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易念平  张信贵 《工业建筑》2008,38(2):109-113
通过对南宁盆地泥岩上某失效桩基工程7根桩静载试验结果的综合评定,认为规范规定的单桩竖向极限承载力统计值按照依次去掉高值后取平均,直至满足极差不超过30%的条件,不利于充分发挥桩基的承载力,按工程的特点与荷载等对失效桩基工程进行处理,并按变形进行控制是可行的办法。同时根据南宁盆地泥岩的物质组成、工程特性和力学性质具有的特殊性和复杂性,如独特的互层性地层构造使泥岩软硬相间难以进行风化带划分,在包括水、岩相互作用、机械扰动及时间效应等各种不确定因素的作用下,泥岩地基上的钻孔桩失效的概率比较高的特点,对泥岩地基工程桩基失效与泥岩的诸多特殊工程性质进行分析,指出桩基承载力不足是由于桩端与嵌岩段泥岩承载力下降造成的。钻孔桩成功与否并不因为桩端承载力取值低而会得到保证。  相似文献   

土质酸性是导致钢桩腐蚀的主要原因之一。服役于酸性土中的钢桩将会被侵蚀,导致桩身材料劣化,影响了桩基的安全性和耐久性。为了了解腐蚀桩的承载性能,通过中性和模拟酸性土两种环境下的桩基室内模型试验,测得腐蚀前后承台沉降量和桩端阻力值随桩顶加卸载的变化规律以及地面堆载固结过程中各土层沉降量、桩端阻力值、桩身轴力值以及桩侧摩阻力的变化情况。研究表明,由于腐蚀钢桩表面产生大量疏松的锈蚀产物,使桩–土界面的黏着力大大降低。桩顶承台的沉降量较未腐蚀桩大,腐蚀桩的桩端阻力值比未腐蚀桩大。而在堆载固结条件下,由于堆载作用不仅加速了桩间土体的固结,桩–土界面再次挤密,单桩以及群桩中各桩的桩端阻力值减小。腐蚀桩的中性点位置明显下移,腐蚀率越大的桩,桩侧负摩阻力的增加值越大,腐蚀前后中性点位置处桩身轴力变化率越大。研究成果可以为腐蚀条件下各类桩基载荷性能研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Laboratory and field tests were conducted to investigate the bearing and pullout capacities of steel piles with a continuous helix wing during cyclic loading. Both continuous helix and straight-sided piles were subjected to monotonic compressive, monotonic tensile, and cyclic reversal loading in the laboratory, while only the continuous helix pile was tested in the field. Both the laboratory and the field tests showed that the bearing and pullout capacities of the continuous helix pile under cyclic reversal loading decreased to approximately 60–80% of those of the pile under monotonic loading, with a larger reduction seen in the laboratory tests. The decrease in resistance was mainly due to the reduction in shaft friction, which was likely to be the result of soil disturbance and loosening around the pile with cyclic loading. The laboratory tests also showed that the tip resistance of the straight-sided pile under cyclic reversal loading was reduced, similarly due to the loosening of the soil, particularly underneath the pile tip. The tip resistance of the continuous helix pile, in contrast, did not degrade with cyclic loading, owing to the presence of the wing immediately above the pile tip that inhibited the loosening of the soil. These findings were supported by similar field test observations.  相似文献   

软岩桩基承载性能试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 地王商会中心和佳得鑫广场是南宁市两座相邻的高层建筑,其基础均采用人工挖孔扩底桩,桩端嵌入第三系泥岩。广西南宁盆地广泛分布的第三系泥岩是典型的软岩,通常被选择作为建筑物桩基的持力层。为掌握软岩桩基的工程性质,采用自平衡试桩法进行上述2个工程共8根嵌岩桩的承载性能试验。考虑到各试桩的嵌岩深度和尺寸不同,为获得较好的试验结果,桩身荷载箱的设置采用不同型式。通过试验解决大吨位软岩扩底桩承载力测试难题,为工程设计提供所需的重要参数。对试验数据进行对比分析结果表明,浸水对软岩桩基的承载性能有较大的削弱。根据试验研究结论,施工中采取有效措施防止泥岩浸水,为今后类似工程的建设积累了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(2):168-175
The jet mixing anchor pile is a new kind of supporting technology for foundation pit engineering in soft clay. The engineering features of jet mixing anchor pile as well as the difference between it and normal anchor bolt are introduced. The uplift tests of 4 jet mixing anchor piles are presented in detail to obtain the ultimate bearing capacity and load–deformation relationship of the piles. Load-transfer analysis, which is rarely applied in the analysis of uplift piles, is carried out on the piles with a hyperbolic calculation model. The load transfer method focuses on the interface between pile and soil, with which the non-linear behavior, the bearing capacity and the engineering features of the anchor piles can be fully studied. The calculated load–displacement curves of the piles have close agreement with that of the pullout tests, indicating that the proposed analytical solution is reasonable and feasible in predicting the bearing capacity of the piles. Thus, with this study, the supporting stiffness of the anchor pile can be predicted in the design stage of the foundation pit engineering, which is very important and meaningful in practical engineering. The decay curve of shear stress of soil surrounding the pile is derived with the load-transfer method, through which the minimum transverse space of each two piles can be decided against the pile group effect. Engineers can optimize the length and spacing of group piles through this.  相似文献   

