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王伟 《建筑工人》2002,(6):42-44
由于历史的原因,布依族过去只有语言没有文字。千百年来,布依族人民不仅以民族语言作为主要的交际工具,发展生产,创造物质财富,而且还利用民族语言创作了丰富多彩的民间口头文学。布依族民间文学,题材广泛,形式多样,有神话、传说、故事、童话、寓言、笑话、民歌、谚语、谜语等。这些民间文学,在布依族地区世代口耳相传,是布依族人民宝贵的文化遗产和精神财富。  相似文献   

近年来,各地对城市建设非常重视,把城市规划、城市建设、城市管理当作大事来抓,编制了高标准高起点的城市发展规划,加大工作措施,加大投资力度,多渠道筹集资金,大搞新城开发和旧城改造,城市建设得到了飞速发展,市容市貌发生了具大变化。宽绰的马路四通八达,各种建设错落有致,造型美观.格调新颖;水、电、暖、通讯等设施配套齐全,街头绿地,马路两边、河流两岸,公园点、线、面相结合的绿化.美化净化了城市,华丽的不夜城、花灯街更为城市增添了几分亮丽的色彩。然而城市的消防基础设施建设却成了被人们所遗忘的角落,与城市建…  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,人们的用电量不断增加,变压器的作用亦越来越大,由变压器引发的火灾也日趋增多,有效预防变压器火灾越来越重要。 输配电用的变压器中,最常见的为油浸电力变压器,主要由铁芯、线圈、油箱、散热器、绝缘套管、防爆管(安全气道)、油表和吸湿器等部件组成。油浸电力变压器内部的绝缘衬垫和支架,大多采用纸板、棉纱、布、木材等有机可燃物质,并有大量的绝缘油,变压器内部一旦发生严重过载、短路,可燃的绝缘材料和绝缘油就会受高温和电弧作用,分解、膨胀以致气化,使变压器内部的压力急剧增加,重则造成外…  相似文献   

朝九晚五,四季恒温,个格子问,一个显示器,一大堆文件,做不完的事情。工作中你怏乐吗?现代快节奏的上班生活,压得我们喘不过气,我们头疼、疲劳、失眠、消化不良、腰酸背痛,时常感到困惑、沮丧、厌烦、焦虑、无能为力,坏情绪让我们心境涌上乌云,沉重的身体和精神压力急需舒解与放松……我们需要在工作中寻找快乐!  相似文献   

陆士虎  单瑾 《中国电梯》2007,18(24):66-69
“溪上玉楼楼上月,清光合作水晶宫”,是古人对南浔的诗性写照。虽然点出了“水晶官”的由来,但总觉得有点不着边际。溪水、楼台、明月,何处不能见?倒是作家、诗人徐迟在《江南小镇》一书中,对“水晶官”作了比较贴切的注释:“从帆船竹筏,菱藕鱼虾,到木石津梁,以至两岸树林、行人、街坊,没有不是被水波荡漾着,被波光亮亮地闪耀,并似从三棱镜中,折射出虹彩来的。”  相似文献   

戴复东 《华中建筑》2006,24(2):5-11
该文就建立“为人、求精、创新、动人”的广义建筑创作观,指出了在设计工作中,应当重视“合理、合情、合法”的创作原则,并在一系列亲身实践中一一印证。最后,笔者指出,我们在展开建筑评论时应该采取严肃、严格、宽容的态度  相似文献   

白蚁药剂的发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
白蚁(Termite)是世界性五大害虫之一(蝇、蜱、蚊子、粘虫和白蚁),总数不少于2500种,遍布全世界,特别是热带、亚热带国家,为害面积约占全球总面积的50%(李桂祥,戴自荣和李栋,1989)。在我国,截止到1992年统计,白蚁种类已达482种,除新疆、宁夏、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林等6个省、自治区外,其余地方均有分布。  相似文献   

城市生活,包括就业、上学、购物、休闲娱乐等,都有赖于交通。所有的市民,包括弱势群体,都有这方面的需求,并且有权得到保障。只有建立一个高效、便捷、安全、可靠、环境友好,覆盖全市的公共交通系统,才能形成一个良好的交通环境,保持城市的活力,促进经济发展。  相似文献   

