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曹书乐  陈铭 《规划师》2008,24(4):40-43
随着我国高校建设的逐步发展,校园规划也进入新的阶段,以往的规划理念已经不能满足新的发展建设要求.华中农业大学国际工商学院校园规划从生态环境保护和利用,校园功能结构布局、校园外部空间设计等方面,探讨大学校园规划中的生态化、人文化、社会化问题.  相似文献   

洪铁城 《城乡建设》2015,(12):90-91
6月23日,我写了一首题为《彩虹桥传奇》的诗,有几句是这样的: 水洗般干净的蓝天/君不见,婺州飞架着/又高又长的彩虹桥/在金华琐园/一位金发碧眼/高个子洋姑娘款款地/走过来,走过来/雪白的大帐篷餐厅里/我们不期而遇/相对而坐/用筷子夹菜/用华语交谈…… 她叫马芮娜,是保加利亚索非亚技术大学建筑学的女博士,现在北京理工大学研修,来到金华,参加世界名校走进金华古村落活动.一个豆蔻年华的外籍女子,一个古稀之年的浙中老者,在餐桌边偶然相识,也属奇遇.她是未来的建筑师,而我,则已从事设计规划几十年,是中国的老建筑师,我们是同行,自然备感亲切,话语颇多,很是投机.  相似文献   

曹娟 《中国园林》2008,24(2):24
清华大学建筑学院教授、著名风景园林学家周维权先生因病于2007年5月13日逝世,享年80岁。周维权先生的追思会于2008年1月15日在清华大学举行。中国风景园林学会、清华大学建筑学院、北京大学、北京林业大学等单位的专家学者周干峙、吴良镛、关肇邺、李道增、陈晓丽、谢凝高、王秉洛、刘家麒、陈有民、杨赉丽、王向荣、杜尔琪、刘小石、金柏苓、何凤臣、段传极、左川、朱自煊、秦佑国、楼庆西、薛恩伦、吴焕加、陈志华、高亦兰、郑光中、罗森、姚同珍、童林旭、孙凤歧、杨锐、朱育帆、刘海龙及周先生家属周晓吟等40多人出席了追思会。  相似文献   

吴挚  万娟 《华中建筑》2007,25(5):94-95
随着城市的不断扩展,原来位于城市边缘的火车站已经成为城市中心区的一部分,成为城市中重要的城市节点.火车作为交通工具,也在经历了最初的辉煌和上世纪60年代汽车和飞机冲击下的没落之后重新得到肯定.新时代的火车站成为新的城市发展的标志性建筑.  相似文献   

Jinping I hydropower station is one of the most challenging projects in China due to its highest arch dam and complex geological conditions for construction.After geological investigation into the dam foundation,a few large-scale weak discontinuities are observed.The rock masses in the left dam foundation are intensively unloaded,approximately to the depth of 150–300 m.These serious geological defects lead to a geological asymmetry on the left and right banks,and thus some major diffculties of dam construction are encountered.In this paper,the influences of geological defects on the project are analyzed,followed by the concepts and methods of treatment design.Based on the analysis,the treatment methods of the weak rock masses and discontinuities are carefully determined,including the concrete cushion,concrete replacement grids,and consolidation grouting.They work together to enhance the strength and integrity of the dam foundation.Evaluations and calibrations through geo-mechanical model tests in combination with feld monitoring results in early impoundment period show that the arch dam and its foundation are roughly stable,suggesting that the treatment designs are reasonable and effective.The proposed treatment methods and concepts in the context can be helpful for similar complex rock projects.  相似文献   

2015年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,在这一历史时刻,被称为太平洋战争转折点的中途岛海战再次进入人们的视野。曾在麦克阿瑟手下当过情报部历史科主任的戈登?普兰奇的心血之作《中途岛奇迹》用近50幅美国国家档案馆珍贵照片,10余张罕见作战地图,主要参战人员名单,战斗序列完整列表,精确到分钟的大事记,以史实为基础、人物为导线,完美地还原了太平洋战争中最重要也最惨烈的一次战役。  相似文献   