复合地基广泛应用于处理软土地基,而桩体缺陷难以避免,含缺陷桩复合地基受压工程特性和加固技术受到广泛关注。采用室内模型试验,研究含缺陷桩复合地基工程特性,为含缺陷桩复合地基加固设计提供依据,并提出了加固建议。结果表明:相比正常桩,相同缺陷位置的3种缺陷桩在相同荷载作用下产生的沉降量由小到大顺序为扩径桩、正常桩、缩径桩和断裂桩。桩顶应力和桩土应力比由小到大顺序为断裂桩、缩径桩、正常桩和扩径桩。从工程效果角度,扩径桩较好、缩径桩较差、断裂桩最差。对于扩径桩、缩径桩和断裂桩等3种缺陷桩,缺陷位置越接近桩顶越不利、越接近桩底则不良影响越小。缺陷位置处轴力均出现明显突变,成为中性点。缩径部位的轴力显著降低,呈现谷值,桩身上半段缩径导致下半段轴力峰值和中性点位置下移,桩身下半段缩径导致上半段轴力峰值和中性点位置上移,桩身中段缩径导致桩身上下两段分别出现轴力峰值和中性点。断面下轴力变小,中部断裂桩的轴力峰值位置仍位于中部,上段断裂桩的轴力峰值位置下移。扩径部位轴力呈现峰值。当桩体出现缺陷时,应测试复合地基承载力,验算沉降量和稳定性,必要时按组合桩型复合地基原理增设桩体。  相似文献   

为解决高速公路桥头跳车问题,现对CFG桩进行地基加固分析,并通过工程实例进行实际验证,结果表明,CFG单桩复合地基中的褥垫层对于调整桩土荷载的分担,减少承台底面的应力集中,进而保证桩土共同承担荷载起着明显的作用,是保证CFG桩桩体与桩间土形成复合地基的一项重要措施。  相似文献   

后注浆钻孔灌注桩承载性状试验研究   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
何剑 《岩土工程学报》2002,24(6):743-746
采用桩底后注浆技术不仅可以大幅度提高基桩的承载能力、减少桩顶沉降量,同时基桩的承载性状也会得到改善。依据中原地区某工程中采用桩底注浆和没有注浆桩的2根试桩的单桩竖向抗压静载试验结果,通过对基桩的竖向极限承载力性状、桩身轴力传递特性以及桩侧阻力发挥特性和桩端阻力发挥特性的综合分析研究,揭示了桩底后注浆对基桩承载性状的影响情况,得出了一些对相同地区同类基桩的设计、施工和深入研究具有指导意义的结论。  相似文献   

冯忠居  王航  魏进  高璇  贾彦武  张旭 《岩土工程学报》2015,37(12):2308-2314
为了探明黄土冲沟地形条件对桥梁桩基础承载力的影响,首次基于自主研发的能充分反映黄土冲沟区域桩基础特点与工作性能的模型试验平台,分析不同冲沟坡度、不同桩长桩基的竖向承载力,桩身轴力及桩侧摩阻力的变化规律,并结合试验结果提出相关的工程技术建议。研究结果表明:1随着坡度的增大,相同桩长的桩基承载力呈降低趋势,承载力影响度逐渐增大,变化范围在7%~35%之间;2在一定范围内,桩基承载力随桩长增加增幅越大,桩长增加到一定程度时,承载力增幅逐渐变缓;3随着坡度增加,相同入土深度下的有效桩长逐渐减小;4黄土冲沟斜坡区域桥梁桩基设计应充分考虑防止桩周土体流失的工程技术。  相似文献   

Similar to free-standing pile groups, piled raft foundations are conventionally designed in which the piles carry the total load of structure and the raft bearing capacity is not taken into account. Numerous studies indicated that this method is too conservative. Only when the pile cap is elevated from the ground level, the raft bearing contribution can be neglected. In a piled raft foundation, pile–soil–raft interaction is complicated. Although several numerical studies have been carried out to analyze the behaviors of piled raft foundations, very few experimental studies are reported in the literature. The available laboratory studies mainly focused on steel piles. The present study aims to compare the behaviors of piled raft foundations with free-standing pile groups in sand, using laboratory physical models. Cast-in-place concrete piles and concrete raft are used for the tests. The tests are conducted on single pile, single pile in pile group, unpiled raft, free-standing pile group and piled raft foundation. We examine the effects of the number of piles, the pile installation method and the interaction between different components of foundation. The results indicate that the ultimate bearing capacity of the piled raft foundation is considerably higher than that of the free-standing pile group with the same number of piles. With installation of the single pile in the group, the pile bearing capacity and stiffness increase. Installation of the piles beneath the raft decreases the bearing capacity of the raft. When the raft bearing capacity is not included in the design process, the allowable bearing capacity of the piled raft is underestimated by more than 200%. This deviation intensifies with increasing spacing of the piles.  相似文献   

