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着重分析复杂建筑中所反映的新的时空观念,这种观念类似于复杂科学的时空观——有机时空观。具体表现为:时间空间化、时空溶解、时空黑洞。  相似文献   

秦峰 《新建筑》1999,(2):35-36
着重分析复杂建筑中所反映的新的时空观念,这种观念类似于复杂科学的时空观-有机时空观,具体表现为;时间空间化、时空溶解、时空黑洞。  相似文献   

城市中心区是展示城市核心形象的 焦点,也是城市最具活力的多元要素融合场 所。西方大城市在逆城市化过程中,往往中心 区会出现不同程度的衰退,但新街口作为典 型的中国大城市中心区,并没有发生衰退现 象,同时随着南京的社会经济发展,长期享 有“中华第一商圈”称号。本文通过对南京新 街口地区空间结构演变历程及特征的梳理总 结,认为社会和物质空间相互作用是影响新 街口地区发展的主要因素。该地区在政策、 人口和产业等多方因素影响下从过去的商业 中心转变为综合性功能的CBD,集中表现为 商业、商务功能替代原先的居住功能,并且 出现商业绅士化现象。聚焦新街口地区的时 空特征,发现该地区空间利用具有明显的中 心指向性,商业商务、文化、购物中心向外递 减,新街口已经成为中高收入群体消费和聚 居的地方,同时人口社会结构变迁对原住民 产生了一定影响。基于此,提出新街口在城市 更新的过程中,需要更加注重物质要素和社会需求的协调性,兼顾全球化消费发展和本地居民的基本生活需求,在苏皖共建的南京都市圈 中发挥城市中心作用。  相似文献   

当代社会已进入体验经济时代,在旅游和休闲、文化消费的推动下,以体验消费为目的消费活动成为消费文化的重要组成部分,而蕴涵着丰富社会与历史文化变迁的历史街区作为城市历史风貌和民俗文化的集中展示场所,也成为了可供人们消费和体验的商品。通过对哈尔滨中华巴洛克历史街区更新改造过程中体验营造的分析和总结,从体验消费视角探讨影响历史街区空间体验营造的相关要素及其设计手法。  相似文献   

严巍  董卫 《建筑学报》2015,1(2):106-111
以洛阳为对象,提出了"城市历史文化空间梯度网络"的概念,通过古代城市地图图解、文献阅读、考古发掘、信息收集等手段,对不同时期洛阳城市历史文化空间网络在时间、空间形成的梯度变化进行研究,并以其演变与解读及历史信息的整合为例,探讨构建老城合理时空信息梯度网络的方法,并在一体化的城市保护与发展时空观的基础上,探索城市更新过程中以历史信息引导城市空间发展、管理的方法。  相似文献   

治所城市历史格局作为营建制度、地缘政治、空间变迁的固化形态,是现代城市发展的"原点".研究侧重于"时空转换"视角,认知农耕文明与礼制思想、军事防御与九边制度、商贸流通与开中制度如何影响山西治所城市的形成与演化规律,并以"边界—轴线—中心—标志"的组织形式投射于治所城市历史格局中,厘清在这一过程中形成的晋北、晋中、晋东南...  相似文献   

0引言 唯物主义辩证法认为物质是运动的物质,运动是物质的运动,运动作为物质的根本属性与存在方式统一于时间和空间中。城市形态作为人类活动的载体,亦统一于历史时空中,即社会和自然环境构成了城市形态演化的历史时空成因。历史时空成因有两层含义:时间作为描述城市发展的社会属性参数,通过政治、经济和文化等社会因子界定其变迁过程;空间作为限定城市扩张的自然属性参数,通过地貌、山形和水系等自然因子界定其拓展范围。  相似文献   

当代社会正经历着一场深刻的变革,即从传统的生产型社会转变为消费型社会,消费文化从社会的边缘文化登上了主流文化的舞台,消费活动对社会建构的影响力日益渗透到城市生活的各个层面。本文正是通过对鲍氏消费文化理论的研究,挖掘出生活方式中心衍生、发展的深层动因,提炼出与生活方式中心的深度关联的业态特征,从而总结生活方式中心在建筑规模、业态比重、空间体验、文化表征、形象塑造等层面的设计策略,并对生活方式中心在国内的发展前景进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

