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This paper reviews the present status of wind power in Australia, the barriers to its further development, and the policies needed for overcoming those barriers. Unlike bioenergy or solar electricity, wind power does not need significant funding for R, D and D in Australia, but rather needs market/industry development policies. The major barrier is the political power of the coal and nuclear industries and NIMBY groups, which have disseminated exaggerated and misleading claims about the environmental impacts and alleged technological limitations of wind power, fostering opposition to wind power by the Federal Government. This paper examines critically one of the main claims, the fallacy that wind power, as a so-called 'intermittent' source, cannot be used to substitute for base-load power from coal. Continued expansion of the wind industry in Australia would need an extension of the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target, reinforced by the implementation of a carbon tax or emission permits with cap and trade.  相似文献   

简述了水煤浆的特征和我国水煤浆技术的研发,生产和使用情况,水煤浆在电站锅炉和工业锅炉的燃用,即减少对环境的污染又符合我国富煤、缺油、少气的现状和实现“以煤代油”的能源策略。经综合比较,在清洁燃料中水煤浆具有明显的社会经济和环境效益。  相似文献   

Nine alternative futures are simulated for Flathead County, Montana for 2000–2014 and 2000–2024. Alternative futures incorporate high, moderate, and low growth rates, and baseline (current), moderately restrictive, and highly restrictive land use policies. Increases in employment are estimated using the IMPLAN regional economic model and translated into acreage requirements for commercial–institutional–industrial (CI&I) units and six types of housing units. Conversion of developable parcels to CI&I and housing units is based on a multiple-criteria score that measures the suitability of developable parcels for various developed uses. Additional jobs and housing units needed to support those jobs increase substantially, particularly for the moderate and high growth rates. Total acreage required for CI&I and housing units exceeds the acreage available for development for the baseline policy with the moderate and high growth rates, and for the moderately restrictive policy with high growth rates. There are no land shortages with any of the growth rates for the highly restrictive land use policy. Moderate and high growth can be sustained through 2024 in Flathead County by implementing a moderately restrictive land use policy if growth rates are moderate, and a highly restrictive land use policy if the growth rates are high.  相似文献   

In the process of promoting the development of a low carbon society, economic incentive policies play an important role. In order to see the effectiveness of implementing the economic incentive policies, we put forward two questions in this study: How effective are economic incentive policies in the building industry in China and Japan? What are the obstacles preventing these policies from being effectively applied and how to overcome them? Considering the energy consumption in the building industry accounts for a significant proportion in both China and Japan, economic incentive policies for promoting building energy saving in the two countries have been chosen as case studies. Policies discussed in this article are divided into national and city levels, in which the city level policy analysis mainly focused on the active Carbon Trading Programs. Methods of stakeholder investigation and literature review are applied in exploring the economic incentive polices' effects and constraints. Based on the outcomes of our research, policy recommendations for overcoming the barriers of economic incentive policies in the building industry are worked out.  相似文献   

Nine alternative futures are simulated for Flathead County, Montana for 2000–2014 and 2000–2024. Alternative futures incorporate high, moderate, and low growth rates, and baseline (current), moderately restrictive, and highly restrictive land use policies. Increases in employment are estimated using the IMPLAN regional economic model and translated into acreage requirements for commercial–institutional–industrial (CI&I) units and six types of housing units. Conversion of developable parcels to CI&I and housing units is based on a multiple-criteria score that measures the suitability of developable parcels for various developed uses. Additional jobs and housing units needed to support those jobs increase substantially, particularly for the moderate and high growth rates. Total acreage required for CI&I and housing units exceeds the acreage available for development for the baseline policy with the moderate and high growth rates, and for the moderately restrictive policy with high growth rates. There are no land shortages with any of the growth rates for the highly restrictive land use policy. Moderate and high growth can be sustained through 2024 in Flathead County by implementing a moderately restrictive land use policy if growth rates are moderate, and a highly restrictive land use policy if the growth rates are high.  相似文献   

Coal bed methane control with low permeability is a hot issue at present.The current status of coal bed methane control in China is introduced.The government-support policies on coal bed methane control are presented.This paper proposes the theories of methane control in depressurized mining,including methane extraction in depressurized mining,simultaneous mining technique of coal and methane without coal pillar,and circular overlying zone for high-efficiency methane extraction in coal seams with low permea...  相似文献   