为了解决西北地区光伏支架基础的设计和应用问题,在传统抗拔类基础之上提出了微型锚杆复合桩。通过在西北某光伏电站砂砾石场地的现场足尺试验,由竖向位移观察装置及埋设在不同深度处的应力计对加载过程中各试桩的位移变形和轴力变化情况进行了全时动态监测,对比分析了传统抗拔基础和微型锚杆复合桩的承载特性及相关工程应用问题。结果表明:传统抗拔类基础的荷载 位移曲线形态因桩型不同而异,微型锚杆复合桩呈现缓变型;传统抗拔类基础的极限承载力普遍低于15 kN,而微型锚杆复合桩普遍高于60 kN,承载能力大幅度提高,但微型锚杆复合桩承载力随桩长提高方面存在临界长度(4 m);微型锚杆复合桩抗拔承载特性优化参数分别从承载力、位移变形及复合优化效果3个方面定量表征了相近桩基尺寸下微型锚杆复合桩的优越抗拔工作性能;建议在西北砂砾石场地适度推广应用微型锚杆复合桩作为光伏支架抗拔基础,其中桩长设计可控制在4 m以内。  相似文献   

长短桩组合桩基础模型试验及承载性能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
长短桩组合桩基础作为一种新型的桩基形式,对其承载性状、工作机理的研究很有必要。本文在室内模型试验的基础上,对长短桩组合桩基础的荷载与沉降的关系、桩身侧摩阻力分布、桩身内力以及长短桩组合桩基础中长桩和短桩承载性状发挥状况等问题进行了分析,得到了一些规律性的、有价值的结论。  相似文献   

李国胜 《建筑结构》2020,50(7):118-129
由于有关规范对基桩检测的规定不完全相同,容易造成混乱。对《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB 50007-2011)、《建筑桩基技术规范》(JGJ 94-2008)、《建筑基桩检测技术规范》(JGJ 106-2014)中有关基桩检测规定进行比较,对高、低应变检测方法及其适用情况进行分析,对桩承载力计算方法进行归纳,对静载试验加载量及桩身纵筋配筋问题进行探讨。得出如下主要结论:建筑桩基设计等级为甲、乙级的基桩应进行试桩,丙级的基桩一般可不试桩;高应变法检测基桩承载力和低应变法检测基桩完整性有一定的局限性和适用范围;钻芯法钻取的混凝土芯样试件抗压强度一般低于混凝土的强度等级;基桩承载力静载试验检测的最大加载量在不同情况下取值不同;需考虑负摩阻力的基桩承载力静载试验检测的最大加载量应考虑中性点以上部分桩侧摩阻力的不利影响。  相似文献   

能源桩集地源热泵技术与建筑桩基于一体,桩基承载性状受荷载–温度耦合作用而不同于常规工程桩。开展了昆山某摩擦型能源桩工程的荷载–温度现场联合测试,测试了多级荷载水平与不同换热工况下桩身的温度、应力分布及桩顶位移变化,整理得到桩身的附加温度荷载、桩身轴力及桩侧摩阻力分布曲线,分析了摩擦型能源桩荷载–温度作用下的承载性状与荷载传递特征。测试结果表明:能源桩的温度变化将引起附加温度荷载,桩身轴力和附加温度荷载分布特征和桩顶荷载作用、桩端约束有关,承载性状不同于单一荷载作用下的工程桩。加热工况引起桩身上、中部多处出现负摩阻力,但荷载的增加有利于减小升温引起的负摩阻力效应;制冷工况下,桩端附近产生负摩阻力,能源桩荷载传递特征受荷载–温度耦合作用而改变。设计荷载作用下,能源桩顶加热时隆起而制冷时下沉,加热工况引起的桩顶位移在停止加热回温后可基本恢复,但制冷工况引起的桩顶位移在回温后会导致桩顶产生附加沉降,荷载–温度耦合作用也引起了能源桩沉降性状的变化。  相似文献   

