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近年来一种节能环保的新型幕墙开始悄然流行,这种幕墙外层采用单层玻璃幕墙系统,层间采用特别的通风系统,内层采用中空玻璃幕墙系统,内外层幕墙之间的通道采用电动遮阳系统。双层幕墙分主动式内循环双层幕墙和外循环式双层幕墙。  相似文献   

钱丽 《门窗》2008,(7):21-23
本文通过幕墙系统的结构性装配失效、幕墙系统漏水、石材幕墙外观污染等的论述,指出了密封胶的选择对幕墙系统的重要性。  相似文献   

肖传涛 《门窗》2012,(7):49+52
本文以具体的幕墙工程为案例,重点阐述幕墙系统、公寓顶层屋顶钢架系统和裙楼幕墙系统的施工工艺及吊装方案,为合理的设计、制作和安装单元体幕墙提供参考依据。  相似文献   

萍乡润达国际广场幕墙工程装饰主要采用了框架玻璃幕墙系统、构件式铝板幕墙系统、石材幕墙系统、主楼顶部采光顶系统、裙楼拉栓式明框玻璃幕墙系统、裙楼隐框玻璃幕墙系统及铝板雨篷系统。本文主要对幕墙系统中的大面玻璃幕墙、幕墙开启扇及楼冠架空层玻璃幕墙的防水密封设计进行了详细介绍,为今后的类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

张霖 《门窗》2013,(3):20-23
本文主要针对XH项目幕墙工程的典型幕墙系统——三角形玻璃幕墙系统进行设计分析,采用单元式幕墙系统与框架式幕墙系统相结合的设计思路对其重点与难点进行了详细的研究,提出了框架式幕墙骨架采用单元式组装及安装方法的创新思路,为本项目幕墙工程设计的合理性、实用性以及现场安装的方便快捷性提供了很好的参考作用。  相似文献   

陈健波 《门窗》2012,(11):20-23
本文论述了各种小单元式幕墙系统的特点及其技术要点,介绍了小单元幕墙系统与其他幕墙系统的不同之处.  相似文献   

唐安  廖勇 《建筑施工》2021,43(3):396-399
以柳州市柳东新区文化广场幕墙项目为例,介绍了极不规则的建筑外立面幕墙构造和施工工艺。重点阐述了竖明横隐玻璃幕墙系统和GRC幕墙系统的施工特点和项目重难点,对竖明横隐玻璃幕墙系统和GRC幕墙系统的施工方法及施工工艺流程做了总结,可为类似的异形幕墙项目施工提供参考。  相似文献   

本文分阐述了建筑工程幕墙检测系统,提出建筑幕墙检测用风压系统的思路和方案。通过研发风压系统,提高建筑幕墙检测的整体水平。  相似文献   

正本期主题是门窗幕墙系统。我国建筑设计人员大多不十分了解门窗幕墙系统的知识。现实中,幕墙的施工图也由企业或施工单位完成。建筑幕墙的效果有时差强人意。本刊邀请了科研院所的资深专家、具有丰富实践经验的企业的研究人员为本刊撰稿,力图从多方面介绍幕墙门窗系统所涉及的知识和实践经验。一个好的幕墙门窗系统,除了要满足人们对安全、节能和舒适多方面的要求外,还要满足人们对美的追求。我国在门窗幕墙系统的发展中走出了一条创新之路。  相似文献   

超低能耗示范楼在清华大学落成,该项目集多种建筑新技术、新材料于一体。仅建筑外围护结构的门窗幕墙系统中就采用了双层幕墙系统、遮阳百叶系统、光电幕墙系统、高保温性能铝合金门窗系统、真空玻璃、双中空双Low-E玻璃等新技术新材料。文章对该项目建筑幕墙系统进行了介绍,可供大家对低能耗示范楼有所了解,同时供相关技术人员在进行建筑幕墙的设计时参考。  相似文献   

Modeling building evacuation during fire emergencies is an important issue. The social force model is a well-regarded evacuation modeling technique, and it has been integrated into the Fire Dynamics Simulator with Evacuation (FDS + Evac) of NIST to simulate building fire evacuation. However, these models still have limitations to be improved. First, occupants’ movement can be unrealistically prevented. For example, the corner of doors exerts unrealistic repulsive forces on occupants, so the simulated flow at narrow doors is much smaller than experimental data. Second, the degree of occupants’ competitiveness is not considered. Finally, current models are rarely validated by data form real-life emergencies, in which occupants may behave differently from normal situations. In this paper, new social forces are used to replace old ones to modify occupants’ collision avoidance: both time headway and time-to-collision are viewed as indicators of potential collisions, and social forces are active if time headway or time-to-collision reaches thresholds. A parameter is used to represent how the degree of occupants’ competitiveness affects their collision avoidance. The modified model is validated by both lab experiments and real emergency evacuation. First, the relation between simulated flow and door width in non-competitive situation is used for validation. In the simulation, 94 occupants, initially distributed in a 9 m - by - 4 m area, evacuate from a door. The simulated flow rates through doors of width ranging from 0.6 m to 1.2 m are consistent with the experimental data. Second, effects of competitiveness are studied. Simulation results show that whether competitiveness speeds up or slow down the evacuation through a door is affected by the initial number of occupants, door width, and other occupants outside the door. Finally, simulation results in competitive situation are consistent with data from a real-life emergency evacuation. The data used is extracted from a video recording occupants evacuating from an airport through a security gate in an earthquake. Simulation results are consistent with the real-life data in both the total evacuation time and the time when congestion occurred.  相似文献   