杨帆 《城市规划》2003,27(11):19-23
我国城镇的发展很大程度上受其在行政序列中的地位的影响 ,地方政府① 与中央政府之间存在着复杂、微妙和动态的关系。文章通过对历史的回顾和相关理论的梳理 ,提出适当地“分权”会更有利于提供适合地方偏好的公共物品 ,有利于“企业化”政府思想的确立 ,同时 ,政府权力向地方、市场和社会的适当转移有利于建立良性的地方治理机制 ,也有利于地方政府更有效地调动经济和社会资源 ,这对于当前我国地方城镇 ,尤其是小城镇的建设有十分重要的意义。同时提出 ,由于城镇规划的政策意义和政府行为特征 ,城镇规划应当内在于政府体制的改革过程中 ,并与体制的变革相适应。  相似文献   

詹雪红 《城市规划》2011,35(Z1):161-164
一直以来,城市规划行业的发展随国家宏观政策、经济形势的变化而变化。本文通过回顾我国在2008年国际金融危机爆发形势下采取货币从紧、宏观调控以及4万亿元投资救市等一系列政策措施,从而保障国内经济平稳增长的过程,分析国际金融危机爆发以来我国城市规划行业发生的变化以及规划咨询市场发展的特点,以更深刻地理解国家宏观经济走势与城市规划行业发展的密切关系。  相似文献   

太阳能是取之不尽,用之不竭的可再生绿色能源。太阳能发电没有任何排放和噪声,应用技术成熟,安全可靠。进入21世纪,中国光伏产业逐渐发展起来,光电利用(光伏发电)是近些年来发展最快,也是最具经济潜力的能源开发领域。我国太阳能资源非常丰富,太阳能发电产业的应用空间也非常广阔,可以应用于并网发电、与建材结合、解决边远地区用电困难问题等。我国政府对太阳能发电产业也给予了充分的扶持,先后出台了一系列政策,有力地支持了产业的发展。  相似文献   

李建红 《城市建筑》2014,(14):393-393
随着我国经济建设高速发展,目前我国煤矿工业对于技术的要求也越来越高。但是目前我国很多的煤矿企业所使用的立井井筒施工的方法仍然不能很好地满足煤矿企业的需要,因此需对立井井筒施工作业的方式进行讨论。  相似文献   

浅埋煤层长壁留煤柱开采方法的有限元分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对陕北府谷县郭家湾煤矿的浅埋煤层开采,通过对开采方法的研究,采用有限元仿真试验模拟方法,对实际采用的隔离煤柱和区内煤柱留设的不同方案进行了计算模拟试验,研究了采场煤柱群及上覆岩层的稳定性,探讨了造成大面积垮落灾变的机理,为陕北浅埋煤层以及西部类似条件下中小矿山合理、安全、经济的开发提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

Because the IMAR is China's second largest coal producing region and the entire nation depends on over half of its energy demand from coal, the issue about more coal becoming part of the energy supply is of grave concern to the region and central government. In addition to that, China has been building more structures that demand more and more energy. The options for energy in China are to dig for more coal, discover oil and gas or import these fossil fuels. However, consideration for the environment and climate change along with concern for national security has forced China to consider a non-fossil fuel option: conservation and efficiency along with renewable energy power generation.IMAR has vast regions and areas where wind and solar have already been installed. By 2009, almost 1 GW of renewable energy systems had been installed and operating in all of China. Most of the energy was generated by hydroelectricity, though wind power - a rapidly technology in China- accounted for almost one fourth. More GWs of energy are possible along with geothermal and related renewable power sources such as the run of river and bio-mass. Major energy companies in the region are now advancing and exploring these renewable energy options along with western companies as joint ventures that create new industries, create jobs and lessen both IMAR and China's dependency on fossil fuels.  相似文献   

焦炉煤气发电技术及经济性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了焦炉煤气发电技术的工艺和特点,国内外燃气发电机组的主要技术经济指标。分析了小型焦炉煤气电站的经济效益与节能减排效益。  相似文献   

