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<正>美国某涂料公司发布新版涂料消防设计评估等级软件。该新版软件对任何形状的内孔蜂窝梁均可作出计算,同时可计算出使用梯形金属装置填充空隙的有效性。该软件其他特性包括全部欧洲应急设计法规指南、涂料消防设计评估工具等  相似文献   

陈俭 《浙江建筑》2014,(7):58-60
建筑节能评估工作能促进行业交流,可以督促、提高、完善建筑节能设计。通过参加建筑节能评估报告的评审工作,引发了对节能设计方面一些问题的思考,并提出了建筑节能设计和评估工作需要注意和完善的一些事项。  相似文献   

沈阳建筑大学办公室使用后评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以沈阳建筑大学办公室作为研究对象,借鉴国外的办公室评估问卷,进行使用后评估,共回收有效问卷138份。通过统计分析的方法对问卷进行分析,得出评价结果,总结办公室设计上的优点与不足,并提出相应的改进建议,以期对未来办公室设计提供些有利的数据与资料。  相似文献   

上海高校某学生公寓使用评估分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
董华  宗轩 《新建筑》2000,(1):67-68
以同济大学西南七楼为例,研究分析了上海新建学生公寓的使用现状及存在的问题,并提出了相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

建筑的防火性能化设计是我国当前最为先进的技术,建立在诸多的理性要素的基础上,创立的一种新型的防火系统设计思路。本文对建筑的防火性能化评估设计进行探析,希望能够给建筑设计师及其其他相关人员提供有效参考。  相似文献   

本文根据LEED评分原则,系统总结了LEED评估体系对于设计指导的内容,并且分析了LEED评估体系在中国的从技术方面和运作机制方面的应用局限。  相似文献   

通过对北京某大型邮件综合处理中心工程存在的主要消防问题和性能化设计目标进行初步分析,进而对火灾场景、火灾规模、烟气控制和人员安全疏散等多方面进行深入的研究和探讨,合理选择出适用于该项目的消防策略、评估方法和模型,完成了这一特殊建筑的消防性能化设计与评估研究。  相似文献   

某商场消防性能化设计及评估研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对北京某大型商场工程存在的主要消防问题和性能化设计目标进行了初步分析,进而对火灾场景、火灾规模、烟气控制和人员安全疏散等多方面问题进行了深入研究和探讨,合理选择出适用于该项目的消防策略、评估方法和模型,完成了这一建筑的消防性能化设计与评估研究.  相似文献   

通过对北京博物馆设计工程中存在的主要问题和其性能化设计目标、设计火灾场景和火灾规模、烟气控制和人员安全疏散等多方面进行深入的研究和探讨,合理选择出适用于该项目性能化消防设计的性能化评估方法和理论模型,完成了这一特殊建筑形式消防安全性能化设计与评估研究工作。  相似文献   

季松  段进  黄甥柑 《规划师》2016,(6):51-57
对城市设计进行后续评估可以促进城市设计工作的反思和改进,提高其实效性。近期的常州城市设计评估实践,对常州城市近十几年来134项城市设计项目进行了系统、整体的评估,明确了城市设计评估的四大测度,并提出了"发展历程梳理—整体初步评估—分类与重点项目评估—汇总与问题挖掘—改进策略与建议"的评估技术路线,以期为今后类似的多项城市设计整体评估研究提供一条可供参考的路径。  相似文献   

