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水是生命之源,河道是大地的血脉,是维持大地景观生态系统结构的重要要素,是维系社会生活和生产功能的重中之重。当前城镇的小河道治理仍停留在防洪排涝、灌溉水利等传统基础功能上,河道景观建设面临着景观特色趋同、地域景观差异消失、生态环境破坏等问题。河道治理在历经截污、清淤、底泥处理、护岸修复等一系列措施之后,河道景观也应该逐渐被重视,做到功能和景观相得益彰。  相似文献   

龚清宇  王林超  朱琳 《城市规划》2007,31(3):51-57,63
旨在将城市河流半自然化与生态防洪对策落实到城市设计层面。根据观测水位、防洪、防潮标准确定缓冲带鼓励淹没范围、堤顶控制点标高,结合亲水性活动、适宜土地利用方式及景观要素,给出8种典型缓冲带断面设计及相应护岸生态工法。设计导引以海河下游为例,采用绩效控制、示例设计方法,主要内容包括目标-策略表、控制要点与编制方法表、示例设计图、应用索引图等。导引有助于消除防洪设施带来的视线遮挡、增强河滨缓冲带土地利用复合性与公共性,缓解防洪与亲水性、城市区生态用地与河滨土地稀缺性等矛盾,以保持河滨持久性活力。  相似文献   

Riparian zone is a typical ecotone that connects terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. At the same time, environmental stress magnifies here and the natural regulation of rivers is extremely active. In other words, the most dynamic and vibrant interactions between rivers and landscapes occur in riparian zones. However, the construction of dams and the operation of reservoirs have turned many riparian zones into river/reservoir alternation interfaces, influenced the shaping of hydrological and water environment, and the basin ecosystem as well. By introducing the definition and ecological characteristics of river/reservoir interface, this paper proposes the strategies and technical framework for the ecological design of river/reservoir interface. By studying the ecosystem restoration project of river/reservoir interface of Pengxi River in Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Chongqing, which emphasizes the comprehensive element design, structural design, functional design, and process design, this paper aims to provide a reference for related research and practice on river ecosystem restoration. The results of ecological performance analysis showed that the restored ecosystem of the Wuyangba river/reservoir interface has an obvious increase in habitat type diversity and biodiversity, a strong ability of plant communities to adapt to seasonal water level fluctuation, and an improvement in purifying non-point source pollution. The project demonstrates the coordination and symbiosis of interface ecological restoration and waterfront landscape construction and optimization. The project offers an innovative effort in exploring ecosystem restoration design and practice of river/reservoir interfaces. The design strategies and framework can be a reference for other ecosystem restoration cases that are affected by water level fluctuation in river/reservoir interfaces.  相似文献   

随着海绵城市建设的不断深入,河流环境所存在的水安灾害频发、水环境恶化、水系统紊乱等水问题开始被越来越多的城市决策者们所关注,城乡河流的改造治理也逐步成为海绵城市专项建设的重要对象。从防洪防涝、生态补偿、景观营造三个层面出发,对当前城乡河流环境的现状问题及其成因进行分析总结,并在此基础上探讨城乡河流治理的低影响开发策略。  相似文献   

A history of land clearance and riparian tree and wood management has resulted in limited riparian woodland and wood along British rivers. However, river management approaches are now being promoted that ‘work with natural processes’ to reduce flood risk through measures intended to restore, protect and emulate the natural function of catchments, rivers, estuaries and coasts. Wood has started to be reintroduced into river channels during river restoration and natural flood management activities, but this needs to be undertaken using appropriate quantities, locations and designs that mimic natural tree‐wood features. This paper reviews the knowledge that is needed to support wood reintroduction activities including (i) the characteristics of the riparian tree species and wood that are present; (ii) the importance of river size relative to that of trees and wood pieces; and (iii) the way trees, wood and geomorphic processes interact across rivers and floodplains of different energy and style.  相似文献   

城市河流是城市系统的重要组成部分[1],随着城市化进程的推进,河道被侵占、水质污染、水环境退化等问题日益突出,严重影响城市经济社会的可持续发展。近年来,城市河流治理逐渐成为一项重要课题,河道治理措施研究的重心也从河道行洪、航运等的基本功能向重视河流的生态治理与修复转变。本文以过芸溪流域河道治理工程为例,探讨河道防洪与城市景观工程相结合的城市河流治理措施。  相似文献   

目前上海中小河道基本未设雨、污水分流系统,不仅河道自身污染严重,而且当水量较大或汛期时,给苏州河带来极大污染。为此必须加快实施中小河道的截污纳管工程。介绍了沿河边敷设截污管道和河道内敷设截污管道的两种主要方式,以及溢流设施和玻璃钢接头的形式和具体施工。最后介绍了长宁区中小河道截污纳管工程的实例。  相似文献   

针对城市双修背景下河流生态修复 工作存在的3大误区与困境,通过荟萃分析 的文献定量研究,厘清了城市河流修复的生 态效应,指出河流生态修复对水生态系统服 务有着积极的提升作用,丰富物种多样性, 增加物种数量与分布密度,对调节性生态系 统服务有显著的正面影响。研究构建了城市 河流生态修复方面,水生态系统服务综合效 能提升的概念模型,包括以水质净化为基 础、生境多样性为核心、文化性服务为关键 的3个方面。  相似文献   

