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程遥 《城市规划》2007,31(11):57-63
通过对"郑东新区"和"钉子户"两个规划议题的分析,运用"交往规划"的相关理论,归纳了目前我国大众媒体中城市规划公众参与的特征——在整个参与过程中,公众的力量较实体环境下更强大、更主动、更多元,整个过程本身也更为动态和复杂。认为这一参与模式也是松散和脆弱的,自上而下和自下而上的参与体系并没有形成有效的沟通机制。基于这些特点,建议规划部门及规划人员及时调整自身角色,学会使用大众媒体的语汇,积极主动地融入大众媒体交流中,与其他公众参与者在沟通、理解的基础上达成合意,实现城市规划在方法论上的"交往理性"化。  相似文献   

陈征  邓洋 《中外建筑》2013,(5):104-105
在阐述公众参与城市规划的相关理论和研究动态的基础上,分析目前城市型风景名胜区规划编制中公众参与的必要性和主要障碍,提出适于风景名胜区规划编制的公众全过程参与机制的思路,并对公众参与事项、参与主体、相关组织、参与方式等方面进行了详细阐述,可作为政府部门决策和公众参与实践的参考。  相似文献   

如何解决我国公众参与城市规划的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于多元论、治理理论、交往理论等理论的提出,公众参与城市规划已经得到广泛的认可。本文通过阐述我国公众参与的现状以及存在的问题,提出了具体的解决办法。  相似文献   

韦飚  戴哲敏 《城市规划》2015,39(5):32-37
城市规划领域进行公众参与的理论起源于西方国家,但却跨越了社会制度、经济基础和文化背景等方面的障碍,在世界各地得以推广和发展,并在不断地丰富着它的理论内涵和实践探索。本文从回顾中外公众参与城市规划的理论起源、实践历史入手,以杭州市新一轮控制性详细规划中的朝晖、塘北单元和伦敦郊区霍尔斯特德堡社区的更新改造规划中的公众参与为例,对两者间的异同进行比较,讨论了公众参与不断演进的特点,并在此基础上,总结了对推进我国今后城市规划领域中公众参与活动的启示。  相似文献   

《公主岭市城市色彩与风貌规划》推行全过程的公众参与,对我国中小型城市公众参与城市规划起到重要推动作用。在工作进程中,政府部门保证公众知情权、参与权、决策权和监督权,以此建立多方规划共识。公众参与贯穿于规划的全过程,历经前期目标确立阶段、多方案选择阶段以及成果公示阶段,从公众参与形式化、公众决策规划的能力两个方面提出了公众参与规划的思考,从而倡导城市规划全过程实质性的公众参与,规划出真正意义的"市民城市"。  相似文献   

本文研究的是城市规划中的公众参与问题。公众参与是随着政治文明和法制建设的不断成熟、发展而产生的一种民主理念,城市规划中的公众参与是指让公众参与到规划的编制、实施、监督的各个环节中去,实现民主规划。首先阐述了城市规划和公众参与的概念,接着指出我国城市规划中公众参与存在的问题。最后提出完善建议。  相似文献   

大数据在城市规划领域的全方位运用,将开创公众参与城市规划的新纪元。该文创新性地提出"众人规划"概念,并认为其包含"显性参与"与"隐性参与"两种公众参与模式,进而指出众人规划与具有海量、多源、时空特征的大数据的高度耦合,将实现城市规划从本质上走向全民规划、动态规划、过程式规划。该文基于"活动理论"的基本原理,指出大数据时代下众规"全方位参与"方法大致具有四个维度:参与对象多元化、参与过程完善化、参与内容深入化、参与表达通俗化。据此,提出大数据时代促进众规"全方位参与"的城市规划响应策略:拓宽公众参与渠道,创新多元参与形式;完善公众参与机制,保障规划有机运行;转换规划决策理念,培育公众参与模式。  相似文献   

公众参与与社区规划是城市规划学科的重要领域,充分体现在当代西方发达国家的规划实践中亚洲发展中国家城市中普遍存在公众自发建设,往往被西方规划师所赞赏和推崇,并且认为政府应该支持和协助因为自发建设是自下而上、公众自发改善自己所在生活环境的努力,符合规划的公众参与价值观亚洲发展中国家的城市规划是否需要认同这个所谓价值观?通过越南、印尼和中国的三个自发建设案例说明,城市规划的理论并不是"放之四海而皆准"的理论,城市规划理论的真谛在于具体情况具体分析盲目照搬西方理论也揭示了中国目前蓬勃的造城运动缺乏规划理论的指导  相似文献   

对公众参与城市规划的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴荔珍 《规划师》2005,21(11):24-27
目前,南昌的公众参与同社会需求相比仍有很大的差距,且普遍存在着事先参与与事后参与脱节、未将被动参与转化为主动参与、缺乏与公众的沟通和互动、规划修改和实施中公众的建议被忽略、公众参与未提升到决策高度等一系列问题。南昌在公众参与城市规划方面要加强的工作至少有四个方面:更新观念,高度重视公众在城市规划中的作用:广泛宣传规划,增强公众参与意识;加强法制建设,完善规划立法体系;提高规划师素质,深化规划理论和政策的研究。  相似文献   

广州:公众参与从手段走向目标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓公众参与城市规划就是在社会分层、公众需求多样化的社会背景下采取的一种协调对策,以保证规划行为更科学与民主,使规划决策更能符合实际情况和切实体现公众的利益需求,并确保规划工作的顺利实施.它强调公众对城市规划编制、实施过程的参与和决策.走在改革开放的前沿、处于快速城市化时期的广州,正经历着城市规划公众参与的重要发展阶段,具有极其广泛的典型意义.  相似文献   

