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掘进机(TBM)开挖过程中受到各种地质因素的影响,其中节理间距是影响TBM滚刀破岩的一个重要因素。设计节理间距为100mm和400mm两组试验方案。试样为甘肃北山花岗岩,应用北京工业大学自行研制的大型机械破岩实验平台,选用17英寸(432mm)的常截面盘形滚刀进行线性切割破岩试验。试验过程中记录滚刀三向力、滚刀下岩样裂纹扩展并收集了岩片。从三向力、裂纹的扩展模式和岩片等角度分析节理间距对滚刀破岩的影响。结果表明:节理间距100mm的岩体切入所需要的推力小于完整岩石的推力,节理间距400mm的岩体破岩过程中推力有一突变的过程。节理间距100mm岩体滚刀作用下存在两种破坏模式,节理间距400mm的岩体破岩过程则包括了正常破岩和节理面影响破岩两个过程,并且节理对竖向主裂纹向节理面扩展有加剧的作用。节理面下方岩石较完整,节理面阻碍裂纹朝节理面下方岩石传播。  相似文献   

在对实际工况合理简化的基础上,从岩土细观角度出发,采用颗粒离散元法建立滚刀侵入岩体的二维模拟模型,研究双滚刀作用下岩体的动态响应机制,找出滚刀侵入过程中岩体裂纹、贯入度以及切削力三者的关系。在此基础上,通过数值模拟对常见切深下滚刀最优刀间距问题进行分析,得到不同切深下比能耗与刀间距的规律,并通过试验对双滚刀破岩过程中岩体动态特性以及最优刀间距问题进行验证,最后以工程实例验证研究结论。研究表明:仿真过程中,切削力随贯入度的变化与岩体的跃进破碎特性相一致,岩体破坏服从格里菲斯理论;较小切深下岩体为剪切破坏,较大切深下岩体发生拉应力破坏;切深为10 mm时比能耗有明显拐点,此时刀间距为100 mm;切深为6 mm时,60 mm刀间距下比能耗最小;切深小于2 mm时,实际工况下岩体不能产生贯穿裂纹。  相似文献   

全断面岩石掘进机(TBM)因其安全性好、掘进速度快、机械化程度高等优点,已被引入煤矿岩石巷道掘进施工中。煤矿地质条件复杂,复合地层对全断面岩石掘进机掘进效率的影响不容忽视。为了探究煤系复合地层对滚刀破岩效率的影响,建立了滚刀和岩石的颗粒流离散单元模型,开展TBM滚刀的贯入度数值实验。研究结果表明:在相同破岩情况下复合地层破坏的范围小,在滚刀破岩的过程中不易形成贯通区。两种地层裂纹数目随着贯入度变化的规律大致相同。滚刀在相同破岩情况下复合地层所需要的滚刀法向力要大于单一地层硬岩所需要的。单一地层滚刀破岩最优贯入度约为4mm,复合地层滚刀破岩最优贯入度约为9mm。  相似文献   

为提高硬岩隧道掘进机(tunnel boring machine,TBM)在复合岩层的掘进效率,采用PFC2D(particle flow code 2D)探讨了不同围压下复合岩层裂纹扩展机制,同时采用定量的方法揭示了滚刀间距、贯入度及岩层倾角对破岩效率的影响。结果表明:1)滚刀同软岩直接接触时,滚刀下部裂纹较多,而消耗的能量较少。相反,滚刀同硬岩直接接触时,滚刀下部裂纹较少,消耗的能量却较多。2)岩层倾角对破岩效率的影响较大,45°、90°为破岩效率较高的2个极值点。3)刀间距为70和120mm时比能较小,破岩效率高。4)滚刀破岩以张拉破坏为主,剪切破坏为辅。研究结果可以为复合岩层中TBM刀盘设计及TBM施工提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

