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概要:江水源集中供冷供热控制系统采用基于负荷预测优化控制的控制策略,通过对取水站、能源站、供冷供热管网及末端区域用户供冷系统的分析,提出了集中供冷供热控制系统的整体解决方案。导读:对于重庆等沿江城市,利用江水源集中供冷供热不失是节能的一个新途径。江水源集中  相似文献   

本文以吐鲁番地区某太阳能区域供热供冷工程的设计实践为例,对大型太阳能供热供冷技术应用过程中的技术要点、节能效果、经济性进行了分析和讨论,说明了通过提高规模,发展大型太阳能供热供冷技术可在满足建筑供暖空调需求的同时,实现节能减排,改善太阳能供热空调系统的经济性。此外,太阳能能量密度低,不稳定,大型太阳能供热供冷系统复杂,需要通过科学细致的计算分析,设计,安装和调试实现。  相似文献   

利用江水作为水源热泵的冷热源为建筑物供冷供热具有较好的节能与环保意义。提出了综合分析一次能源利用率、区域供冷供热半径对系统能耗的影响和单位水量的节能环保价值的节能环保评价方法,同时指出环保评价中应考虑水源热泵向水体环境排热导致的水体热污染问题。  相似文献   

南京鼓楼国际服务外包产业园区域供冷项目目前是江苏省最大的区域供冷供热项目,该区域供冷供热项目所集成的技术、运行节能效果预测、运营方式都具有良好的效果.该项目为我国合同能源管理新模式的探索提供了有益的尝试.  相似文献   

我国区域供冷供热发展的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据我国实际情况,就发展区域供冷供热的现实必要性、发展现状、发展中的问题和今后的方向进行了论述,并分析了区域供冷供热中的供给区域最佳半径、同时负荷系数、地表水利用、蒸汽制冷的节能条件等具体问题,提出了几点结论性意见。  相似文献   

区域供冷供热应用于住宅区的前景和必要条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林焕 《住宅科技》2004,(5):46-48
区域供冷供热在住宅区的应用,符合"节能、环保、舒适"的城市规划和能源政策导向,具备良好的发展前景.由于住宅固有的特点,区域供冷供热在住宅区的应用应在使用舒适性和可靠性、成本、收费等方面考虑如何使业主真正受益,并从投资、实施、经营、管理等多方面落实必要条件,促使区域供冷供热在住宅产业化进程中得到发展.  相似文献   

江水源集中供冷供热控制系统采用基于负荷预测优化控制的控制策略,通过对取水站、能源站、供冷供热管网及末端区域用户供冷系统的分析,提出了集中供冷供热控制系统的整体解决方案。  相似文献   

随着民用建筑规模越来越大,空调供冷供热系统的输送系统越来越复杂,能耗越来越高,其节能设计备受设计人员关注,相关规范也均规定了空调供冷供热水系统的耗电输冷热比计算方法及限值。本文结合工程实例,分析了规范计算方法在区域供冷供热系统耗电输冷热比计算中适应性和存在的问题,探讨了规范中计算方法的调整完善之处。  相似文献   

本文介绍了替代传统锅炉加制冷机组等供热供冷系统的地源热泵系统技术性能及节能特点,并对地源热泵系统即地埋管地源热泵系统与空气源热泵系统以及其他供热供冷系统在经济性能方面进行了对比。分析表明地源热泵系统性能参数较高,且运行费用比其他系统节省50%左右。  相似文献   

江水源集中供冷供热控制系统采用基于负荷预测优化控制的智能化控制策略,通过对取水站、能源站、供冷供热管网及末端区域用户供冷系统的分析,提出了集中供冷供热控制系统的整体解决方案。  相似文献   

医院建筑能耗逐年升高,其中空调能耗占总能耗比例较大。在医院建筑的节能改造或能耗状况分析中,多数以单位建筑面积、门诊人数、床位数的能耗来评价医院能耗的高低。以夏热冬暖气候区医院门诊楼为研究对象,通过理论分析建立建筑负荷分析模型,设计建筑负荷正交模拟实验,利用模拟软件De ST进行负荷模拟,研究建筑面积、床位数、门诊量/床位数、医院类型对建筑全年总负荷的影响,模拟结果表明:建筑面积(床位数)越大,门诊量/床位数越大,未开展预约门诊的医院的年总负荷越大,反之越小。建筑年总负荷影响因素的主次顺序为门诊量/床位数建筑面积(床位数)医院类型,其中门诊量/床位数、建筑面积(床位数)对年总负荷影响显著(P0.05);医院类型对年总负荷影响不显著(P0.05)。建议采用人均单位面积能耗占用床位数指标来评价门诊楼的能耗,更加科学。  相似文献   

