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海底管线与地基土体的相互作用在管线设计中至关重要,针对海底管线在温度应力下发生整体屈曲变形时可能产生的竖直向上、水平向及轴向运动,研究地基土体对管线的约束力。结合渤海湾海底地表土质特点选取软黏土开展室内管土相互作用试验,研究不同直径、不同埋置率(上覆土厚与管线直径的比)的管线竖直向上运动、水平向运动以及轴向运动时土体抗力的发挥过程,采用数值方法对模型试验进行模拟,进而将模拟方法扩展应用于对实际工程管线的模拟分析。试验结果表明与管线轴向运动相比,当管线发生竖直向与水平向运动时,其所受土抗力的大小受到管线直径与埋置率的影响显著;综合室内试验数据及数值模拟分析结果,提出了黏土对管线最大约束力及达到最大约束力所需位移的计算公式。  相似文献   

地埋管线周围土体抗力系数的各向异性及合理取值问题的解决,对于市政或海底管线的设计和评估是至关重要的。考虑管线部分或完全埋置以及管土刚度比的变化,综合运用传递矩阵法和解析类比法得到竖向及水平抗力系数;轴向抗力系数采用剪切位移法(部分埋置)或镜像法(完全埋置)求解。算例验证了抗力系数取值方法的合理性,并针对3种地基分布形式分析了参数变化下抗力系数取值的差异性。结果表明,抗力系数均随着管线埋径比的增大而增大且埋径比达到20后趋于稳定值,竖向及水平抗力系数随着管土刚度比的增大而减小;均质半无限地基中轴向抗力系数小于竖向抗力系数,管线部分埋置时水平与竖向抗力系数的比值小于1,而完全埋置时其值大于1且埋径比达到20后会趋近于1;管线下方土体的有限压缩特性对竖向及水平抗力系数均有明显影响,且竖向更为显著;抗力系数的简化均质解与成层解相差较大,均质解偏大(上软下硬地层)或偏小(上硬下软地层),分层特性明显时应采用成层解。  相似文献   

吸力贯入式平板锚是一种适用于深海结构的锚泊基础,基于离散单元法对吸力贯入式平板锚在颗粒可破碎地基中的安装过程进行了模拟,探究土颗粒破碎对锚体运动特征、埋深减少等的影响。研究结果表明,土颗粒破碎导致锚板安装受荷旋转过程中发生斜向上的贯穿运动,影响锚的埋深减少。贯穿运动的产生与吸力贯入式平板锚的几何尺寸偏心比大小有关,偏心比很小时,不发生贯穿运动,随偏心比的增大,贯穿运动的程度先提高后下降;与未考虑土颗粒破碎情况比较,土颗粒破碎导致锚体在安装过程中产生的埋深减少远大于在土颗粒不破碎时的埋深减少。同时在土颗粒可破碎地基中,受贯穿运动的影响,吸力贯入式平板锚偏心比达到0.3后,埋深减少不再随锚链拉力倾角增大而线性增加,锚链拉力倾角超过45°后,埋深减少随着锚链拉力倾角增大而增加的速度变快。  相似文献   

钢顶管作为薄壁结构,受力时与土体变形协调,故现有规范在计算钢顶管土压力时存在缺陷。通过ABAQUS有限元软件分析了不同参数设置下钢顶管土压力和摩阻力的数值大小与分布情况,并提出钢顶管侧向土压力的修正系数。模拟结果表明:DN2000钢顶管在113 kPa的竖向土压力作用下,水平向变形可达管径7‰,产生水平土体附加抗力;钢顶管土压力值与管道径厚比、埋深比呈显著正相关,土体变形模量的增大限制了管侧土压力的增加;侧向土压力系数随管侧变形呈指数增长;单位长度管壁摩阻力随径厚比和埋深的增加而上升,而管侧土变形模量对摩阻力的影响几乎不计。  相似文献   