城市变迁过程中,合理的城市结构会产生巨大的经济效益、社会效应和环境效应,使城市资源的配置效益最大化。因此,如何有效使用城市资源,形成合理而有机联系的城市时空结构,就成为提高城市综合经济竞争力研究的核心。  相似文献   

李畅  杜春兰 《新建筑》2014,(6):136-139
当代城市景观在以空间生产为主导的快速城市化下,由地域和文化的融合转为全球化的时空分异。现象学的出现反映了城市环境中主体的失落和缺失,是对城市象征资本生产和消费的批判。在全球化宏观叙事下城市景观符号的生产和消费中,非线性的叙事方式、"超空间"的城市场景,以及视觉化的知觉系统导致城市体验中"场所精神"产生消解。因此,以现象学方法重构新的都市生活体验成为一条颇有意义的道路。  相似文献   

李鹏飞 《华中建筑》2012,(8):155-158
将城市意象理论与我国历史文化名城发展相结合,从城市意象构成要素及其演进角度进行实践和探索,分析了城市意象理论目前存在的问题,提出了城市意象与城市空间、形态、结构上的关联性以及未来在时间一空间结构上发展的可能性,希望在城市特色延续和保护方面有所创新。  相似文献   

城市中心是城市发展的增长极,培育城市中心已经成为城市规划建设的重要手段。宁波市镇海新城中央生态公园通过创新公园功能、铆合新城空间等规划手段,力求将其打造成新城第三中心,实现由隔离到增长极的质的转变,追求经济剩余最大值。同时启发城市公园绿地建设的新思路。  相似文献   

当今,"丧失活力的城市中心"是一个需时常面对的课题。城市活力构建,在于创建一个供人交往,感知人的情怀,功能多元的场所。这个场所应是一个多元复合的、充满活力的空间环境。义乌中心区是一个新的城市中心,它所包含的第五代商业,是一种集消费、休闲、文化、运营、体验、服务、参与、共赢等因素为一体的商业模式,其目的是要构建一个"充满活力"的,集"购物中心、休闲中心、社交中心"为一体的城市中心。该文从城市活力理论入手,紧抓"亲水"与"活力"两大特征,探析义乌中心区10、11号街坊方案的设计策略。  相似文献   

黎晴  徐泽 《城市规划》2012,(8):92-96
对我国的城镇密集地区而言,区域层面交通系统的规划与建设重点已由高速公路网络转变为城际铁路网络。新的区域交通方式对城市意味着新的机遇与挑战。而枢纽能提供的服务能力与城市在区域中的地位有密切的关系。交通枢纽的服务能力则取决于与城市中心的结合程度。在上述战略认知的指导下,对宁波2030年的铁路总图布局做了规划安排,并特别做了对城际铁路上的交通枢纽与城市中心结合的考虑。  相似文献   

基于低碳的理念,对传统城市规划进行反思,发现产业布局、人口、交通等因素对传统城市规划具有重要的制约因素,而这些因素都可以通过在城市空间内发展低碳经济,创新低碳技术,转变居民消费观念低碳城市,来给城市发展带来机遇。该文基于这样一种思考,对厦门现有城市规划的不足之处,以及厦门低碳城市的建设提出一些设想。  相似文献   