This article presents a theory of communicative planning in which the power of citizens is conceived as a resource in the promotion of long-term planning against the short-term interests of investors in public planning. Its point of departure is the depiction of three planning paradigms – traditional synoptic, incremental and participatory planning – and a critical discussion of different theories within the latter. In the light of this, it is argued that, in practice, planning authorities most often regard public participation as a problem, rather than as a potential. The article dismisses this conception and (a) conceptualizes planning on the basis of a Habermasian theory of communicative action and power, (b) shows that the participation of citizens is necessary to secure the inclusion of ethical and aesthetic rationalities in the planning process, and also that (c) citizens may constitute a counterpower to short-term investor interests in planning by (d) strengthening the respect for long-term solutions and the common good. This becomes a structural necessity when it comes to securing sustainability and democratic justice in planning. The article conceptualizes the difference between planning and politics, since in the former, power is constituted in the actual process, not given in advance.  相似文献   

With the communicative turn in planning theory and the emergence of governance, public participation has become a central issue with respect to inclusionary discourse and the institutionalization of more democratic planning practices. A multitude of participatory planning practices have been implemented with reference to different theoretical perspectives and technical approaches ranging from the traditional to the radical model. Although the current debate about these different participatory activities has brought to the fore an increasing gap between rhetoric and the reality of various models, there are few attempts to compare them in practice. A comparison of participatory activities according to traditional/tokenist and radical models, respectively, should be of interest in the current debate on the crisis of participatory planning and barriers to the institutionalization of participatory planning. This paper discusses tokenist participation in the development planning of Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm, Sweden and political activism in a deprived community, Enziteto in Bari, Italy. These two different examples of planner–'community' interaction show the necessity to understand power politics that underlie the ideal of public participation in planning.  相似文献   

The entrenched position now taken by participatory planning in urban planning practice has made the call for community participation in the planning process now higher than ever. Community participation has been well-acknowledged to give local people a voice in planning decisions. This paper assessed the level of participation by local people in the management of urban green spaces. Using a case study research approach, Kumasi city, once the garden city of Africa was selected as the study area. The Kumasi city authorities, and residents including opinion leaders, and officials of allied bodies on green spaces constituted the study’s target population. A blend of qualitative research techniques such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, and personal observation was employed whilst theoretical sampling technique was adopted. It was found out that the participation of the local people in the management of green space was low. The local people were neither consulted nor informed on green space projects (parks and gardens) by the city authorities. They were also not empowered to self-facilitate initiatives on green spaces and passively involved in final decisions on green spaces. To correct the situation, it is recommended that features of the communicative planning theory such as dialogue, consensus building, and facilitative leadership should be given attention in the urban planning system of Kumasi especially on green space projects.  相似文献   

沟通式规划理论自诞生之日起就受到了人们的普遍关注,并在实践中得到充分应用。本文从沟通式规划理论及相关概念的分析入手,阐述了沟通式规划的内涵、发展历程、主要思想及其优势与不足。在借鉴西方国家规划编制成功经验的基础上,结合我国目前规划编制的实践,提出了适合我国国情的沟通式规划编制过程。最后,总结了沟通式规划编制的几点成功经验。  相似文献   

Communicative planning has helped to illuminate the role of technical reason in planning processes. Transport planning has had little exposure to the communicative perspective. This paper examines transport planning in Auckland, New Zealand, from a communicative planning perspective. The paper argues that the historical dominance of technical reason has biased strategic transport policy towards supporting automobiles over more sustainable modes. The paper demonstrates the dominance of technical rationality in transport strategy-making processes and institutions in contrast to expressed public preferences. The paper concludes by arguing that the achievement of greater sustainability in Auckland's transport, and elsewhere, depends on a greater communicative emphasis in regional planning and transport strategy making.  相似文献   

Planning practice requires ongoing interaction between regulatory “facts” and deliberative “norms”. Played out in local and strategic developments, “norms” are the agreed values and positions developed by advancing deliberative engagement of residents; while “facts” are the more rigid statutory procedures through which planning decisions are typically made. However, conflict arises between residents' groups and local government decision-makers when deliberative norms, now a key tenet of strategic planning processes, struggle to gain traction in the factual spaces provided by statutory planning regulations. A contentious planning process in St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia (concerning the redevelopment of a car park into a commercial and public space) highlights the challenges to deliberative engagement in highly-regulatory planning systems. Drawing on this contested case, this paper examines how the broader formal and relatively fixed framework of regulatory-based decision-making fails to support participatory principles, undermining both the desired communicative ethos and enduring collaborative outcomes and norm development. Specifically, the paper problematises tensions between residents' growing expectations for greater transparency and participation in planning, arising from a growing regard for deliberation in strategic planning, and the hegemonic nature of statutory planning that preserves planning control within the formal domain of government and the private sector.  相似文献   

理性思想的发展大致可以分为古代至中世纪、启蒙时代、现代和后现代(晚期现代)四个阶段,现代以来对城市规划影响最大的理性思想是工具理性、有限理性和交往理性。工具理性衍生出了理性综合规划、系统规划论和程序规划理论;分离-渐进主义和混合审视模型是在有限理性的影响下发展出来的,是对工具理性思想的修正;沟通规划、协作规划和协商规划以交往理性为基础发展而来,是当前重要的发展方向之一。  相似文献   

The narrow conception of rationality embodied in transportation planning is poorly suited to resolving goal conflicts. This article explores a broader view of what is rational, drawing on the ideas of communicative rationality. It offers a report from practice based on a case study of an access planning process at the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). We consider propositions that the planning process enhanced deliberation about ends, improved issue framing through simultaneous engagement of means and ends, and enlarged the deliberative capacity of the organization. The article provides insights into these propositions and suggests ways that communicative rationality theory can improve transportation planning and policy.  相似文献   

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