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根据空调排风热回收技术存在的问题,通过具体实例,针对具体地区,分析了需选择的不同排风热回收方式,以达到真正的节能效果。主要应用动态温度和动态效率的方法,对厦门某公共建筑中所采用的热管式排风热回收技术进行节能性和经济性计算与分析,得出热管式排风热回收技术不适合用在夏热冬暖地区。通过对比显热回收与全热回收的节能效果,得出厦门地区排风热回收的适用形式。此文总结出并非所有空调系统只要采用了排风热回收技术就一定能达到节能、经济目的。  相似文献   

结合夏热冬暖地区气候及大型购物中心能耗的特点,提出并分析了几种夏热冬暖地区大型购物中心值得考虑采用的空调节能方式。分析结果表明,采用全热回收系统,加大新风或全新风供冷及新风机变频、变速控制等方式对夏热冬暖地区大型购物中心有十分明显的节能效果,值得推广采用。  相似文献   

人员密集的办公建筑,其新风负荷在暖通空调能耗中占较大的比重。排风热回收技术是此类建筑实现绿色节能的重要措施。本文根据典型气象年气候数据,采用动态逐时计算方法,计算、分析案例项目全年排风全热回收节能性,同时考虑额外风机能耗对其节能效果的影响,并且计算出静态投资回收期。  相似文献   

陈劲晖  李萌 《暖通空调》2008,38(5):44-47
选取哈尔滨、北京、海等5个建筑气候分区的代表城市,以同一办公建筑为例,分析全空气空调系统在未采用新风比调节及全热转轮热回收装置、仅采用新风比调节、仅采用全热转轮热回收装置和同时采用全热转轮热回收装置和新风比调节四种情况下的全年能耗差异,探讨适合不同地区节能建筑的全热转轮热回收装置和新风比调节的应用方式.  相似文献   

排风热回收技术作为一种常用的空调节能措施,被广泛应用在公共建筑中.本文以上海市某商业建筑为例,分析了商业建筑的新风负荷特点,研究了在全热回收及显热回收两种热回收方式下系统的节能效果.  相似文献   

高杰勇 《四川建材》2012,38(4):225-226
晋江宝龙大酒店空调方案原设计采用热回收系统,本文根据对该工程的实例分析,探讨了宝龙大酒店的空调负荷构成并得出酒店建筑的负荷很大一部分来源于新风负荷,通过设置全热回收装置回收排风能量,以提高能量的利用率.  相似文献   

中〗空调系统排风热回收在建筑节能技术中应用最为广泛,从经济性、适用性两个方面对北京地区某商业建筑空调系统采用排风全热回收技术进行分析与评价。结果表明,空调排风全热回收系统适用于寒冷地区公共建筑冬季供暖期间运行节能效果优于夏季供冷期间运行节能效果。  相似文献   

将热回收转轮应用于上海某高大车间空调,对排风量与新风量不相等条件下的热回收效率及节能效益进行了研究.分析了上海地区采用全热回收转轮的节能运行判定条件:新/排风相等时(新排风比=1),夏季新/排风焓差>10kJ/kg;当新风小于排风(本项目新/排风比为0.43)时,新/排风焓差>15kJ/kg;并通过经济性分析表明在设计...  相似文献   

夏季,白天排风温度低于室外新风温度,室内含湿量也低于室外新风含湿量。利用热回收对排风和新风进行热交换,可以降低新风温度和湿度。冬季,排风温度高于室外新风温度,排风含湿量高于室外新风含湿量,全热回收可以利用排风热量预热和加湿新风。具体做法为,在排风出口安装热交换器,排风和新风分别通过各自的通道进行间接接触换热;利用排风余热来预热新风(或者利用余冷来预冷新风),从而达到回收排风余热的目的。目前可以采用的热回收设备分为显热回收型和全热回收型两种。  相似文献   

姜方  李鹏  李永强  李磊 《商品混凝土》2013,(7):221-222,216
本着节约能源,降低能耗与经济的宗旨,本文对徐州某商业办公综合楼的空调负荷进行计算与DeST动态模拟,从而实现了建筑负荷计算的准确性:对该建筑的空调系统采用了排风、回风热量回收设计,并对其进行了热回收计算,可使冷热源选择满足经济性、高效性和节能性。  相似文献   

陈晨  王小芝  盛安风  杨国荣 《暖通空调》2012,42(9):61-63,109
采用室外空气干球温度与比焓作为风侧经济器使用与否的判定条件,对新风免费冷却节能状况进行分析,提出了新风免费冷却节能效果评价指标———新风免费冷却节能率。应用该指标分析了我国不同气候条件下6个典型城市的3种不同类型建筑新风免费冷却节能效果,结果表明,北方严寒及寒冷地区节能率较高,夏热冬冷及夏热冬暖地区次之,温和地区节能率较低。宾馆建筑全年新风免费冷却节能率低于同一地区办公建筑和商场建筑。  相似文献   

夏热冬冷地区除湿方式探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文分析了夏热冬冷地区的气候特征和夏季新风负荷的特点,通过对该地区各主要城市新风负荷进行解耦计算,得出了新风负荷中潜热负荷很大、新风处理中用于除湿的能耗远远高于用于降温的能耗的结论,认为对新风进行独立除湿适合于该地区新风湿负荷的处理。  相似文献   

