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Brainport智慧街区——应对未来生活的荷兰创新举措   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
时至今日,建筑师和设计师倾向于在小规模范围内讨论一些未证实的概念和解决方案—普遍以展亭等小型建筑的形式来表达一些创新的概念和想法,也许有一天这些想法会在某些问题中派上用场。但是面对实际生活和急迫的挑战,已经没有时间再提出模糊的概念和乌托邦式的提案了。建筑师和城市设计师现在需要去设计和开发可落地的解决方案来面对当今的挑战,提高城市生活的质量。不过,为了达成和评估预期的结果,动态、创新的实验场地不可或缺,以保证设计师和规划师可以在实践中获得经验。以近期的Brainport智慧街区项目为例,介绍在真实生活中进行实验的整体解决方案,来应对建成环境中的挑战。  相似文献   

规划师的角色由规划实践所承担的社会活动决定。回顾西方规划师角色的演变过程可以发现,社会对规划师的素养要求随着时代演进而叠加。研究通过对英美规划师职业操守守则、高等规划教育体系的综合分析,讨论了西方规划师的三种核心职业素养的内涵及其培养重点,包括价值观、知识和技能。在此基础上,研究分析我国所处的历史阶段、城镇化所面临的新形势,提出我国规划师应从空间形态设计师走向协调型设计师,从技术型专家走向专家型社会工作者的两种角色转变趋势,同时提出了对我国未来规划师的价值观、知识和技能等核心素养的要求。  相似文献   

赵云伟 《规划师》1998,14(2):7-7
多年来,城市规划专业的毕业生一直是我国城市规划师队伍的主力军。然而,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,社会经济活动的投资主体日趋多元化,使得城市规划的任务正发生着根本性的改变。新时期的城市规划工作要求城市规划师必须由单一的专业技术人才向掌握社会、经济、环境、管理知识和专业技术的综呵性人才转变。从我国的实际情况来看,目前我国的城市规划师,主要是指从事城市规划设计和理论研究的工程技术人员和学者,以及从事城市规划实施管理工作的政府官员。他们中大多数受过传统的城市规划专业教育,但仍需要规划观念的更…  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高以及西方"公共意识"的引入,人们对公共空间的要求也越来越高。然而"边角空间"作为与人们生活最密切相关的公共空间却常常被规划师和设计师们忽视。文章基于环境行为学相关理论,对城市边角空间的成因、现状以及目前相关研究中存在的问题进行分析,并提出研究边角空间的可行性办法,旨在为今后城市边角空间的研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

都市意匠城镇规划设计(北京)中心由规划师、城市设计师、建筑师、经济规划师、生态规划师组成,服务范围涵盖战略发展规划、房地产前期策划、旅游区规划、城镇规划、城市设计、景观环境设计、建筑设计、平面及Ⅵ设计。这支专业团队,旨在经济日益快速发展的中国,为全球化背景下的城市建设作出积极的贡献。  相似文献   

规划师、设计师和学者们在对在风景游览过程中规范人们行为的规章很感兴趣。在古代,明孝陵禁约碑的碑文中早已有对陵墓景观管理方面的相关条例。通过对其碑文的注译,探讨碑文的内在含义,研究其出现的时代背景,深入探讨中国文化对于中国人环境态度形成的影响,从而加深对于陵墓景观管理历史的学习,讨论其对于当今文化遗产景观保护与管理指导意义。  相似文献   

ZPLUS法国普瑞思建筑规划公司由欧洲资深建筑师、规划师、景观设计师和留学欧洲的大陆学者及设计师组成,旨在结合西方先进理念、设计手法与技术,为客户提供一流品质的设计服务,塑造品牌、作品与魅力。  相似文献   

城市设计主要由规划师和建筑师来设计完成。但随着我国经济的快速发展,大量人口涌入城市,出现了各种城市问题。规划师和建筑师由于其自身知识的局限性,已不能完全满足城市发展的需求,这需要专门的城市设计师从其专业的角度来研究解决问题。  相似文献   

