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王斌晓 《建筑电气》2022,41(1):64-70
从铁路站房能源管理系统建设现状出发,以落实国家及铁路节能发展规划为目的,通过分析、研究,力求为铁路站房能源管理系统构建提供技术支撑.提出站房提升能效的关键研究对象及可进一步挖掘的节能潜力,利用先进技术和有针对性的节能控制策略,通过大数据、移动互联等信息化、数字化手段,构建一种新型建筑设备监控及能源管理系统.该系统采用管...  相似文献   

可视化节能管理系统的理念应用于地铁运营管理中,可以概括为设备系统节能管理和运营节能管理两部分。一方面,它可以进一步挖掘地铁公司的节能潜力,帮助企业找出无形浪费和容易被忽略的能源消耗,进一步提高设备使用效率另一方面,它可以改变人们传统的能源使用方式,提高人们节能意识,培养员工参加节能活动,自觉地形成节能行为规范。该文对地铁节能管理有效大参考价值。  相似文献   

近日,由国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所组织有关机构和专家编写的《能源及可再生能源项目融资指导手册》在京发布。据介绍,该《手册》旨在加强国内银行在节能及可再生能源项目信贷方面的能力建设,为开展节能及可再生能源项目融资评估提供指导和帮助。《手册》主要介绍了部分重点用能行业的能源消耗情况、重点节能技术的原理、节能效果、技术经济指标以及应用案例等,对银行业进一步了解节能项目的技术特点和实施后的经济、社会效益有很大的指导作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了能源管理系统,以及其帮助企业管理者实时掌握能效现状、发现节能机会、进行有针对性的节能改造、评估节能改造效果、确保在安全高效的前提下降低能源消耗成本的积极作用。  相似文献   

通过专家级能耗审计,帮助客户掌握企业电能消耗现状,发现节能潜力,结合工艺流程和企业特点制定能源管理策略,优化能源使用环节,利用能效管理系统进行能效水平跟踪验证,从而保证良好的节能效果。  相似文献   

应对新世纪面临的能源短缺和环境保护等严峻挑战,近年来日本大力开展“智慧城市”示范工程建设,打造节能环保未来城市。本文系统分析与探讨了智慧城市中的一些关键应用,如新能源利用,区域能源管理系统(CEMS)、家庭能源管理系统(HEMS)、楼宇能源管理系统(BEMS)、工厂能源管理系统(FEMS)、电动汽车管理中心(EVS),冷热电联供系统以及动态电价策略等先进技术。  相似文献   

控制节能和管理节能是大型智能建筑节能的两种技术,本文介绍了大型智能建筑用能公式及用能组成,分析楼宇自控、照明控制和电梯控制三种控制节能技术以及建筑能源管理系统的节能技术,并对其中两种节能技术进行了经济效益评估。  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者孙海燕)当前.实现节能减排目标面临的形势十分严峻.已经成为国内外关注的焦点.人民群众关心的热点。推进节能减排科技进步.推广一批潜力大,应用面广的重大节能减排技术是实现节能减排目标的重要途径之一.由深圳达实智能股份有限公司自主研发的“城市建筑能源监测管理平台”.就是能提供能源审计和节能服务.提高能源利用效率的一套能源管理系统.  相似文献   

刘乾能 《江西建材》2014,(10):215-215
就电气节能应遵循原则,从供配电系统、合理使用电动机、照明节能、可再生能源利用、能源管理系统等方面,探讨建筑电气节能方法。  相似文献   

2012年11月02日,由上海节能信息网带领国内外各领域的节能专业人士,参观了安科瑞的能源管理平台和电力仪表在电能分项计量及能源管理系统中的应用实例,通过用能单位能源管理师和节能服务业专业人士对安科瑞的现场实际考察、讨论,挖掘节能机会并探讨解决方案。安科瑞董事长周中和营销总监朱芳热情接待了考察团一行,并带领参观了安科瑞的能源管理平台和电力仪表在电能分项计量及能源管理系统中的应用实例,全面介绍了企业的能源管理架构、用能情况、节能工作成果及下一步节能规划,并通过实际的厂区节能效果和先进人性化的节能监测手段证明了节能实施后的效果,进一步证实了节能在生产企业中的重要性。  相似文献   