State of the art techniques are now being developed to restore our rivers to improve their ecological and conservation value, as well as enhancing their amenity and recreation potential. This study focuses upon the restoration of a small section of the Ravensbourne River in a suburban park near London (Queen's Mead Recreation Ground), which was channelized in the 1970s for the purposes of flood control. As well as reviewing the current status and progress in river restoration, and the feasibility of carrying out such works, the paper asks “what are we restoring to"? Is it to a rural pre twentieth century river character, or are we creating a controlled version of nature? The history of the river is examined along with possible options for restoration. Finally, results from two public perception surveys are outlined which indicate substantial support for restoration. The paper also raises the question of whether the term 'restoration' is an appropriate one to use.  相似文献   

通过晋江市河流生态环境所存在的问题和成因分析,结合当前晋江市河道建设中存在的已改建、部分改建、自然状态的三种实际情况,提出了"分河段、分阶段"的生态修复对策和建议,以改善河流生态环境,最终实现河流的生态修复,为今后城市河流生态修复建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive for the introduction of ecological quality objectives for surface waters and the stipulation that all surface waters in the EU must be of 'good' ecological status by 2015 necessitate a quantitative understanding of the linkages among catchment attributes, water chemistry and the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems. Analysis of lotic ecological status, as indicated by an established biotic index based primarily on benthic macroinvertebrate community structure, of 797 hydrologically independent river sites located throughout Ireland showed highly significant inverse associations between the ecological status of rivers and measures of catchment urbanisation and agricultural intensity, densities of humans and cattle and chemical indicators of water quality. Stepwise logistic regression suggested that urbanisation, arable farming and extent of pasturelands are the principal factors impacting on the ecological status of streams and rivers in Ireland and that the likelihood of a river site complying with the demands of the EU Water Framework Directive, and be of 'good' ecological status, can be predicted with reasonable accuracy using simple models that utilise either widely available landcover data or chemical monitoring data. Non-linear landcover and chemical 'thresholds' derived from these models provide a useful tool in the management of risk in catchments, and suggest strongly that more careful planning of land use in Ireland is essential in order to restore and maintain water quality as required by the Directive.  相似文献   

The author firstly points out several problems that commonly exist in China’s watersheds and the urgent need for multidisciplinary collaboration in ecological planning. The theories and practices on watershed ecological planning are reviewed respectively from the aspects of waterway planning, natural river and wetland protection, ecological baseflow recovery, nonpoint source pollution reduction, and biodiversity protection. The author suggests that if we could reserve multi-functional ecological zone in the new territorial spatial planning by multidisciplinary collaboration, ecological goals including flood control, water quality improvement, ecological base flow provision, and biodiversity protection could be achieved. In this comprehensive solution, only when water bodies and associated habitats such as the ground and underground, upstream and downstream, and rivers and banks are coordinated as a whole, it will generate multiple ecological benefits. Finally, the author believes that planners and designers have the ability to solve ecological problems. To fulfill this vision, we must call for collaboration between land planning and ecological watershed planning in the process of territorial spatial planning.  相似文献   

下莱茵流域河道半自然化、生态防洪与雨水管理案例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“给河流更多空间”是当前欧洲和北美河道生态修复.洪水风险管理的共同目标与策略。莱茵河流域管理重点已由水质改善转向水质、水量、生态综合管理。通过实地调查和案例研究,着重介绍了下莱茵河道半自然化与洪泛地建设、JBA雨洪管理技术与城市设计实例,例证了:(1)高度城市化地区主河道半自然化与生态防洪的可行性;(2)雨水管理在城市综合防洪中的必要性:(3)水环境友好型城市设计对重塑城市滨水区活力的重要作用。  相似文献   

Possessing significant ecological and landscape values, river shorelines are regarded as a region’s most important interface to resist natural disasters while they are also extremely dynamic and sensitive. Therefore, it is critical to follow the laws of nature in design and planning of river shorelines to achieve the harmonious coexistence of human and nature free of flood catastrophes. This article takes the S River Park on the Living Shoreline of the Rule Lake New Town, Ganjiang New District, Jiangxi Province as an example of nature-based design approach: First, by examining remote sensing maps and water level data in different historical periods of the site, the design team learnt the evolving hydrological characteristics of the river; Second, the relations between the river’s evolution and major human interventions in history are clarified and sorted; Last but not the least, guided by the nature laws of water erosion and sedimentation, a naturebased design solution was approached—Bycatalyzing natural processes with appropriate human interventions, it aims at rehabilitating the damaged sandbar habitats through spontaneous remediation of the river, and creating fascinating riverfront experience out of a rational function zoning of the park based on various natural conditions, thus to make the new town more vibrant and resilient by connecting it with the seasonal waterfront landscape driven by the ebb and flow of the river.  相似文献   

