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刘家琨 《世界建筑》2006,(6):119-124
地点:中国重庆市设计人:刘家琨,杨鹰,石维,蔡克非等建筑面积:9700m2设计期:2002年10月~2003年4月施工期:2003年11月~2004年7月S i t e:Chongqing,ChinaD e s i g n e r:LIUJiakun,YANGYing,SHIWei,CAIKefei,etcB u i l d i n g a r e a:9700m2T i m e f o r d e s i g n:2002.10-2003.4T i m e f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n:2003.11-2004.7四川美术学院雕塑系综合教学楼位于四川美术学院校区一角。建筑见缝插针般地植入狭小的场地。由于雕塑系需要大量天光教室,所需面积已超过基地所允许的建筑占地面积,建筑屋顶在规划允许的…  相似文献   

李卫 《世界建筑》2005,(11):121-126
项目简介/Projectbrief:建筑面积6.08万m2,高度20~30m,包括素描天光教室、雕塑大厅、多功能厅、各种教室,陶艺、玻璃、汽车工艺等工房,教授工作室和大小沙龙等/FloorArea60,800m2,Height20-30meter.skylightsketchclassroom,sculpturehall,multi-functionroom,library,classrooms,professorstudios,salonsandworkshopsincludingpottery,glass,automobiledesign,etc,.设计单位/P r o j e c t t e a m:帕金斯·威尔建筑事务所(波士顿+北京分公司)/Perkins+Will(Boston+BeijingOffice)项目总设计师/总建筑师/P r o j e c t c h i e fd e …  相似文献   

为了更好地关注城市生态建筑发展,9月21日,中德可持续建筑节能研讨会在上海浦东汤臣洲际酒店举行。上海市副市长杨雄和德国交通、建设与城市发展联邦部部长W o l f g a n gT i e f e n s e e应邀出席研讨会,与中德建筑界业内人士共同探讨交流可持续发展战略。W o l f g a n g T i e f e n s e e部长此次访问上海期间应邀出席中德可持续建筑节能研讨会,随行的还有数位在节能建筑和节能技术运用领域经验丰富的资深专家。德国在节能建筑方面有着悠久历史和领先技术,自三十多年前就开始了对建筑物节能的研究和推广。在这次研讨会上,德国专家们…  相似文献   

第9届韩国家居装饰及绿色建材展览会(H O M D E X2007)将于2007年2月7日 ̄11日在韩国首尔C O E X太平洋展厅隆重举行。该展会的前身为韩国住宅建筑博览会(H O M D E X:H o m e T r e n d&T r a d e E x p o)。据悉,H O M D E X2007将秉承“绿色,豪华,前瞻”的一贯风格,将科技节能型建材,家居装饰材料,建筑节能保温材料,健康环保涂料,园艺景观艺术作品,智能化楼宇系统,未来智能概念房屋,数字自动化家居系统等内容展现在人们面前。展会将设田园住宅展区、建材及翻修展区、取暖制冷/通风设备展区、卫浴/供水设备展区、装修/家具展区…  相似文献   

初到英国,老师问我们对英国的第一印象是什么,我回答:安静,他流露出些许惊讶。几个月以后我去了若干个英国小镇,才明白他惊讶的理由——因为比起这些小镇,英国第二大城市伯明翰确实算不上安静。在英国的小镇游荡,斯特拉福德(Stratford-upon-Avon)、约克(York)、巴斯(B a t h)、沃里克(W a r w i c k)、温德米尔(W i n d e r m e r e)、牛津(O x f o r d)、剑桥(Cambridge)、利其菲尔德(Lichfield)……随着我探访的足迹,这些陌生的名字已超越了符号的意义。寂静、自然、和谐的氛围让我在英国的小镇中流连忘返,除了安静,英国小镇的原生态…  相似文献   

