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《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(2):153-173
This paper introduces market mechanisms for sustainable community development, an interdependent planning and implementation framework encompassing strategic directions, strategies, actors and instruments for municipal policy making. It examines how the economy influences the unsustainable development of local jurisdictions and how a coherent typology of strategies, actors and policy levers can move communities toward complementary environmental, social and economic outcomes. The paper illustrates a dichotomy between municipal decision making and embraces economic, social and environmental criteria for development of the built environment. It defines sustainable community development and analyzes research findings from senior decision makers in government, academic institutions, industry and non-profits. After critiquing ‘the market mechanism’ and identifying preferred approaches, the authors propose a typology that systematically aligns market signals with implementing sustainable community development policies.  相似文献   

  瀛叶   《南方建筑》2014,(2):4-8
城乡一体化是新型城镇化发展的客观要求,对城乡规划特别是村庄规划提出了新的任务。当前实践表明,由于制度、技术等多方面的原因,村庄规划的实际调控作用甚微。因此,本文认为随着新型城镇化的推进,实施村庄规划在动机上要从"按要求完成"走向"按需要编制",在导向上要从"无意识破坏"走向"有秩序发展",并应提出提升村庄规划工作水平的路线图,从而明确村庄规划的基本要求和各层次标准。为此,本文提出建立以法制化、个性化和自主化为核心的"三层次"村庄规划体系,实现村庄规划有序发展。  相似文献   

1引言在美国规划界称之为“规划理论”的,指的是两大部类的理论。其一是关于规划学科自身的理论,包括规划工作的社会功能,规划师的社会职责,以及规划师的工作方式和工作的理论基础。其二是关于城市的理论,包括城市演变的动力,城市形态构成,城市社会结构,城市经济...  相似文献   

Though new goals for sustainable cities and transport systems have been developed, decisions and planning at a local level often fail to achieve these ambitions. The purpose of this article is to analyse the factors in local decision-making and planning practice that conduce to urban sprawl and increased car traffic. The article analyses how the conscious application of so-called “day-to-day decision-making and planning”, results in a diminution of planning's role as a strategic tool, in concealment of the environmental impact of increased traffic, in the deprioritization of environmental goals in favour of growth, and in the “tyranny of small decisions”, where the need to make many individual decisions distracts from the achievement of sustainable city and transport systems. Day-to-day decision-making and planning are analysed and described in a case study centring on retail trade on the outskirts of the Swedish town of Örebro.  相似文献   

Large urban development projects are at the forefront of scholarly attention. This article aims at complementing critical analyses of urban projects from a political-economic perspective with an analysis centred on planning agency and practice. The focus is on the role of innovative planning concepts in the governance process. The question raised is: how can discourse on the urban quality of places affect collective choices in a reflective way, possibly leading to integrating private interests within ambitious public strategies?

The question is addressed by analysing planning of large urban projects as a “framing” practice, intended in a dual sense: as a practice defining arenas and forms of interaction, and as a practice conveying ideas, visions, concepts of “urbanity”. The case study presented—the Zuidas in Amsterdam—is interpreted as the scene of conflicting frames about the “public” meaning of places and as the contradictory struggle for framing collective action by means of innovative planning concepts. The analysis highlights the limits of framing approaches that do not adequately address the multiplicity of arenas and interactions involved in the governance of urban transformations.  相似文献   

国外现代城市规划理论中的绿色思考   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
陈爽  张皓 《规划师》2003,19(4):71-74
介绍田园城市、绿带、绿径、生态网络等绿色规划理念,认为中国城市现正处在政府职能向城市管理的转移阶段,绿色空间作为城市的有机组成正在成为关乎我们城市福祉的重要内容,应该在城市规划策略上将其视为一种基本要素用于建筑城市空间发展的基本框架,从根本上避免城市建设对绿地的蚕食,保持城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于对现状城镇体系规划中的生态规划内容评述,提出了县域生态规划中的途径与方法——实施生态区划,并以湖南省华容县为研究案例,对生态规划进行了探讨,为城镇的开发和可持续发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

赵阳 《城市建筑》2013,(24):40-40
城市规模的扩大、城市功能日益复杂、城市空间多层次,这些趋势都给城市色彩环境带来影响,使城市色彩环境出现混乱失控的状况,城市建设中出现了“色彩污染”、“千城一面”的问题。因此,在这种形势下对城市色彩进行理性的规划,成为城市建设中不可缺少的事情。  相似文献   