The concrete channel of the Los Angeles (LA) River is probably one of the most recognizable rivers in the world. Channelized to manage the risk of flooding as the Los Angeles region urbanized, the river today is an architectural and engineering feat in the eyes of some people but an ecological disaster to others. The river flows adjacent to 17 cities and among some of the most environmentally burdened, park poor, and underserved communities of LA County. With over 2,300 acres of largely publicly owned land within the river right-of-way, a reimagined LA River can impact the lives of the one million people that live within a mile of the river. The LA River Master Plan, led by Los Angeles County and scheduled to be completed in fall 2021, proposes 51 miles of connected public open space with multi-benefit projects supporting nine goals ranging from flood resilience to housing affordability, to ecological function, and to arts, education, and culture. The data-based plan for the next 25 years includes a watershed-wide research effort to document and understand water quality, water conservation, and flood risk in relation to environmental and social issues. The plan includes traditional and innovative strategies within a “kit of parts,” interventions that include over 65 components ranging from habitat bridges to dry arroyo side channels demonstrating opportunities for enhancing ecosystem services to create a thriving urban habitat and connected network of parks along the river.  相似文献   

迈阿密河绿道一条工业河流的绿色基础设施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
迈阿密河是美国最短城市河流之一,同时也是佛罗里达州南部最古老的天然地标。迈阿密的意思是"甘甜的水",2500年以来迈阿密河一直是从沼泽地到比斯坎湾的淡水出水口。直到20世纪40年代,河流仍然主要呈自然状态。二战期间河流为船只生产制造业发挥了重要作用,而现如今沿河的使用主要面向海洋工业活动和国际航运。在过去30年里,社区领导和居民们已计划将河流从工业资源转变成为充满活力的社会资产。绿道公司被委托为"迈阿密河绿色行动计划"制定规划。计划进一步提高了河道的可达性和实用性,使其更好为企业、居民和游客服务;同时也促进了海洋工业活动的繁荣发展,提高了土地价值。此外,新增加的娱乐设施使得河流成为目的地景观。迈阿密的自然和文化遗产得到保护和改善,让子孙后代也能从中受惠。  相似文献   


State of the art techniques are now being developed to restore our rivers to improve their ecological and conservation value, as well as enhancing their amenity and recreation potential. This study focuses upon the restoration of a small section of the Ravensbourne River in a suburban park near London (Queen's Mead Recreation Ground), which was channelized in the 1970s for the purposes of flood control. As well as reviewing the current status and progress in river restoration, and the feasibility of carrying out such works, the paper asks “what are we restoring to"? Is it to a rural pre twentieth century river character, or are we creating a controlled version of nature? The history of the river is examined along with possible options for restoration. Finally, results from two public perception surveys are outlined which indicate substantial support for restoration. The paper also raises the question of whether the term ‘restoration’ is an appropriate one to use.  相似文献   

The River Nura in Central Kazakhstan has been heavily polluted by mercury originating from an acetaldehyde plant. Mercury in the riverbed is mainly associated with power station fly ash, forming a new type of technogenic deposit. A systematic survey of the bed was carried out to establish the location, extent and nature of the contaminated sediments, and to evaluate the potential for sediment transport. The bed sediments were found to contain very high concentrations of mercury, particularly in the first 15 km downstream of the source of the pollution. Average total mercury concentrations in this section of the river are typically between 150 and 240 mg/kg, falling rapidly with increasing distance downstream. The estimated total volume of silts in the riverbed between Temirtau, the origin of the pollution, and Intumak Reservoir, located 75 km downstream, has been calculated as 463500 m3, containing an estimated 9.4 tonnes mercury. Forty-six percent of the total volume of contaminated silts containing almost 95% of the mercury are located in the upper 25 km of the river, however. The data clearly support the hypothesis that large quantities of polluted sediment are not transported long distances downstream but are removed from the aquatic environment in times of flood and deposited on the low-lying lands adjacent to the river. This process, however, does not stop mercury moving further downstream in the water column.  相似文献   

刘金鹏  杨名 《城市建筑》2014,(21):350-350
木古河已变为典型的深圳城市河流之一,现状行洪断面不足,水质污染严重,河道空间受挤压。本文通过对防洪排涝、水质改善、景观绿化工程的可行性分析,对木古河进行了综合整治建设,以达到“河畅、水清、岸绿”的效果。  相似文献   

Hydrology is a primary control on the ecological quality of river systems, through its influence on flow, channel geomorphology, water quality and habitat availability. Scottish rivers are widely perceived to be of high ecological quality, with abundant flow volumes and high water quality. However, historical and current river flow regulations, and land use change have altered the physical and chemical characteristics of Scottish rivers, with adverse consequences for aquatic biota. Baseline hydrological, geomorphological and water quality conditions in Scottish rivers are thus summarised. The impacts of river regulation and land use change on the hydrology, geomorphology and water quality of Scottish rivers are then discussed. Consequences of these changes for aquatic habitat are examined, with particular reference to the economically significant salmonid species (Salmo salar and Salmo trutta). Policy and management issues relating to the future ecological quality of Scottish rivers are reviewed. These include the impacts of climate change on ecological quality, the calculation and implementation of ecologically acceptable flows, and river restoration and best management practices within integrated catchment planning.  相似文献   

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