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探索前行中的文化景观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩锋 《中国园林》2012,28(5):5-9
回顾了2年来国际国内文化景观的探索及示范性案例,阐述了文化景观的前沿思考,梳理了联合国教科文组织《关于城市历史景观的建议书》的解读难点,解析了杭州西湖文化景观对世界遗产的杰出贡献,提出了中国风景名胜区文化景观基础研究的迫切性以及对于解读庐山等世界遗产文化景观价值的重要性.介绍了扬州瘦西湖文化景观价值研究对于国际文化景观方法论的应用及中国文化景观研究方法的探索,指出了遗产地能力建设是遗产可持续保护与管理的根本保障.  相似文献   

探讨了地理学语境和世界遗产语境下文化景观概念的发展,指出作为世界遗产的文化景观构成要素可分为表象要素、内在要素和关键技术三大部分。表象要素包括整体景观和载体景观,以物质性实体居多,是文化景观的外在表现,具有较强的地域性和特色性,难以复制;内在要素包括相应的生态伦理、生态智慧、地方文化等,是非物质的精神、理念和内涵所在,往往体现人类普适价值观,可以被进一步继承和弘扬。关键技术则是联系两者的纽带,是内在要素作用于表象要素的实现方式和手段。对文化景观的理解和保护利用,必须以文化景观表象要素的保护为基础,挖掘其关键技术,认识其深刻内涵,重视文化景观内在要素的现代应用以及对生态文明、可持续发展的启示意义。此外,还需要站在国际视野上认识、传播和弘扬中国本土文化景观的独特价值,探索具有中国特色的文化景观发展之路。  相似文献   

阐述了《世界遗产公约》对于人类遗产保护的重要性及其所取得的成就,简要回顾了世界遗产文化景观概念的发展过程、分类。根据世界遗产文化景观在国际地区分布、种类的不同,指出国际上对于文化景观概念由于文化背景而导致的理解上的差异,以及由此造成的在遗产实践领域的困难,解释了文化景观清查卡的设想和内容以及对于全球文化景观的重要性。  相似文献   

文化景观视角下的历史性城市景观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
邓可  宋峰  史艳慧 《风景园林》2018,25(11):96-99
历史性城市景观是遗产保护领域近十几年来提出的新概念,关于其学术意义的讨论也层出不穷。从文化景观所蕴含的时空过程的学术视角着眼,分别梳理了文化景观的学术脉络与遗产领域中的文化景观和历史性城市景观的实践发展历程,指出历史性城市景观并没有超出文化景观的学术范畴,而遗产领域当前面临的很多问题都与对文化景观学术内涵的认知缺陷有关。只有充分借鉴和吸收文化景观的学术成果,才能真正有效地应对世界遗产实践过程中复杂变化的人地关系等挑战。  相似文献   

文化景观——填补自然和文化之间的空白   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对世界遗产国际动向的分析为中国参与世界遗产、制定世界遗产预备名单提供新视野。通过对世界遗产公约的认识回顾,阐述其理论和实践中遗存的西方文化背景,以及自然和文化分离的历史和文化局限性。指出文化景观不仅作为特殊的文化遗产类别,而且也作为整体的遗产保护方法论,为弥合世界遗产自然和文化之间的裂痕所作出的巨大贡献。阐明了中国作为文化景观大国的现时机遇、潜在贡献及国家遗产预备名单的应对方法。  相似文献   

吕舟 《风景园林》2022,29(4):20-25
针对世界遗产中城镇类遗产的保护问题所提出的城市历史景观概念,提供了具有整体性的方法.这一方法不仅考虑到对城镇遗产的物质形态特征的保护,也考虑到城镇社会生活的延续和可持续发展.城市历史景观源于文化景观的概念.文化景观概念的形成深刻地影响了世界遗产的发展.城市历史景观是否能够成为一种城镇遗产的新类型,形成自身的价值特征和形...  相似文献   