“上有天堂,下有苏杭”“山清水秀出佳人”“食在广州,生在苏州”“宁听苏州人吵架,不听宁波人讲话”……这些民间流传久远的说法真谛何在?四月底,广东已是初夏,苏杭还是浓春,省注册建筑师协会组织我们到苏杭地区考察,七天时间,经杭州、苏州、张家港、南京、无锡、上海,行程一千多公里,走马观花,略见一斑,意会到民间流传的说法有深远的地理自然因素和历史渊源,现代人应据此作出一个结论:人类要提高素质首先要提高生存环境的质量。出了杭州城区,从嘉兴至苏州,公路沿着京杭运河,二个多小时的车程,一望无垠,令人心旷神。冶…  相似文献   

牛传玲 《园林》2004,(10):22-23
地被植物是园林中的功能植物,能解决环境绿化和美化中许多实际问题,如护坡,保持水土,节约养护成本,时间等,它们的美是群体的美,自然的美,从色彩,形式和质地均显示出它们无以取代的魅力。地被植物种类繁多,有草本类、灌木类、藤本类、蕨类、竹类等。  相似文献   

章晶晶  卢山 《华中建筑》2012,(5):181-182
随着信息技术的发展,GIS在风景园林专业中的运用越来越广泛。如何在有限的学时结合专业特点组织安排课程体系使学生最大限度地掌握GIS并为设计所用是教育者首要解决的问题。该文首先提出了该课程教学体系设置的三个原则,并按此原则在课程设置、开课时间、课程评价等方面进行了总结。  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市景观分析与规划   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王全  李晓晖  徐建刚 《中国园林》2004,20(11):25-27
传统的风景园林规划方法存在着许多不足,而GIS在景观分析与规划方面的应用取得了很好的效果,尤其是三维GlS的应用前景比较广阔.国外对这方面的研究较多,而我国刚处于起步阶段.把相关的理论和模型构筑于GIS平台上,对南京莫愁湖公园的景观环境进行了分析和规划方面的探讨,研究结果对该景观体系的保护具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This research was carried out on the montane belt of a south-exposed watershed in the Intermediary Alps which have been hit by agriculture abandonment. The aim of the study was to study the relationships between vegetation, landscape mosaic, and two kinds of animals using this space at different scales: roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and earthworms (lumbricids). Landscape dynamics (post-cultural recolonisation) and landscape structure have been approached by means of the Arc/Info geographical information system (GIS). Several methods used to study on one hand roe deer distribution, and, on the other, earthworm abundance and diversity are developed. Of these, in particular, GIS processing is used to sample earthworms according to vegetation dynamics, and roe deer distribution is related to landscape heterogeneity. Earthworms are more abundant and diversified in the key steps of vegetation dynamics. These lumbricids can be considered as functional indicators of these dynamics. Results also demonstrate that both the vegetation type and the landscape heterogeneity have a direct influence on the use of the space by the roe deer. They show themselves to be structural indicators of the landscape.  相似文献   

何昉  李辉  锁秀 《风景园林》2013,(6):103-105
本文以中国传统的自然观对现代发展的启发为出发点,结合深圳大鹏新区的绿道规划,融入中国传统的风景审美思想,综合考虑生态格局、景观风貌和风景差异性,尝试采用GIS与层次分析法结合,对传统风景审美的理论进行量化综合评价,为建设特色绿道提供依据,为新时期健康城镇化发展寻求人文关怀的回归。  相似文献   

卢圣 《中国园林》2006,22(2):62-65
总结了现在应用于园林数字地形建模的一些基本方法,同时对其在园林中的应用进行了综述。绘图软件中地形生成方法各具特色,其中一些能够形成很自然的地形外观,很好地表现景观。GIS技术的应用使得园林数字地形建模可以从地理建模中细分出来,所以园林数字地形的研究具有很高的实用价值和广阔的应用领域。  相似文献   

The paper presents a case study for the application of satellite remote sensing and GIS data and methods in the context of habitat monitoring and landscape assessment at different scales. The range of work covers the production of overview maps for land covers, techniques of classification for detailed habitat maps, change detection as a management support tool for the updating of existing habitat databases and an integrative GIS model to delineate habitat suitability for key species. Furthermore the role of comprehensive indicators and historical satellite data in investigating landscape change over two decades on a regional scale is discussed. Future activities for transferring the respective approaches onto a pan-European scale are presented in a concluding discussion.  相似文献   