张炜  杨梦琪  周昱杏 《风景园林》2019,26(S2):78-83
景观绩效的研究和实践是当前风景园林专业关注的热点。美国风景园林基金会倡导的景观绩效系列(LPS)研究,促使美国高校风景园林课程将景观绩效评估课程纳入课程体系之中。通过分析和借鉴美国高校的景观绩效课程建设概况,为国内景观绩效评估课程的建设提供参考。基于美国高校目前所开设的19门景观绩效系列课程,分析课程的设立目标、开设概况和关注的景观绩效类型,并从课程的理论研究、案例分析、工具使用和项目实践4个方面,探讨其与景观绩效评估的结合情况。景观绩效系列课程教学特点体现在通过绩效价值评估项目成效,基于实践研究进行循证设计,以及绩效评估与参数化设计结合3个方面。课程尚存在的问题则反映在部分评估数据获取存在难度、评估指标和工具的应用限制,以及评估过程与项目设计结合不足。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the idea of cultivated wildness at the intersection of landscape design and artificial intelligence. The paper posits that contemporary landscape practices should overcome the potentially single understanding on wilderness, and instead explore landscape strategies to cultivate new forms of wild places via ideas and concerns in contemporary Environmental Humanities, Science and Technology Studies, Ecological Sciences, and Landscape Architecture. Drawing cases in environmental engineering, computer science, and landscape architecture research, this paper explores a framework to construct wild places with intelligent machines. In this framework, machines are not understood a layer of “digital infrastructure” that is used to extent localized human intelligence and agency. Rather machines are conceptualized as active agents who can participate in the intelligence of co-production. Recent developments in cybernetic technologies such as sensing networks, artificial intelligence, and cyberphysical systems can also contribute to establishing the framework. At the heart of this framework is “technodiversity,” in parallel with biodiversity, since a singular vision on technological development driven by optimization and efficiency reinforces a monocultural approach that eliminates other possible relationships to construct with the environment. Thus, cultivated wildness is also about recognizing “wildness” in machines.  相似文献   

基于生态系统服务的景观空间绩效评价体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
什么是好的景观空间?长期以来风景园林无法回答该问题,其原因是景观空间不仅缺乏普适性的评价体系,而且景观空间绩效评价又缺乏稳定的价值导向和针对性。这些问题成为困扰风景园林空间评价的关键问题。风景园林学是一门循证的学科,系统化且可量化的景观绩效为风景园林规划设计的循证研究提供了定量评价的方法和工具。然而,目前存在的相关评价体系无法适用于多尺度和多功能特性的景观空间绩效评价。本研究认为景观空间绩效的评价需要一个稳定的参照系,景观空间的生态系统服务成为景观绩效评价的重要体现。本文以生态系统服务理论为依据,利用景观空间多尺度特征、多功能特性和可度量性作为景观空间及其绩效评价间的桥梁。根据生态系统服务类型将景观空间绩效分为环境生态绩效、经济生产绩效和人文文化绩效3类,从而建立3大类型12项评价准则和具有针对性和可操作性的33项绩效指标的景观空间综合绩效评价指标体系。  相似文献   

As a design method supported by scientific knowledge and findings, evidence-based design now is widely applied in the field of architectural and landscape design. This design process makes architects and landscape designers’ decisions about built environment sound and reliable. Combining two practice cases — the Urban Ecological Corridor Planning of College Station of Texas, a regional planning project, and Landscape Design of the Yangpu Bridge Park in Shanghai, an urban public space project — this article illustrates the concept and process of key issue identification and response, a pivotal step in evidence-based design, and points out the challenges in related applications of this method.  相似文献   

美国风景园林基金会在 2010 年发起的景观绩效系列研究计划掀起了景观绩效评估的热潮,致力于通过科学 量化的方法验证可持续风景园林设计在环境、社会和经济方面的综合价值。介绍了该研究项目的兴起背景、评估框 架和实施框架,然后深入剖析了综合效益评估、设计策略有效性的循证和知识库平台作为该项目的主要特点的同 时存在的研究困难,最后总结了景观绩效系列研究计划的重要贡献,并针对其目前实施的状态从研究路径、评估指 标和知识服务三方面提出改善建议。以期为我国可持续景观设计价值评估的相关研究提供理论参考和探讨方向。  相似文献   