罗丹  肖化明  谢柏怀 《中国电梯》2009,20(23):58-60
门机系统是电梯系统的重要组成部分,门机控制系统直接影响开关门性能,性能优越的门机控制系统使电梯整体性能得到显著改善。这里对电梯门机系统在现场检测和使用中的一些常见问题作了分析和探讨,针对使用和检测中遇到的问题本文对门机的设计提出了要求。  相似文献   

摘要:介绍一种安装在电梯层门两侧的防撞装置.该装置采用漫反射光电开关检测层门外侧区域的物体并输出控制电梯门开门的指令.其用于防止电梯门关门过程中物体对电梯门发生的碰撞。  相似文献   

根据传热学理论,在标准温升曲线条件下,以蛭石防火门为例,建立了防火门背火面温升简化预测模型。将防火门分为门扇和门框两部分,分别确定各部分的导热系数、热阻,通过对防火门背火面建立热平衡公式,建立温升预测模型。与实际测试结果的对比分析表明,预测模型结果误差较小。  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》2006,41(7):539-546
Many building codes stipulate the need for fire-rated doors to be closely fitted around their edges to impede the passage of smoke and flame. To ensure the smooth opening of the doors, gaps between the door panels and the walls and floor cannot be totally eliminated. Depending on the country where the building code is enforced, the maximum permissible door gap requirement varies substantially. To better understand the influence of gap sizes on the smoke spread, a numerical study is performed on the different door gap configurations affecting the smoke egress in an enclosure fire. The results show that the height of the door gaps has a significant effect on the pressure and temperature distribution in controlling the smoke spreading. Larger door gaps have shown to allow more hot smoke transgressing through the door gaps as well as cold air re-entraining back into the burn room. Fire-rated door with a 3 mm door gap have demonstrated to be the best measure for impeding smoke spread while maintaining reasonable smoothness for the door movement.  相似文献   

臧小俊  王永兴 《山西建筑》2011,37(33):118-119
焦炉炉门的耐用程度是焦炉维护费用高低的重点,对热回收焦炉炉门内衬的三种材料的使用情况进行了比较,认为炉门内衬使用衬砖结构是各焦化企业试图选择的方案,虽然一次性投入略高,但使用寿命较长,减少了维修费用。  相似文献   

防火门耐火极限取决于其耐火隔热性和耐火完整性.钢质隔热防火门的耐火隔热性与门芯材料的导热系数和门扇厚度相关,而耐火完整性大都与防火门的结构设置相关.防火门的加强筋和铰链等结构设置不合理,会导致门扇变形过大,进而造成防火门耐火完整性的丧失.通过有限元方法对防火门耐火性能进行分析,并优化其加强筋和铰链的设置,可以降低防火门...  相似文献   

魏泽崧  汪霞 《华中建筑》2011,29(12):161-165
在中国古代建筑中,“门”是一个举足轻重的构成元素,有着丰富的文化内涵.该文从视觉层次、文化——社会层次对中国古代建筑门文化的审美意匠作出分析,并阐述了在现代建筑设计中对古代门之审美意匠的继承和发扬.  相似文献   

Usually the design of fire doors is carried out to fulfil thermal requirements only, whereas also thermal distortion could significantly affect the safety behavior of the door. Indeed, the door tends to bend away from its supporting frame due to a non-uniform temperature distribution, which could lead to flame and smoke propagation. In this work an innovative design scheme is proposed, where the mechanical response of the door is enhanced without affecting its insulating properties. This improvement is achieved by changing the disposition of the constitutive elements (insulating material and structural plates). The behavior of a conventional and of an innovative door during a fire test was simulated with three-dimensional (3D) finite element models. A non-linear thermo-mechanical transient analysis was performed as well. The numerical results were validated with an experimental campaign made on true scale specimens, where the doors were heated by a furnace reaching a maximum temperature of 950°C. The temperature distribution was measured with several thermocouples and an infrared camera, whereas displacements were monitored with a laser sensor. It was observed that, while temperatures on the unexposed surface were around 120°C in both cases, the maximum out-of-plane displacement measured in the innovative door was 3 times smaller than that of the conventional configuration.  相似文献   

针对目前市场上的逃生门存在的问题和不足,在不改变门基本功能的前提下设计了新型逃生门,该门具有防火、逃生和双重防盗的功能。介绍了自动开锁动作原理、自动开关门原理,并就具体电路原理进行阐述。实验证明,该门满足功能设计要求。  相似文献   

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