为了指导TBM刀盘刀具的研制和不同地质条件下刀盘刀具的选型,TBM破岩机理的研究成为核心。在TBM滚刀的作用下,岩体中裂纹的生成、扩展和连接规律是深刻理解TBM破岩机理的前提,因此,TBM滚刀破岩机理的研究具有重要的工程应用价值。目前,TBM滚刀破岩机理的研究主要集中在单一岩体中,但在TBM施工过程中会遇到各种复杂的地质条件。笔者采用离散元方法,研究了复合岩体的破岩机理,复合岩体中岩片的形成不同于单一岩体,其裂纹的最终连接是由起裂于复合岩体交界面上的微裂纹的扩展,将两滚刀之间的赫兹裂纹连接,最终形成岩片。因此,在一定情况下复合岩体更有利于TBM隧道施工。  相似文献   

在全断面隧道掘进机(TBM)开挖隧道过程中,常遇到节理岩体.为了研究不同刀间距下的滚刀破岩效率,对刀间距进行优化,对不同节理间距和节理情况岩体开展二维滚刀贯入试验.试验中,节理倾角设为0°、30°、45°、60°、90°,节理间距设为30mm、40mm、50mm、60mm、70mm,滚刀间距S设为60mm、80mm、100mm、120mm.试验结果表明:当节理倾角为60°时,破岩效率最高;随着刀间距的增加,破岩效率逐渐降低;不同节理条件下,刀间距为100mm,滚刀的破岩效率均达到了最优,最佳s/p值约为10.  相似文献   

针对高磨蚀地层TBM施工过程中滚刀磨损严重的问题,为有效预测滚刀磨损情况,合理预算TBM刀具使用成本,基于力学相似原理,结合机电液控制方法,根据实验台开发标准要求,完成滚刀复合磨蚀试验台开发。实验台满足TBM推进、滚刀公转、滚刀自转、滚刀破岩模拟,开展纯破岩磨损、纯岩渣磨损和破岩与岩渣复合磨损实验研究。  相似文献   

在TBM掘进过程中,滚刀作为主要的破岩工具不可避免地会发生各式各样的磨损,但关于滚刀磨损后滚刀群中各滚刀受力特性变化的研究仍较为缺乏.通过ABAQUS软件对三滚刀顺序切削破岩过程进行模拟,对不同位置滚刀发生磨损后滚刀群中各滚刀的受力情况展开分析.结果表明,当三滚刀按顺序破岩时,首先进行切削的滚刀垂直力与滚动力越大,后进...  相似文献   

围压对 TBM 滚刀破岩影响机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
穿越高大山体的隧道TBM施工不可避免地会遇到高地应力问题,研究地应力对TBM滚刀破岩机制和掘进效率的影响具有重大的工程价值和科学意义。通过理论分析和UDEC数值模拟技术对围压作用下滚刀破岩模式进行研究,发现围压对滚刀破岩过程影响比较复杂:围压对粉碎区深度和裂纹扩展区内滚刀作用方向的裂纹扩展起到抑制作用;而对围压作用方向的裂纹扩展有促进作用,表现为边裂纹的扩展范围会更大,扩展路径会更加平直,发展更加迅速,滚刀间岩片的形成更加容易。TBM现场掘进试验表明,地应力越高,围压作用越明显,TBM破岩更加容易,掘进效率会更高。从TBM滚刀作用下岩片形成的难易程度角度考虑,理论分析、数值模拟和TBM现场掘进试验都表明围压作用促进TBM滚刀破岩。  相似文献   

为了研究围压对TBM滚刀破碎节理岩体机理的影响,采用颗粒流方法建立了二维TBM滚刀破岩数值模型。模型中,节理岩体的倾角45O,节理面间距50mm。围压分别为2.5 MPa、5 MPa、7.5 MPa、10 MPa和12.5MPa。计算了滚刀贯入岩体的力链分布、裂纹数量和破岩效率。研究表明,在低围压条件下,节理面对力链的传播具有阻碍作用。高围压下,这种阻碍作用降低;随着围压的增加,岩体的整体强度变高,微裂纹数量减少,岩体的破坏程度降低,破岩效率减小。  相似文献   

