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High-performance concrete (HPC) is characterized by its low water-to-cementitious materials (w/cm) and improved properties but also it exhibits high internal capillary tensile stress because the development of autogenous shrinkage which could result in early-age cracking risk and premature deterioration. Since the use of HPC in structural elements has gained wide acceptance in the last decades, the large magnitude of early-age autogenous strains and stresses has to be mitigated to enhance the durability of concrete structure. In this paper, internal stress development induced during the development of autogenous shrinkage strains, especially at early-age was investigated on three different types of HPC cured with a combination of two shrinkage-compensating admixtures. Binary HPC made with blended cement containing 10% of silica fume (SF) has been used with three different low (w/c + sf) of 0.15, 0.23, and 0.30. Shrinkage-reducing agent (SRA) and an expansive additive (EXA) were combined and added to the HPC mixtures to minimize autogenous shrinkage magnitude.The results indicate that the greater the autogenous shrinkage developed, the higher the induced internal tensile stress. It has been found that for the reference mixes, more than 90% of the ultimate magnitude of both autogenous shrinkage and self-tensile stress was developed during the first 24 h. However, the addition of a combination of SRA and EXA has resulted in a significant reduction and a gradual development of both autogenous shrinkage and self-tensile stress as compared to the rapid development and large magnitude in the reference concretes. Moreover, a high dimensional stability was obtained for the 0.30 and 0.23 HPC mixtures containing the combination of expansive and shrinkage-reducing admixtures. On the other hand, a slight decrease of the compressive, of the splitting tensile strengths and the modulus of elasticity was observed.  相似文献   

内养护措施改善混凝土收缩开裂性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对使用预浸轻集料或高吸水树脂(SAP)替代部分集料的混凝土试件的早期开裂、限制收缩及非限制收缩的试验,探讨了混凝土内养护措施对改善混凝土收缩开裂性能的影响,并比较了不同种类养护方式的改善效果,并从理论上分析了内养护措施改善混凝土开裂及收缩的机理。试验结果表明,内养护措施可以很好地改善混凝土的收缩开裂性能,尤其是SAP的使用可以使混凝土的开裂及收缩减小30-50%,在易于发生收缩开裂和(或)不易养护的结构中有重要的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

Curing techniques and curing duration have crucial effects to the strength and durability of concrete. Proper curing can protect against moisture loss from fresh concrete. The objective of this experimental study is to examine the early-age behavior of high-performance concrete (HPC) under various curing methods. Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the early-age shrinkage development, temperature change, and evaporation rate when different curing methods were used. Four curing techniques and two curing durations were applied to concrete deck slab and cylindrical specimens. The measured experiment data were also compared with several shrinkage prediction models. The results show that proper moisture-curing methods can effectively reduce concrete temperature due to hydration heat and limit the development of early-age shrinkage strains. The concrete of a longer curing duration would yield lower shrinkage deformation and lower evaporation rate.  相似文献   

通过对高性能混凝土产生早期裂缝的原因进行分析得出,温度变形和自收缩变形是导致混凝土开裂的主要原因,而其产生的干缩可以忽略不计。从而提出降低温度收缩和自收缩来控制混凝土出现早期开裂,同时还介绍了掺加高效减水剂降低早期水化程度、掺膨胀剂补偿收缩和掺加纤维阻裂增韧。  相似文献   

研究了高吸水树脂(SAP)对C40和C60火山灰混凝土自收缩、干燥收缩及水分损失率的影响,并探讨了SAP对火山灰混凝土收缩性能的作用机理.结果表明:SAP内养护可以显著降低C40和C60火山灰混凝土的自收缩,提高火山灰混凝土的抗裂性,且内养护减缩率与内养护水胶比呈正比关系;SAP内养护增大了火山灰混凝土的干燥收缩和水分损失率,且增大幅度随着内养护引入水量的增加而增大;根据干燥环境中火山灰混凝土的水分损失率与干燥收缩的拟合关系得出了火山灰混凝土产生干燥收缩时的临界水分损失率;虽然SAP内养护增大了火山灰混凝土的干燥收缩,但其总收缩较基准混凝土显著降低.  相似文献   

混凝土的早期开裂是混凝土结构和材料科学的重大课题之一.导致这类开裂的两大关键冈素是早龄期数天内水化热的集中释放诱发的过高绝热温升和同时期内毛细孔自干燥诱发的自收缩的快速增长.以净浆和砂浆为试验对象.初步研究了通过提高水灰比、改用粗磨水泥及以石灰石粉取代部分水泥等三种配合比优化手段,以达到减小温度变形和自收缩,从而缓和早期开裂之目的,并为进一步制备抗早期开裂的高性能混凝土奠定试验基础.  相似文献   