<正>一个混凝土盒子隐藏在乳白色的围幕之后,围幕与盒子之间是一部楼梯。仔细观察可以发现这个看上去清新简洁的综合体却别有洞天。楼梯设置在户外,"Jang Hon路"和"Na Ungyu路"两条起点不同的通道环绕着混凝土盒子延伸开来,并最终在屋顶汇合。在那里,可以将四面八方的景色尽收眼底。入口刻意采用了模糊化的处理手法。本以为走进房屋内部终于可以暖和起来,但是要乘坐电梯则又必须再次置身于寒冷的室外。  相似文献   

我五十多岁了,现在开始试着把一些关键词放在一起看,比如“院落”、“四合院”、“花园”.四合院是“建筑”,花园属于“景观”、园景建筑的范畴,是在“城市”或者“乡村”中形成的聚落,或者从更大的范围说,它是“人居”和“自然”的关系. 石涛的山水画讲的是老庄以及之后的文人传统中,人在自然环境中的状态.紫禁城里面的东西二宫围合的是树、土地、天空,有阳光照进来,其实是在城市里围出一个自然.庄园是中国另一种居住传统,如果有大片的自然,就是园林.  相似文献   

最近,事业合伙人这个概念很时尚.引入这个概念的,既有地产公司,也有设计公司;既有创业的,也有改制的. 事业合伙人一词大约是在2013年热映的电影《中国合伙人》之后开始流行的.显然,事业合伙人是由"事业"和"合伙人"两个词组合而成.我在《白话设计公司战略》中也有一章介绍"有限公司合伙制"的顶层机制. 何为事业?孔子曰:"举而措之天下之民,谓之事业."文言文有点难懂,那就参照一个简单点的定义吧.百度百科:事业是指人们所从事的,具有一定目标、规模和系统的对社会发展有影响的经常活动.  相似文献   

城市向何处去?未来的城市将呈现出什么样的面貌?我们怀着未知的心里,不安地看着某些国家的城市发展,高速公路,立体交叉高架桥,如流的汽车,穿梭的人流,林立的摩天大楼仿佛在向人们  相似文献   

全球气候变化引发的海平面上升对沿海区域的环境和社会经济发展造成巨大破坏。以珠三角广州南沙为研究区域,基于传统、自然增长和规划控制3种土地利用格局预设发展情景,采用PLUS(Patch-generating Land Use Simulation Model)模型模拟各情景下的未来土地利用格局。同时,针对近期(2030年)、中期(2050年)和远期(2100年)3种不同海平面上升叠加风暴潮风险下的土地利用格局脆弱性开展多情景定量化评估,并提出应对策略。结果显示:1)3种土地利用格局发展情景中,传统格局情景能够最有效地应对或缓解海平面上升和风暴潮灾害风险,而自然增长情景应对未来海岸灾害的能力最弱;2)从不同土地利用类型的脆弱性程度来看,城镇建设用地的综合脆弱性最高,而村庄建设用地的综合脆弱性最低;3)根据不同发展情景及灾害风险应采用综合防御、适应及撤退等多种应对策略。综合考虑了未来土地利用格局的多种变化情景、灾害风险及应对策略,能够为滨海城市应对未来海岸灾害的适应性规划提供决策参考。  相似文献   

An integrated storm surge modeling and traffic analysis were conducted in this study to assess the effectiveness of hurricane evacuations through a case study of Hurricane Irma. The Category 5 hurricane in 2017 caused a record evacuation with an estimated 6.8 million people relocating statewide in Florida. The Advanced Circulation (ADCIRC) model was applied to simulate storm tides during the hurricane event. Model validations indicated that simulated pressures, winds, and storm surge compared well with observations. Model simulated storm tides and winds were used to estimate the area affected by Hurricane Irma. Results showed that the storm surge and strong wind mainly affected coastal counties in south-west Florida. Only moderate storm tides (maximum about 2.5 m) and maximum wind speed about 115 mph were shown in both model simulations and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) post-hurricane assessment near the area of hurricane landfall. Storm surges did not rise to the 100-year flood elevation level. The maximum wind was much below the design wind speed of 150–170 mph (Category 5) as defined in Florida Building Code (FBC) for south Florida coastal areas. Compared with the total population of about 2.25 million in the six coastal counties affected by storm surge and Category 1–3 wind, the statewide evacuation of approximately 6.8 million people was found to be an over-evacuation due mainly to the uncertainty of hurricane path, which shifted from south-east to south-west Florida. The uncertainty of hurricane tracks made it difficult to predict the appropriate storm surge inundation zone for evacuation. Traffic data were used to analyze the evacuation traffic patterns. In south-east Florida, evacuation traffic started 4 days before the hurricane’s arrival. However, the hurricane path shifted and eventually landed in south-west Florida, which caused a high level of evacuation traffic in south-west Florida. Over-evacuation caused Evacuation Traffic Index (ETI) to increase to 200% above normal conditions in some sections of highways, which reduced the effectiveness of evacuation. Results from this study show that evacuation efficiency can be improved in the future by more accurate hurricane forecasting, better public awareness of real-time storm surge and wind as well as integrated storm surge and evacuation modeling for quick response to the uncertainty of hurricane forecasting.  相似文献   

