomass properties of a government-managed forest with that of an adjacent community-managed forest in the same eco-climatic zone. A floristic similarity of 38.4% was observed between the two sites, while the species richness of the two sites were not significantly different, despite the different management regimes. A classification of the tree species found on both sites using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed that savanna elements were gradually being introduced into the community-managed forest. However, this variation may be presumed to be temporal if forest management by rural dwellers is monitored or guided by responsible government agencies.  相似文献   

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