Predicting the cutter consumption and the exact time to replace the worn-out cutters in tunneling projects constructed with tunnel boring machine (TBM) is always a challenging issue. In this paper, we focus on the analyses of cutter motion in the rock breaking process and trajectory of rock breaking point on the cutter edge in rocks. The analytical expressions of the length of face along which the breaking point moves and the length of spiral trajectory of the maximum penetration point are derived. Through observation of rock breaking process of disc cutters as well as analysis of disc rock interaction, the following concepts are proposed: the arc length theory of predicting wear extent of inner and center cutters, and the spiral theory of predicting wear extent of gage and transition cutters. Data obtained from 5621 m-long Qinling tunnel reveal that among 39 disc cutters, the relative errors between cumulatively predicted and measured wear values for nine cutters are larger than 20%, while approximately 76.9% of total cutters have the relative errors less than 20%. The proposed method could offer a new attempt to predict the disc cutter's wear extent and changing time.  相似文献   

Earlier work has shown that the use of water jets at moderate pressure enhances mechanical cutting in hard rock. To assess the potential of this technique for use in conjunction with free-rolling cutters, a series of laboratory tests was conducted with disc and button cutters to determine the effect of variations in the jet and cutting parameters on the cutter performance. In these tests, it was found that the use of water jets at pressure in the range of 5–40 MPa can reduce the forces on a free-rolling cutter by 40 per cent, which represents a significant improvement in cutting performance. The reduction in thrust force was found to be dependent on jet pressure: the greater the pressure, the greater the reduction. The reduction in rolling force was independent of jet pressure over the range investigated. The results indicate that no additional improvements in cutting performance of any significance are to be gained by an increase in jet pressure above 40 MPa. The most effective jet configuration for the reduction of cutter forces was found to be four coherent water jets, two laterally disposed on each side of the cutter and directed at the arc of contact between the cutting edge and the rock.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of rock cutting forces of disc cutters is especially significant for the design and construction of tunnel boring machine (TBM). Through the analysis of motion trajectory of TBM disc cutters, a three-dimensional model of rock breaking process of disc cutters is established. In terms of the rock strain which is resulted from the interaction between disc cutters and rock during the process of rock breaking, a three-dimensional cutting forces model is proposed with disc cutters set at certain parameters and in certain sizes. Subsequently, the equation of contacting forces between rock and disc cutter is derived. Moreover, a new method has been presented for the study of the rock breaking theory of the disc cutter and it also provides guidance for the design and application of TBM in tunnel excavation. The three-dimensional model for the rock breaking mechanism is used for predicting the cutting force for the situation of mixed ground.The damage field and the rock failure zone induced by disc cutter for mixed ground are also discussed in this study. In detail, the rock damage zones are divided into two parts, one is the left damage field which located in the outside of disc cutter. The other is the right damage field which located in the outside of disc cutter. The influence of the rock ground dip on the rock failure zone was also studied by parameter analysis.  相似文献   

为了研究盾构切刀作用下岩石的动态响应机制,从岩土细观角度出发,采用颗粒离散元法建立了岩石与切刀的二维数值模型,并对切刀破岩过程的影响因素进行分析。研究表明:切刀切削岩石的过程,是由数个小剪切和一个大剪切所组成的、不断循环的过程,它造成了切削力随着切削行程的不断波动;刀具尖端的破坏作用最为明显;切削力和裂纹数随着切削行程不断增大,裂纹的生成和扩展需要更大的切削力;从切削性能来看,正前角时岩屑更容易排出,切削效率更高;对切削力和裂纹数进行统计分析发现,切深比切削速度对破岩的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

