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曹书乐  陈铭 《规划师》2008,24(4):40-43
随着我国高校建设的逐步发展,校园规划也进入新的阶段,以往的规划理念已经不能满足新的发展建设要求.华中农业大学国际工商学院校园规划从生态环境保护和利用,校园功能结构布局、校园外部空间设计等方面,探讨大学校园规划中的生态化、人文化、社会化问题.  相似文献   

曹娟 《中国园林》2008,24(2):24
清华大学建筑学院教授、著名风景园林学家周维权先生因病于2007年5月13日逝世,享年80岁。周维权先生的追思会于2008年1月15日在清华大学举行。中国风景园林学会、清华大学建筑学院、北京大学、北京林业大学等单位的专家学者周干峙、吴良镛、关肇邺、李道增、陈晓丽、谢凝高、王秉洛、刘家麒、陈有民、杨赉丽、王向荣、杜尔琪、刘小石、金柏苓、何凤臣、段传极、左川、朱自煊、秦佑国、楼庆西、薛恩伦、吴焕加、陈志华、高亦兰、郑光中、罗森、姚同珍、童林旭、孙凤歧、杨锐、朱育帆、刘海龙及周先生家属周晓吟等40多人出席了追思会。  相似文献   

洪铁城 《城乡建设》2015,(12):90-91
6月23日,我写了一首题为《彩虹桥传奇》的诗,有几句是这样的: 水洗般干净的蓝天/君不见,婺州飞架着/又高又长的彩虹桥/在金华琐园/一位金发碧眼/高个子洋姑娘款款地/走过来,走过来/雪白的大帐篷餐厅里/我们不期而遇/相对而坐/用筷子夹菜/用华语交谈…… 她叫马芮娜,是保加利亚索非亚技术大学建筑学的女博士,现在北京理工大学研修,来到金华,参加世界名校走进金华古村落活动.一个豆蔻年华的外籍女子,一个古稀之年的浙中老者,在餐桌边偶然相识,也属奇遇.她是未来的建筑师,而我,则已从事设计规划几十年,是中国的老建筑师,我们是同行,自然备感亲切,话语颇多,很是投机.  相似文献   

吴挚  万娟 《华中建筑》2007,25(5):94-95
随着城市的不断扩展,原来位于城市边缘的火车站已经成为城市中心区的一部分,成为城市中重要的城市节点.火车作为交通工具,也在经历了最初的辉煌和上世纪60年代汽车和飞机冲击下的没落之后重新得到肯定.新时代的火车站成为新的城市发展的标志性建筑.  相似文献   

Jinping I hydropower station is one of the most challenging projects in China due to its highest arch dam and complex geological conditions for construction.After geological investigation into the dam foundation,a few large-scale weak discontinuities are observed.The rock masses in the left dam foundation are intensively unloaded,approximately to the depth of 150–300 m.These serious geological defects lead to a geological asymmetry on the left and right banks,and thus some major diffculties of dam construction are encountered.In this paper,the influences of geological defects on the project are analyzed,followed by the concepts and methods of treatment design.Based on the analysis,the treatment methods of the weak rock masses and discontinuities are carefully determined,including the concrete cushion,concrete replacement grids,and consolidation grouting.They work together to enhance the strength and integrity of the dam foundation.Evaluations and calibrations through geo-mechanical model tests in combination with feld monitoring results in early impoundment period show that the arch dam and its foundation are roughly stable,suggesting that the treatment designs are reasonable and effective.The proposed treatment methods and concepts in the context can be helpful for similar complex rock projects.  相似文献   

2015年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,在这一历史时刻,被称为太平洋战争转折点的中途岛海战再次进入人们的视野。曾在麦克阿瑟手下当过情报部历史科主任的戈登?普兰奇的心血之作《中途岛奇迹》用近50幅美国国家档案馆珍贵照片,10余张罕见作战地图,主要参战人员名单,战斗序列完整列表,精确到分钟的大事记,以史实为基础、人物为导线,完美地还原了太平洋战争中最重要也最惨烈的一次战役。  相似文献   

罗劲 《中外建筑》2008,(5):50-53
当我们把手伸入自己外套口袋的时候总能发现一些小纸条,风景区的门票、一本书的发票、或是一张久远的设计草图。他们住往让人想起当时的情景,想起那~刻,那一个场景的生活往事。而实际上我们有关知识的记忆是在许许多多疑问中,许许多多的交流中产生的。校园建筑是否亦可以从记忆着手,用熟悉的语言创造出不一样的空间感受,表达出不一样的建筑个性?  相似文献   

华侨城洲际大酒店是在原深圳湾大酒店基础上改建而成的,它位于深南大道华侨城路段,在这里集中了世界之窗、民俗文化村、锦绣中华、欢乐谷和何香凝美术馆等旅游文化景点,与水城风格的威尼斯皇冠假日酒店、东南亚风格的海景酒店遥相呼应,地理位置十分显著。  相似文献   