Energy management systems provide an opportunity to collect vast amounts of building-related data. The data contain abundant knowledge about the interactions between a building’s energy consumption and the influencing factors. It is highly desirable that the hidden knowledge can be extracted from the data in order to help improve building energy performance. However, the data are rarely translated into useful knowledge due to their complexity and a lack of effective data analysis techniques. This paper first conducts a comprehensive review of the commonly used data analysis methods applied to building-related data. Both the strengths and weaknesses of each method are discussed. Then, the critical analysis of the previous solutions to three fundamental problems of building energy performance improvement that remain significant barriers is performed. Considering the limitations of those commonly used data analysis methods, data mining techniques are proposed as a primary tool to analyze building-related data. Moreover, a data analysis process and a data mining framework are proposed that enable building-related data to be analyzed more efficiently. The process refers to a series of sequential steps in analyzing data. The framework includes different data mining techniques and algorithms, from which a set of efficient data analysis methodologies can be developed. The applications of the process and framework to two sets of collected data demonstrate their applicability and abilities to extract useful knowledge. Particularly, four data analysis methodologies were developed to solve the three problems. For demonstration purposes, these methodologies were applied to the collected data. These methodologies are introduced in the published papers and are summarized in this paper. More extensive investigations will be performed in order to further evaluate the effectiveness of the framework.  相似文献   

在传统水龙头的设计中未考虑利用自来水的压力势能,为此应用流体连续性原理,充分利用自来水管网中的压力势能,并将其转化为动能,研制出新型自适应变频节水喷头,实现了低微流量、高速喷射、强力冲击、清水去污,节水效率达60%以上.实验室清水去污试验及实际应用结果表明,该喷头节水效果明显,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

付玲 《山西建筑》2009,35(33):192-193
在当前开发出的应用于电厂DCS数据的OOA关联规则挖掘系统的基础上,以电厂实际运行积累的DCS数据为数据源进行热耗率的在线计算和OOA关联规则挖掘,总结、认识规律并为以后的进一步挖掘研究工作积累经验。  相似文献   

邱焯  周荣圣 《智能建筑》2009,(10):41-45
随着国家经济建设飞速发展,各类能源消耗的需求量也不断增加,给能源供给带来了巨大压力。针对这一情况,有关供电单位制定了一些限电措施,不光有峰谷电价的严格区分,还通过最大需量计价等措施来限制用电峰值。因此,在一些新建的智能建筑中,业主引入了燃气冷热电三联供、冰蓄冷机组等设备,以期取得实现整个建筑能源管理上的节能和用电量上的削峰填谷。本文探讨的是在传统能源管理的基础上,如何使用上海长江新成计算机系统集成有限公司新开发的Sentry EMs能源管理软件与这些新的节能设备结合,通过对比使用上述节能设备前后的相关特征能耗数据,计算出实际节约能耗量,再结合节能设备的自身能耗,最终通过图表及报表方式产生一份节能的实际效果分析作为能源管理的策略依据,以此实现对智能建筑能耗的综合有效管理,从而实现在限电背景下建筑内部能源利用的最优化。  相似文献   

 矿山地震活动是矿山开采的岩体动力响应,反映矿山岩体应力、变形和破坏状态。利用冬瓜山铜矿微震监测数据,基于定量地震学原理,采用累积视体积?VA、能量指数EI和累积开挖量?Vm时程曲线分析方法,研究矿山开采速率与微震变形之间的关系;并从能量的储存与释放的角度,结合视体积VA和弹性收敛体积VE,提出将累积地震视体积?VA与累积开采量?Vm之比作为微震活动对开采速率的响应系数(CSR),以表征岩体中能量的储存与释放关系。研究结果表明,矿山开采量对?VA和EI时程曲线特性有明显的影响,矿山开采速率与微震应变率存在对应关系,CSR的变化反映了系统的稳定变化趋势,可以方便地应用于矿山活动的监测分析和作为矿山生产速率控制的指导参数。  相似文献   