水灰比对混凝土早期收缩影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢丽  吴胜兴 《建筑科学》2007,23(1):54-57
进行了不同水灰比对混凝土早期自收缩及干燥条件下总收缩影响的试验研究。结果表明:水灰比越小,混凝土水化温升达到的峰值越高,其早期温度变形值也越大;随着水灰比的减小,混凝土早期自收缩、干燥条件下的总收缩及自收缩在总收缩中所占比例均显著增大;1d龄期内,混凝土的自收缩发展非常迅速,且低水灰比的混凝土中总收缩主要是由自收缩引起的。  相似文献   

The early-age cracking of concrete structures increases permeability and diffusivity and moreover accelerates the penetration of liquid, gas and aggressive agents. Consequently, the serviceability of these structures could be reduced drastically. Early-age cracking might be due to external loading, but also to the internal or external restraint resulting from autogenous, drying and thermal shrinkage. This study focuses more specifically on these latter phenomena.In the first part of this study (see effect of fibres on early-age cracking of concrete tunnel lining - Part I: Laboratory testing), ring tests were performed to investigate the sensitivity of concrete to cracking due to both shrinkage strain and type of fibre (two organic fibres and one steel fibre were studied).Ring test results were then used to validate the capacity of a chemo-thermo-viscoelastic damage model aimed at reproducing the complex behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete subjected to restrained shrinkage through identifying the material parameters with standardised tests. The numerical simulations conducted on a real tunnel lining show that for the studied geometries and concrete mixtures, thermal shrinkage constitutes the major phenomenon capable of causing early-age transverse cracks and moreover crack opening is highly dependent on the type of reinforcement. Modifications to both fibre type and lining thickness may serve to avoid the onset of transverse cracks.  相似文献   

This study forms part of a research project that was carried out on the development and application of high-strength concrete for large underground spaces. In order to develop 50 MPa high-strength concrete, eight optimal mixtures with different portions of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag, which make the pozzolanic reaction, were selected. For assessments of shrinkage characteristics, free shrinkage tests with prismatic specimens and shrinkage crack tests were performed. The compressive strength was more than 30 MPa at 7 days, and stable design strength was acquired at 28 days. High-strength concrete containing blast furnace slag shows large autogenous shrinkage, while large shrinkage deformations and cracks will occur when mixtures are replaced with large volumes of cementitious materials. Hence, for these high-strength concrete mixtures, the curing conditions of initial ages that affect the reaction of hydration and drying effects need to be checked.  相似文献   

高性能混凝土(HPC)内其较低的水胶比(水灰比)和矿物掺合料的使用,水化反应剧烈,在混凝土浇筑早期,将引起较大的自生收缩和温度变形.这将导致高性能混凝土早期裂缝的产生,继而影响其耐久性.因此HPC早期特性在建筑工程领域界备受关注.运用埋设型FBG光纤应变传感器研究高性能混凝土早期特性,该传感器克服了传统传感器只能在HPC硬化后采集数据的缺点,可在混凝土浇筑后立即采集数据,且数据采集连续,稳定.HPC早期性能的研究对HPC长期的耐久性,抗渗性的研究有重要意义.  相似文献   

王立成  张磊 《建筑材料学报》2020,23(6):1471-1478
高强混凝土水胶比低、渗透性差,外部养护水难以进入混凝土内部,造成传统外部养护效果变差,由此产生的自收缩会导致材料的开裂敏感性提高.通过在混凝土配合比中引入高吸水性材料来实现内养护是解决此问题的有效途径.综述了目前混凝土常用的内养护材料及其物理力学特征和用量,阐述了混凝土内养护理论基础、自收缩产生机理和内养护减缩机制,总结了不同内养护材料对减少混凝土收缩和影响力学性能的规律:一般来说,内养护可以减少自收缩,但对干燥收缩的影响与引入水量有关,对混凝土强度和弹性模量则会产生不利影响.最后,提出了当前混凝土内养护技术研究存在的问题及未来可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

SAP内养护剂改善膨胀混凝土性能及其机理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了SAP(超强吸水树脂)内养护剂对膨胀混凝土力学性能、变形开裂性能和耐久性能的影响,然后通过MIP,SEM,XRD等手段对其养护机理进行了微观分析.结果表明:掺加SAP可显著提高膨胀混凝土的早期膨胀值和限制膨胀率,降低膨胀与收缩变形的差值,且对强度、渗透性无不利影响.由于SAP具有吸水-释水功能,因此掺加SAP将有...  相似文献   

