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赵慎中  宋珪 《山西建筑》2011,37(30):51-52
利用国际上流行与通用的ModFlow渗流数值模拟计算软件,建立该地块地下水渗流数值模型,并对渗流数值模型进行参数识别,确定微承压含水层的水文地质参数(k和ss),进而利用该数值模型确定抽水试验期间地下水渗流场的时空分布规律,为今后类似工程的数值模拟提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

就单裂隙非饱和水力参数的试验测定和数值模拟确定、单裂隙非饱和渗流的机理、有地表入渗的裂隙岩体饱和非饱和渗流数值分析以及地表入渗对岩坡稳定性的影响等方面展开了较为深入的研究,并将上述研究成果应用于实际大型工程问题的分析中。主要内容如下:(1)借鉴前人的研究成果,基于动力法原理(即逐次建立水相和气相之间的稳定流动状态),首次研制出一套可同时测定单裂隙毛细压力-饱和度以及非饱和渗透系数-毛细压力关系的实验装置,并提出一种用该实验装置来测定单裂隙非饱和水力参数的物模试验法,使得通过试验来测定单裂隙非饱和水力参数成为可能。(2)运用分形几何和蒙特卡洛模拟等理论,提出一种更合理的确定单裂隙非饱和水力参数的数值试验法,并开发相应的模拟程序。由于该法在生成裂隙充水域时考虑了水和气的“圈闭”效应,故能模拟出裂隙排水与吸水过程间客观存在的滞后现象,这是以往数值试验法所不能做到的。(3)把裂隙岩体等效力连续介质来处理,建立有地表入渗的裂隙岩体饱和非饱和渗流的数学模型。以Galerkin有限元法为模拟手段,研制了相应的算法,并编制了考虑地表入渗的三维饱和非饱和渗流有限元计算程序SUSS3D。算例分析表明,上述模型和计算程序是合理可行的。(4)引入非饱和土的抗剪强度理论,运用刚体极限平衡法,研制出了地表入渗影响下的央坡稳定性验算程序ZSLP。该程序考虑了非饱和带基质吸力对央体抗剪强度的贡献以及暂态附加水荷载的不利作用,使计算结果更贴近实际。(5)将上述研究成果应用于小湾电站水垫塘区岸坡降雨入渗分析,溪洛渡电站水垫塘区岸坡雾化雨入渗分析以及雾化雨入渗对溪洛渡电站水垫塘区岸坡稳定性的影响等实际工程问题的研究。结果表明:地表入渗确会给边坡稳定带来不利的影响,并且本文的模型和计算程序均是合理可行的。  相似文献   

要实现饱和-非饱和土体的水-气二相流-固耦合作用的数值模拟,关键是如何实现渗流场与应力场的耦合,目前,松弛耦合方法不仅精度能够满足一般的工程要求,而且求解方法易于实现,是多相流-固耦合问题研究的主要方向。本研究根据松弛耦合原理,利用TOUGH2/EOS3来模拟水-气二相渗流过程;利用FLAC3D来模拟土体变形;基于水-气二相渗流过程与力学过程的相互影响,给出饱和度-密度、孔隙水压力和气压力-有效应力、体积应变-孔隙率、孔隙率-固有渗透率,以及孔隙率-毛细压力等状态变量之间的耦合关系式;利用C++控制TOUGH2、FLAC3D在流固耦合过程中的有序运行并利用耦合关系式传递相关状态变量,以实现对水-气二相流-固耦合作用的模拟。利用该模型对一现场压气试验进行模拟,通过模型计算值与实测值的对比,验证了模型的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

应力场与渗流场耦合是影响水封式地下储油洞库群稳定性的重要因素之一。洞库群的开挖导致形成区域地下水降落漏斗,因此储库水封系统必须保证稳定的地下水位。以“黄岛地下水封洞库工程”的设计方案为模型,基于流固耦合分析理论,采用有限差分软件Flac3D进行数值模拟,主要分析了饱和水状态下,渗流场对洞库周围围岩应力、位移变形和孔隙水压力的影响,并确定合理的水封方案和最优的水封巷道高度。文中所得结论对实际地下洞库群的设计施工具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