Infrastructure systems in coastal areas are exposed to episodic flooding exacerbated by sea‐level rise stressors. To enable assessing the long‐term resilience of infrastructure to such chronic impacts of sea‐level rise, the present study created a novel complex system modeling framework that integrates: (i) stochastic simulation of sea‐level rise stressors, based on the data obtained from downscaled climate studies pertaining to future projections of sea level and precipitation; (ii) dynamic modeling of infrastructure conditions by considering regular decay of infrastructure, as well as structural damages caused by flooding; and (iii) a decision‐theoretic modeling of infrastructure management and adaptation processes based on bounded rationality and regret theories. Using the proposed framework and data collected from a road network in Miami, a multiagent computational simulation model was created to assess the long‐term cost and performance of the road network under various sea‐level rise scenarios, adaptation approaches, and network degradation effects. The results showed the capabilities of the proposed computational model for robust planning and scenario analysis to enhance the resilience of infrastructure systems to sea‐level rise impacts.  相似文献   

Vulnerability indices at the global or national scales require considerable data aggregation where local economic and social impacts remain unnoticed. The goal of this study was to analyze the extent of inundated land from sea level rise and its economic impacts to residential property in coastal communities. Geographic data were integrated with economic and social data at parcel level resolution through GIS. Cumulative land inundation in seven coastal municipalities was calculated as 15 and 25?km2, while direct economic costs to residential property was estimated to be $1.3 billion and $2.2 billion for 1 and 2?m sea level rise, respectively. Normalised results were $14?million/km coastline and $4?million/km combined coastline and rivers for 1?m sea level rise. Results indicate that while impacts will mainly occur along the coastline, inland parcels as far as 3?km from the coastline situated along rivers are equally at risk of flooding. While results of the study can be used to estimate economic impacts for other locations that share similar geographic characteristics and development patterns, land use types, proximity to water bodies, and property values are some factors that may lead to differences when these numbers are extrapolated elsewhere.  相似文献   

The exposures and risks of coastal built as well as natural assets to storm-tide inundation are expected to be more pronounced as a result of the reduced recurrence interval or the increased occurrence frequency of storm tides in Australia due to sea-level rise. This study investigates the distributions of direct damage losses and adaptation benefits for residential buildings considering uncertainties of storm tides under projected sea-level rises in South East Queensland, one of the fastest-growing regions in Australia in the last two decades. The study subsequently indicates that ‘deterministic decision-making’ based on an individual hazard or scenario could be fundamentally flawed for coastal planning and adaptation as a result of uncertain natures in coastal hazards under changing climate. The developed knowledge can eventually facilitate better decision-making processes for adapting coastal residential buildings to future climate change under considerable uncertainties. It is also found that constructing new buildings with higher floor heights is a relatively inexpensive but also a highly effective approach insensitive to uncertainties for reducing future damage losses of storm-tide inundation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic-based framework to assess the potential hurricane risks to residential construction under various wind speed change scenarios due to potential climate change. Every year hurricane (cyclone) hazards cause extensive economic losses and social disruption around the world. Annual hurricane damage in the United States (US) is around $6 billion in recent years. Hurricane intensity or/and frequency may change due to the increase in sea surface temperature as a result of climate change. Implications of the changing hazard patterns on hurricane risk assessment warrants an investigation to evaluate the potential impact of climate change. The framework includes probabilistic models of hurricane occurrence and intensity and conditional damage state probabilities (vulnerability model) for typical residential construction in the US, and an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of various climate change adaptation strategies. A case study of Miami-Dade County, Florida is presented to illustrate the framework under various scenarios of change in maximum annual wind speed over 50 years. Demographic information, such as median house value and changes in house numbers, and distribution of houses on different exposure, is used to estimate the time-dependent probable damage with or without possible climate change induced change in wind speed. This study shows that climate change may have a substantial impact on the damage and loss estimation in coastal areas, and that certain adaptation strategies can cost effectively decrease the damage, even if the wind speed does not change.  相似文献   

