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现代人对居住空间的要求越来越高,尤其是强调人性化的居住环境,强调“绿色“与环保的生存空间,都希望自己的居住环境充满温馨与和谐,达到“自然”的生存状态。然而,许多居住空间的设计所追求的“人性化“大多体现在表面形式方面,“绿色”设计也仅是关注装饰材料的环保性能,本文所探讨的是人性化设计在居住空间中的具体体现.强调人性化设计的具体内容,创造出实实在在的.有益于人们健康的人性化生活环境。  相似文献   

本项目是以STM32F407为主控芯片设计的一款人性化的智能风扇。具备室温调速功能、语音调速功能、APP调速功能。除此之外,还具备人体感应开关功能。最终形成了这款智能风扇。  相似文献   

此论文所提出用单片机和ISD1420语音芯片实现的录放功能,其基本原理是将语音系统进行录音和放音。其中关键的技术在于:控制录音主要有两个数据:录音的开始地址和录音的时间。控制着两个数据就能在录音时实现将语音存入不同的地址中。注意,REC信号将被延迟50ms,以防止开关抖动引起重复触发,从而就能确保语音回放的可靠性质量。  相似文献   

“人性化”汽车——世界领先的汽车安全智能化技术介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现今,随着汽车的家庭化.人们对汽车安全性能的要求已经越来越高。一提起行车安全设备大家会想到安全带、ABS、EBD.其实这些都是初级技术.目前.国际先进的安全性配置已经发展到非常“智能”的阶段.计算机等高科技的应用使得汽车越来越“人性化”。  相似文献   

随着建筑设计行业的发展,人们对于建筑空间的设计要求越来越高,同时对绿色环保的要求也高。因此,设计中要体现人的感情需求,实现人性化设计的宗旨。本文针对人性化的设计要求进行了具体的讨论。  相似文献   

针对接触式IC卡技术的接触问题以及有源工作,采取射频识别技术与IC卡技术相结合的方法,解决了IC卡技术接触性的问题,实现IC卡的非接触使用与无源工作的功能,并在此基础上附加语音播报功能。文章主要研究的带语音功能的识读器是以射频识别技术为基础,MIFARE卡作为识读器识别的对象、根据ISO14443A协议、采用非接触式IC卡常用的读写芯片MFRC522作为读写模块核心芯片,以WT588作为语音播报芯片,STC89C52单片机作为主控芯片来达到设计要求的。  相似文献   

功率计算是电梯设计的基础设计依据之一。与其关系密切的电动机、变频器两大部件也是关系电梯整体性能的重要决定因素。垂直电梯的功率校核主要考虑曳引机、变频器及制动电阻的选用是否符合实际使用要求。对于电动机主要是堵转转矩及最大转矩的限制要求,对于变频器则是其最大输出电流的限制要求,对于制动电阻则是要求及时将电梯做的负功转化为热能散发到外部环境。  相似文献   

“一站式购物理念”越来越迎合现代人的购物需求.家庭成员的组合购物模式要求设计者和营运商在更多的设计环节中日趋的人性化。2007年,纳索公司优先为凯家衣(KIABI)在中国南京地区的首家概念店做设计。  相似文献   

由于现代工业自动化的控制中对电机转速和设备的控制的灵活性,要求越来越高,而变频器和 PLC 在这两个方面有着突出的优点,本文就是论述如何用变频器、PLC 控制设计的电机调速系统。  相似文献   

针对旅游园区短距离点对点和组播语音通信需求,采用ISD4004语音芯片和基于WSN规范CC2431芯片构建无线通信终端。主要通过基于ISD4004与CC2431的接口电路、键盘控制电路和信息显示电路的移动通信终端硬件设计,基于CC2430的参考节点设计,以及通过IAR开发工具改写WSN协议栈和WSN定位算法等软件设计,完成了一种基于WSN的无线短距离区域性语音通信终端的设计。该终端具有自主定位并语音播报景点信息以及游客间点对点和点对多点语音通信功能,为游客定位导航及语音通信提供服务。  相似文献   

The structural contingency perspective has been widely used in information systems development (ISD) project risk management research. This paper develops an integrative model to explore the moderating effects of uncertainty on the relationship between risk management and IS development project performance from a vendor perspective, rather than the client perspective that is mainly employed in the literature. A survey-based research design is used to collect data to test the proposed model. The results reveal that project uncertainty can moderate the effects of project planning and control on process performance and the effects of user participation on product performance. More specifically, the results indicate that project planning and control makes a greater contribution to process performance when there is a low level of inherent uncertainty and that user participation makes a greater contribution to product performance when there is a high level of inherent uncertainty. The results of this study contribute to a more acute understanding of the contingency approach to ISD project risk management.  相似文献   

从年产量在500万m^2以上改性沥青防水卷材生产线的实际工作情况、生产工艺及生产企业的要求出发.介绍了变频器在自动卷毡机中应用的必要性、工作机理及其特点,指出使用变频器后自动卷毡机具有独特的优点.运行效果良好。  相似文献   