岩体中饱和–非饱和渗流、应力耦合行为对工程岩体的强度和稳定性有十分重要的影响。基于粘土岩实验室非饱和渗流试验的结果,将考虑塑性应变硬化的非饱和渗流、应力耦合模型、Hoek-Brown非饱和渗流、应力耦合模型应用于模拟某粘土岩竖井,研究其在开挖、通风、衬砌支护及长期运营期围岩内渗流从初始饱和→非饱和→近饱和的过程,以及竖井的非饱和流动区域大小对水力学参数(Biot固结系数、饱和度与毛细孔隙压力、水相的相对渗透系数与饱和度)的敏感性。结果表明:水力学参数对非饱和渗流的影响区域非常显著,尤其是水相的相对渗透系数与饱和度的关系。力学模型的差异对非饱和区的影响几乎可以忽略不计。  相似文献   

利用Flac3D有限差分软件渗流模块,基于现场地质钻孔实测渗流参数和地下水位线,建立三维地质渗流数值模型,研究了隧道围岩初始状态下的地下水渗流场分布规律、隧道开挖前后渗流场变化规律以及施工期隧道涌水量,模拟计算结果对裂隙发育、富水地层地下工程防排水设计具有参考意义。  相似文献   

根据实验室粘土岩非饱和渗流实验的结果,将考虑塑性应变硬化、Hoek-Brown和Mohr-Coulomb 3种非饱和渗流应力耦合模型应用于模拟某粘土岩竖井,研究了粘土岩在开挖、通风、衬砌支护及长期运营期,围岩内渗流从初始饱和→非饱和→近饱和的过程以及地应力和水力学参数(Biot系数、饱和度与毛细孔隙水压力关系、水相的相对渗透系数与饱和度关系)对围岩内的非饱和流动区域大小的影响.计算结果表明,水力学参数对非饱和渗流的影响区域非常显著,尤其是对水相的相对渗透系数与饱和度的关系的影响.  相似文献   

 初始渗流场分析是水封式地下石油储备库设计中的重要内容和先决条件,现场压水试验只能提供较准确的各向同性渗透系数,而不能反映各向异性的渗透特征。结合大连地下石油储备库工程,提出一种基于随机节理网络模拟技术反演岩体各向异性渗透特征的方法。首先,采用三维离散元程序3DEC内置的Fish语言,直接生成不同尺寸的三维节理网络模型,通过推导的判别式来统计模型中各组节理的个数及产状信息。其次,利用裂隙介质的渗透张量理论计算不同尺寸的岩体渗透张量,进而确定节理岩体的表征体元(REV)。根据现场压水试验实测资料,修正节理岩体的渗透张量,再利用Matlab软件计算渗透主值及渗透特征向量。最后,考虑渗透系数的空间正交各向异性,采用FLAC3D的Fl_anisotropic的渗流模型反演库区的初始渗流场,为水封式地下石油储备库水幕设计及稳定性分析提供较合理的初始渗流场条件。  相似文献   

粘土岩饱和-非饱和渗流应力耦合模型及数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩体中饱和-非饱和渗流、应力耦合行为对工程岩体的强度和稳定性有十分重要的影响。基于粘土岩实验室非饱和渗流试验的结果,将考虑塑性应变硬化的非饱和渗流、应力耦合模型、Hoek—Brown非饱和渗流、应力耦合模型应用于模拟某粘土岩竖井,研究其在开挖、通风、衬砌支护及长期运营期围岩内渗流从初始饱和→非饱和→近饱和的过程,以及竖井的非饱和流动区域大小对水力学参数(Biot固结系数、饱和度与毛细孔隙压力、水相的相对渗透系数与饱和度)的敏感性。结果表明:水力学参数对非饱和渗流的影响区域非常显著,尤其是水相的相对渗透系数与饱和度的关系。力学模型的差异对非饱和区的影响几乎可以忽略不计。  相似文献   

