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袁为  翟斌庆  陈远翔 《华中建筑》2014,(11):104-108
随着我国快速城市化进程,城中村在地方更新改造中暴露出许多问题。其中,居民邻里关系往往在城中村更新改造过程中得不到应有的重视,折射出社会生活环境的改善尚不能与当地物质环境的改善同步进行。对于城中村改造过程中的邻里关系与地方社区在改造项目中的参与度问题进行了研究。基于对西安市西八里村和井上村两个城中村的更新实践调查分析,研究将深入探讨有关问题及其成因。最后,研究将提出若干策略性建议,以期对我国城中村的改造实践具有更广泛的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

针对聚集低收入人群的工人社区的改造是城市发展中的重大课题。如何突破传统自上而下的政策主导,片面重视物质空间改造的局限,体现改造过程中的文化建设和价值重构,是亟待解决的问题。采用认知地图的方式,研究工人社区微观空间意象,有利于深入研究居民的诉求和认知,针对性地提出"以人为本"的改造策略。以徐州市贾汪区传统矿业工人社区为对象,对其居民的社会属性、生活习惯和社区空间感知特征进行问卷调查和意象草图收集,通过对居民微观社区意象的研究,对改造规划提出相关建议。  相似文献   

英国的城市更新政策作为福利性改造的代表,对较难吸引市场投资的城市住区的更新具有较大的借鉴意义。本研究将从空间维度,划分更新改造社区的类型,解读英国城市更新政策的发展经验:(1)社会问题严重的社区更新;(2)经济和社会优先发展的社区更新;(3)其他非衰落的社区更新。  相似文献   

<正>背景随着城市建设迈入存量提升时期,老旧社区[1]也面临新的发展需求。2016年广州提出了《广州市老旧小区微改造实施方案》,通过老旧社区微改造,进行功能置换与整治修缮,完善社区基础设施,加强社区建设,提升社区活力。截至2018年,广州共完成104个老旧小区微改造[2]。随着老旧社区更新改造的推进,更新模式不断适应当前的时代特征;当下,城市社会形态逐渐向消费社会转型;同时,日新月异的信息技术使得图像的质量飞速提升,获取途径与传播方式更为多样;利用智能手机、数码相机等设备记录、分享自己的生活成为大众新的生活方式1。  相似文献   

韩桑  孙青 《中国市政工程》2023,(2):40-43+105-106
近年来,城市建设正由增量发展转向存量优化,精细化的微更新成为城市更新改造的主要模式。老城区社区作为现阶段重要的改造提升对象,政府和居民对其改造更新的品质和规模都有更高要求。老城区社区内的户外空间是更新改造中的重要组成部分,是社区居民生活使用最为频繁的公共空间。通过实地考察和随机访谈,对上海市多处具有代表性的老旧社区户外空间特征进行研究,以居民的户外游憩活动需求为导向,以模块化技术与景观更新方法相结合,通过构建一种可复制、可推广的更新模式,提升老城区社区户外空间更新的品质。  相似文献   

广州市老旧小区量大面广,涉及多项改造内容、多方利益主体,公共财政一次性投入、大包大揽的方式不能从根本上解决老旧小区更新改造的可持续性问题,穿衣戴帽式的改造无法带来持续改善。本文对广州市老旧小区的现状进行调查和分析,结合老旧小区的共性问题,通过合理划分居民出资、公共财政投入、企业投资的比例,逐步改变完全依靠财政投入的模式,提出连片老旧小区打包改造、构建老旧小区更新改造服务平台等改造新思路,优化政府和社会资本合作模式,提出促进社区自治的路径建议,使老旧小区重新焕发生机并且可持续发展。  相似文献   

马航  何宁宁 《华中建筑》2014,(3):122-127
该文以深圳市龙岗区年丰社区的更新改造为例,从人口及社会、经济与产业、土地与空间三个方面分析其现状特征,提出城市边缘区的社区发展需要解决的三大关键问题,包括原农村社会适应快速城市化的问题、产业可持续发展的问题、土地粗放使用、空间无序增长的问题。结合年丰社区内在的特征,挖掘边缘效应下改造的潜力与优势,最后提出年丰社区改造的三大策略,包括发展产业集群的先进制造业及第三产业、整合土地、建立混合住区、多种改造类型相结合,为处于深圳市其他城市边缘村的改造提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

