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李华 《建筑学报》2023,(8):7-16
将地方建筑和地方性建造置于中国建筑知识构筑的脉络中,以追问“地方”之于建筑学的意义为起点,从建筑生产的条件、观念塑造、生产形式、具体实践和传统建筑研究等不同的方面,回溯“地方”作为一种建筑知识是如何被理解和形塑的,并以此考查其在当代的变迁和意义,不仅是实践上的,更是在对建筑设计的知识与认识上的。  相似文献   

走向传统建筑--传统地方建筑对可持续发展建筑的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余自力 《四川建筑》2003,23(6):15-16
通过典型实例的分析,从中国传统地方建筑在气候、材料、地形等方面具有可持续发展意义的技术策略进行论述,深入探讨传统地方建筑对当代可持续发展建筑设计的启迪。  相似文献   

张彤 《新建筑》1997,(3):32-34
建筑从其产生之日起就具有地方性,地方性是建筑与生俱来的基本属性,建筑的地方风格是一个地区建筑形式与该地区的自然和社会条件相互作用并取得平衡的结果,讨论了在信息高度发达,社会生产力飞速发展的今天,建筑如何在更高层次上与环境达成切实的,并提出的“批判的地方主义”的设计思想。  相似文献   

一、中国建筑源远流长,在两千多年的漫长岁月中,它的基本体系没有大的变化,也没有消亡,直到我国封建社会末期,都能满足中国人的建筑需求。世界别的地方也有过一些古老的建筑体系,而它们不是一变再变,便是早早夭折,象中国传统建筑这般长寿的建筑体系,全世界没第二个。长时期以来,我国建筑学者对中国传统建筑做了深入的研究和阐释,成绩卓然。不过,人们对中国传统建筑的评价,似乎偏于说好的一面,对其缺点和不足之外,则少有评述。这可能同“为贤者讳”的习惯有关,这也是一种传统。实则中国过去的建筑体系是存在缺点的。譬如,中…  相似文献   

史勇 《城市开发》2005,(10):37-39
尽管近年新建居住建筑发展速度很快,但在数量上,既有建筑还是占了压倒性的优势。在既有建筑中,公共建筑的能耗又是非常大,在北京30%的公共建筑耗能占了建筑耗能的70%,其它地方的情况可能会更严重。  相似文献   

车通  王新文  艾宏波 《华中建筑》2020,38(3):127-132
民国时期,西安城市与建筑的发展特征并不清晰。通过对民国西安建筑规则在要求特点、发展动力、影响等方面的分析发现:未殖民与侵略造成建筑制度的突变是其规则前提;主要使用地方材料是西安地方建筑规则制定的客观物质条件;现代战争与瘟疫对公共安全的威胁是推动民国西安建筑规则发展的动力。近代以"本土演进"为特征的城市建筑发展,由于工业化生产力限制,更多依赖于建筑规则作为生产关系进行整体推动的发展特征。研究民国地方建筑规则的发展,不仅为认识近现代地方城市建筑的发展提供了新的视角,同时也为地方城市建筑的近现代文化遗产保护认识及保护规则的制定提供历史依据。  相似文献   

通过对印度传统建筑和现代建筑的考察,从中找出一些可供我们参考和借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

通过典型实例的分析,从中国传统地方建筑在气候、材料、地形等方面具有可持续发展意义的技术策略进行了论述,深入探讨了传统地方建筑对当代可持续发展建筑设计的启迪。  相似文献   

昭通是彝族的重要发祥地之一,彝族自古以来对昭通的政治、经济、文化影响极大,彝族上层社会的建筑为研究昭通彝族文化和历史的变迁提供了重要的实物证据。文章通过昭通晚清民国时期彝族上层社会建筑的调查,对典型建筑案例进行了概述,分析了昭通晚清民国时期彝族上层社会的建筑特征和建筑文化,希望地方历史建筑的保护能够得到加强和重视。  相似文献   

慕容  千山 《时代建筑》2003,(5):65-65
本文介绍了浙江天台博物馆的建筑设计,展示了怎样结合地方传统,及对基地和建筑基本问题的思考来营建当代地方建筑的可能性。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍北欧现代木建筑形式语言、空间界面肌理、建筑结构以及技术理念,来阐述北欧现代木建筑明显的自然性特征。  相似文献   

This paper explores demographic processes behind ethnic geographies in Oslo. We compare data for census tracts in 2001 and 2011, and decompose ethnic composition and segregation on local mobility, national migration, international migration and natural demographic change. The study comprises five national groups: Poles, Somalis, Sri Lankans, Iraqis and Pakistanis, plus aggregates for Nordic and non-Nordic residents. A key observation is that local mobility weakens the status of original settlements without a corresponding effect on levels of ethnic segregation. For several groups, local mobility increases both own-group exposure and separation from the Nordic majority. International migration, in contrast, increases spatial integration between Nordic and non-Nordic residents. Natural change accords with our expectation and strengthens both minority representation in established eastern settlements and ethnic segregation in Oslo at large. Certain features of the Oslo context, e.g. lack of multi-ethic experiences, domination of owner-occupied dwellings and redistributive policies, may explain the surprising results.  相似文献   

World Heritage (WH) sites are areas for international conservation of nature and culture with outstanding universal values. The Nordic countries possess two large landscapes with WH recognition that serve as a base for this study, the WH Laponia and the WH High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago. The WH Laponia in Sweden combines both cultural and natural value; the Norwegian area of Laponia is not designated WH, but represents an area with governmental ambitions to become an UNESCO WH site. The WH High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago (Sweden/Finland) is a serial-nominated, transnational WH site designated purely on nature merits. Within these WH sites, there are local communities and indigenous peoples with democratic rights who participate in the management of the areas and use the local resources of their natural environment.