哈尼梯田文化景观世界遗产是当地居民在长期的生活生产中所创造的,遗产的保护离不开社区的参与。首先阐明社区参与哈尼梯田文化景观世界遗产保护是传承遗产价值,保持遗产"真实性"与"完整性",实现遗产可持续发展的关键。再从哈尼梯田现有的遗产保护管理制度、遗产价值认知、遗产资源管理、遗产旅游发展4个层面入手,分析了社区参与哈尼梯田文化景观遗产保护的困境,构建了基于社区参与的哈尼梯田文化景观世界遗产保护概念模型。并以元阳阿者科村的社区参与实践为例,探讨了社区参与世界遗产保护的可行性,以期对社区参与世界遗产保护提供借鉴。  相似文献   

正花山岩画HUASHANYANHUA广西左江花山岩画艺术文化景观列入世界遗产名录中国广西左江花山岩画艺术文化景观于7月15日在伊斯坦布尔举行的第40届联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会会议(世界遗产大会)上获准列入世界遗产名录,成为中国第49处世界遗产。大会指出,广西左江花山岩画艺术文化景观之所以入选,是因为其把景观、岩画与中国南方壮族先民骆越人生动而丰富的社会生活融合在一起所显示的独特性。花山岩画申遗成功填补  相似文献   

邱永谦 《山西建筑》2013,(34):46-47
通过分析世界遗产中文化景观的概念与分类,探讨了台南盐田文化景观的要素及类型,同时对其保护与利用提出了一些建议,以期在严格保护的基础上合理利用盐田,促进台南盐田文化景观的和谐发展。  相似文献   

校园景观遗产作为历史校园的重要组成部分,其关注度较之历史建筑亟待提升。以北美唯一一处被列入世界遗产名录的大学校园——美国弗吉尼亚大学学术村为例,探究其将历史校园作为文化景观的保护理念和措施:基于档案调查,梳理再现校园景观的时空变迁;基于考古研究,发掘物理遗迹与蕴藏的人文信息,同档案调查互为补充;结合宏观背景揭示文化动因,诠释校园作为文化景观的多重价值和变迁,开展相应的展示、导览与纪念宣传。以期为中国众多历史校园的景观遗产保护提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper reviews one of the most important evolutions in the history of the 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention), namely, the interaction between culture and nature and the development of the cultural landscape categories. The World Heritage Convention currently covers 812 sites in 137 countries and is with 181 States Parties the most universal international legal instrument in heritage conservation. Among the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, 53 sites are recognized cultural landscapes focusing on the outstanding interaction between people and their environment. The paper further explains key case studies from World Heritage cultural landscapes from all regions of the world and highlights the innovations in the Convention's implementation through the landscape approach, particularly focusing on the management of complex properties involving local communities and indigenous people. The paper also outlines links to other international and regional Conventions and concludes with a future outlook of the landscape programme.  相似文献   

This paper reviews one of the most important evolutions in the history of the 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention), namely, the interaction between culture and nature and the development of the cultural landscape categories. The World Heritage Convention currently covers 812 sites in 137 countries and is with 181 States Parties the most universal international legal instrument in heritage conservation. Among the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, 53 sites are recognized cultural landscapes focusing on the outstanding interaction between people and their environment. The paper further explains key case studies from World Heritage cultural landscapes from all regions of the world and highlights the innovations in the Convention's implementation through the landscape approach, particularly focusing on the management of complex properties involving local communities and indigenous people. The paper also outlines links to other international and regional Conventions and concludes with a future outlook of the landscape programme.  相似文献   

考察了乡村景观作为文化景观在世界遗产保护领域的状况,阐述了全球城市化进程中持续演进的乡村景观所面临的管理议题,探索了农业可持续产品及其认证、乡村发展模式与技术,以及确保乡村景观重要特性及其组成的指导条例,使乡村景观免遭新的人工构筑和植物品种的损害,最后提出乡村景观的保护需要社区住民的积极参与。  相似文献   

王毅 《中国园林》2012,28(1):98-101
根据《实施保护世界文化和自然遗产公约操作指南》中对文化景观的分类方式,对67处已列入《世界遗产名录》的文化景观遗产进行类型分析,并探讨每一类文化景观突出普遍价值(OUV)标准的使用情况.指出认定文化景观遗产的关键是其所反映的人与自然环境的互动要具有OUV.各类文化景观表现了不同特征的人与自然的互动关系,其所适用的OUV价值标准从而也具有不同的特点.标准三与标准四是文化景观应用最多的2条价值标准.  相似文献   