叶昌东  周春山  李振 《城市规划》2012,36(7):32-37,72
从城市新区开发供应的土地、资金、人力三大资本要素出发探讨我国城市新区开发的能力(或限制条件);从城市新区开发需求的经济、社会、生态三方面的驱动因素出发探讨我国城市新区开发的需求(或必要性);最后从城市新区开发的供需关系出发将我国城市新区开发分为九个类别。研究表明,我国东部地区城市新区开发受土地资本限制较大,中部地区受资金资本限制较大,西部地区受人力资本限制较大;东部地区城市新区开发主要受经济因素驱动,中部地区主要受社会、生态因素驱动,西部地区城市对新区开发基本没有需求。东部地区城市新区开发应当走集约化道路;中部地区城市应当采用多渠道的融资手段,积极调动各种资金进行新区开发;西部地区城市的新区开发活动应该受到控制,避免资源浪费。  相似文献   

In China, 76% of all energy comes from coal consumption, which is the major cause of air pollution. One of the major barriers to developing sound policies for controlling air pollution is the lack of information related to the value of the health consequences of air pollution. We conducted a willingness-to-pay (WTP) study using contingent valuation (CV) methods in Chongqing, China to estimate the economic value of saving one statistical life through improving air quality. A sample of 500residents was chosen based on multistage sampling methods. A face-to-face household interview was conducted using a series of hypothetical, open-ended scenarios followed by bidding game questions designed to elicit the respondents' WTP for air pollution reduction. The Two-Part Model was used for estimations. The results show that 96% of respondents were able to express their WTP. Their mean annual income is $490. Their WTP to save one statistical life is $34,458. Marginal increases for saving one statistical life is $240 with 1year age increase, $14,434 with 100yuan monthly income increase, and $1590 with 1year education increase. Unlike developed country, clean air may still be considered as a "luxury" good in China based on the estimation of income elasticity.  相似文献   

对阜新综合治理煤矸石进行了认真调研,从原材料特性、技术可行性和成熟性、经济性等几个方面进行了系统分析,表明了煤矸石是一种良好的路基材料。该项目运行成本低,享受政府政策优惠,对缺乏硬质石材而煤矸石储量丰富的阜新地区无论从适用范围、经济效益,还是从资源综合利用、环境治理等,都具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

中国城市自行车交通政策的演变与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
由于我国城市人口密度高,土地使用混合现象明显,城市自行车的使用一度非常普遍。但是由于认识上的偏差,1990年以后的相当长一段时间内,许多城市对自行车的发展采取了限制政策,导致自行车使用比例大幅度下滑。这与可持续发展的目标背道而驰。在分析了中国城市自行车交通政策的演变后,探讨了近年来出现的公共自行车的发展模式和作用。指出我国必须从政策、空间规划、经济和社会文化氛围等多方面为城市中自行车的使用创造有利条件,并把保持较高的自行车出行的比例作为城市可持续发展的一项指标。  相似文献   

推广可再生能源建筑,可以改善建筑耗能结构,降低建筑碳排放,有利于国家节能减排战略的实施。由于外部性的存在,可再生能源建筑推广受增量成本、政府政策等诸多因素影响,存在市场失灵现象。基于外部性化解的经济学原理,建立相应的经济学模型,对可再生能源建筑的外部特征进行分析,指出政府激励政策对可再生能源建筑外部特征化解的重要作用,运用补偿机制的经济学原理解决可再生能源建筑推广中的障碍,提出相应的策略和推广建议,具有重要的理论指导意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Over half of coal in China is burned directly by power plants, becoming an important source of hazardous trace element emissions, such as mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), and selenium (Se), etc. Based on coal consumption by each power plant, emission factors classified by different boiler patterns and air pollution control devices configuration, atmospheric emissions of Hg, As, and Se from coal-fired power plants in China are evaluated. The national total emissions of Hg, As, and Se from coal-fired power plants in 2007 are calculated at 132 t, 550 t, and 787 t, respectively. Furthermore, according to the percentage of coal consumed by units equipped with different types of PM devices and FGD systems, speciation of mercury is estimated as follows: 80.48 t of Hg, 49.98 t of Hg2+, and 1.89 t of HgP, representing 60.81%, 37.76%, and 1.43% of the totals, respectively. The emissions of Hg, As, and Se in China's eastern and central provinces are much higher than those in the west, except for provinces involved in the program of electricity transmission from west to east China, such as Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, etc.  相似文献   

王伟 《山西建筑》2012,38(7):209-210
根据目前我国电厂煤粉锅炉点火方式的实际情况,介绍了三种节油点火方式,对这三种点火方式进行简要分析,提出在燃用低挥发分煤种时能采取的节油点火方式,并和常规燃油点火进行经济对比,为今后在燃用低挥发分煤种时锅炉点火方式的选取提供一些思路。  相似文献   

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