何兴华 《城市规划》2007,31(6):16-20
分析了科学哲学思潮对于城市规划理论的一般性影响,重点讨论了科学实在论对于认清城市规划学科认知对象的作用。文章指出,现实的城市已经是人们根据对于“自在实在”的认识采取行动的结果,是一种“对象性实在”的体现。城市规划学科仅仅停留在对于已有“城市”和“规划”的认识是不够的。由于人特别其个体活动的空间需求具有客观性,城市规划学科存在着建构“科学实在”的可能性。  相似文献   

Sweden and the broader region of Scandinavia have been widely praised for their efforts to develop and promote models of sustainability for the rest of the world. Swedish international architecture and urban planning firms are driven by the advantage of being able to brand their projects as “Sustainable and Scandinavian.” In this sense, “the sustainable city” has become a Swedish service to export. In order to strengthen a coherent image of Swedish sustainable urban development, in, 2007, the Swedish Trade Council initiated a marketing platform for eco-profiled companies under the name of “SymbioCity.” This paper seeks to explore the production of imaginaries at play in the performance of “SymbioCity.” It especially addresses the way in which notions of progress and a better city life were presented to Chinese audiences in the Swedish pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai in 2010. The Swedish pavilion is here regarded as a node in the export of a wider network of Swedish sustainable urban planning services. I argue that the imaginaries that Sweden produces through activities associated with the SymbioCity underlines a view that equates “progress” with the notion of “decoupling” of economic growth and CO2-emissions. In presenting an image of decoupling as a Swedish experience possible to transfer to China, it also establishes views of progress as linear and space as static. Using the term “absent presence” opens up a counter narrative, which turns decoupling as a Swedish experience into a myth and raises the need for urban imaginaries based on a relational view of space.  相似文献   

随着"城乡等值"逐步成为新时期城乡发展的新导向,大都市地区村庄的内涵发生改变。传统的"单村独建"出现了产业同质、设施低效、建设破碎等诸多困境,阻碍其可持续发展和品牌打造。广州从化米埗乡村群规划从产业共荣、设施共享、空间共建、社会共治四个方面探索大都市地区村庄"群落化"规划策略,以期探索乡村振兴背景下村庄规划的创新模式,为广州乡村振兴提供一种长效机制和实施路径。  相似文献   

唐波 《工业建筑》2007,37(8):109-111
城市中的国防企业利用当地政府鼓励其"退城进郊"、享受优惠政策的时机,高起点做好项目规划设计,是实现可持续发展的战略决策。  相似文献   

Planning is both an interdisciplinary and a collaborative endeavour. A range of disciplines are involved in planning, which arguably all have a specific frame through which they perceive reality and address planning issues. Three main disciplinary frames can be discerned: analytical, design and negotiation. Within this context, increasing usage is made of planning support systems (PSS), which are integrated sets of tools, often digital, aiming to support different tasks in the planning process. PSS arguably have the potential to support the planning process by facilitating interdisciplinary learning processes, involving “frame reflection” by different disciplinary actors. This paper studies this assumption through two case studies in which a PSS was applied in an interdisciplinary setting. It was found that “frame reflection” (double-loop learning) occurred in only one of the two case studies -and that this involved several frictions between disciplines. In the other case study more practical forms of learning were found (single-loop learning) – also valuable for planning. It is concluded that PSS have potential for interdisciplinary learning, particularly where the impact analysis function and a shared spatial language improve the quality of the dialogue. With regard to the latter, however, PSS should be prevented from dominating the discussion as this is something which is particularly problematic for stakeholders with a design frame. In future research, the role of local stakeholders in relation to PSS and interdisciplinary learning could also be taken into account.  相似文献   

深圳城市规划发展及其范型的历史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李百浩  王玮 《城市规划》2007,31(2):70-76
以历史研究的方法,对深圳城市规划发展历程进行剖析,探讨其范型的来源与运用,认为在“模仿、转换、吸收、定型及形成自身文化的过程”中,深圳城市规划完成了从“技术性”向“制度性”的转变,体现了西方、香港及中国近现代城市规划对其的影响,最后指出“制度性”是深圳城市规划的精髓,只有围绕社会政治、经济,寻求适合本土的发展方式,才是城市真正的出路。  相似文献   

