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该文基于对广东地区气候特征及医院建筑能耗特点的调研分析,通过总结广东地区医院建筑自然通风的方法,从医院建筑整体布局、建筑平面布局和细部设计等方面,探讨广东地区医院建筑既有利于绿色节能,又能满足使用者人性化的自然通风设计策略。  相似文献   

伴随表皮概念的引入,建筑设计已突破原有的常规方式,慢慢由平面构成、体块组合、建筑空间变化等传统设计方法向建筑表皮材料的建构创新发展。建筑表皮是建筑的重要组成部分,多样的建筑表皮构成了不同的建筑外形,构成了多彩的城市建筑群。构成现代建筑的表皮的材料尤为重要,建筑表皮的材料语言包括颜色、形态以及质感,三者之间相辅相成。本文从建筑表皮的材料颜色、形态以及质地三个方面对材料语言进行了分析和探究,以期能为建筑创作提供一种重要的设计手段。  相似文献   

杭州凤凰国际大厦项目的绿色技术设计,从节能环保角度出发,综合运用被动式节能措施与主动式生态技术,包括建筑的自遮阳体形、特殊的气候调节表皮、种植屋面、太阳能光伏发电、地源热泵、节水设计等技术措施,有效降低了建筑能耗,为使用者创造一个健康、舒适、温馨而又节能的室内外环境。是将绿色技术设计运用于实践的一次尝试。  相似文献   

建筑表皮是当今建筑界关注的话题之一,文章试图从表皮概念缘起、表皮与空间、表皮与结构,表皮与材料以及表皮与时间等角度来理解建筑表皮这一概念,并希望在层层剥离表皮与其他关联因素的相互关系之后,能够更加深入地理解建筑表皮,理解它作为建筑重要组成部件之一,在建筑形态构成中可能起到的作用.由此引发我们在建筑设计创新中给予其足够的尊重和发展.  相似文献   

建筑作为城市最重要的组成部分,它们的成长驱动着城市的进步,而城市中既有的旧工业建筑因其特定功能而滞后于城市发展,它的更新是由城市公共需求所驱动的。建筑表皮作为连接城市公共空间与建筑内部空间的媒介,在很大程度上影响着旧工业建筑更新的效果,表皮更新是建筑全生命周期内的重要维护,能很好地连接城市的现在与建筑的过去。基于透明性理论与建筑表皮之间的关系,从物理透明和现象透明两个层面探讨旧工业建筑的表皮更新,并结合案例研究,提出从材料特性、建构形式、新旧共存、原真修复着手的4个旧工业建筑表皮更新基本策略。  相似文献   

节能建筑是按节能设计标准进行设计和建造,使其在使用过程中降低能耗的建筑. 绿色建筑是指为人们提供健康、舒适、安全的居住、工作和活动的空间,同时在建筑全生命周期(物料生产,建筑规划、设计、施工、运营维护及拆除过程)中实现高效率地利用资源(能源、土地、水资源、材料)、最低限度地影响环境的建筑物.绿色建筑也有人称之为生态建筑、可持续建筑.  相似文献   

火车站候车厅的热舒适度是衡量其建筑性能的重要指标,火车站作为大空间建筑其能耗巨大。如何在保证热舒适度的基础上进行被动式建筑节能设计,是亟待解决的问题。从空间设计角度出发,通过实际调研发现当前存在的关键问题,应用模拟分析和参数计算方法研究空间感受、热舒适度、建筑能耗三者量化关系,提出基于热舒适度的火车站候车厅节能设计与改造方法。  相似文献   

曹伟 《工业建筑》2001,31(12):51-54
在生态设计的时代 ,建筑师如何考虑能耗问题至关重要。在此 ,讨论了建筑能耗 ,建筑设计中的能耗与生态环境之间的关系 ,以及如何提高建筑能效。生物气候建筑是追求舒适、健康、高效率、低能耗的绿色建筑 ,是通向可持续的未来建筑。  相似文献   