徐苗  陈涛  孟圆华 《室内设计》2021,(4):101-112
职住失配研究最早起源于国外对弱 势群体的关注,当前国内研究中对于包括女 性、保障房居民等弱势群体虽已有不少关注, 但聚焦于低收入社区的职住均衡研究还并不 多见。低收入社区的职住均衡状况受到不同 社会发展阶段、不同建成环境的影响,国家 和地区间的差异较大,研究范式、方法和结 论往往不具备完全普适性。我国情况尤其特 殊,城市化进程快,地区间经济发展不平衡, 低收入社区的空间分布和职住状况复杂。因 此,本文以已有研究总结归类的三类低收入 城市社区作为研究框架,试图通过文献可视 化分析(Cite Space)和传统文献综述相结 合的方法,图谱式呈现当前国内外研究在此 议题上的进展,通过中外文献的比较评述, 分析当前低收入社区职住均衡研究对象、方 法以及结论中的争议与空白,为我国相关研究的展开提供理论支撑与方向。研究发现,低收入社区建成环境差异与居民社会经济属性特征 差异作为影响低收入社区职住空间均衡状况的关键要素存在研究不足的问题,部分导致了相关 规划与治理政策的缺失。  相似文献   

当前各地城市出现大量城中村改造项目,城中村居民的社会融合问题备受关注。基于2010-2013年广州典型城中村和复建房社区的问卷数据,主要采用计量研究方法,探讨改造对居民归属感、邻里交往和社区参与的作用机制。实证表明,改造对居民社区情感有重要影响,正全面重塑其影响机制:复建房社区的归属感远高于城中村社区,其归属感主要受"居住满意度"影响;邻里熟悉度主要受"与未成年子女同住"、"教育程度"和"居住年限"等因素影响;邻里互助主要受"人均家庭收入"影响;而社区参与度则主要受"户籍"影响。此外,复建房社区中的社区归属感、邻里熟悉和邻里互助三者与社区参与的相互作用力有所减弱。本文指出,城中村改造的后续工作应把重点置于复建房社区内各群体的社区融合之上,着力培育社区情感。  相似文献   

本文以城市社会地理学的城市社会一生活空间质量观理论体系为依据,从居民生活空间行为角度阐述了城中村发展演进的机制.指出:1.城中村的本质问题是城市社会空间问题;2.城中村的居住流动性与居住空间结构模式对城市低收入阶层,外来流动人口具有适居性并构成其社会生活空间;3.城中村的发展演进步入了社区发展的轨道,并逐步纳入了城市社区体系与居民日常生活场所体系.  相似文献   

工业社区的衰败是全球性的普遍现象,衰败的工业社区同时存在着物质空间老化和社会关系破裂的问题。因此,如何通过工业社区的更新与发展,让边缘化、封闭化的工业社区积极融入再城市化发展,成为城市社区中有机的部分,将会成为未来城市更新的一个全新问题。选取南京江南水泥厂社区作为案例,通过对相关社会部门和居民群体的调研获取相关资料,综合考虑社会与经济资本问题进行研究性设计。最终提出了社区整体结构调整、住宅改建与扩建、社区工业遗产与公共空间活化利用这三个针对工业社区的更新策略,为老旧工业社区的更新提供了有一定参考价值的样本。  相似文献   

近年来,美国一些以城市更新为导向的大型景观项目因其巨大的规模和尺度、多元的利益相关方以及所产生的积极社会效应而受到广泛关注,如纽约高线公园、亚特兰大环线。这些景观项目除关注空间设计品质外,相较传统更新实践更加重视利益分配、社会参与以及景观服务可达性等社会公平议题。基于罗尔斯公平理论的视角,系统分析了以亚特兰大环线项目为代表的美国城市更新策略,重点探讨了程序正义、重叠共识、结果正义的实现方法和形式,以期对中国当下的城市更新提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

基于社区营造的城市公共空间微更新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
侯晓蕾 《风景园林》2019,26(6):8-12
随着城市建设进入由增量转向存量的阶段,渐进式的微更新成为城市更新和改造的主要模式。以公众参与为基础、微小社区空间和公共空间设施为改造对象的局部更新方式,成为激发城市活力、提升建成城市公共空间品质的新方式。主要以北京、上海为例,对城市微更新的发展背景加以分析,对微更新背景下的城市公共空间的多重含义进行阐述,在此基础上总提出基于社区营造的城市公共空间的微更新途径,分别是边缘空间的整合和触媒方式的选择、场地历史文脉原真性的挖掘和社区居民社会生活方式的保护、多方协作的开放沟通平台和责任规划师制度的建立。  相似文献   

Urban renewal districts have a relatively high concentration of elderly people. Open spaces are important for the elderly for enhancing social interaction and active aging. However, planning and design of open spaces tend to stress on the physical and safety needs of the elderly, while social needs are not frequently addressed. This study intends to identify whether the social needs of the elderly regarding the use of public open spaces in urban renewal districts are addressed in the standard planning and design guidelines which newly planned development and districts are often based upon. Eight focus groups were conducted in elderly community centers in two urban renewal districts in Hong Kong. The results indicate that elderly people consider ‘social and physical activities’, ‘community life facilities and services’ and ‘social network’, as well as a ‘clean and pleasant environment’ to be their most important needs. Thus, planners and designers should take into consideration these criteria for enhancing the social well-being of the elderly and active aging in public open spaces in urban renewal. Furthermore, it stresses that urban renewal districts are part of the elderly's past living experiences and established social networks, which is not the case in new developments and areas. As such, the users' actual needs should be elicited rather than perceived by planners and designers.  相似文献   