The high complexity nature of current contemporary software makes team a popular work style in information system development (ISD) projects. ISD is a knowledge intensive process which requires members to exchange and coordinate knowledge resources effectively. However, it is reported that ISD projects often failed because of coordination breakdown and insufficient knowledge exchange resulting from ineffective communication among team members. This highlights the importance of understanding how to enhance those knowledge-oriented teamwork activities. Drawing on this issue, this study aims at exploring the critical role of transactive memory system (TMS) on teamwork processes and performance. Data collected from 236 IS personnel confirmed our hypotheses that having a mature TMS can effectively enhance performance directly, and indirectly through improving communication and coordination process. Lastly, discussions of the results and implications toward practitioners and academia are provided.  相似文献   

Geosynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported (GRPS) embankments are becoming more and more popular as this technique showed good performances in practice. Various design methods were introduced to analyze GRPS embankments. However, the applicability of these design methods was not always fully validated. This paper focuses on the review of projects containing field observations of GRPS embankments. The comparison results showed that the assumptions related to the subsoil support, geosynthetic, arching shape, and its evolution are not consistent in the analytical methods. Comparison results with twenty-five full-scale cases and six series of experiments emphasize that these available design methods produce significantly different results in predicting loads transfer mechanism. The analytical models predict arching for cohesionless fill better that for cohesive fill soils. Besides, the analytical methods which consider subsoil support such as the CUR226 and EBGEO methods give results that are in a better agreement with experimental data as compared to other methods which do not consider the subsoil support. The CUR226 (2016) analytical model seems to be able to give the best performance with measured data when compared to other design methods. Finally, the results pointed out that the limit equilibrium model is adequate and has good performance.  相似文献   

基于PROFIBUS总线技术的变频恒压供水控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高楼建筑行业供水的特点,采用先进的PROFIBUS总线技术和变频器,设计了变频恒压供水系统,阐述了总线系统的拓扑结构与组成,重点分析了水泵电机循环投切的设计原理、工作过程以及管压恒定的实现方法,详细讨论了变频器从站在PROFIBUS系统中的建立方法,给出了MM变频器的控制字与状态字的数据格式。该设计方法是一种先进的恒压供水设计方法,具有较大的推广价值。  相似文献   

A half-deck bulb tee (HBT) girder, which is an unusual concept for pre-stressed concrete girders, was developed and tested for a long span application. The purpose of the test was to simplify the construction process and increase structural performance by optimising the cross sections and improving the efficiency of the tendon profile. In this study, a full-scale HBT girder, with a length of 60 m and depth of 2.3 m, which includes the .1 m depth of the half-deck, was fabricated and tested to analyse its structural performance. The data observed from the flexural loading tests were evaluated by comparing with the results of finite element analysis (FEA). The tested HBT girder specimen was expected to be sufficiently safe for actual bridge design because it satisfied construction code requirements. The initial cracking load observed during the experiment (1400 kN) was accurately predicted by FEA (1420 kN) and theory (1301 kN). Therefore, the developed HBT girder has sufficient and predictable flexural strength.  相似文献   

王彬 《山西建筑》2002,28(10):107-108
加入WTO后,建筑设计行业面临着更加开放的市场,论述了勘察设计单位如何加强科技信息的发展战略,使技术创新、新产品、新工艺、新材料等科技信息更好地为建筑业服务。  相似文献   

许淳然 《工业建筑》1997,27(9):17-18,26
通过论述冷轧车间自然通风设计及通风天窗选型的重要性,结合宝钢1420冷轧工程的实例,介绍了一种墙壁式通风天窗,对其特点进行了论述,提出了在具体运用时的方法。  相似文献   

南京民国建筑由于其兼具卓越的历史文化价值和现实的再利用性而成为南京城市发展中不可多得的建筑资源。本文基于典型案例的调研发现有些民国建筑的建筑性能已经很差,无法为居民提供起码的使用舒适度,而且其物理性能已无法通过简单的修缮和出新来提高,必须进行建筑性能的提升设计。进而,本为对于民国建筑性能提升设计的具体方法进行研究,从建筑设计层面的改善和技术设计层面的提高两个方面详细探讨的相应的设计方法,并通过量化分析对于相应设计方法的效能进行检验和研究。  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a new instructional design (ISD) to promote building energy simulation (BES) education. The study is based upon education fundamentals combined with computer-based learning and hypermedia to enable the development of a BES-based distance learning system. Some cognitive tools are established such as: (i) an interdisciplinary knowledge tree of BES that can be used by professionals with different backgrounds; (ii) a hypermedia navigational aid to understand the simulation software, called the BES tool graphic organizer; (iii) a concept map with an overview of building energy performance and (iv) a cooperative problem-based learning (CPBL) environment. Furthermore, the paper also brings an analysis of the students’ comprehension – from a course applied across Brazil – by means of concept network graphs from text mining provided by the CPBL environment, showing a significant potential to develop interdisciplinary e-learning related to building energy efficiency.  相似文献   

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