基于离散颗粒模型的含间隙水颗粒材料液-固耦合分析,发展了Darcy渗流模型。应用特征线SPH方法求解液相,建立饱和与非饱和颗粒材料渗流模型的数值模型。数值例题给出饱和颗粒材料结构物在位移加载条件下的破坏模式及间隙水Darcy速度与水压力分布,并进一步模拟降雨条件下非饱和颗粒材料结构物的瞬态渗流过程,显示该模型模拟含间隙水颗粒材料结构物液-固耦合及变形的良好性能。  相似文献   

Geotextiles have been widely used in soil structures for separation, filtration, reinforcing, and drainage. They are often used to provide reinforcement and drainage for retaining walls and embankments. It has been reported, however, that geotextiles may not drain water as effectively as was initially expected. In this study, published data on the hydraulic properties of unsaturated geotextiles are compiled and analyzed in order to highlight the hydraulic characteristics of unsaturated geotextiles.

The application of the van Genuchten equations originally developed for the water characteristic curve and the hydraulic conductivity curve of unsaturated soil to unsaturated geotextiles is then examined and discussed. Finally, the drainage from a one-dimensional sand column having a horizontal geotextile layer was analyzed using the finite element method and the van Genuchten equations to assess the utility of this procedure for further study of unsaturated/saturated water flow within the soil–geotextile system.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional finite-element model for the simultaneous solution of the transport of water and radionuclides in a nonhomogeneous anisotropic aquifer under saturated and unsaturated flow conditions is presented. The adsorption mechanism is described by a linear equilibrium isotherm. The model allows for a variety of boundary conditions; e.g. infiltration, drainage or evaporation. The solution to these equations is obtained through a Galerkin-type finite-element method using linear quadrilateral and triangular isoparametric elements, respectively. The model was tested by comparing predictive values with analytical solutions and experimental results for transient flow. Use of the model is illustrated by the analysis of the movement of hypothetical three-membered radionuclide decay chains leaching from the tailings pond of a typical uranium mill.  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场渗沥液水位壅高及工程控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 我国垃圾填埋场渗沥液水位普遍壅高,严重影响安全运行。测试和总结垃圾的持水特性、饱和渗透系数以及渗沥液导排层渗透和淤堵特性。通过数值分析,揭示垃圾初始含水率、持水特性以及垃圾和导排层渗透系数对填埋场水位的影响规律。结果表明,垃圾饱和渗透系数随深度和龄期减小、导排层淤堵、垃圾初始含水率高导致水位明显壅高;而垃圾饱和渗透系数较小时,堆体内易形成局部滞水。结合实际工程,验证数值模拟结果,提出并实施水位壅高控制的工程措施,效果十分显著。  相似文献   

一种确定裂隙非饱和水力参数的数值模拟法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据裂隙面分形维数、裂隙面位错值和裂隙面上的面积接触率 ,用随机布朗函数生成裂隙的开度分布。基于裂隙局域为平行平板的假定 ,把裂隙面离散成许多等大小的正方形网格 ,对裂隙排水和吸水时的非饱和渗流过程进行了数值模拟。根据不同毛细压力下裂隙饱和度和非饱和渗透系数的模拟结果整理出了裂隙排水和吸水曲线 (即毛细压力 -饱和度的关系曲线 )以及减饱和、增饱和时的非饱和渗透系数 -毛细压力的关系曲线。模拟结果与试验结果的定性比较表明用本文方法来确定岩体裂隙非饱和水力参数是切实可行的。  相似文献   