This article analyses the processes of WH nomination and implementation of the WH Convention (1972) in the Nordic countries. It also depicts a strong Nordic tradition of transnational learning (TNL) which is also used within WH governance. The article uses comparative methods and theories of governance, co-management, transnational governance and TNL in the analysis of the transboundary WH sites. The empirical results illustrate the challenges of local democratic participation in the national and transnational decision-making regarding nomination and implementation of the WH Convention. It suggests that deficiency of democratic participation during early stages in pre-WH designation processes may be compensated by TNL. Learning between and within WH-related networks and groups, show in the Nordic perspective examples of incorporating WH stakeholders in cooperation across national borders. TNL may be restricted by cultural and legal limitations.  相似文献   

外域文明与地区自然生态要素,社会文化要素,意识形态要素之间的选择和融合形成了丰富的北欧建筑遗产,而近几年北欧建筑师在保护建筑遗产中所取得的一系列专业成就,得到了政府及公众的认可,同时也为其他领域的建筑师提供了建筑遗产保护利用的可贵经验,本文归纳列举几种保护手法及建筑遗产保护成功的个例,它们直白地叙述着建筑的历史与今日,更真切地打动着我们,我们也可从中得到深远的启示。  相似文献   

Contemporary governance has become increasingly complex, both in terms of the goals being pursued and the instruments being used to pursue those goals. This article provides a framework for understanding that complexity, based on the experiences of local governments in the Nordic region. The numerous local authorities and the numerous organizations involved in governance in this region provide a particularly important laboratory for understanding attempts to steer complex policy systems.  相似文献   

Immigrants' housing position is often explained by (lack of) resources or differences in cultural backgrounds. Recent studies have included the importance of local context. The aim of this paper is to examine Somalis' perceptions of their possibilities in four Nordic capitals' housing markets: Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm. The approach is an interview study based on immigrants' own explanations of what they strive for and how they assess the impact of local conditions and cultural background for their possibilities. We found that local context and cultural background intertwine and sometimes conflict with each other, but that the negotiation between cultural background and local context was individual. The conclusion is that local context and cultural background are important factors for understanding differences between Somalis on different housing markets, thus emphasising that local context and cultural background have to be studied together to understand perceived housing possibilities.  相似文献   

Since its inception in 1994, the Norwegian National Tourist Routes Project has become a flagship for Nordic architecture worldwide, showcasing installations by local practices along a network of historic tourist roads. The former Rector and Professor of Urbanism and Landscape at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO), Karl Otto Ellefsen , explains how the initiative has adeptly tapped into sustainability trends ‘with its emphasis on untouched nature and local authenticity’, while also strategically providing a tool for realising wider social, economic and political aims.  相似文献   

《Utilities Policy》2006,14(3):148-157
The purpose of this paper is to explore why the Nordic electricity market has worked quite well and to consider to what extent the Nordic experiences are relevant for other countries. In particular, we investigate causes as to why the Nordic market managed to withstand the supply shock in 2002–2003. A comparison is made with the California case, and the potential problem of market power abuse is investigated in particular. The relatively successful electricity market reform in the Nordic countries seems to be attributable to the followings: a simple but sound market design, a successful dilution of market power, a strong political support for deregulation and voluntary, informal commitment to public service by the power industry.  相似文献   

Risk management and risk control within the occupational environment are individual national issues in the Nordic countries. Within the area of occupational exposure limit setting there is, however, some collaboration. As an internordic project the Nordic Expert Group for Documentation of Occupational Exposure Limits was started in 1977, in order to develop scientific criteria documents. The documents are used by the five national regulatory authorities as a common scientific basis for setting national occupational exposure limits. In risk management in the Nordic countries the Nordic Expert Group deals with the scientific issues and the regulatory authorities deal with the transscientific issues, taking economical aspects and technological feasibility into account. The setting of occupational exposure limits is thus an administrative (or political) concern and the limit values are norms rather than limits between hazardous and nonhazardous concentrations. The work by the Nordic Expert Group exemplifies the fact that the scientific part of risk management can be preferentially performed on an international basis.  相似文献   

谢俊 《中外建筑》2012,(10):80-84
地域建筑设计研究就是通过选取具有典型地域特色的建筑类型,深入归纳该地域建筑类型常用的建筑手法,深入分析地域传统内在的文化特质,精辟提炼其所用的建筑符号,用以继承传统文化和开拓创新。本文以典型的徽派建筑为例,分析其以黛瓦、粉壁、马头墙为典型的建筑特征,以"三雕"为装饰特征,以高宅、深井、大厅为居家特点,通过对典型元素的抽象和提炼,利用点线面、黑白灰、有机随机的构成方式和色彩组成的分析,提炼出典型的徽派建筑符号,弘扬地域文化的保护、传承和创新,为地域建筑设计提供新的思路和创作手法。  相似文献   

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