为研究螺旋锚基础的适用性,促进其在碎石土地基中的应用,在室内开展了重塑碎石土地基螺旋锚整模和半模轴向上拔静载荷试验。基于上拔荷载-位移关系曲线、碎石土体纵断面裂缝分布及形态等试验结果,分析碎石土中螺旋锚抗拔承载特性,以及锚盘对其承载性能的影响,研究螺旋锚抗拔承载机理。结果表明:浅埋于碎石土中的锚盘往往发生整体剪切破坏并且承载力具有弱化现象,而深埋锚盘主要发生上部土体局部剪切破坏进而变形逐渐增大;螺旋锚承载过程初期,锚盘上部碎石土被挤密,荷载与位移呈近似线性关系,随着荷载的增大,锚盘上部土体被压缩、剪切,导致变形不断增大,最终导致承载失效;锚盘数量越多、埋深越大,螺旋锚抗拔承载力越大、变形越小,增加埋深对承载力影响在小位移时即可充分发挥作用。因此,碎石土中螺旋锚属于一种深基础,锚盘与土体的相互作用是影响其承载力的主要因素。  相似文献   

采用液化后变形分析方法模拟了饱和砂土地基地震时发生的液化流动,研究了地基中地下管线的上浮反应,讨论了管线直径、埋深、地下水位、地基土相对密度等因素对地下管线上浮位移的影响,并对地下管线抗震设计提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

锚板拉拔过程是板与周围土体相互作用的过程,研究锚板周围土体的变形破坏机制对锚板抗拔力的预测具有重要意义。基于粒子图像测速(PIV)技术开展了一系列锚板拉拔试验,试验结果表明:PIV技术可以有效地捕捉到不同砂土地基密实度和锚板埋深条件下锚板拉拔过程中周围土体的变形破坏模式。PIV位移场分析结果显示:锚板埋深较浅时,松砂地基中破坏模式呈现直面破坏,密砂地基中呈现斜面破坏;锚板埋深较大时,松砂地基中土体内部锚板上方形成灯泡形影响区,密砂地基中呈现曲面破坏。PIV应变场分析结果表明:无论砂土地基埋深如何,松砂地基中形成的剪切应变带与水平面夹角为45°+φ/2,密砂地基中形成的剪切应变带与垂直面夹角约为φ/4。  相似文献   

根据埋地供水管道与地基土的相互关系,设计了简易的管-土动力学试验装置,测定了不同轴向震动加速度下管-土抗力和管-土相对位移值,试验结果表明:最大管土抗力、管土滑动临界位移、土弹簧系数等都与震动加速度、管道埋深和管材有关;单位接触面积管-土最大抗力,铸铁管在5~25N/cm~2,PE管在2.1~6.9N/cm~2;土体弹性极限位移很小,约在0.1~0.4mm之间;等效土弹簧系数,铸铁管:4~8N/mm/mm,PE管:0.3~1.0N/mm/mm。  相似文献   

土体塌陷是导致埋地管线破坏的重要原因之一。为分析土体塌陷时埋地管线的受力情况,通过ANSYS有限元软件,将管线模拟成四节点薄壳单元,用等效土弹簧来模拟无限长埋地管线的边界,采用均布荷载加载来模拟埋地管道上方土体的作用,分析了不同范围土体塌陷情况下埋地管道的受力特性。通过模拟分析了埋地管线的应力应变,得到了埋地管线的控制截面,可为埋地管线的设计提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