大分县医师会馆,日本大分县立图书馆,日本O一t日P r ef eeturalL{brafy,JaPan芜。3乙世界建筑11 993福冈城市银行本店,日本群马县立近代姜术馆.日太The Mu seum of Modern Art,Gu nma,J apa n.t974 ~北九州市立美术馆,日本 Ki t a k Y u s h u Ci t Y Mu se u m of A rt,J apan.1974西日本综合展示场,日We s t J a p a n Ge net a J Ex h i bi t i 0 nCente r,J apa n,197738 世界建筑1/1 993ⅧjmⅢmⅢ?jiⅡⅧiⅢjjmⅢy j%?immjm?ij昌I39巴密罗那圣约迪体育馆,西班牙Sant Jordi SPorts Ha!l,Bareelona,SPain,t990峨必介JO世…  相似文献   

项目名称:德胜尚城建设地点:北京市西城区德外大街建筑性质:办公楼设计时间:2002年~2003年建造时间:2004年~2005年建筑面积:7.2万m2建筑高度:18.35m(局部21.70m)建筑层数:地上5层(局部6层),地下2层容积率:2.10工程主持人:崔恺建筑方案:刘爱华,吴斌建筑设计:逄国伟,刘爱华,谢悦,周宇,李慧琴结构设计:施泓暖通设计:刘继兴给排水设计:邢燕丽强电设计:杨宇飞电讯设计:陈琪总图设计:白红卫景观设计:李力ProjectName:DeshengUp-townConstructionSite:DeshengmenwaiStreet,XichengDistrict,BeijingType:OfficeBuildingDesignTime:2002-200…  相似文献   

1建设部发出通知要求加强省域城镇体系规划实施工作2城镇化成为今年十大热点之一32002年全国经济适用住宅设计方案竞赛评选揭晓 体系规划实施工作的通知》c x j s @ m a i l . c i n . g o v . c n 城乡建设·2003·第4 期 陕西艺林实业有限责任公司科研人员 经过近两年时间研制开发的断热桥夹板支 承式玻璃幕墙通过了中国建筑科学研究物 理所组织的专家论证。该幕墙系统的研制 开发解决了点支式幕墙的节能问题,属国 际首创;目前已具备生产条件。 在论证会上,全国建筑幕墙、钢结构 等行业的专家学者…  相似文献   

<正>Guardian远程信息处理系统R X-30 0 e铣刨机基本铣刨宽度为0.6m、一次铣刨深度可达0.3m。该机器配有300马力的康明斯QSL 9发动机,满足T i e r 4-F i n a l排放标准。在公司的产品型谱上将替代现有的R X-400e系列。R X-300e可选装不同类型的铣刨鼓系统,包括可变宽度铣刨系统(VCS)。VCS仅通过更换铣刨鼓,而其它部件不动,即可实现不同宽度的铣刨。铣刨机也可选装Guardian远程信息处理系统(Guardian Remote Telematics),通过移动信号实时监控铣刨机的电气系  相似文献   

正Urban Sociology(2~(nd) Edition)Author:Gu Chaolin,Liu Jiayan,et al.Year:2013Publisher:Tsinghua University Press ISBN:9787302337591(446 pages,in Chinese)Urban Sociology is a textbook edited by Gu Chaolin,a wellk now n schola r of u rba n st udies i n Ch i na,a nd published by Tsinghua University Press in 2013.The first edition of this book,  相似文献   

We investigate the presence of political yardstick competition on current spending decisions in a sample of Italian municipalities. We find significant evidence of yardstick competition when we explicitly account for the domestic stability pact (DSP), a fiscal rule introduced to limit the budget deficit of local administrations. First, we estimate a static specification of a spatial panel model, and then we check for the robustness of our results with a dynamic specification. The static analysis shows that municipalities engage in yardstick competition during pre-election years, regardless of whether they are subject to the DSP or not. The dynamic analysis shows that the yardstick hypothesis remains robust only for municipalities not constrained by the DSP.  相似文献   

In many countries, governments are pushing for the introduction of competition in the organization of public services and more broadly in public procurement. The development of public–private partnerships throughout the world is a good illustration of this trend. In order to foster competition, competitive tendering through the use of auctions is now common. Nevertheless, competition for the field must be organized. Depending on the rules of the game chosen, introducing competition for the field may or may not be successful. In this paper we investigate two alternative models for organizing local public services, namely the French and the London models of urban public transport. Few competitors and collusive behaviours, with increasing costs, characterize the French model, while the London model, as far as we have seen, exhibits better results, by using the transparency of auction procedures and the discretionary power of the regulator as two complementary instruments to foster competition and prevent anti-competitive behaviours.  相似文献   