This paper proposed an experimental method to investigate the rock cutting process of TBM gage cutters based on the full-scale rotary cutting machine (RCM). The key point of this method is to reconstruct the RCM by inserting three wedges with angles of 10°, 20° and 30° respectively into the space between the cutter base and cutter box. As a result, the rock cutting process of gage cutters with tilt angles of 10°, 20° and 30° can be proceed. Using this method, rock cutting experiments were conducted with penetrations of 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm respectively. The testing results were analysed on the rock cutting force, rock debris dimension, specific energy and cutting surface profile, and it was found that: (1) the cutting forces and specific energy of the gage cutter were lower than those of the normal cutter respectively; and (2) the depth of the rock broken zone was smaller than the cutting depth. The testing results can also be used to validate corresponding numerical models and design the layout of gage cutters.  相似文献   

不同围压条件下TBM刀具破岩模式的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张魁  夏毅敏  谭青  周子龙 《岩土工程学报》2010,32(11):1780-1787
为了研究不同围压条件下TBM刀具在掘进施工过程中的破岩机理,基于2-D离散单元法,利用UDEC仿真软件建立了双把TBM刀具侵入岩石的仿真模型。在此基础上设计了一组数值试验,成功地模拟出了不同围压条件以及不同刀间距下岩石裂纹生成,扩展和岩石破碎的全过程。仿真结果表明:TBM刀具作用下岩石存在四种基本的破碎模式,它们的出现与围压以及刀间距有关;破碎模式对刀具的破岩效率,岩石破碎块度均有影响;随着围压的增加,最优刀间距增大,但围压超过一定值后,最优刀间距反而减小。  相似文献   

岩石隧道掘进机工作时的刀具受力情况是影响刀盘破岩性能的关键。为了分析滚刀之间的协同破岩效应,提出3种基本的协同破岩模式,并将多把滚刀协同破岩过程等效为3种破岩模式的组合。不同破岩模式下,滚刀切割岩石的先后顺序不同,结合线性切割试验,证实了不同模式下3种滚刀力等级的大小关系。以引汉济渭岭北隧洞TBM工程为背景,研究得出名义磨损量与破岩模式的叠加效应具有较强的相关性,其中,由内而外模式占比与滚刀名义磨损量具有明显的正相关性,据此提出了考虑刀具磨损量的TBM刀盘刀具优化策略。  相似文献   

Joint spacing is one of the most important geological factors influencing rock fragmentation by TBM cutters and TBM performance. In order to study the influence of joint spacing, full-scale linear cutting tests have been conducted for the Beishan granite samples with different joint spacing (i.e. one intact sample, two jointed samples with joint spacing of 100 mm and 400 mm). For different joint spacing, the influence of penetration depth on rock fragmentation was also explored by varying the penetration depth with an interval of 0.5 mm. During the test process, the three directional forces acting on the TBM cutter were recorded, and the rock chips formed by each cutting pass were weighed, respectively. By analysing the cutting force, crack initiation/propagation and rock chips, the influences of joint spacing on rock fragmentation process by TBM cutter were investigated. The test results showed that the increase of penetration depth cannot improve the TBM breakage efficiency after reaching a certain value for the intact rock sample, and the normal force for intruding the intact rock is larger than that for intruding the rock jointed samples. It is also found that the sample part below the joint plane is intact, thus joint can restrain the crack propagating cross the joint plane and facilitates the chips formation on the cutting surface. For the rock sample with joint spacing of 100 mm, two rock fragmentation modes were found during the cutting process. One mode is that the cracks initiate from the crushed zone under TBM cutter, and the cracks propagate to the joint plane, consequently form large rock chips. The other one is that the cracks initiate from the joint plane and then propagate to the rock cutting surface, and the cracks initiate before the formation of the crushed zone under the cutter. For the rock sample with joint spacing of 400 mm, there are two rock fragmentation stages, i.e., the normal rock fragmentation stage and the joint-controlled rock fragmentation stage. There is a transitional process between these two stages, and also the median crack can be promoted to propagate vertically to joint plane due to the joint existence. This study can provide useful guidance for operation optimization and performance prediction for TBM operating in jointed rock masses.  相似文献   

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