新时期北京风景园林设计理念探索与引导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强健 《风景园林》2011,(5):94-97
风景园林设计应该反映时代发展需求和地域环境特征。北京新时期的发展对园林绿化设计提出了新的要求。风景园林设计的理念应该适应这些要求,在突出生态优先功能的基础上,把文化表现、景观塑造、游憩休闲、防灾避险等功能统一起来。从以往较多地注重景观向突出生态优先转变,从设计自成体系向融入城市环境转变;从刻意表现自我向实现以人为本过渡...  相似文献   

美国风景园林基金会(LAF)发起的景观绩效评估研究已经成为风景园林学的重要的研究领域和前沿。案例研究调查(CSI) 是景观绩效系列研究项目(LPS)实施的基础,案例研究法是景观绩效评估研究开展的根本性方法,但是当前研究文献中鲜有对案 例研究法与景观绩效系列研究之间的关联性进行详细的解析。为了明确案例研究法对于景观绩效研究的重要作用和研究价值,将介 绍案例研究法的核心思想以及代表人物马克·弗朗西斯对风景园林案例研究法的推动;梳理他提出的风景园林案例研究法的关键思 想对 LAF 启动的一系列研究项目产生的重要影响;最后,指出未来景观绩效研究需加强基于议题的多案例分析,以产出更多有助于 循证设计的科学知识。  相似文献   

With the development of landscape discipline and governance theories, “landscape governance” has become a new frontier of inter-disciplinary research, and is considered a sub-topic and extension of “environmental governance.” Institution is an important factor to the development of landscape governance theory and practice. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the construction of Ecological Civilization has marked itself a new milestone for its systematic top-down design and institution-oriented efforts. At the same time, the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2013 proposed to improve the contemporary national governance system and capacity, and took governance as a new means to evaluate state capacities and state-society relations. Both of them will significantly impact landscape planning, design, protection, and management in China. This article reviews the evolution of western landscape governance theories driven by 1) the emphasis on the spatial scale effect of landscape; 2) the exploration of the regional variety of cultural and collective identities of local landscapes; and 3) the emphasis on the practice of landscape governance. It also examines the opportunities in China’s landscape governance brought by the institutional improvement of Ecological Civilization, which might help: resolve the inherent conflicts that cause the existing environmental and ecological problems; enhance China’s capacity on landscape governance; establish a new land-use management system with a greater ecological security and broader ecosystem services; endow landscapes with more public benefits; cultivate a civil society and democracy in landscape governance; and, influence the education and research of Landscape Architecture in multiple dimensions. Finally, the article proposes roadmaps for China’s landscape governance at both global and national scales.  相似文献   

At the beginning of this interview, Zhang Dong, partner of Z+T Studio, believes that landscapes of each nation should be closely rooted in its own culture and designing landscapes which praise China’s cultural identity should be a part of Chinese designers’ values and beliefs. Beside of integrating with strategies of sustainability and resilience, landscape design should also combine with environmental education. Zhang summarizes a landscape design process into “two objective aspects and one subjective aspect,” and points out that a designer’s professional knowledge, social values, and aesthetic preferences together influence his / her acquisition of information from sites and the design what and how he / she will make. While recognizing the importance of ecology and public participation to landscape design, he stresses that design essentially is to solve problems in a creative way and landscape designers should not neglect the fundamentality of spatial creation and aesthetics to the profession and the discipline. Finally, he explains the Whole- Process Participation design mode adopted by Z+T Studio, and how it helps improve designers’ capacity in observation and representation.  相似文献   

Landscape is a product of economic activities and an asset associated with a society’s productivity levels and the relations of production. Despite the range of projects —self-owned, for-sale,or public infrastructure — that designers undertake, life-cycle benefits such as rental returns and public satisfaction should always be considered. By interpreting landscape design as an asset management, this article highlights the third-party role of asset managers who coordinate the benefits of all stakeholders at different stages through negotiation of design options. Designers are also expected to have a product and user thinking, acquire general and interdisciplinary knowledge of certain businesses through role rotations, cross-department meetings, and diverse project teams to improve design proposals, and strengthen mechanisms of pre-occupancy engagement and post-occupancy evaluation.  相似文献   

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