陈灿  张少凡  张建忠 《暖通空调》2012,42(3):55-59,75
根据节能季节划分方法确定了南京等典型夏热冬冷城市的空调、供暖季节起止日期;计算、比较了重庆、南京、武汉三地空调和供暖季节排风热回收装置可回收的全热量,发现全热交换式换气机应用于南京和武汉的居住建筑中全年运行的节能效益要比应用于重庆显著得多。另外,计算了在南京地区居住建筑中使用全热交换式换气机节能全年所需要的最少运行时间,提出了该地区的居住建筑应用全热交换式换气机的节能运行模式。  相似文献   

新风能耗要占夏季空调负荷的20%~40%,新风回收越来越受到人们的重视,新风换气机得到了一定程度的普及.针对北京夏季新风负荷的特点,对市场上流行的新风换气机进行能耗回收分析,得出夏季工况显热通风换气机回收效率极低,全热通风换气机能减少一半的负荷.  相似文献   

Energy consumption is an important issue in China. In heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, more and more commercial buildings use air-to-air heat recovery ventilators as energy saving units for recovering heat from the exhaust air in ventilation systems in current years. In the present paper, critical temperatures of air-to-air heat recovery systems for supermarkets in winter are recommended and discussed for the four cities in different climate zones of China. The analysis shows that the temperature of fresh air in winter can be categorized into three regions, i.e., recovery region, transition region and impermissible recovery region. The results also indicate that the latent heat recovery is not suitable for ventilation energy savings in supermarkets in winter. Meanwhile, the applicability of sensible heat recovery in supermarkets depends on outdoor climate and fresh air flow rate. If a variable rotational speed fan is used to introduce fresh air into the building, heat recovery does always function as planned in winter for all the selected cities except Guangzhou, and most values of the COP are much higher than 2.5. Otherwise, there is the risk of negative impact on building energy savings in all cities except Harbin.  相似文献   

A great amount of world energy demand is connected to the built environment. Electricity use in the commercial buildings, accounts for about one-third of the total energy consumption in Turkey and fully air-conditioned office buildings are important commercial electricity end-users since the mid-1990s. In the presented paper, the interactions between different conditions, control strategies and heating/cooling loads in office buildings in the four major climatic zones in Turkey – hot summer and cold winter, mild, hot summer and warm winter, hot and humid summer and warm winter – through building energy simulation program has been evaluated. The simulation results are compared with the values obtained from site measurements done in an office building located in Istanbul. The site-recorded data and simulation results are compared and analyzed. This verified model was used as a means to examine some energy conservation opportunities on annual cooling, heating and total building load at four major cities which were selected as a representative of the four climatic regions in Turkey. The effect of the parameters like the climatic conditions (location), insulation and thermal mass, aspect ratio, color of external surfaces, shading, window systems including window area and glazing system, ventilation rates and different outdoor air control strategies on annual building energy requirements is examined and the results are presented for each city.  相似文献   

In hot summer and cold winter zone in China, air conditioning system has four running modes yearly including cooling with dehumidification, cooling, dehumidification and heating in residential buildings. The conventional air source heat pump (ASHP) system is not designed to independently control temperature and humidity, and is not very suitable for the dehumidification mode in the view of building energy consumption. A novel ASHP system combining radiant cooling/heating for residential buildings was presented. The main feature of this hybrid ASHP system is that desiccant wheel and cooling coil accomplish dehumidification process together, and the regenerative heat needed by the desiccant wheel is supplied by the condenser dissipated heat. Based on simulation studies and performance analysis, this paper predicts the primary energy consumption of the hybrid ASHP system in comparison with the conventional ASHP system during the cooling and heating seasons. It was found that primary energy requirement can be reduced by more than 8% in cooling with dehumidification mode, by 50% in dehumidification mode, and by more than 14% in heating mode. The study results prove that the hybrid ASHP system can keep great energy saving and running cost saving yearly, especially in the dehumidification process.  相似文献   

针对一次回风空调系统,提出排风冷能回收装置,介绍了该装置的结构和原理,对其理想条件下极限热工性能进行了计算分析,其极限全热换热效率为100%。基于实际应用,对该装置的实际热工性能进行了计算,其实际全热换热效率为55.2%。结合工程实例,比较了传统一次回风系统与采用排风冷能回收装置的一次回风系统的机器冷负荷、新风冷负荷,采用排风冷能回收装置可减少机器冷负荷14.6%,减少新风冷负荷55.2%。  相似文献   

The energy recovery ventilator (ERV) is an effective method, which can transfer heat and moisture from the exhaust air into the outdoor fresh air to save energy in buildings. Nowadays, ERV has been widely used in the commercial, industrial and residential buildings in China. Its energy saving performance depends on a lot of factors, such as the outdoor environmental conditions, the enthalpy efficiency of the exchanger, and so on. Based on the relationship among sensible heat, latent heat and enthalpy efficiency, we analyzed the weighted coefficient equations for describing the performance of ERV in different climatic zones in China. According to China weather data, enthalpy efficiency of the exchanger mainly depends on sensible heat efficiency in winter and latent heat efficiency in summer. The energy simulations of a sample apartment in a residential building were made under different operation conditions to study the performance of ERV. The energy saving performances of the ERV were studied with five different outdoor climatic conditions, the enthalpy efficiency, fan power consumption of ERV and fresh air change rate. To improve energy saving performance, better efficient enthalpy exchange material and higher effiencient fans must be explored, while reasonable fresh air change rate as well as proper operation period according to local climate should also be carefully considered.  相似文献   

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