谢世玉 《城市建筑》2014,(23):41-41
城市设计主要由规划师和建筑师来设计完成。但随着我国经济的快速发展,大量人口涌入城市,出现了各种城市问题。规划师和建筑师由于其自身知识的局限性,已不能完全满足城市发展的需求,这需要专门的城市设计师从其专业的角度来研究解决问题。  相似文献   

在建设项目投资决策、规划设计阶段贯彻可持续发展思想已经引起越来越多的设计师、规划师的重视。同时,相应的环境影响评价体系也应运而生,但在施工阶段推行环保施工的力度却很不尽人意。本文首先介绍了建筑施工的一些典型环境问题,分析了建筑施工造成环境问题的根源,最后提出建筑施工过程中环境问题的控制处理措施。  相似文献   

地下空间规划与地面城市设计脱节,研究人员偏于工程技术化,缺乏对城市整体环境的塑造是当前中国地下空间建设面临的主要问题。随着城市地下空间建设需求的增长,对城市地下空间规划与设计人才的需求也日益提升,结合目前高等学校城乡规划、建筑学、城市地下空间工程专业的人才培养现状,有必要根据新时期城市地下空间建设所提出的规划与设计专业技术人才的要求,在地下空间规划与设计人才的培养方案、教材体系等方面进行改革,以满足大中城市地下空间开发建设的大量专业人才需求。  相似文献   

Planning and design for healthy cities has drawn increasingly extensive attention. On the one hand, urban environmental issues have become prominent, especially air pollution caused by industrialization in developing countries; on the other hand, urban residents' demand for physical and mental health calls for physical space to promote the quality of life. Based on theoretical and empirical researches, this paper explores significant environmental factors in healthy city planning and their correlation with public health in different approaches. The research discusses the correlations between planning factors and public health from four aspects including land use, spatial form, transportation modes, and green open space so as to reduce pollution and its impact on humans as well as how they encourage physical activity. It aims to provide basis for healthy city planning and its related studies.  相似文献   

Climate change and natural hazards have created multiple impacts on human settlements. Urban planning and design are effective tools in dealing with climate adaptation and mitigation issues. However, climate risk and its impacts are multiscale and complex due to interdependence between urban infrastructure systems. Identifying adaptation strategies to cope with these impacts requires planners to understand potential interdependent and interrelated consequences of infrastructure failure under natural hazards, and evaluate cascading and cumulative effects of climate change. This article discussed opportunities and challenges to incorporate interdependent social and physical infrastructure systems in the adaptation planning and hazard mitigation process, including climate hazard assessment, adaptation goal identification, adaptation strategy development, and implementation. The availability of urban big data and high computational resources will enable urban planners and decision-makers to better deal with those complex impacts from climate change and natural hazards. Successful adaptation planning and hazard mitigation for interdependent infrastructure systems also needs to solve issues in uncertainties of climate projection, institutional barriers of adaptation, and challenges of urban big data. Potential solutions to these challenges would include cooperation among multi-disciplinary experts, coordination between different levels of governments, and developing the ethical framework for data protection and robust methodologies to detect and reduce data bias.  相似文献   

Cycling is one type of physical activities with documented health and environmental benefits. Little consensus has been reached about the impacts of urban greenness on cycling behavior because of the widely varying estimation techniques, especially at street scale. We objectively measured the urban greenness in two ways: overhead-view greenness by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and eye-level street greenness by Google Street View (GSV) images. Multilevel logistic regression models were used to examine the association between urban greenness and the odds of cycling (versus not cycling) for 5701 Hong Kong participants after controlling activity-influencing built environment and individual-level covariates. We found the odds of cycling were positively associated with eye-level street greenness but not with overhead-view greenness across three buffer zones: 400 m, 800 m and 1600 m. In addition, the odds of cycling were negatively associated with population density, number of bus stops, and terrain slope, while positively associated with bike lane density. To build a cycling-friendly city, planners and designers might need to pay more attention to improve citizens' daily exposure to urban greenness, instead of traditional greenspace indices such as greenspace area or number of parks. The GSV technique is a novel and reliable method for measuring eye-level urban greenness with potential usage in further healthy city studies.  相似文献   