在建筑历史长河中,建筑师在孜孜不倦地解决人类基本生存问题的同时.始终不懈地追求着建筑之美的释放和升华。而建筑表皮则是表现建筑的重要元素。随着建筑技术的不断突破和飞跃.建筑的表皮与空间产生了相对的独立性,已脱离了原有围护结构或建筑立面的概念.具有相当的自主性.表皮在建筑师的笔下被折叠、弯曲……在进行了各种各样的探索之后,建筑表皮逐渐具备了结构和材料的多重性。建筑师的创意使表皮设计更加自由,为建筑学带来新的空间认知与形式表现。  相似文献   

该设计充分地考虑了建筑与周边环境结合的重要性,在改造与新建的矛盾中巧妙地处理建筑与周边环境的关系,通过对武汉大学大学生活动中心设计过程的分析,从整体环境、建筑单体、以及室内外空间过渡和室内庭院“汇”、“聚”的处理的3个方面对该方案进行了阐述,表达了对大学生科技活动中心的准确诠释以及使用者的真正需求。  相似文献   

本文详尽阐述了在中国建筑产业中强劲的能源需求与能源浪费之间的矛盾,并以北京住宅为例,探讨了以合理的投入获得住宅舒适度的可能和方法。快速的经济增长促使人们对住宅的舒适度要求越来越高;但由于建筑的维护结构不能很好地适应自然,供热系统也相对粗放,达到最基本的室内环境标准往往要付出很高的代价。本文详尽地研究了建筑的维护结构、自然及建筑能耗的关系:运用国际流行的热舒适度评估软件TAS建立了深入研究建筑维护结构的模型,以维护结构中每个细小参数的变化对整体建筑能耗和舒适度影响的分项评估为基本研究方法,研究结果表明建筑维护结构的任何一个单项元素对整体能耗的影响都是有敏感区的;同时也表明任何评价都要以整体的节能水平和经济回报率为基础去衡量才有意义。  相似文献   

某游泳馆存在围护结构结露腐蚀、温湿度控制不佳等问题,分析问题出现的原因,针对游泳馆项目热舒适度要求高、散湿量大、水质要求高的特点,从提高围护结构保温性能、优化冷热源系统形式及暖通末端措施、改善泳池水处理系统卫生品质等方面提出了具体解决措施,达到节能环保的设计要求。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2004,39(3):281-287
To ensure conditions of thermal, visual and acoustic comfort in rooms with a minimum of energy consumption is of great importance for the health of the user and the energy conservation. One of the most important functions of the building envelope is, therefore, to control physical environmental factors such as heat, light and sound in order to realise defined comfort conditions for the user with a minimum of energy consumption. The objective of the present work was to develop an approach, which would allow the construction of a building envelope with optimal performance with respect to thermal, visual and acoustic comfort conditions thereby taking properties of the building envelope such as function, position, dimensions and orientation into account.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2004,39(2):143-152
Building envelope should provide visual, thermal and acoustical comfort in accordance with the function of the room. The material properties of the translucent-window- and opaque components-wall- of the building envelope and the ratio of these components are effective in the establishment of comfort conditions in an interior. The perfection of the building envelope design is highly related to the consideration of all parameters together for visual, thermal and acoustical comfort.In this article, at first basic design process to predict the building envelope providing visual, thermal and acoustical comfort, namely “optimum building envelope” is explained, then the used methodologies and some of the results of a research project named “Optimum building envelope design in terms of visual, thermal and acoustical comfort in offices” are presented.  相似文献   

The single family home market is facing increasing challenges in managing environmental issues. The required objective of building energy performance can be achieved by limiting extra cost, integrating building design, and using the most appropriate and readily available materials. However, standard computations, such as the French building energy code used here, require vocational expertise that involves managing separate processes and numerous design variables. The design is therefore restricted to well-known techniques, especially for small constructions. In this paper, the usual stakeholder constraints and possible developments in design practice are considered through the use of real product databases and vocational tools to calculate construction costs. In the first stage, which takes into account cost and energy demand, an integrated approach to building envelope design is detailed, including a semantic system to automate the process. Then an optimization method (a genetic algorithm) is proposed to assess energy performance and the cost of the building envelope. This process is illustrated as a case study for a single family house. The results highlight various optimal solution domains specific to the case study, which can be further managed through a decision support system.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2004,39(11):1327-1332
The design of a building should cover necessary investigations to provide comfort conditions, in terms of physical properties such as light, sound and heat. The acoustical comfort conditions in an architectural space significantly depend on the sound insulation performance of the building envelope. The first step in providing a building envelope which will be sufficient in terms of sound insulation, is to select the wall materials having required sound transmission loss values. The aim of this paper is to present a graphic method to determine the required minimum sound reduction index (Rtr) of building envelope components, depending on road traffic noise, room function and transparency ratio of the facade.  相似文献   