The extent of floodwater inundation, whether caused by river flooding or coastal storm surges, is required quickly (a) to enable the planning of emergency relief and repairs to communications and services, and (b) for the production of river flood risk maps. Unfortunately, by their nature, most floods occur in bad weather, which can severely restrict the use of aircraft, and extensive cloud cover precludes the use of most earth observing satellites which rely on sensors operating at optical wavelengths.
Synthetic aperture radar, which can penetrate clouds, allows affected areas to be imaged, regardless of cloud cover or light conditions. This paper compares satellite acquired data of river flooding with photographic records obtained from a light aircraft to demonstrate the accuracy of the technique.  相似文献   

气候变化背景下,高密度沿海城市受 到风暴潮和极端降雨引起的洪涝灾害冲击。文 章基于韧性理论构建城市空间洪涝风险指标 体系,制定该评价框架的实施路径;基于水文 软件Mike21、GIS平台及其空间网络分析插件 sDNA,复合“天鸽”台风风暴潮与极端降雨情 景,整合深圳湾地区的路网和土地利用进行危 险性、暴露度、脆弱性和适应能力等多源数据; 通过GIS栅格计算得到各要素层分析及洪涝风 险评价可视化地图,结果显示,潮、洪、涝突破 刚性标准加剧了危险性,高密度城市环境增大了 危险区域的暴露度,路网和土地利用布局具有 一定脆弱性,需完善应急疏散和避难场所规划以增强适应能力;根据评价地图识别高风险片区,从路网和土地利用等城市空间物质要素出发, 提出应对洪涝灾害的适应性规划策略。  相似文献   


Climate change impacts, especially on coastal cities, can no longer be ignored and in order to avoid significant losses in the built environment, the economy, and, by consequence, human health and life, it is imperative to address these impacts. We extrapolate the three pathways to urban resilience (persistence, adaptation, and transformation), as a function of the interrelations among the design of built forms (urban and landscape design), blue and green infrastructure (ecosystems), and knowledge-to-action (inclusion of local people and their knowledge). Accordingly, four urban and landscape design theories that integrate urban ecosystems are identified and linked to urban resilience and to the local ecological knowledge (LEK) through an inclusive design process (the charrette). The model is then applied to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, a city that is increasingly subjected to intense storm surges and to sea level rise in Atlantic Canada, where a series of design charrettes integrated the LEK into urban climate resilience proposals that serve as policy recommendations for future action.  相似文献   

Prognosis of building damage due to flood impact. Reliable prognoses of building damage caused by flood impact require realistic correlations between action and loss describing parameters. Due to the fact that commonly applied damage relationships between inundation level and loss are related to the costs for the different insurance sectors or usage classes (i.e. private housing), the required differentiation according to the parameters on the resistance side is still missing. The large scatter in the damage data has complicated the derivation of reliable general loss predictions and specific cost‐benefit analyses. On the basis of the August 2002 Saxony flood data base, a method to determine the structural damage of a single building or of the affected building stock for any given flood scenario is developed. Repeatedly observed damage patterns are transformed into a classification scheme of damage grades. With this tool, the structural damage of all damage cases can be analysed in a systematic way and related to the parameters describing flood impact. Vulnerability classes for the different building types are defined by using the data for determining characteristic ranges of damage expectation. Basic steps of the procedure are illustrated for a fictive data‐set, and subsequently applied to the existing database. As one of the main results, a new type of vulnerability function is proposed, describing the empirically‐based relationship between inundation height and the introduced damage grades Di. With these vulnerability functions the damage distribution caused by the August 2002 flood can be reinterpreted for test areas with close agreement to the observed effects. A similar good prognosis could be achieved for the reported loss in monetary terms by correlating vulnerability class and impact parameter (inundation level) in specific loss functions. Thus, the prerequisites for the practical application of the procedure and presented tools are given.  相似文献   

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