Woven geotextiles are often to be used in roadways for reinforcement purposes due to their higher tensile strengths. In the design of a woven geotextile for practical applications, the focus is mainly put on its reinforcing effect, while its hydraulic behaviors are not major design parameters and the influence of hydraulic properties on the reinforcing effect is often ignored. However, woven geotextiles are predominantly made of polypropylene and polyester, which are hydrophobic. This characteristic can result in a capillary break effect which it is equivalent to raise the ground water table to the location where the geotextile is installed. Numerous researchers have reported that the moisture storage from a capillary break effect can be detrimental to the long-term performance of a pavement structure. Until now, no method is available to effectively resolve this issue.Recently a new type of wicking geotextile is produced which has the capability to laterally drain excess water in a roadway under both saturated and unsaturated conditions. Several field applications demonstrated its potential in improving pavement performance. This paper attempted to investigate the working mechanism of the wicking geotextile through numerical studies and quantify the benefits of the wicking geotextile in term of drainage performance in a pavement structure. A numerical model was developed and validated using column test results from existing literature. After that the drainage performance of the wicking geotextile under different working conditions was simulated and evaluated.  相似文献   

A predictive screening model was developed for fate and transport of viruses in the unsaturated zone by applying the final value theorem of Laplace transformation to previously developed governing equations. A database of input parameters allowed Monte Carlo analysis with the model. The resulting kernel densities of predicted attenuation during percolation indicated very small, but finite probabilities of failure for all homogeneous USDA classified soils to attenuate reovirus 3 by 99.99% in one-half meter of gravity drainage. The logarithm of saturated hydraulic conductivity and water to air-water interface mass transfer coefficient affected virus fate and transport about 3 times more than any other parameter, including the logarithm of inactivation rate of suspended viruses.Model results suggest extreme infiltration events may play a predominant role in leaching of viruses in soils, since such events could impact hydraulic conductivity. The air-water interface also appears to play a predominating role in virus transport and fate. Although predictive modeling may provide insight into actual attenuation of viruses, hydrogeologic sensitivity assessments for the unsaturated zone should include a sampling program.  相似文献   

The Richards’ equation describes the flow phenomenon in unsaturated porous media and is essential to hydrology and environmental science. This study evaluated the numerical stability of two different forms of the Richards’ equation. Sensitivity analyses were performed to investigate the control parameters of the equation. The results show that the h-form Richards’ equation has better applicability for calculating variable saturation flows than the θ-form Richards’ equation. For the h-form Richards’ equation, the hydraulic conductivity of the soil in the low-suction range and the specific moisture capacity in the high-suction range primarily influenced the solution. In addition, sensitivity analyses indicated that the saturated hydraulic conductivity, initial condition, and air-entry pressure have a higher sensitivity to the simulation results than the saturated water content, rainfall intensity, and decline rate of hydraulic conductivity. Moreover, their correctness needs to be guaranteed first in numerical simulations. The research findings can provide a helpful reference for improving the reliability of numerical simulations of unsaturated flows.  相似文献   

HYDRUS-1D was used to simulate water flow and leaching of fecal coliforms and bromide (Br) through six undisturbed soil lysimeters (70 cm depth by 50 cm diameter) under field conditions. Dairy shed effluent (DSE) spiked with Br was applied to the lysimeters, which contained fine sandy loam layers. This application was followed by fortnightly spray or flood water irrigation. Soil water contents were measured at four soil depths over 171 days, and leachate was collected from the bottom. The post-DSE period simulations yielded a generally decreased saturated water content compared to the pre-DSE period, and an increased saturated hydraulic conductivity and air-entry index, suggesting that changes in soil hydraulic properties (e.g. via changes in structure) can be induced by irrigation and seasonal effects. The single-porosity flow model was successful in simulating water flow under natural climatic conditions and spray irrigation. However, for lysimeters under flood irrigation, when the effect of preferential flow paths becomes more significant, the good agreement between predicted and observed water contents could only be achieved by using a dual-porosity flow model. Results derived from a mobile-immobile transport model suggest that compared to Br, bacteria were transported through a narrower pore-network with less mass exchange between mobile and immobile water zones. Our study suggests that soils with higher topsoil clay content and soils under flood irrigation are at a high risk of bacteria leaching through preferential flow paths. Irrigation management strategies must minimize the effect of preferential flow to reduce bacterial leaching from land applications of effluent.  相似文献   

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