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为解决当前地下空间开发适宜性评价中地上地下指标割裂考虑及指标状态对整体权重影响被忽视的问题,结合熵权和变权思想提出一种改进熵权法三维评价流程。以广东琶洲岛、东莞滨海湾新区和南通重点规划区为实例,构建了符合三者地质特征的惩罚型状态变权函数,基于Petrel建立三维地质模型,采用Kriging法全域模拟,最后从数理统计、整体模型和局部剖面层次对改进熵权法前后结果进行对比分析。结果表明:熵权法可有效将地上地下指标纳入评价体系,改进熵权法相较单一熵权法在保证整体分布准确基础上对局部细节刻画有明显优势;三个研究区评价结果模型与当前城市发展现状吻合度高,验证了改进熵权法先进性、科学性与实用性。  相似文献   

针对建筑安全管理评价中各评价指标的模糊性和不确定性,将熵值和集对分析理论应用于建筑安全管理评价中,依据评价指标和评价标准界限值的关系,对建筑企业安全管理状况进行同一、差异和对立的集对分析,计算各评价指标联系度,并采用熵权赋值法,确定了各评价指标的权重,计算各建筑企业的综合联系度,经实例分析表明,基于熵权集对分析模型的评价结果合理。  相似文献   

基于熵权物元可拓理论建立安全风险评估流程,构建评价指标和评价标准。结合公路隧道养护技术规范,综合分析隧道病害对改扩建影响,在既有隧道改扩建施工力学研究的基础上,构建了既有公路隧道改扩建安全风险状态评估指标体系,建立熵权物元可拓评估模型,用熵权法计算各指标权重,减少人为主观因素的影响。然后,将该模型应用于某既有公路隧道改扩建安全风险评估,验证该评估模型的准确性。研究表明,将熵权物元可拓理论应用于既有公路隧道改扩建安全风险评估是可行的。  相似文献   

熵权在建筑设计方案模糊优选中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惠彦涛  李瑞 《山西建筑》2007,33(13):8-9
在分析建筑设计方案评价因素的基础上,提出了一种设计方案优选的方法,即熵权和模糊数学相结合的熵权模糊综合评价法,根据评价指标的不确定性,运用熵将主观和客观结合起来,对各评价因子的影响价值进行评估,得出较为合理的评价权重,并利用模糊数学对设计方案进行优选,以推广该法的应用。  相似文献   

本文从人员、材料、机械、管理、技术和环境风险六个方面,共计23个评价指标来建立装配式建筑施工安全风险评价指标体系.采用物元可拓模型并引用熵权法计算指标权重,从而建立熵权物元可拓模型评价装配式建筑施工.结果 表明:合肥某装配式该项目总体等级处于Ⅱ级,属于较安全状态,其中管理、机械、材料、环境风险等级为Ⅱ级,属于较安全状态,但是其人员危和技术风险等级为Ⅲ级,属于一般状态,对其安全影响较大.  相似文献   

喻阳 《建筑安全》2014,29(12):60-65
基于往年建筑安全生产经验,从最容易发生安全事故的五个施工部位出发,构建了工程项目施工阶段安全综合评价指标体系。引入LEC—熵权法,根据五个部位发生事故的概率等因素求出各部位危险性值,按照危险性大小给出一级评价指标的权重;在评价矩阵的基础上,利用熵权法得出二级指标的权重,最终客观地对整个工程项目安全状况进行综合评价。指标权重关系着最后综合评价的结果能否可信,采用LEC—熵权法能在一定程度上避免人的主观因素的干扰,客观确定指标权重。将LEC—熵权法应用于某建设项目安全评价上,结果表明该评价结果客观、有效,与现场实际情况相符。  相似文献   

基于熵权TOPSIS法的房地产项目后评价模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于当前项目后评价理论,从财务、销售、客户、工程等经济效益和社会效益方面设计房地产项目后评价的指标体系,利用熵权TOPSIS法构建房地产项目后评价模型,并选取某品牌房地产公司的四个已完房地产项目进行评价。综合而言,应用熵权TOPSIS法可解决其他后评价方法确定指标权重主观性过强的问题,也可利用TOPSIS法对多个房地产项目进行评价和排序,从而得到更好的评价效果。  相似文献   

结合我国水利建设的现状和特点构建了水利建设项目综合指标评价体系,运用熵权法确定各评价指标的客观权重,并将熵权与多层次模糊综合评价法相结合,建立水利建设项目综合评价模型,对水利建设项目进行多层次模糊综合评价。该方法比传统的模糊综合评价法能够更加科学、客观地对水利建设项目进行综合评价,从而为项目管理决策提供科学有效的依据。  相似文献   