 地下工程基坑、隧道开挖产生的自由土体位移场会引起周边地埋管线(如市政给排水管线、煤气管道等)产生附加变形并受力。基于Winkler地基模型的位移控制分析方法,将自由土体位移作为外部荷载即被动位移施加于管线上,管线与土体的相互作用采用Winkler地基弹簧模拟,弹簧常数一般根据Vesic公式得到。在基于弹性理论的推导中,Vesic公式的前提条件是弹性地基梁置于弹性半空间地表,竖向集中力或弯矩(主动荷载)置于梁的中心位置,这与地埋管线的一定埋深以及位移的施加情况是不一样的。为考虑上述2种因素对Winkler地基模量的影响,进行相应的理论探讨,提出考虑埋深影响的位移作用下地基模量的理论公式,并基于该地基模量进行隧道开挖对邻近地埋管线影响的位移控制理论分析。通过与弹性理论法、离心机试验以及实际工程观测结果的对比,验证该方法的合理性和正确性。  相似文献   

Seabed pipelines undergo temperature cycles that create axial load which can be relieved through controlled lateral buckling. The prediction of lateral buckling in design requires accurate assessment of the lateral breakout resistance. This Technical Note describes upper bound plasticity analysis of a partially-embedded pipe on undrained soil. The purpose is to generate failure envelopes for vertical and horizontal loading to provide a theoretical basis for estimating breakout resistance. The following cases have been considered: smooth and rough pipes, with and without separation at the rear face of the pipe. The envelopes are similar to those developed previously for surface foundations, but capture additional effects that are due to the curved geometry of the pipe surface. The breakout resistance and the movement of the pipe at failure are strongly influenced by the separation condition. Pipe roughness and soil self-weight have a relatively minor effect on breakout resistance. Existing empirical expressions usually assume a linear variation in breakout resistance with embedment and vertical load. This theoretical analysis demonstrates that these relationships are non-linear. The resulting envelopes provide a more rigorous basis for predicting the breakout resistance of partially-embedded pipelines.  相似文献   

Reliable assessment of uplift capacity of buried pipelines against upheaval buckling requires a valid failure mechanism and a reliable real-time monitoring technique. This paper presents a sensing solution for evaluating uplift capacity of pipelines buried in sand using fiber optic strain sensing (FOSS) nerves. Upward pipe-soil interaction (PSI) was investigated through a series of scaled tests, in which the FOSS and image analysis techniques were used to capture the failure patterns. The published prediction models were evaluated and modified according to observations in the present study as well as a database of 41 pipe loading tests assembled from the literature. Axial strain measurements of FOSS nerves horizontally installed above the pipeline were correlated with the failure behavior of the overlying soil. The test results indicate that the previous analytical models could be further improved regarding their estimations in the failure geometry and mobilization distance at the peak uplift resistance. For typical slip plane failure forms, inclined shear bands star from the pipe shoulder, instead of the springline, and have not yet reached the ground surface at the peak resistance. The vertical inclination of curved shear bands decreases with increasing uplift displacements at the post-peak periods. At large displacements, the upward movement is confined to the deeper ground, and the slip plane failure progressively changes to the flow-around. The feasibility of FOSS in pipe uplift resistance prediction was validated through the comparison with image analyses. In addition, the shear band locations can be identified using fiber optic strain measurements. Finally, the advantages and limits of the FOSS system are discussed in terms of different levels in upward PSI assessment, including failure identification, location, and quantification.  相似文献   

深基坑开挖对邻近地埋管线影响分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
 为建立深基坑开挖对邻近地埋管线影响的评估方法,采用FLAC3D分析基坑开挖对邻近不同管径管线的影响。计算结果表明,管径大小对管、土相互作用影响很大;当管径约小于400 mm时,管线基本与土体具有相同的位移;管径大于400 mm时,应考虑管–土相互作用;此外,管线最大曲率、转角、最大应力和弯矩均发生在基坑端角部20%开挖长度的范围内。在数值分析的基础上,给出小管径管线变形受力计算的简化分析方法。  相似文献   