室内环境质量、节能与能源利用与暖通空调专业紧密相关的。在设计阶段,室内设计参数决定着室内环境质量,而围护结构的热工性能和暖通空调系统设计直接决定着绿色建筑中节能与能源利用。本文对绿色建筑项目中的暖通空调设计做了初步探讨,旨在为绿色建筑项目中的暖通空调设计提供一定的指导。在项目设计中,不仅需要选择节能型的设备、设计合理的系统形式,还需与建筑师共同探讨建筑围护结构的热工性能,同时还需根据项目所在地的情况做到因地制宜,切忌盲目使用可再生能源。  相似文献   

In order to improve the sustainability of buildings one of the challenges is to address the role of the building envelope as the key climate moderator between the internal and external environments. The envelope is exposed to the elements and needs to control air exchange as well as sunlight and sound passing through to the occupants. Therefore, it has a major impact not only on the energy utilisation within the space it controls but also on the quality of comfort. However, inside highly glazed modern buildings, achieving good comfort is often at the cost of high-energy consumption. Therefore, in the light of ever increasing energy costs, improved façade design can contribute to a reduction of operational costs. The aim of this paper is to explore technical, economic, environmental and indoor comfort implications of emerging glazing technologies for energy control of highly glazed buildings in arid Middle Eastern climates, which is one of the harshest climates for this building type. The work includes predictions through thermal simulation of the impact of electrochromic glazing, holographic optical elements (HOE), aerogel glazing and thin film photovoltaics on two example buildings. Potential reductions in cooling demand are assessed.  相似文献   

A courtyard is an architectural design element which is often known as microclimate modifiers and is responsible to increase the indoor occupant comfort in traditional architecture. The aim of this study is to conduct a parametric evaluation of courtyard design variants in a residential building of different climates with a focus on indoor thermal comfort and utility costs. A brute-force approach is applied to generate a wide range of design alternatives and the simulation workflow is conducted by Grasshopper together with the environmental plugins Ladybug and Honeybee. The main study objective is the evaluation of the occupant thermal comfort in an air-conditioned residential building, energy load, and cost analysis, derived from different design variables including courtyard geometry, window-to-wall ratio, envelope materials, heating, and cooling set-point dead-bands, and building geographical location. Furthermore, a Deep Learning model is developed using the inputs and outputs of the simulation and analysis to transform the outcomes into the algorithmic and tangible environment feasible for predictive applications. The results suggest that regarding the thermal loads, costs, and indoor thermal comfort index (PMV), there are high correlations between the outdoor weather variation and dead-band ranges, while in extreme climates such as Singapore, courtyard spaces might not be efficient enough as expected. Finally, the highly accurate deep learning model is also developed, delivering superior predictive capabilities for the thermal comfort and utility costs of the courtyard designs.  相似文献   

Adaptive building envelope systems have the potential of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the energy flexibility of buildings, while maintaining high levels of indoor environmental quality. The development of such innovative materials and technologies, as well as their real-world implementation, can be enhanced with the use of building performance simulation (BPS). Performance prediction of adaptive facades can, however, be a challenging task and the information on this topic is scarce and fragmented. The main contribution of this review article is to bring together and analyse the existing information in this field. In the first part, the unique requirements for successful modelling and simulation of adaptive facades are discussed. In the second part, the capabilities of five widely used BPS tools are reviewed, in terms of their ability to model energy and occupant comfort performance of adaptive facades. Finally, it discusses various ongoing trends and research needs in this field.  相似文献   

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