岩爆是高地应力区开挖过程中常遇到的工程地质灾害,发生突然且破坏性极大,因此岩爆的预测一直是岩爆课题的研究热点。在综合分析岩爆影响因素的基础上,选取切向应力与单轴抗压强度比值σθ/σc、岩石脆性系数σc/σt、围岩弹性储能Wet及岩石完整性系数Kv作为评价指标,将熵权法与功效系数法进行结合,采用熵权法确定各指标权重,并利用功效系数法进行综合评价,从而建立出岩爆预测的熵权-功效系数法模型。利用国内外17组典型工程实例对模型进行验证,将所得结果与功效系数法、熵权-正态云模型、RS-TOPSIS模型预测结果及实际情况进行对比。为进一步考查模型的适用性,利用该模型对猴子岩水电站及锦屏二级水电站进行岩爆烈度等级预测。研究结果表明,熵权-功效系数法模型能够综合考虑影响岩爆发生的主要因素,预测准确性较高且原理简单易懂,具有一定的工程运用前景。  相似文献   

工程评标是招投标过程的核心工作之一,需保证评标方法的公平公正、科学合理。针对现有评标方法指标间信息重叠的问题,建立了基于主成分分析和熵权法的综合评标模型,借助主成分分析法简化重构评标指标体系,解决指标间信息重叠性问题;利用熵权法客观赋权,求得工程评标综合评价结果并排序。实例应用表明:该模型解决了指标间信息重叠导致的赋权重复问题,并将定性与定量的评价相结合,使评标结果更为科学可靠,可为招标单位选择最优的投标单位提供决策依据。  相似文献   

随着我国老龄化趋势日益加深,养老设施已无法满足当前现状,养老院环境问题作为养老设施中的重要环节,亟待解决。基于养老院老年人特征以及对空间环境的需求,以空间的整体性、关联性、情感功效性为原则,对养老院室内空间装饰环境构成因素进行系统化整合,提出适用于养老院的室内空间一体化设计策略。以兰州市半山养老院为例进行养老院室内空间一体化设计,以期为西北地区养老院室内设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The high risk of fire dieath and injury among elderly people is well documented. To be effective, fire safety education must reach older adults in the settings in which they reside: nursing homes and other long-term care institutions, board and care homes, and independent living facilities including the person's own home. Training must also be targeted at the people who are responsible for fire safety. In the case of the nursing home or board and care home, the responsible people are the staff and owners. In the case of the majority of older adults who live independently in their homes, it is either the individual or family members. These programs must also be comprehensive.A fire safety education curriculum was developed by a group of experts in a variety of related fields including fire safety, gerontology, health care industry, developmental disabilities, research, and instructional design. Older adults were included in each planning session. Based on that curriculum, workshops and workshop materials were developed for each of the three target populations: staff of health care facilities, staff and owners of board and care homes, and elderly people living independently in their homes. Materials included both print and audiovisuals. A pilot test of each workshop was conducted to test the short-term effects of the programs.Results indicated significant gains in knowledge for all groups and a significant improvement in positive attitudes toward fire safety for most participants. Measures of effects of the programs on intentions to change fire safety practices indicated a potential for change. Results also showed that the measured traits, knowledge of fire safety and attitudes toward fire safety, were relatively stable.  相似文献   

许文贞  方俊  刘旭堃 《建材世界》2021,42(2):106-110
随着城市道路不断的建设和改造,对资源环境的影响日益显著,因此提高城市道路环境管理质量必不可少。该文从环保设施、节能设施、环保效果以及环保费用四个方面选取评价指标,运用熵值法确定各指标权重,并对城市道路进行模糊综合评价,最后通过实证分析验证了模型的有效性,找出影响城市道路环境效益的因素。  相似文献   

Over 40% of nursing home residents in the Netherlands are estimated to have visual impairments. In this study, light conditions in Dutch nursing homes were assessed in terms of horizontal and vertical illuminances and colour temperature. Results showed that in the seven nursing homes vertical illuminances in common rooms fell significantly below the 750 lx reference value in at least 65% of the measurements. Horizontal illuminance measurements in common rooms showed a similar pattern. At least 55% of the measurements were below the 750 lx threshold. The number of measurements at the window zone was significantly higher than the threshold level of 750 lx. Illuminances in the corridors fell significantly below the 200 lx threshold in at least three quarters of the measurements in six of the seven nursing homes. The colour temperature of light fell significantly below the reference value for daylight of 5000 K with median scores of 3400 to 4500 K. A significant difference in colour temperature was found between recently constructed nursing homes and some older homes. Lighting conditions of the examined nursing homes were poor. With these data, nursing home staff have the means to improve the lighting conditions, for instance, by encouraging residents to be seated next to a window when performing a task or during meals.  相似文献   