本文对我国公用事业市场化的发展逻辑进行了思考。具体到实践来说,我们应该在公用事业市场化过程中引入有限竞争,以解决公用事业市场结构的垄断问题。这种有限竞争既可以在地理空间上引入有限竞争,也可以在产权结构上引入有限竞争,同时在时间纬度上也可以引入有限竞争,即通过多纬度的调整,引入有限的竞争,从而提高公用事业的运行效率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the concepts product and price competition to describe the early and late stages of the product cycle respectively. Central regions are expected to offer locational advantages to product competing production, while the opposite is true for price competing production. Based upon this expectation we develop hypotheses concerning the characteristics of product and price competition in central and peripheral regions with regard to productivity, employment, gross profit shares, and changes in such characteristics over time. Our empirical tests show that the differences between the periphery and the central regions with regard to product and price competition are in line with our expectations.  相似文献   

本文介绍了"里约2016奥林匹克中心"城市设计国际竞赛的竞赛场地、竞赛要求、竞赛结果和竞赛启示,以及"里约2016奥林匹克中心"城市设计国际竞赛清华大学建筑学院参赛方案。方案从城市设计角度介绍了里约蛋方案构思、里约蛋与里约城、里约蛋海滩、里约蛋社区和里约蛋场馆等内容。  相似文献   

一个城市要想持续保持较强的竞争力,产业结构升级是永恒的主题.通过"产业梯度转移"、"企业生产转包"和园区集聚,可以进一步优化青岛产业的空间布局,同时促进青岛产业结构升级,使青岛经济保持较强的竞争力,并有利于实现城乡协调发展.  相似文献   

唐慧超  洪泉 《风景园林》2016,(11):114-120
介绍了美国风景园林师协会(ASLA)学生奖的奖项设置、评审机制,以及国内风景园林专业学生竞赛概况。对ASLA学生奖2005-2016年获奖作品的类型及其数量、来源院校、来源地、参赛形式、获奖学生的学历、综合设计类作品的主题进行统计分析,并与中国风景园林学会大学生设计竞赛进行对比。提出国内竞赛可参考ASLA学生奖,通过细化竞赛类别、明确评审标准、完善评审机制、加强赛后的网络展示等途径,来完善竞赛机制,推动风景园林高等教育的发展。  相似文献   

宁夏地处西部,经济发展水平相对落后,随着我国城市化进程的发展,区域竞争逐步加强。本篇通过对宁夏自治区区域竞争力现状的研究分析,明确区域竞争力在全国范围所处位置.分析了自治区在经济发展中的优势与劣势,提出了提升区域竞争力的对策思路。  相似文献   

从德国设计竞赛制度看我国的设计招标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨华 《规划师》2000,16(5):13-14
德国设计竞赛条例对设计竞赛的组织、相关人员、工作流程、竞赛任务书、预审与评奖等方面都有明确的规定。通过介绍和比较,可以看到,通过严格的设计竞赛来提供方案咨询比起通过设计招标来确定实施方案更实际有效。  相似文献   

This paper provides a perspective from two economic regulators on the way in which economic regulation in the UK has developed over time. Regulation has delivered great benefits, but its development has been at odds with expectations at the time of privatisation. In particular, effective competition has not caused regulation to ‘wither on the vine’, and be replaced with ‘normal markets’, subject to ex post interventions through competition law. This is not because of the (in)action of ‘lazy old regulators’ or because of any regulatory capture, but instead reflects the complexities of regulated sectors, their underlying economics, market structure, conduct and technology, as well as in the legislative and policy framework. Regulators can and do use competition law tools and we recognise that it is important for the health of the regime as a whole that we do. But where markets are being opened to competition the ex ante regulatory tool kit is important. And even where competition exists it may still be the case that ex ante regulatory tools provide surer, quicker benefits for consumers, and an important mechanism for securing much needed new investment. That said, it is important that we continue to make the case for economic regulation, and it is important that the regime should continue to adapt and evolve. We conclude by setting out how the formation of the UK Regulators' Network will help in doing this.  相似文献   

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