Conservationists and government authorities acknowledge that adaptive reuse of historic buildings contributes to urban sustainability. Traditional Chinese shophouses are a major historic building typology found in the old districts of Asian cities. In Hong Kong, the few remaining shophouses are generally deteriorating and are increasingly under threat of demolition for urban renewal. However, adaptive reuse of these buildings has created many social concerns. In light of these concerns, evaluating adaptive reuse potential needs to incorporate a much broader sustainability framework than simply physical building conditions. This study examines the extent to which obsolescence, heritage value and redevelopment pressures have affected the adaptive reuse of shophouse intervention in government-led urban renewal projects. Interestingly, the results based on adaptive reuse potential find no consistent relationships among the adaptive reuse actions of eight cases in urban renewal districts of Hong Kong. Instead, the question of revitalizing shophouses is determined by whether they are within an urban renewal redevelopment plan. This study further explores the broader urban sustainability framework reflected in eight case studies of shophouse revitalization in three renewal districts. It includes a qualitative synthesis of the social, environmental, economic, and political considerations contributing to the adaptive reuse of shophouses in urban renewal.  相似文献   

Urban renewal programmes offer an opportunity to improve the environmental sustainability of urban areas by creating well-designed and well-constructed built environments. In this study, the contributions of built environment design elements to environmental sustainability were evaluated through a questionnaire survey with the participation of 323 people who previously worked in urban renewal projects. Implementing factor analysis, interrelated elements have been gathered under five factors: ‘transportation and accessibility’, ‘conservation of natural resources’, ‘built environment quality’, ‘supporting social life’ and ‘high-density usage’. To identify the importance weights of these factors, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis was carried out with 40 academics and practitioners. Based on the results, ‘conservation of natural resources’ was found as the most important factor affecting the environmental sustainability of urban renewal projects. It is expected that the results of this study shall guide a wide range of urban renewal stakeholders, extending from designers to citizens, along the path of creating environmentally sustainable cities.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify problems related to resident participation by analyzing urban renewal projects. It attempted to draw specific measures to promote participation of residents that can be applied immediately and suggested practical ways to make use of resident participation at each stage of aproject. The study, by closely examining the cases of Seoul and Hong Kong, is expected to help diversify ways to encourage residents participate in urban renewal projects and stimulate their active engagement. In light of its contribution to building up a constructive communication platform among administrations, experts, project managers, and residents, this study can serve as the basis material for carrying out projects effectively. In this study, resident participation methods were classified according to the frequency of application in four items, namely, administration-led, expert-led, resident-led, and complex-led participation. Improvement measures were suggested regarding resident participation based on leading entities. The measures suggested in this work willcontribute to the realization of “urban renewal projects for residents and communities and byresidents,” where residents actively engage in the overall project processes and, as the proponents of urban renewal, gradually be familiar with it; express their opinions regarding the project; and fully enjoy the benefits from the project.  相似文献   

周毅刚 《华中建筑》2007,25(8):102-104
珠三角城边工业旧村在行政上是一种城市社区,但与普通城市社区的社区发展目标不同,它需要通过社区发展加快社区的城市化进程.城边工业旧村具有边缘优势、相对优势和后发优势三大潜在优势,逐一实现这些优势就是其社区发展路线,当前应结合更新改造变"边缘效应"为边缘优势,避免演变为成熟的城中村.  相似文献   


This paper exposes practices of informal, everyday resistance by slum-dwellers against the implementation of large-scale public housing projects in India. During the last few decades, various large-scale urban projects have been implemented in order to redevelop Indian cities. In these projects, the emphasis is on community participation. By focusing on the local level, we scrutinize how these projects are put into practice. Specifically, we look at how two slum communities react, contest and protest against the implementation of a large-scale public housing project. Using two case studies in Nagpur under the Basic Services to the Urban Poor—an overarching, nation-wide slum-upgrading scheme—this paper explores how standardized, participatory large-scale housing projects often clash with social realities on the ground, which results in various forms of everyday resistance and protest.  相似文献   


The local planning process has become more urgent in light of recent global changes: economic, social, and spatial restructuring and the parallel concentration of capital, technology, and information in smaller numbers of transnational corporations. The ability of communities to plan and determine their futures is at stake. Yet communities are not homogenous, and as we speak of improving the planning process, we must ask questions about what it will take to ensure the participation and influence of those who in the past have been the victims of that process. How can the planning process be opened to communities who have been bulldozed by urban renewal, redlined into apartheid-like conditions, deserted by capital, or indeed, revitalized virtually out of existence? The commitment to social justice requires planning professionals to look closely at the deadly consequences of uneven development and ask “What can we do to make the community planning process more equitable?”  相似文献   

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