In-service buckling of submarine pipelines can occur due to the institution of axial compressive forces caused by the constrained expansions set up by thermal and internal pressure actions. Previous attempts at modelling the appropriate behaviour have been based on idealised or perfect pipelines; further, such analyses have also employed fully mobilised friction forces. Herein presented is a set of analyses which incorporate structural imperfections and deformation-dependent axial friction resistance. Not only do these features enable a more rational interpretation of submarine pipeline buckling behaviour to be established, but, in addition, an inherent limitation existing in the previous mathematical modelling of the vertical buckling mode is elucidated and overcome.  相似文献   

左川  李澜 《煤气与热力》2021,(2):38-41,10044
综合管廊燃气舱内需敷设2条天然气管道,公称直径分别为300 mm、600 mm。设计了一种由短半径90°弯头组成的方形补偿器,通过AUTOPIPE V8i软件对天然气管道进行了应力计算,选取了合适的补偿区间长度,管道固定支座所受轴向推力合理。依据计算得到的固定支座所受轴向推力选取了合适的固定支座形式,两条天然气管道分别采用双面挡板式固定支座和单面挡板式固定支座。提出了双侧对角、轴向交错的天然气管道空间布置方法,该方法可以实现综合管廊内方形补偿器的安装。  相似文献   

In order to determine the stress–strain response of buried pipelines under the ground load, the pipeline–soil coupling finite element model was established. The mechanical behaviours of buried pipelines in the soil stratum and the rock stratum, as well as the effects of surrounding soil's elasticity modulus, Poisson's ratio and cohesion on stress and strain of buried pipelines were investigated. The results show that the maximum von Mises stress, high stress area, axial strain and plastic strain increase with the increasing ground load. Buried pipeline in the soil stratum is more prone to failure than in the rock stratum under the same ground load. The maximum axial compressive strain appears at the bottom of buried pipelines when there is no buckling, and the maximum tensile strain appears on the two sides. High stress area, the axial strain, the plastic strain and the plastic area decrease with the increase of the soil's elasticity modulus and cohesion. But the surrounding soil's Poisson's ratio has a small effect on the stress and strain of buried pipelines under the ground load. The results can provide a theoretical basis and reference for safety evaluation, repair and maintenance of buried pipelines.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the mechanical behavior of a new generation of buried pipelines, dubbed the textured pipeline, which is subjected to strike-slip faulting. In conventional cylindrical pipelines, the axial and bending stresses brought about in their walls as a result of fault movement, lead to local buckling, which is construed as one of the major reasons contributing to pipeline failure. The present study has assessed 3-D numerical models of two kinds of buried textured pipelines, with 6 and 12 peripheral triangular facets, subjected to a strike-slip faulting normal to the axis of the pipelines, with and without internal pressure, with the two kinds of X65 and X80 steel, and with different diameter-to-thickness ratios. The results indicate that, because of specific geometry of this pipeline shell which is characterized by having lower axial stiffness and higher bending stiffness, compared to conventional cylindrical pipeline, they are considerably resistant to local buckling. The results of this study can be conceived of as a first step toward comprehensive seismic studies on this generation of pipelines which aim at replacing the conventional cylindrical pipelines with textured ones in areas subjected to fault movement.  相似文献   

隧道开挖导致的地层的沉降变形会通过外荷载的形式作用于邻近地下管线,使其受力性状发生变化,管线弯曲变形达到一定程度时,刚性管线可能出现裂缝甚至发生断裂。针对这一工程问题,文中以杭州地铁8号线浙江工商大学站-桥头堡站为工程背景,通过控制变量法,分析了盾构下穿埋深为1~6m的Q235钢管、铸铁管、C30混凝土管以及PVC管等多种工况下的管线引起的管线沉降变形规律,并根据分析结果对现有的通过地表沉降曲线最大斜率直接估算管线沉降变形情况及其安全性这一方法对各类管线的适用性进行了评价。然后,通过统计分析,提出了上述四种不同材质管线的管线最大沉降斜率与地表最大沉降斜率比值r随埋深h变化的线性拟合关系式,可以为通过观测地表最大沉降斜率估算地下管线最大沉降斜率提供参考。  相似文献   

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