中国城市燃气协会工作会议于2008年元月25日~28日在黑龙江省哈尔滨市召开.会议由秘书长迟国敬主持,北京、天津、辽宁、吉林、上海、黑龙江、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、山东、湖北、广东、重庆省市燃气协会秘书长及中燃协秘书处、科技委、信息委、产品委、培训委、钢瓶委各工作机构主任等30多人出席了会议.  相似文献   

汤解 《建筑知识》2008,28(2):46-49
"一切生命都有轮回,生命能量经过消耗,以其它形态获得再生。"意大利设计师Simone Giostra这样诠释他在西翠娱乐中心的新外墙GreenPix的设计理念。"GreenPix也是一个有生命轮回的系统:白天,光电元件集聚太阳能;夜幕降临后,能量得到释放,形成绚丽的玻璃墙体。"1994年从意大利米兰的建筑专修学院拿到建筑学硕士学位的  相似文献   

With the advance of inclusive city and child-friendly city construction, children’s opportunities to access nature have gained increasing concern. This study explored the play preference of children aged between 3 and 12 years old when they interact with plants, as well as the corresponding environmental characteristics, with four community parks in Tianjin as examples. It collected data on behaviors, plants, and environmental factors in the surroundings concerning children’s play with plants via multiple methods including behavioral observation, behavioral mapping, questionnaire, and semi-structured interview, which were examined under theories related to cognitive development, children’s play, and affordance. Employing methods such as quantitative analysis and cross tabulation analysis, the study further obtained the frequency of children’s various types of play and the affordance provided by different plants in varied environments, as well as the specific play behaviors in these environments. The findings show that due to the biophilic nature, children are able to actively make use of existing green spaces and utilize the perceived affordance, used affordance, and shaped affordance of plants to play various types of games in high-density urban environment. Children’s interaction/play with plants increases their direct connection with nature and can basically meet their daily needs for natural experience; green spaces where there are plants with diverse species and characteristics and varied environmental factors in the surroundings can stimulate more plant affordances. Future landscape design should pay more attention to how to facilitate children’s natural and spontaneous play by creating diverse places for different play needs, introducing rich and distinctive plants, developing supporting functions of other environmental elements, encouraging challenging and adventurous play, and strengthening safety and environmental education.  相似文献   

To all kinds of design, the negotiation between the expression of designers’ idea and the representation of users’ desire is a typical internal tension of design. Particularly, the balancing of the internal tension of the design for children requires sophisticated solutions, because the needs of the actual users are often (mis-)represented by the desire of their parents. Therefore, in addition to satisfying social needs, the designers should also recognize the collective unconsciousness of adults who express on behalf of children. Taking the studies in Developmental Psychology and Anthropology as reference, this article focuses on playing, instead of knowledge acquisition, and discusses the balancing of the internal tension of the design of playing spaces for children, especially for the preschoolers. This article aims at revealing the role of games to children’s psychological and intelligence growth, as well as their game playing mechanism, by answering two questions: why do children play games and how do they play? By illustrating a case study on the playground design of the COBY Preschool in Japan, the proposed concept of “design to not design” is expected to inspire the design of children’s playing spaces.  相似文献   

With rapid urbanization in China, an increasing building density has squeezed the urban public space. Community streets are occupied by motor vehicles or other functions, and can no longer sufficiently support children to carry out safe and independent activities. As an important space for children’s daily natural contact and social activities, the lack of the spatial function of streets results in a decline in children’s subjective initiative and social abilities. The United Nations has stressed the importance of community as the basic unit of space for children’s daily activities in building child friendly cities. It is urgent to reshape child-friendly community streets and support children’s healthy growth. Integrating previous research results on affordance theory and design, children’s growth and environment, and street-game spaces, this study focuses on investigating 23 community streets in four residential communities in Nanjing through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and other methods. Then, from the perspective of cognitive affordance, functional affordance, and social affordance, it analyzes the behavioral possibilities provided by the environment and the needs of the children-user group. Finally, from the perspectives of openness and security, preference and diversity, positive and negative, and reality and potential, it proposes a method to assess the existing environment. This study aims to extract the significant characteristics of the built environment that effectively support and promote children’s outdoors activities, and explore the design strategy of improving street space sharing through optimizing space elements and structure at the medium and micro levels, so as to respond to multiple goals including livable city development from the perspective of child friendliness. This study also tries to change the logical way of design thinking and provide an eco-psychological perspective on how to build a child-friendly community.  相似文献   

Tetris Square is a commercial plaza located in a corner of a large mixed-use development in Tianhe District, Guangzhou. Designers treated the site as an urban public space rather than a commercial place simply for children play, with focus on younger users and core families. Landscape architects attempt to respond to a series of community demands with a smarter proposal. Instead of a direct use of finished play equipment, designers create many flexible spaces for diverse play experience, and “hide” a grove by integrating it into the play facilities, which introduces an urban oasis attracting more visitors to the square. This does not follow the conventional design principle of commercial spaces which is to plant as few trees as possible for a maximum storefront display. The grid modules of squares make facility fabrication and installation much easier, helping save the costs and ensure the construction quality. Assembled precast concrete outdoor furniture was used extensively in the whole complex. Landscape architects designed only two basic precast concrete modules, which could be assembled into more than twenty combinations. Now Tetris Square is an urban playground for children and their parents, as well as a public space for other residents in adjacent communities. The project provides children with fun and happiness through user-friendly and naturalized design, encouraging children’s cognitive learning from the external world, and simulating their imagination and creativity in play.  相似文献   