The sustainability of cities highly depends on city center viability and shopping street resilience. With the increasing number of shopping centers and their strong impact on existing retail systems, the major urban challenge has become maintaining a balance in the market. When shopping centers appeared, shopping streets began suffering from the negative influence of these new centers. Turkey, as a developing country, suffered from this change in last two decades. With the shopping center supporting policies and regulations of both central and local governments, the situation has become worse, and detrimental to small, independent retailers located on shopping streets. The controlled, trendy and convenient shopping environment, variety, quality and pricing of goods and services have attracted customers to shopping centers. This has been a revisited topic in the planning literature and the common statement was that the emergence of shopping centers abates the viability of city centers and shopping streets. However, in time, the shopping streets have adapted to the changes, thus become more resilient to the negative impacts of shopping centers. The current planning literature has been limited to the analysis of either shopping center systems, or shopping streets. In contrast to this approach, in this study, we are analyzing both retail venues, and comparing their consumer profiles, preferences and spatial behaviors. The purpose is to exhibit the strengths and weaknesses of shopping centers and shopping streets, and identify the qualifications attractive to their customers. This will provide an opportunity for urban policy makers to redefine a retail policy framework which will contribute to shopping street resilience and city center viability. Ankara is selected for two reasons: (1) as of 2011, the shopping center gross leasable area per 1000 people was the highest in Turkey, (2) the city center is still vivid, and shopping street retailers continue to survive amid the high level of shopping center floor space. Two separate questionnaires were given in 13 shopping centers, and 11 main shopping streets in Ankara. The findings reveal that: (1) shopping centers are used by consumers from all districts, in particular, from suburban districts, and shopping streets are mainly used by consumers living in inner city districts, (2) the consumer profiles of shopping centers and shopping streets are distinctive in terms of age, occupation and education, (3) shopping centers are usually preferred by car owners, which encourages development of new shopping centers at the urban fringe, (4) shopping centers and shopping streets are preferred for similar purposes, and shopping streets, in particular, are preferred for entertainment. Therefore, the major conclusion is that the shopping streets in Ankara have a certain level of resilience in terms of consumer diversity, retailer variety, quality and complementary degree. This level can be further increased by new retail planning policies that will focus on attracting consumers from different backgrounds, offering a conducive business environment for special brands, and initiating new revitalization plans and programs for maintenance and design of city centers.  相似文献   

正刻理解,从远期规划到细节的实施,该项目都明确地将城市的潜能转化为具有更强关联性和吸引力的公共空间。此项目的改造基于历史城区中心的特征、规模及过往经历完成,同时也为街道和广场增ADEPT建筑事务所与Topotek1事务所最近在丹麦的集镇—奥本罗完成了一个历史城区的改造。团队于2014年中标该项目,在基于当地现状条件完成的公共空间再设计与城市总体规划之间创造了紧密的联系,通过趣味性的  相似文献   

China’s rapid growth over the last three decades has attracted much academic attention. In the post-reform era, economic growth has been paralleled by rapid urbanization. China’s urbanization experience has been shaped heavily by the state through national urban policies as well as through local administrative means. Much has been written about large Chinese cities in the more developed coastal regions, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but little is known about the process of city-making in medium-sized and small Chinese cities, especially those in the less developed central and western regions of the country. This paper sheds light on the processes of urban transformation in Hebi, a medium-sized inland city in Henan Province, emphasizing the critical role that the local state has played in city-making, the mechanisms and processes of change, and the resultant impacts on the city. As a mining city, Hebi has been threatened by depleting natural resources. To invigorate the city, a new city center has been built to attract new enterprises. Through intensive interviews and fieldwork conducted in 2007 and 2008, we examine what the city government of Hebi has done to turn the newly constructed urban space into a new administrative and economic center of the city. With the establishment of new enterprises, the local economy has been diversified, although coal continues to be a major component of Hebi’s economy. The role of the local state in the production and development of the new urban space is direct and forceful. As local state policies on urban development have been implemented by strong administrative means, we conceptualize the contemporary Chinese model of urbanization as “administrative urbanization”. One problem with this kind of state-dominated urbanization and city-making is that the needs of the people are not fully considered, and it is unclear who the major beneficiaries are. More case studies are needed to determine how economic and political forces are driving China’s land-based urban development, the extent to which local states are understood as entrepreneurial, profit-seeking and pro-growth, the relationship between the local state and other stake-holders in local urban development, and who has benefited from administrative urbanization.  相似文献   

通过对华强北的空间位置、物业属性、通达性,与新旧市中心的互动关系,在城市改造升级过程中出现的时空上、产业(尤其是商业)转型上的契机,自身业态上的关联度和由此产生的整体吸引力,以购物为指向的市区意象等区位因素的分析,揭示其从工业区向大深圳商业中心演变的区位性内在机制。  相似文献   

针对近年来国内城市新区发展往往与老城相脱节,导致许多弊端的现状,对浙江桐庐滨水发展轴城市设计案例进行介绍,从城市设计的层面对城市建设中新老城区的联动发展进行了思索和探讨。调查分析了桐庐的城市现状和自然条件,确定了滨江区域的发展目标,认为应将桐庐滨江区域发展放到城市整体发展的高度,将其建设成为新的、多样化、集约化的城市中心,并从功能、交通、景观环境等多角度对新老城区进行整合,从而令新老城区之间紧密结合、相互促进,形成整体效应。这一研究工作为国内城市新区发展提供了新的尝试。  相似文献   

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