黄土地区新型桩基问题研究匮乏,为了在黄土地区引入并推广长短组合桩基础,需深入研究该桩基的承载性状。研制了室内模型试验装置,在单桩、4根组合桩及8根组合桩工况下通过伺服加载系统对试验装置进行了加载,全面地分析了桩身承载力和变形特性。结果表明:桩身轴力和侧摩阻力的发挥具有异步性,长桩的破坏形式为刺入型破坏,但短桩不是很明显;在4根桩组合试验工况中,桩身承载力极限值与单桩略相等,桩侧摩阻力最大值出现的位置与单桩相比有所不同,长桩分担的荷载比例比短桩高;在8根桩组合试验工况中,在每级荷载作用下角桩的桩身荷载均比边桩、中心桩都大,与单桩承载力相比,其长桩(角桩、边桩)和短桩(中心桩)的桩身承载力及桩侧摩阻力均有显著的提高,角桩的桩顶荷载分担比略高于边桩。  相似文献   

为了研究砂性土中钢管桩复合基础的承载特性,设计了模型桩系列试验。结果表明:对于单桩复合基础,封桩前阶段的荷载全部直接由承台底砂土承担,封桩后阶段桩体达到极限承载力之前,桩体分担的荷载占荷载增量的73.5%~92%,当桩的承载能力达到极限后,随着荷载的继续增加,桩分担的荷载比例较之前衰减明显,而土体分担的荷载比例增加。钢管桩八桩复合基础中,桩身轴力在桩身上部的衰减梯度明显小于中下部,角桩衰减速率最大,边桩次之;桩身摩阻力自上而下逐渐发挥,桩顶以下1.55 m处摩阻力达到最大;每级荷载作用下,角桩的侧阻力大于边桩。钢管桩群桩复合基础的竖向承载力远大于相对应的高承台群桩承载力。  相似文献   

Axial compressive load tests performed on piles instrumented with strain gauges were completed in order to investigate the effects of inter-helix spacing on the behaviour of helical piles. The test piles had two helices with varied values of helix spacing. The helix-bearing soil layer consisted of a homogeneous clay with an average undrained shear strength of 65 kPa. The test pile failure mechanisms were determined by comparing the measured load distributions to the distributions predicted by the individual bearing and the cylindrical shear models. The results suggest that the individual bearing model dominates the pile behaviour for piles with an inter-helix spacing to helix diameter ratio greater than or equal to 1.5. The helix bearing capacity factor and the shaft adhesion factor were evaluated by comparing the measured pile component resistances to the theoretical estimations. The back-calculated bearing capacity and the adhesion factors were below the values traditionally used in helical pile design. The effects of the soil setup on the pile behaviour were evaluated by comparing the load-settlement response of a pile tested immediately after the pile installation to equivalent piles tested many days after the installation. A piezometer installed near the upper helix edge was used to measure the excess pore pressure generation and dissipation induced by the installation. The results suggest that the pore pressure generation induced by the pile installation was minimal and had little influence on the short-term ultimate capacity.  相似文献   

大面积的深基坑坑底往往设置密集的工程桩,深开挖导致的土体卸荷回弹作用会对这些工程桩产生强烈的影响。采用ABAQUS软件建立平面有限元分析模型,对深开挖过程中坑底群桩的受力特性进行研究,确定桩顶抬升量、桩土相对位移、桩身轴力和桩侧摩阻力的分布。最后在开挖结束时对各工程桩重新加载,根据Q-s曲线来判断其抗压承载力和抗拔承载力。结果表明,工程桩的承载力与其在基坑平面中的位置有关。  相似文献   

在现行地基基础规范的基础上 ,进行了超常规的设计尝试。根据工程地质特点 ,为充分利用不同深度的地基土承载力 ,在基础底下合理布置刚性长桩及柔性短桩 ,使桩分别落在不同的土层上 ,并满足复合地基承载力和变形要求 ,从而使桩身强度得到最大限度的利用 ,取得了很好的经济效益。通过实际工程设计表明 ,在一定地质条件下 ,刚柔性联合桩的应用不失为一种节约投资、行之有效的方法。可根据工程和地质特点 ,推广应用到其它桩型上。  相似文献   

考虑天然饱和黏土地层的原位力学特性,采用圆孔扩张模型考虑沉桩效应,结合太沙基一维径向固结理论推导了桩周土再固结过程中土体强度和剪切模量的解析解。在此基础上,根据桩基加载过程中桩侧土体的剪切变形特性,采用指数函数型荷载传递曲线分别建立了静压桩的桩侧和桩端荷载传递模型,提出了考虑时效性的静压桩荷载–沉降关系理论预测方法。通过现场试验对本文解答进行验证,研究了沉桩结束后静压桩荷载–沉降特性随时间的变化规律,分析了静压桩沉桩后不同历时的荷载传递特性。研究结果表明,沉桩结束后静压桩承载特性的变化主要是由于桩侧承载特性的提高;特定休止期后的静载试验结果与静压桩真实承载特性存在一定差异。因此,实际工程中应根据桩周土体力学特性的改变结合静载试验合理确定静压桩的承载特性。  相似文献   

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