姜鹏  周盛君  徐坚 《华中建筑》2011,29(8):86-88
以香格里拉中心区为例,结合中巴卫星2000年和2009年数据,借助GIS、RS和Fragstat软件,对香格里拉中心区在斑块类型和景观水平两方面进行景观格局变化研究。研究结果表明:10年来,研究区景观格局变化大。斑块类型水平方面,农牧地面积显著减小,但仍占主导地位;城镇、绿地斑块数目增加,面积增大;景观水平方面,斑块总数、密度和面积-周长分维数在增加,蔓延度下降,斑块形状总体上变得更加复杂;香农多样性指数增加,异质性程度在加大。教授、博士、硕士研究生导师  相似文献   

Land use planners in many countries have recognized the importance of the aesthetic values of landscape. Their desire to incorporate these values into decision-making processes has created a need to identify valid ways to quantify the scenic characteristics of landscapes. This has led to an increasing interest in the use of spatial data and geographic information systems (GIS) methodology in assessing visual attributes of the landscape. The objective of the present study is to assess the visual changes in a rapidly developing coastal area of Egypt using remotely sensed data (satellite images and aerial photographs) and raster GIS modeling. The analysis assesses changes between a period characterized by a vernacular, relatively natural landscape (1950s) and the beginning of the exploitation of the region for resorts (1990s). Using land use/land cover classes extracted from the satellite images and aerial photographs, four visual attributes of landscape are identified: land use/land cover diversity, activity (degree of naturalness), proximity to the shoreline, and topographic variety. A composite index is also developed. Although these attributes and the composite index rely mostly on the type of land use/land cover information on the landscape under consideration, the adopted techniques succeed in detecting several changes in the attributes, spatially locating them and mapping the magnitude of their changes. This study demonstrates what can be done to analyze and assess what is usually considered an incommensurable resource, the visual attributes of landscapes. It also reveals the extent of the impact of unplanned or ill-planned activities on one of the fragile resources of arid landscapes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodological synthesis of two congruent approaches into a common landscape change trajectory analysis and the assessment of landscape dynamics and sustainability. The emphasis of the analysis is on the retrospective relationship between the past and the present-day landscape patterns and associated key biotopes. The example key biotopes, oak woodlands and grasslands, represent valuable habitats in the hemiboreal landscapes of Finland and Sweden. The paper presents a conceptual stepwise approach for change trajectory analysis utilising multiple spatio-temporal data and techniques available in image processing and geographical information systems (GIS) including the following steps: (I) specification of spatio-temporal data and their representation of target objects, (II) the choice of direct or indirect change trajectory analysis, (III) hierarchical structuring of landscape information, (IV) compilation of landscape information into a GIS database, and (V) identification of paths for landscape change trajectory analysis. In this case study, we have focused on three interlinked trajectory analysis approaches, and their role in the assessment of landscape sustainability from a potential biodiversity perspective. We conclude that proposed landscape change trajectory analysis can improve the assessment of the key biotopes as well as present-day landscape characteristics, in maintaining biodiversity and related ecological values by providing information on landscape stability, continuity, change processes and boundary dynamics. This approach can be useful in the assessment of natural capital, but requires data-specific and context sensitive data processing and analysis solutions. The results should be interpreted as an approximation and generalisation of the spatio-temporal complexity of landscape reality and therefore be used in conjunction with additional habitat function measures.  相似文献   

Map of ecological networks for landscape planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a method based on a geographical information system (GIS) to model ecological networks in a fragmented landscape. The ecological networks are generated with the help of a landscape model (which integrate human activities) and with a wildlife dispersal model. The main results are maps which permit the analysis and the understanding of the impact of human activities on wildlife dispersal. Three applications in a study area are presented: ecological networks at the landscape scale, conflicting areas at the farmstead scale and ecological distance between biotopes. These applications show the flexibility of the model and its potential to give information on ecological networks at different planning scales.  相似文献   

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