窗墙比对居住建筑的冷热耗量指标及节能率的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以高层公寓式居住建筑为对象,利用特征温度法研究了对建筑采取相同改进措施时窗墙面积比对建筑冷热耗量和能耗相对变化率的影响,并分析了当建筑体形系数不同时,窗墙面积比对全年空调与供暖冷热耗量指标以及采取相同节能措施建筑的全年空调与供暖节能量及节能率的影响。  相似文献   

污水源热泵技术作为一种新能源技术,受到国内外专家学者的大力关注,安全、高效、节能的运行是污水源热泵系统推广应用的前提和重要保证。通过调查分析了唐山市污水处理厂状况、污水特征及污水中蕴含的冷热量,计算了可供热、供冷面积和节能环保效益,指出了在唐山推广应用污水源热泵具有很大的潜力。  相似文献   

建筑的地理气候特征影响太阳能在建筑中的收集与利用。以天津市某办公楼项目为例,基于日照遮挡模拟分析确定集热器布置区域,并根据逐时动态冷负荷与热负荷综合情况确定集热器面积,以动态逐时负荷与供热(冷)量匹配的方法辅助备用能源设计,降低了系统的造价,提高了太阳能的利用率和建筑供能系统的稳定性,为后续其他项目太阳能空调系统的设计提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2004,36(2):161-174
Data from a Residential Energy Study (RES) were used to examine the weather sensitivity of various household appliances located in households within the Sydney metropolitan area. Thermal environmental indices effective temperature (ET1), standard effective temperature (SET1) and simple air temperature degree–days were used to quantify the dependence of household appliance energy consumption on outdoor weather. Specific appliances included: room air-conditioners, room heaters, refrigerators, freezers and domestic hot-water systems, all of which exhibited some degree of weather sensitivity, particularly space heating and cooling devices. Probit regression techniques were used to predict the degree–day values at which households tend to switch on heating and cooling appliances. All appliances demonstrated weather sensitivity to varying degrees, and this was universally stronger during the cooling season (summer) than during the heating season (winter). The outdoor SET1 version of the degree–day index demonstrated a stronger statistical association with space-cooling energy consumption than conventional air temperature degree–days. The mean daily temperature associated with minimum heating and cooling energy consumption for Sydney indicated that a temperature of 18 °C was the most appropriate base temperature for calculation of both heating and cooling degree–days.  相似文献   

从就近利用小区污水冷热能的角度出发,对重庆市主城区某居住小区生活污水的温度和流量进行了测试分析,提出了小区污水热泵系统应用于建筑空调、供暖和卫生热水供应的综合节能系统模式;调研了小区生化池内污水温度分布,分析了小区污水逐时流量及逐月流量的变化,讨论了小区污水所能提供的冷量与建筑实际需要冷负荷的匹配关系,提出了生活小区污水热泵系统与常规冷热供应系统的复合式冷热供应方案。  相似文献   

通过窗户的太阳辐射对建筑夏季空调能耗和冬季采暖能耗有着重要的影响,对于南向窗户来说水平遮阳方式比较有效.以西安地区办公建筑南向窗户为研究对象,借助Energyplus等软件,分析了夏季通过南窗太阳能辐射得热问题,综合考虑不同水平遮阳板宽度对建筑采暖和空调负荷的影响,得出了遮阳板最佳设计尺寸.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the impact of selected design alternatives on the thermal and energy performance of atriums based on the methodology outlined in the accompanying paper. Computer simulation programs were used to predict the impact of the selected design alternatives on the design performance outputs of atriums. Design alternatives focused on fenestration glazing types, fenestration surface area, skylight shape, atrium type, and interaction of the atrium with its adjacent spaces. Design performance outputs, evaluated with respect to a basecase design, included seasonal solar heat gain ratio, cooling and heating peak load ratios and annual cooling, heating and total energy ratios. Design tools were developed to quantify the impact of the design alternatives on the performance outputs. The design tools were cast into two-dimensional linear relationships with the glazing U-value and SHGC ratios as independent parameters. The results for enclosed atriums showed that the annual cooling energy ratio increased at a rate of 1.196 per unit of SHGC ratio and decreased at a rate of 0.382 per unit of U-value ratio. However, the annual heating energy ratio increased at a rate of 1.954 per unit of U-value ratio and decreased at a rate of 1.081 per unit of SHGC ratio. Similar trends were also found for the three-sided and linear atriums. Pyramidal/pitched skylights increased the solar heat gain ratio by up to 25% in the heating season compared to flat skylights. The effect of the skylight shape on the annual cooling and heating energy may be positive or negative, depending on the glazing U-value and SHGC ratios and the atrium type. Atriums open to their adjacent spaces reduced the annual cooling energy ratio by up to 76% compared to closed atrium spaces. However, open atrium spaces increased the annual heating energy ratio by up to 19%.  相似文献   