The central concern of this paper is the relationship between research-driven “state-of-the-art” knowledge, and knowledge claims made in practice, in planning for sustainability. The paper approaches this topic from a critical realist perspective, which is used to provide criteria for positing “state-of-the-art” knowledge validity, and assessing the quality of situated knowledge claims in planning practice. In this way the paper contributes to debates about an ontological turn in planning knowledge. By reviewing key planning documents in three Scandinavian city regions, the paper shows that the knowledge claims about travel behavioral impacts of proposed land use and transport infrastructure presented in the documents are, to varying extents, in accordance with “state-of-the-art” academic knowledge on these topics. Some long-standing “planning myths” are encountered in the investigated planning documents. In one of the cities, residential and workplace location close to suburban public transport stops is highlighted as a traffic-reducing measure, rather than proximity to inner-city concentrations of jobs and other facilities, and density is discussed at a neighborhood scale rather than at a city scale. In all three cities, planning documents depict road capacity increases as having no traffic-generating effect. These latter claims are used in support of more decentralized land-use patterns and considerable road development. Since the likelihood of achieving sustainability goals relies heavily on whether the measures chosen are productive or counter-productive, knowledge obviously matters. A stronger focus on how well suited proposed strategies for spatial development are to produce their purported outcomes should be welcomed in planning research and practice.  相似文献   

李惟科  邹广天 《华中建筑》2011,(10):108-110
探讨了在我国城市规划领域推行倡导式规划的意义,认为倡导式规划有助于降低城市规划决策中的社会风险;提出了倡导式规划决策的核心问题,并认为城市规划愿景迭成度的描述对于制定倡导式城市规划决策是至关重要的。为建立城市规划愿景达成度模型。引入了可拓学中的关联函数公式;结合城市规划领域的实际情况,介绍了公式的涵义和取值区间;在阐释了模型原理之詹还进行了模型演示和曲线绘制。基于城市规划愿景达成度模型,进一步讨论了倡导式可拓城市规划决篡的流程等相关内容。  相似文献   

作为二次大战后中国大城市编制的第一部现代城市总体规划,“大上海都市计划”对上海的城市规划和建设带来深远影响,也对我国城市规划学科发展以及城市发展具有重要意义。从规划导向、规划理念、规划方法、规划组织与决策、实施与支撑角度具体阐述了其影响以及对当今规划特别是上海新一轮总规编制的启示作用。“大上海都市计划”作为众多先辈垒砌的基石,将启发我们如何思考与规划“上海的2040”,将支撑我们不懈地脚踏现实,面对未来,追求梦想。  相似文献   

刘晓晖 《新建筑》2009,(5):138-140
在城规专业教育中什么是城市规划的“本体”一直处于困惑之中,无论从美国还是国内的城规专业教育实情来看,困惑的焦点所在仍是“物质空间规划”和“经济、社会规划与政策制定”,谁才是城市规划专业的“本体”。论述了它们是一对关系紧密但实为不同的、进而有必要有所分别的两个不同专业,已不再适宜同用一个专业名称。指出这两个专业有区分,才有合作和共同发展,也才有各自专业教育思路得以明确的前提。  相似文献   

段汉明 《城市规划》2007,31(1):21-25,32
简要探讨了《易》之道,对《周礼·考工记》和《管子》中古代城市规划理论及哲学渊源进行了分析,认为二者在城市建设哲学理念上具有同源性,并以夏、商、周城市遗址为例,印证传统哲学理念对早期城市中轴、方位和型制的影响。认为中国传统哲学对现代城市规划具有深刻的启迪作用,现代城市规划应当以“象天法地、师法自然”为经,以“昭彰人伦、弘扬礼法”为纬,力求与自然、生态环境相协调,内秉传承,外图创新,不断探索新的理论和方法。  相似文献   

吴顺民  李进 《城市勘测》2020,(1):45-47,52
党的十八届三中全会通过的《关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(2013年11月)明确提出要“建立空间规划体系,划定生产、生活、生态空间开发管制界限,落实用途管制;健全能源、水、土地节约集约使用制度”,拉开了新时期国土空间规划的序幕。回顾规划发展历史,总结经验教训,既是推动新时期的国土空间规划工作发展的必要途径,也是新时期国土空间规划建设工作的有益借鉴。  相似文献   

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