城市更新过程中,非正式绿地在为城市提供环境、 社会和生态效益方面发挥着至关重要的补充作用。然而,非正 式绿地由于数量繁多、面积较小、种类多样、边界模糊等特征 导致其难以高效识别。深度学习在分割图像进行识别及自主学 习方面有极大的优势。因此,基于深度学习,对多源数据依托 下的非正式绿地识别研究进行综述。首先,基于非正式绿地内 涵归纳其识别特征与识别难点;其次,梳理识别非正式绿地常 用的4种数据类型,即基于深度学习识别的高分辨遥感影像、 街景图片,用于辅助识别的网络媒体数据、PPGIS平台数据; 再次,对现有深度学习进行非正式绿地整体布局识别、耦合多 源数据进行辅助识别的方法研究进展进行归纳总结;最后,对 未来非正式绿地空间识别应用与发展提出展望与建议  相似文献   

This case study uncovers a turning point in the production of play space in Amsterdam. Whereas over the first half of the twentieth century the creation of play spaces used to be the primary responsibility of the Amsterdam civil society, this situation started to change after the Second World War. Between 1947 and 1970, the Amsterdam Urban Planning Department created over 700 public play spaces. These spaces were little niches in the urban public domain, specifically designed and constructed to enable city children's play. This remarkable change from a predominantly private to a public intervention, is explained through a rapid increase of the number of children (the post-war baby-boom), the existence of the General Extension Plan (AUP) with its detailed age specific approach and the fruitful collaboration between powerful urban planners and politically dominant socialist politicians.  相似文献   

More than 20 years have passed since the launch of the Child Friendly Cities Initiative. However, relevant practices in China are still insufficient and laggard. This article concludes two reasons: 1) children participation in the design process is far insufficient and results in the failure of the expression of core users’ demands; and 2) landscape architects less think of the holism of such children spaces at a city scale with considerations on city’s cultural identity and societal backdrops, and also ignore the influence of such places on children’s development. With these problems in mind, this article proposes that landscape architects can draw inspiration from the Ecological Systems Theory and Public Participation Theory, actively expanding their responsibilities in the establishment of Child Friendly City. Following that, three international case studies, namely Growing Up Boulder Initiative, Play and Informal Recreation Strategy of London, and Green Schoolyard America, are introduced to demonstrate that landscape architects should not just design proposals, but act as coordinators among different parties and leaders of innovative urban space renovation. As the integrator of the urban spatial framework, landscape architects should go beyond the design of individual playgrounds and focus on improving community environment and the spatial pattern of the whole city, in order to protect child rights and to realize integration and improvement of urban spaces.  相似文献   

在儿童游戏场国际发展史中,中国的儿童游戏场经 历了独特的发展历程。与欧美各国因解决自身城市问题而出现 的儿童游戏场不同,中国儿童游戏场的兴起与发展源自欧美风 景园林思想与本土经济、社会、文化的碰撞。旨在探讨20世纪 上半叶上海、天津和广州3个近代中国最重要通商口岸内儿童 游戏场的发展历程,以期考察中国儿童游戏场和儿童游憩观念 的形成过程。本文指出,在20世纪前,这些通商口岸的儿童常 被视为“缩小的成人”,并采取成人的休闲活动进行游憩;而 随着“安全”“教育”“体育”等欧美思潮在20世纪的传播, 这些城市的儿童游戏场也先后引入了安全舒适的活动场地、增 长见闻的图书馆及锻炼身体的运动器械等一系列游乐设施,并 衍发出促进儿童身心发展、健康成长和社交需求等一系列休憩 功能,使得儿童游戏场成为功能复合的特色城市空间。在此过 程中,城市居民提升了对于儿童游憩重要性的认知,将儿童游 戏场视为能够培养儿童融入社会的重要工具。  相似文献   

可供性理论从功能的角度描述儿童环境感知的心理本质及其对特定环境的行为反应,体现出强烈的人本主义关怀.通过文献回顾,首先厘清了可供性理论因能够直接描述儿童的环境-行为关系而成为儿童环境感知研究的重要理论基础,借助可供性的不同维度、层级及特性能够详细描述开放空间为儿童提供的多种活动机会.可供性作为联系环境与人类感知、行为的...  相似文献   

王霞   《中国园林》2020,36(3):86
近年来,儿童游戏场地规划设计和建设逐渐引起人们的重视,经过精心设计的游戏场地更能促进儿童生理及心理的健康成长。聚焦儿童游戏空间设计的科学性与合理性,主要介绍英国研究者Woolley创建的儿童游戏空间游戏价值评测工具的构成和应用方法,总结游戏价值与游戏空间设计的关联。采用该评估工具对中国成都市主城区10个儿童游戏空间进行评测、分析与总结。最后,基于中国儿童游戏场地现状进行反思并提出规划设计建议。  相似文献   

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