The purposes of this research are to contrast the energy use characteristics of old residential buildings and new residential buildings in Shanghai, China, to look into influence factors of residential energy consumption, and to further analyze the reasons which result in the differences of energy consumption quantities between high-energy use family group and low-energy use family group. 1610 families in Residential District A and 819 families in Residential District B were chosen to trace their monthly energy consumption data in the whole year of 2006. Buildings in District A were all constructed in the 1980s, while those in District B were built in the 2000s. 300 families in each district were further selected from all above investigated families to do questionnaires in the year of 2007, so as to understand building characteristics, the possession and utilization of space heating and cooling appliances, and energy-saving consciousness. Annual energy consumption of the two kinds of buildings is contrasted and energy consumption quantities of spacing cooling and heating are also calculated. Influencing factors of residential energy consumption are analyzed by Quantification Theory I. Quantification Theory III is used to classify all the families into different categories based on the differences in their energy consumption amounts, and to further find out the reasons leading to the different energy consumption between different groups. Conclusions are as follows: (1) the average annual energy consumption quantity is 23.27 GJ/household for new buildings and 14.40 GJ/household for old buildings. The ratio of space heating and cooling to total annual energy consumption is just 16% and 11.6% for new buildings and old buildings respectively; (2) energy consumption and its variance lie on the integration of many factors, such as the floor area, materials of window frames, the number of family members, operation months of space heaters in winter and air conditioners in summer, and energy-saving actions; (3) all the families in the two districts can be classified into two categories: Household Region M of much energy use, and Household Region N of little energy use. Adopting the aluminum window frames, large floor areas and the large number of family members (above 4 person) are the main reasons leading to more energy use in Household Region M, while the small number of family members (1-2 persons/household) and small floor areas are the main reasons resulting in the less energy use in Household Region N; the long period of space heating, using illumination as little as possible are also the reasons causing the differences in energy consumption quantities between the two categories, but their influences on the samples clustering are smaller than the main reasons above; (4) compared with the energy consumption in some developed countries, the ratio of space heating and cooling to total residential energy use is much smaller in Shanghai. Indoor thermal environment is very poor besides that. With the growth of economy and the improvement of living standard, people will have the higher requirement for good-quality indoor thermal environment, and hence space heaters and coolers will be used much more frequently, so the residential energy consumption in China will still continuously increase rapidly, if few energy-conservation strategies are adopted; (5) considering current little prevalence of energy-saving actions with low efficiency, more effective energy-saving actions should be fully adopted in China.  相似文献   

Micro gas turbines are considered to meet the electrical, domestic hot water, heating and cooling energy needs of a residential building located in Tehran, Ahvaz and Hamedan. The building is 10 stories high and has a total of 8000 m2 floor area with the peak demands of electricity of 32.96 kW, DHW of 0.926 kW, heating load of 1590 kW and the cooling load of 2028 kW, when the building is located in Tehran. With these demands, 30 micro turbines of 30 kW (nominal power) are needed to meet all the energy needs of the building. The excess electricity generated by the micro turbines is to be used in a heat pump, and the energy in the exhaust gases is to be used to meet other thermal energy needs of the building. With proper energy conservation measures and the use of ceiling fans in each room, the peak heating and cooling demands of the building were reduced to 225 kW and 760 kW, respectively. With these measures, two micro gas turbines of 30 kW nominal capacity, or one of 40 kW, could meet all the electrical, DHW, heating and a great portion of the cooling needs of the building. The remaining cooling needs of the building during the hot hours of summer could be met by an additional absorption refrigeration, utilizing natural gas as its energy source. It is recommended that with energy conservation measures, the heating and cooling loads of buildings be reduced as much as possible, and micro gas turbines be employed to meet the electrical demands and a portion of heating and cooling needs. The remaining thermal energy needs are to be met through the use of natural gas. Only with these measures, the on-site combined heat and power (OS-CHP) is a viable option for residential buildings in Iran.  相似文献   

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