文化景观遗产数字化记录及保护创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化技术的发展为文化景观遗产的保护带来了新机遇,也对遗产记录工作提出了新要求。梳理了国内外数字化遗产记录研究的趋势,以《世界遗产公约》提出的3类文化景观遗产为研究对象,在回顾当代数字化空间信息技术应用的基础上,识别了文化景观遗产数字化记录的全面、精准、动态、集成和开放五大特征,提出了以多维空间数据采集与处理、动态景观信息存储与分析,以及多元遗产知识表现与传播为核心的技术框架,并进一步讨论了数字化记录为文化景观遗产研究和实践带来的新视角,对提升文化景观遗产保护和管理的科学性具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper examines how contemporary on-going and lively debate on Critical Heritage Studies merges with previous discourses on World Heritage Cultural Landscapes and rural societies. The scholarly approach to authenticity and integrity, and the critical point of static and dynamic approaches to these terms allow the author to challenge previous World Heritage (WH) discourses with a view to obtaining innovative insight into abandoned vernacular landscapes. Two main arguments are thus developed in this study. The first of these is an overview of the dynamics of abandoned cultural landscapes on an international scale. The second is an inside view aiming to provide an accurate interpretation of how these landscapes should be scrutinised and understood. To do this, autotopias and heterotopias broach the fundamental issue of how the Outstanding Universal Value of attributes in abandoned cultural landscapes needs to be understood, enhanced, experienced, and managed in an innovative WH approach. In conclusion, complex proposals for these heritage landscapes should rely on understanding the dynamics of the material and the social construct of the habitats they contain in order to assess them effectively from the standpoint of a World Heritage Cultural Process Assemblage rather than that of Outstanding Material Stratification.  相似文献   

This article investigates how cultural landscapes (especially the potentially limiting organically evolved landscape) can be used as a research framework to evaluate historical mining heritage sites in Australia and New Zealand. We argue that when mining heritage sites are read as evolved organic landscapes and linked to the surrounding forested and hedged farmland, the disruptive aspects of mining are masked. Cultural landscape is now a separate listing for World Heritage sites and includes associative and designed landscape as well as those that have evolved organically. These usages have rarely been scrutinized with care. We analyse how mid-nineteenth century goldmining sites can be best thematically interpreted and understood for their heritage, indeed World Heritage, significance and, where appropriate, developed for their sustainable heritage tourism potential. Drawing on a number of research disciplines, a schematic framework is offered for interpreting and classifying these new world cultural landscapes based upon analysis of gold-rush heritage sites throughout the Trans-Tasman world. We evaluate and apply this framework to place-based case studies in Victoria, Australia and Otago, New Zealand.  相似文献   

In the current debate about the future of the Dutch countryside, more and more attention is drawn to the role of landscape heritage. Spatial designers are asked to translate historic identities into spatial forms in order to bridge the gap between past and future. Special cultural heritage policies are developed to stimulate a shift in design practice and to increase awareness of the value of cultural landscapes. Because interpretation of the rural landscape is often rooted in nostalgia, most conservation efforts are directed at old historical landscapes and rural scenes. But what about modern rural landscapes? How do these landscapes relate to the emerging issue of heritage protection and development? To answer this question the historical significance of these landscapes was examined by analyzing their design in the slipstream of post-war reconstruction. Attention was also given to their possible future in a planning and management context that is increasingly influenced by a public and professional demand for landscape conservation and heritage. We argue that these landscapes are at odds with the values and core convictions of the current heritage policies and merit recognition in their own right.  相似文献   

美国遗产区域保护概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对美国遗产区域保护进行了概述,指出遗产区域是世界文化遗产保护的新兴领域,是美国用于保护大型文化景观所采取的一种区域化的遗产保护策略,该保护方法在国家与地方层面的推广与延伸,不断促进了美国遗产区域制度体系与管理实施的日益完善。  相似文献   

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