The elderly’s perception of their environment largely depends on acquired visual information. This study provides a quantitative analytical method for designing bedrooms in nursing homes by developing a computational model that uses viewing distance, viewing angle, and viewing field as variables. The model is utilized to measure a range of visual environmental properties, including privacy, accessibility, permeability, and visibility, which reflect the quality of bedrooms in nursing homes. The suitability levels of bedroom planes for the elderly and their main living functions as well as the fitting degree of the functional layout are calculated based on these data. After validating the computational model’s feasibility, this study optimizes the typical schemes of single and double rooms in nursing homes. Results reveal certain advantages of the arrangement where bathroom doors are set toward the inside of the bedroom and double rooms have a large width. The computational model can be used in measuring the spatial quality of bedrooms in nursing homes and as a mathematical model for related algorithm design and software programming to assist in the design and optimization of bedrooms for the elderly.  相似文献   

崔敏  蒋伟 《规划师》2011,27(11):18-23
近年来,虽然农村经济得到了快速发展,但是农村基本公共服务设施的发展相对滞后、空间布局不合理等问题也不断涌现出来.应从公平性和效率性两个角度对农村基本公共服务设施空间布局进行适宜性评价,以此指导农村基本公共服务设施的布局实践,促进城乡基本公共服务设施的均等化发展.  相似文献   

舒波  陈阳 《南方建筑》2019,(2):43-49
随着我国老龄化趋势的日益严峻,城市养老设施的规划配置受到广泛的关注与重视。厘清我国城市养老设施的布局规划研究现状,探索其研究态势,不仅对学术理论研究有着重要的推动作用,更是支撑我国养老设施体系可持续发展的重要途径。基于CNKI数据库平台,通过对我国近20年来相关文献与研究检索分析,首先阐述国外养老设施实践对我国的借鉴意义;其次,从供需矛盾、设施类型、配建标准、规划布局4个方面,探究我国城市养老设施布局规划研究的现状及态势。最后,提出展望:我国城市养老设施布局规划研究应加强老年人主体属性研究,进一步完善规划评价体系、注重大数据分析等新技术应用、加强跨学科的深入交叉融合研究。以期为国内城市养老设施布局规划研究与实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Hans Becker , originally a professor at the Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam, is a seemingly unlikely guru for elderly care. In 1992 he was appointed Chair of the Rotterdam-based housing association Humanitas with the task of overturning the outmoded and failing commercial model of its nursing homes. He set about replacing them with ‘apartments for life’ that promoted independent living. In order to understand more about the successful Humanitas model, David Birkbeck , Chief Executive of Design for Homes in the UK, interviewed Becker and found out how the move to a new housing type was enabled by a philosophical shift that placed an emphasis on the engendering of happiness among its residents – with food and the creation of convivial on-site restaurant facilities proving a critical tool.  相似文献   

Building information modeling (BIM) has been widely adopted in the building industry. However, the use of BIM in civil infrastructure facilities, sometimes referred to as civil information modeling (CIM) has been slow in its application. Industry and academia are increasingly putting effort into CIM study and implementation, but so far there has been no comprehensive review of their effort in this regard. This paper presents a framework to evaluate the current practices of CIM adoption for various civil infrastructure facilities. In this study, civil infrastructure facilities were divided into nine categories for evaluation and the effort with regard to CIM adoption for each civil infrastructure category was evaluated in six aspects. Based on the evaluation and comparison results of 171 case studies and 62 academic papers on CIM, research gaps were identified and recommendations were made. For example, the findings show that data schema development for civil infrastructure facilities other than bridges, roads, and tunnels are lacking. The results and research gaps revealed by this study are useful for both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

This study explores the color preferences of elderly residents of nursing homes based on the expected activities for different rooms, activity rooms, and bedrooms and compares the results with the arousal level induced by each color. Two experiments were conducted, one with elderly people living in nursing homes in the Valencian Community, and the other in a laboratory with virtual reality and physiological markers (i.e., heart rate variability). Individuals assessed six colors in two groups of warm and cool. Results demonstrate that preferences for warm and cool colors depend on the room type. For the activity room, warm colors were preferred over the cool colors by both genders, fitting the higher arousal levels induced by warm versus cool colors. For the bedrooms, cool colors were preferred by both genders, fitting the lower arousal levels induced by cool colors in females and the other models that suggest a U-shaped relation between the arousal level and the visible spectra of colors. Therefore, the color preferences for interior spaces in nursing homes depend on the room type and are related to the arousal level for the expected activity in them.  相似文献   

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