面向文献数据的挖掘   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着因特网的迅速发展,各种数据日益膨胀,如何从大量数据中挖掘出有用知识和规律,以辅助用户决策,成为亟待解决的问题,受到国内外学者的广泛关注和深入研究.笔者研究了文献数据中的挖掘,总结了当前文献数据分析和挖掘的现状,为面向文献数据的分析和挖掘提供了新的思路,从而更好地辅助研究者进行研究工作.  相似文献   

Incorporating energy efficiency and sustainable green design features into new/existing buildings has become a top priority in recent years for building owners, designers, contractors, and facility managers. This paper intends to address why delivery of an energy efficient building is not just the result of applying one or more isolated technologies. Rather, it can best be obtained using an integrated whole building process throughout the entire project development process, which leads building designers to generate a large amount of data during energy simulations. The authors observed that even a simple energy modeling run generated pages of data with many different variables. The volumes of energy modeling data clearly overwhelm traditional data analysis methods such as spreadsheets and ad-hoc queries with so many factors to be considered. An integrated or whole building design process involves studies of the energy-related impacts and interactions of all building components, including the building location, envelope (walls, windows, doors, and roof), heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, lighting, controls, and equipment, which shows why it is so difficult to find the correlation between different systems. The objective of this research is to develop an energy efficient building design process using data mining technology which can help project teams discover important patterns to improve the building design. This paper utilizes the data mining technology to extract interrelationships and patterns of interest from a large dataset. Case study revealed that data mining based energy modeling help project teams discover useful patterns to improve the energy efficiency of building design during the design phase. The method developed during this research could be used to guide designers and engineers through the process of completing an early design energy analysis based on energy simulation models.  相似文献   

Rock failure process as a natural response to mining activities is associated with seismic events, which can pose a potential hazard to mine operators, equipment and infrastructures. Mining-induced seismicity has been found to be internally correlated in both time and space domains as a result of rock fracturing during progressive mining activities. Understanding the spatio-temporal (ST) correlation of mining-induced seismic events is an essential step to use seismic data for further analysis, such as rockburst prediction and caving assessment. However, there are no established methods to perform this critical task. Input parameters used for the prediction of seismic hazards, such as the time window of past data and effective prediction distance, are determined based on site-specific experience without statistical or physical reasons to support. Therefore, the accuracy of current seismic prediction methods is largely constrained, which can only be addressed by quantitively assessing the ST correlations of mining-induced seismicity. In this research, the ST correlation of seismic event energy collected from a study mine is quantitatively analysed using various statistical methods, including autocorrelation function (ACF), semivariogram and Moran's I analysis. In addition, based on the integrated ST correlation assessment, seismic events are further classified into seven clusters, so as to assess the correlations within individual clusters. The correlation of seismic events is found to be quantitatively assessable, and their correlations may vary throughout the mineral extraction process.  相似文献   

Detailed visualisation and data analysis of occupancy patterns including spatial distribution and temporal variations are of great importance to delivering energy efficient and productive buildings. An experimental study comprising 24-h monitoring over 30 full days was conducted in a university library building.Occupancy profiles have been monitored and analysis has been carried out. Central to this monitoring study is the Wi-Fi based indoor positioning system based on the measured Wi-Fi devices' number and locations and data mining methods. Distinct from traditional occupancy and energy studies,more detailed informationrelated to the indoor positions and number of occupants has offered a better understanding of building user behaviour. The implication of the occupancy patterns for energy( e. g. lighting and other building services) efficiency is assessed,assisted with data from lighting sensors where needed. It is found occupancy patterns change dramatically with time. Also,the energy waste patterns have been identified through the method of data association rule mining. If the identified energy waste is removed,the total energy consumption can be reduced by 26. 1%. The indoor positioning information also has implications for optimizing space use,opening hours as well as staff deployment. The work could be extended to more rooms with diverse functions,other seasons and other types of non-domestic buildings for a more comprehensive understanding of building user behaviour and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

本加压供水装置,不需建水池,无二次污染,供水安全可靠,并且充分利用了自来水管网的压力,节能效果明显,彻底解决了供水压力不足的问题,更不会给自来水管网造成负压而影响其它地区供水.  相似文献   

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