使用埋设型KM系列应变传感器成功监测了处于模拟施工现场环境下,高性能混凝土柱早期自收缩变形特性,特别是混凝土浇注后24h的自收缩变形情况。从试验结果看,硬化前后24h高性能混凝土的自收缩变形增长最快,绝对变形值也比较大,24h自收缩值超过14d自收缩变形量的70%;而配筋混凝土试件由于配筋形成的钢骨架对自收缩的约束作用,其自收缩变形小于同等条件的素混凝土试件。监测和分析高性能混凝土结构早期的自收缩变形将对减少结构微裂纹、提高结构的稳定性有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents the test results on cracking behavior at medium age of uniaxially restrained specimens containing different types of mineral admixture, namely fly ash and limestone powder. In this study, the uniaxially restrained shrinkage, free shrinkage and strength tests were conducted to study the potential of cracking of concrete under restrained shrinkage condition. The influences of water to binder ratio, mineral admixtures and curing period of concrete on cracking behavior were investigated in this study. The investigation showed that cracking age and cracking strain of restrained specimens vary with mix proportion, mineral admixture and curing period. The potential of shrinkage cracking is not influenced only by cracking strain and amount of shrinkage but also on shrinkage rate and tensile creep. Mixture with lower water to binder ratio (w/b = 0.35) shows shorter cracking age than the mixture with higher water to binder ratio (w/b = 0.55). Fly ash and limestone powder significantly increase cracking age of concrete. The cracking age increases with the increase of the replacement ratio of fly ash. The higher shrinkage rate, when exposed to drying, of mixture with longer curing period leads to shorter cracking age.  相似文献   

以桥面板等高性能混凝土板式构件为研究对象,通过实验测试了板式构件不同截面厚度位置处早期收缩分布情况,探讨混凝土早期收缩变形与温度、湿度发展过程。结果表明,混凝土板式构件的内部厚度方向不同位置处的相对湿度随龄期都呈现逐渐减小趋势,并呈现两阶段特征,同时,混凝土板式构件早期收缩变形厚度方向不同步,导致板式构件表面产生拉应力,当拉应力大于当时混凝土的抗拉强度时,混凝土表面就会出现浅层裂缝,这与实际工程中发现的板式构件表面开裂情况相吻合。混凝土板式构件早期收缩变形与相同配合比混凝土的早期自由收缩变形进行比较,引入相对约束度并建立了混凝土板式构件早期收缩变形的预测模型,并验证了该模型的准确性,其特点是能预测高性能混凝土板式构件不同截面厚度位置的早期收缩变形,对控制混凝土桥梁板式结构的早期收缩裂缝具有实际意义。  相似文献   

对当前混凝土早期裂缝日趋严重的原因进行了分析,提出了相关规范在抑制早期裂缝方面有待重新评估的内容,并通过早期收缩试验对早期收缩裂缝的控制进行了研究,认为加强初凝后的早期保湿养护是抑制这类裂缝产生的关键。  相似文献   

密封养护混凝土内部湿度与收缩的一体化试验与模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对3种强度等级的混凝土进行了密封养护下内部相对湿度和自由变形的试验测定,获得了从混凝土浇注开始到77d龄期混凝土内部湿度和自由变形的发展数据,同时对混凝土因水泥水化引发的自干燥和自收缩问题进行了模拟.结果表明:混凝土内部相对湿度和收缩具有较好的同步性;混凝土内部湿度变化可以看作是其自收缩变化的驱动力;水灰比越小,自干燥引起的混凝土内部相对湿度下降幅度越大,密封条件下混凝土的收缩也越大;以水泥水化度和混凝土内部湿度为内因的自干燥与自收缩模型较好地模拟了密封条件下混凝土内部湿度变化与相应的自收缩发展.试验结果与模型预测值吻合良好,模型可用于不同养护环境下混凝土自干燥与自收缩的分析预测.  相似文献   

分析了高性能混凝土的特点,阐述了养护对高性能混凝土力学性能、收缩开裂及内部相对湿度变化的影响.介绍了高性能混凝土的常用养护方法,探讨了不同养护方法的优势及不足之处,提出复合养护方法为高性能混凝土养护的发展方向.  相似文献   

研究了密封和干燥条件下,使用减缩剂、饱和轻骨料内养护以及两者复合使用对砂浆收缩、水化以及抗压强度的影响.结果表明:密封条件下,较减缩剂和内养护单独使用,两者复合使用能进一步抑制砂浆内部相对湿度的下降,进而使体系自收缩发展速率和水平显著降低,砂浆7d内保持微膨胀状态,28d自收缩率低于100×10-6;干燥条件下,相比仅使用内养护,复合减缩剂后砂浆干燥收缩明显降低,但由于内养护使砂浆失水量增大,复合减缩剂后减缩效果不及仅使用减缩剂的砂浆;两者复合使用后能够显著降低减缩剂单独使用时对水泥水化和砂浆强度的不利影响.  相似文献   

养护方法对混凝土楼板裂缝的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过试验研究和工程实例,指出减水剂的掺入大幅度地增加了混凝土的早期收缩,而早期养护能大幅度减小掺外加剂混凝土的早期收缩和后期收缩,对控制混凝土的非荷载裂缝十分有利。  相似文献   

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