块域设计-城市设计与建筑设计的中介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈纲伦  李蓉 《新建筑》1999,(1):36-37,52
城市设计可以看作城市规划和建筑设计之间的中介,它能促进规划师与建筑理由的相互协作和交流。为了有利于设计思考建筑问题时能够从城市角度出发,提出并讨论了“块域设计”的新概念。  相似文献   

In this article, the author concluded the patterns and challenges of practice research by Peking University-Turenscape into the answers to three questions: 1) By conducting practice research, people can gain the knowledge and methodologies to address authentic practice issues with constant attempts; 2) College faculties and students, researchers, and planners / designers are the agencies of practice research, but they are in dilemma because of the over pursuit for paper publication and citation in academic performance assessment, and the insufficient time and budget for research leading a fact that generic planning schemes and stereotypes are popularly employed; And 3) the healthy development and long-term promotion of practice research relies on the growth of the market-oriented industry. As one type of the practice research, “prototype study” offers a paradigm for the innovation of knowledge and methodology. Oriented to future challenges and uncertainties, it would help extend the horizon of Landscape Architecture, providing designers and scholars with prospective design insights and flexible working methods.  相似文献   

随着空前规模与速度的城市化进程,在上个十年中,上海周边的乡村地区发生了惊人的变化。在离散化的政策下,许多新城与郊区依次落成。每一个地区独特的物质条件与规章制度形成新区难以预计的多样性,同时也造成空间与功能性品质的多样化。大多数新区都依据标准步骤进行开发。一些试点新城的开发通过文本形式在西方设计师的帮助下适应中国的规范;另一些新城与街区由来自中国的新锐建筑师与规划师设计。本文主要介绍嘉定与青浦区的发展成果。  相似文献   

The paper presents a wide range of images, contexts and issues related to contemporary forms of urban–rural interface. The urban and rural environments come in contact in various ways, generating patterns with hybrid identities which can be read both on a regional scale (in those cases where cities merge to form megapolitan conurbations), on an urban scale (suburbs of the cities), on a settlement scale (city quarters, farmyards and farmsteads), and even with regards to single buildings. This creates manifold diversified configurations of interface spaces, showing seemingly opposite trends. This work focuses on these bidirectional trends, which are discussed by means of a selection of different concepts, images, projects and experiences, within the international context. On the one hand, an increasing number of projects insert what is commonly associated with the idea of countryside into the cities: urban agriculture, mainly located in periurban open spaces, but in some cases even within the built system through various forms of integration with the building envelope, in line with a growing sensitivity about the need to conceive ways of virtuous relationship between food production, consumption and environment. On the other hand, town planning in many cases “ejects” the spaces for business and leisure, locating shopping malls, entertainment and (agri)tourism centres within the countryside. Moreover, typical rural spaces and activities (farms, farm holidays, wine farms, etc.) often refer to urban styles, due to poor design attention, or rather to marketing strategies aimed at enhancing the farm image. Thus, settlements located in rural areas show markedly increasing urban characteristics, with regards to their built environment, open spaces, and outdoor furniture. Whilst many scholars and designers have focused on reinterpreting the agricultural functions when these are inserted in urban architecture and built areas, further interdisciplinary work is needed to analyse how urban functions can be brought into the countryside and improve the quality of rural settlements.  相似文献   

This special issue explores emerging research agendas in planning. It brings together scholars from diverse schools working on new areas of research and application in urban design and planning. Emergent research agendas include both novel areas of research and important shifts in the direction of a research area. The challenge for planning schools is to reflect critically on these changes and develop long-term research agendas that can better position our field in society and academia, and provide a basis from which to assess our academic programmes. The chapters presented in this issue reinforce key aspects of planning: multi-scale, and multi-faceted, yet integrative in its intent, stressing the physical, yet inescapably social. At the same time, they identify research areas that respond to major social and environmental changes. Blanco and Alberti focus on the latest findings in climate change science and on planning for adaptation; they highlight the opportunities that planners have to provide leadership in this area. Forsyth, Krizek and Rodríguez take up the issue of non-motorised travel, a topic of increasing interest for urban designers, public health experts and transportation and energy planners. For Talen and Ellis, an emerging challenge is the need to plan for diverse and compact communities. What social factors, policies, programmes and planning processes facilitate compact and diverse communities?  相似文献   

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