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Moisture damage can influence the subjective assessment of indoor air quality (subjective IAQ) in various ways. We studied whether the frequency of symptoms reported across students at school level mediates the relationship between observed mold and dampness in a school building and students’ subjective IAQ. To answer this research question, we tested a multilevel path model. The analyzed data were created by merging two nationwide data sets: (a) survey data from students, including information on subjective IAQ (N = 24,786 students); (b) data from schools, including information on mold and dampness in a school building (N = 222). After the background variables were adjusted, schools’ observed mold and dampness were directly and significantly related to poor subjective IAQ (standardized beta (β)= 0.22, P = .002). In addition, in schools with mold and dampness, students reported significantly more symptoms (β = 0.22, P = .023) than in schools without; the higher the prevalence of symptoms at school level, the worse the students’ subjective IAQ (β = 0.60, P < .001). This indirect path was significant (P = .023). In total, schools’ observed mold and dampness and student-reported symptoms explained 52% of the between-school variance in subjective IAQ.  相似文献   

Frequent regional haze and fog episodes in China force the central government to adopt air quality as a key indicator to assess the performance of provincial and local governors. The 74 key cities have been selected as pilot cities to carry out real-time air quality monitoring according to the new ambient air quality standards, in which PM2.5 is for the first time included as one of the six compulsory items. The air quality ranking of the 74 cities has been released in the monthly report by the Ministry of Environmental Protection since January 2013. This is the first official city ranking by air quality in China, which makes air quality to be an important aspect of city branding and city competition. The information disclosure puts political pressure on city and provincial governments as their air quality will be watched by the public and the media. The present study provides a review and analysis of air pollution in China from city scale to regional scale based on the monthly reports in 12 months from August 2013 to July 2014. The official air quality rankings of the 74 cities are discussed from the aspects of geographical location, economic development mode and regional air quality management. The air quality rankings of the 74 cities provide the evidence that improvement of air quality requires industrial restructuring and sustainable development strategy. In addition, joint prevention and regional emission control are also essential.  相似文献   

This systematic literature review explores strategies to manage complex supply chains in megaprojects, connecting project management and operations management literatures. A total of 2,106 titles and abstracts were analyzed and 94 papers were fully reviewed, identifying six categories of strategies: inter-firm collaboration and coordination, governance, procurement, projects as networks, production and logistics, and risk management. We present the multi-level Megaproject Supply Chain (MSC) framework, unpacking the complex inter-organizational structure of megaprojects in five levels and units of analysis to guide future research. The MSC framework identifies the micro, meso and macro levels of megaprojects and introduces two additional hybrid levels to identify inter-organizational relationships: the meso‑micro and meso‑macro. We suggest four avenues to advance supply chain management in megaprojects through multi-level explorations: (i) Supply Chain Structure: Permanent vs Temporary, (ii) Strategic Procurement and Commercial, (iii) Supply Chain Design: Standardization vs Customization, (iv) Supply Chain Governance: Collaboration and Coordination.  相似文献   

In the framework of a nationwide survey on indoor air quality conducted from September 2009 to June 2011 in 310 nurseries, kindergartens, and elementary schools in all regions of France, cleaning practices and products were described through an extensive questionnaire completed on‐site by expert building inspectors. The questionnaire included the cleaning frequencies and periods, cleaning techniques, whether windows were open during cleaning, and the commercial names of the products used. Analysis of the questionnaire responses showed that cleaning was generally performed daily for furniture and floors. It was performed mostly in the evening with wet mopping and with one or more windows open. Five hundred eighty‐four different cleaning products were listed, among which 218 safety data sheets (SDSs) were available and analyzed. One hundred fifty‐two chemical substances were identified in the SDSs. The typical substances in cleaning products included alcohols, chlorides, terpenes, aldehydes, and ethers; more than half of them are irritants. Two endocrine disruptors, 2‐phenylphenol and Galaxolide, were identified in two cleaning products used every day to clean the floors, in seven kindergartens and in a nursery respectively. Eleven reactive substances containing C=C double bonds, mostly terpenes, were identified in a wide variety of cleaning products.  相似文献   

Although almost all epidemiological studies of smaller airborne particles only consider outdoor concentrations, people in Central Europe actually spend most of their time indoors. Yet indoor pollutants such as organic gases, allergens and dust are known to play a prominent role, often affecting human health more than outdoor ones. The aim of this study was to ascertain how the indoor particle size distributions of submicron and ultrafine particles correlate with the outdoor concentrations in the absence of significant indoor sources. A typical indoor particle size distribution pattern has one or two modes. In the absence of significant indoor activities such as smoking, cooking etc., outdoor particles were found to be a very important source of indoor particles. The study shows that in the absence of significant indoor sources, the number of indoor concentrations of particles in this size range are clearly lower than the outdoor concentrations. This difference is greater, the higher the number of outdoor concentrations. However, the drop in concentration is not uniform, with the decrease in concentration of smaller particles exceeding that of larger ones. By contrast, the findings with larger particle sizes (diameter > 1 microm) exhibit rather linear concentration decreases. The non-uniform drop in the number of concentrations from outdoors to indoors in our measurements considering smaller particles ( >0.01 microm) is accompanied by a shift of the concentration maxima to larger particle diameters.  相似文献   

Mendell MJ  Heath GA 《Indoor air》2005,15(1):27-52
To assess whether school environments can adversely affect academic performance, we review scientific evidence relating indoor pollutants and thermal conditions, in schools or other indoor environments, to human performance or attendance. We critically review evidence for direct associations between these aspects of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and performance or attendance. Secondarily, we summarize, without critique, evidence on indirect connections potentially linking IEQ to performance or attendance. Regarding direct associations, little strongly designed research was available. Persuasive evidence links higher indoor concentrations of NO(2) to reduced school attendance, and suggestive evidence links low ventilation rates to reduced performance. Regarding indirect associations, many studies link indoor dampness and microbiologic pollutants (primarily in homes) to asthma exacerbations and respiratory infections, which in turn have been related to reduced performance and attendance. Also, much evidence links poor IEQ (e.g. low ventilation rate, excess moisture, or formaldehyde) with adverse health effects in children and adults and documents dampness problems and inadequate ventilation as common in schools. Overall, evidence suggests that poor IEQ in schools is common and adversely influences the performance and attendance of students, primarily through health effects from indoor pollutants. Evidence is available to justify (i) immediate actions to assess and improve IEQ in schools and (ii) focused research to guide IEQ improvements in schools. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: There is more justification now for improving IEQ in schools to reduce health risks to students than to reduce performance or attendance risks. However, as IEQ-performance links are likely to operate largely through effects of IEQ on health, IEQ improvements that benefit the health of students are likely to have performance and attendance benefits as well. Immediate actions are warranted in schools to prevent dampness problems, inadequate ventilation, and excess indoor exposures to substances such as NO(2) and formaldehyde. Also, siting of new schools in areas with lower outdoor pollutant levels is preferable.  相似文献   

The paper proposes that landscape quality assessment may be approached on the basis of two contrasting paradigms, one which regards quality as inherent in the physical landscape, and the other which regards quality as a product of the mind – eye of the beholder. These are termed, respectively, the objectivist and subjectivist paradigms. These paradigms underlie the surveys of the physical landscape and studies of observer preferences.Examination of these paradigms through the approaches taken by philosophers from Plato to modern times demonstrates the ubiquity of the paradigms in underlying human perception of landscape. Until recent centuries, the objectivist paradigm provided philosophers with the basis for understanding beauty, including landscape beauty. However, the philosophers Locke, Hume, Burke and particularly Immanuel Kant identified beauty as lying in the eyes of the beholder rather than in the object. The parallels between Kant's aesthetic philosophy and contemporary theories of landscape quality based on an evolutionary perspective are examined. Most philosophers over recent centuries have adopted the subjectivist view of aesthetics.The paper concludes by proposing that only the subjectivist model should be used in research of landscape quality.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from the first international comparative study of non-profit housing organizations in Australia, England and the Netherlands to engage with panels of organizational leaders. The study uses a ‘modified Delphi method’ with Likert-type scaled surveys, followed by in-depth interviews. The paper introduces the concept of hybridity as a way of understanding the interaction of state, market and community drivers in steering non-profit housing organizations. In all three countries, findings indicate that there are clear limits to independence from continued state influence. In England this takes the form of state-directed cross-subsidy and welfare reform, in Australia business development strategies have had to respond to volatility and reductions in state funding, while in the Netherlands public policy has recently restricted the remit of associations to a low-income niche and reduced commercial involvement. These findings lend support to ‘contested logics’ models of organizational hybridity rather than either ‘out-of-control monstrous hybrids’ or linear privatization models.  相似文献   

This study aims to compare, on the one hand, the geographical distribution of the desert dust source areas, their contribution to quantities emitted into the atmosphere, the trajectories and the quantities deposited, with on the other hand the areas of research interest focused on the desert dust impacts on air quality and/or human health. Based on a systematic review of the literature using the ISI Web of Knowledge database, we found 231 articles published over the last decade on the desert dust impacts on air quality. Of these, 48% concerned Asian dust and 39% Saharan dust, with the remaining 13% divided between the other dust source areas. However, only one of these studies addressed the worsening air pollution in West Africa, even though it is very close to the Sahara, the greatest contributor to the global dust budget. Moreover, there have been very few studies (41) looking at the direct links between desert dust and human health; in this context too, no interest has been shown in West Africa. Yet this region is also among the areas in which morbidity rates have been noted to be far higher than those found in other regions of the world, and where respiratory infections alone account for more than 20% of the causes of infant mortality. This survey highlights a clear imbalance between those areas most exposed to dust and the most studied areas in terms of dust impacts. Given these findings and the often alarming results published about other regions of the world, we advocate a revival of interest in research on West Africa in order to achieve a better understanding of the desert dust impacts on air quality and health among the populations of this region.  相似文献   

Using the neighbourhood sub-sample from the American Housing Survey for 1985, 1989 and 1993, this study tests whether the social context of the local micro-neighbourhood or of the broader census tract more strongly affects neighbourhood satisfaction. It is found that the local context of the micro-neighbourhood generally has a stronger effect on residents' reported satisfaction. In contrast to studies aggregating to larger units, it is found that greater residential stability in the micro-neighbourhood increases reported neighbourhood satisfaction. A low socioeconomic status of the local micro-neighbourhood decreases neighbourhood satisfaction more than does the socioeconomic status of the surrounding tract and this effect is amplified in low-income tracts. Whereas prior evidence is mixed when aggregating perceptions of crime to larger units, a robust negative effect on satisfaction is found when aggregated to the micro-neighbourhood.  相似文献   

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